Showing Posts For wullxz.9574:

Characters suddenly shrunk to tiny size

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wullxz.9574


Uhm. Those frogs are in fact pretty big…
If this isn’t just a troll post, you should probably post a picture of you standing next to a regular character like a (human/sylvari) merchant.

Match ready dialog taking focus off the chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wullxz.9574



I’ve had a little break from GW2 but I’m back now and it still annoys me.

Please fix this! I’m always opening 3+ Windows when match is ready and I’m typing because I’m typing fast.
And it’s not even possible to close all those windows with the escape key….

Match ready dialog taking focus off the chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wullxz.9574


Modal windows like the match ready dialogue for PvP matches always take the focus away from the chatbox which results in a lot of windows beeing opened due to the player still typing and activating other dialogues

This is highly annoying and very unintuitive.

What makes that even worse is, that, because of the modal dialogue , you can’t close the other dialogues with ESC quickly, making the hunt for the match ready dialogue before the countdown runs out a real adventure.

Please fix that. A user should never be interrupted while typing.

Ogre Wars in new game update!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wullxz.9574


This post is now 4 month old and I’m sure, there are other and older posts about this bugged event chain. Sadly, I’ve never heard that anet has done anything to fix this, nor has the anet employee checked back on us…
Some of us (including me) have posted information here but nothing happened.

arena net, please fix this and please speak with your community!

I’m sure there are plenty of players that would be glad to help fix this and provide there experience with the event…

In any case, an update from anet would be really nice!

[Question] The State of low bronze league

in WvW

Posted by: wullxz.9574


The biggest mistake you made was saying that VIN is a roaming guild. VIN used to be the (only) biggest active pve guild on Vabbi. 3 weeks ago it disbanded because the leader and the officers transferred to Gunnars hold, Gandara or SFR. Some will still rep VIN for unknown reasons. For the last few months vin didn’t had a big influence in WvW anymore. This was because their main commander left to gandara.

I guess that’s why I thought that VIN is a roaming guild
I think, last time we were up against Vabbi, VIN also had some bigger groups (15-20 ppl) …

I usually also don’t remember guild tags unless I see them very often or there’s something special about them (like condi bombing on DZ’s NOX blobs – apparently NOX doesn’t have teambuilds and every public just runs with roaming builds – or that hilarious mistform-warrior of elco ^^). But since you mentioned them, I remember the guildtag SWAT and WAR.

[Question] The State of low bronze league

in WvW

Posted by: wullxz.9574


I’ve played during all times of the day. If you mainly defend your structures you might get the impression that our groups run from half the numbers they are but most of the time we just can’t fight under siege. A player on siege weapons deals a lot more damage than one in the field. You just can’t compare that.

As for open field fights, I observered multiple times that DZ just blobs through our rather small groups during primetime or another guild from DZ backstabs us when we fight another group. Also, it happens a lot that a group of us is attacking some DZ structure and suddenly gets steamrolled by a group at least twice the size of ours obviously called in by your scouts.

[Question] The State of low bronze league

in WvW

Posted by: wullxz.9574


@HtFde: I get the feeling you have some kind of blurred view on what’s the situation. I’m on WSR myself and what I observed is this: you have a lot more players than we do and can afford to have scouts in every keep and almost every tower. If one of your structures gets attacked, your scouts apparently message their friends and our rather small attack groups (in case the attack group isn’t a guild raid group) gets overrun by at least double the manpower that we brought.
Also, apparently there’s enough players on DZ that it actually is possible to build and maintain (retag) siege which isn’t really possible for us to do.
Yes, WSR has a rather good nightcap in comparison to DZ but starting from about 7 to 8 am german time DZ outnumbers us almost everywhere.
The fights you put up though aren’t really based on skill or commanding but on blobpower. Especially in EB there’s always a big blob of publics running around (30 – 40 I guess). In a WSR 1:1 DZ or 1:1,5 or sometimes even 1:2 situation DZ zergs lose against most of our guild groups of about 15 ppl from what I’ve seen.

