Showing Posts For woofed.8936:
So you want the game to like you more becuase you have less of a life and level’d to 80 faster then other players without enjoying the game and reading the storyline?
Nope.avi Suffer more.
P.S. The children that you speak of, seems you are one of them
ALL turrents need buffs.
Basically you are bad and are asking the game to be dumbed down for you.
Of all the things to overlook, this needs to be in there.. i shouldnt have to through other classes armor when trying to buy my own..
Either add class armor, or allow us to sort by light-med-heavy armor..
Ill be adding bugs when i come into contact with them.
Engy – Shrapnel mine
Error "throw a shrapnel mine that bleedD and cripples foes.
Correction "Throw a shrapnel mine that bleeds and cripples foes
All error’s ive got for now lol… its a start