A few days back I even met some guy from DZ in pvp who also said that DZs success is mainly based on manpower and outnumbered fights. He also said that WSR always puts up good fights. So I guess that your view of things is not exactly right.

To answer the question of the OP:
Blacktide: almost no organized groups and not exactly skilled roamers. Even in the last tier they are overwhelmed by the other servers.

Fissure of Woe: Also a quite low population. Can’t remember any roaming groups of FoW but sometimes you encounter a small group of them.

Underworld: Fought them last week. They have some organized groups (Wvw gone Rogue e.g.) during primetime but not much roamers. I guess, their “roamers” are mostly ppl doing their dailies. Population there is also quite low.

Vabbi: some good roamers are based on Vabbi though there’s almost only zergs during primetime, I guess. During the day there’s some small groups of maybe 5 – 10 ppl trying to take towers and a keep here and there. This week they really push hard into our corners and since friday we had some nice fights against evennumbered groups of Vabbi. We’ll see how that works out I don’t know what’s up with the guild VIN (vis in numeris) though. I think there’s quite a few of them but I mostly see them roaming. I guess it’s a roaming guild?

Fort Ranik: Are quite organized and my guess is that they have a little bit more ppl in WvW than we do (based on the numbers of players I’ve seen scouting and defending their BL while they still have zergs going on elsewhere). During primetime there are some organized (?) groups running around EB and the BL. They will defend their stuff in their BL really hard and apparently also have some communication going on between players. They also have some roaming groups here and there. FR also has some guilds that are seen in WvW quite often. I think I’ve seen GeT (or similar), ELCO (dat mistform warrior, lol!)… I don’t really remember guild tags and I’m fighting FR now for the second week since I’ve started to play again last year in october.

WSR: we have some guilds who are dedicated to WvW. We vanquish Worlds (WvW) and TasH are the most known although there are other guilds that try to make themselfes known
We have a bunch of roamers that also scout and stay in touch with commanders to inform them. During primetime we have 2 – 3 or sometimes 4 guilds raiding (WvW, TasH, Wolf, TT, CC) and during the day members of the WvW guilds and publics loosely group up to roam and/or take towers/keeps.

(wow, sorry. that post got longer than i initially planned ;D)

The secret of success Underworld at night

in WvW

Posted by: wullxz.9574


can you please stop calling those kittenbags “hackers”?
those guys aren’t hackers. they’re just cheaters and probably didn’t code these cheatingtools by themselves. you’re actually insulting every real hacker by calling those kittenbags hacker.


Ogre Wars in new game update!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wullxz.9574


event still stalled. same ip as in my last post. please do something about this. this is ridiculous…

Ogre Wars in new game update!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wullxz.9574


i guess the event is stalled again.

servers: eu
event name: ogre wars – charr and vanguard forces are assaulting foulbear kraal and its leaders.
character info: lvl 80 necro, charr, name: Soulgrief

sadly, i wasn’t there when the event stalled. i’ve tried to learn as much as i could about the event chain but i haven’t found out at which point it’s bugged right now.
maybri’s standing in hunters gorge atm and she’s providing the dialogue to join her force (see screenshot) but nothing happens when chosing that option.

i already checked for events at the north- and southcamp and i also revived all charr that i could find in hunters gorge. one of them’s standing outside the wall though.

i’ve taken some screenshots to show you what i’m talking about:

hope it helps. i guess i’ll be online for about another 60 min. so if one of your devs sees me online, he/she could just whisper me and i’ll try to help as much as i can. (i guess i can’t help much apart from serving as taxi as i didn’t see how the event stalled…)


What to do with Wupwup Chest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wullxz.9574


I just looted a Wupwup Chest from Teq and don’t know what to do with it.
The weapons I can get from it have +44 onto everything for onehanded weapons and +89 onto everything for twohanded weapons.
Sadly they are all account bound on aquire as is the chest.

I’m sceptical if they’re useful to me. I’m a necromancer and switch mostly between support build with a little bit healing (cleric weapons) or vampiric power build (soldier armor, rest zerk).

What would you do with that chest? Flush it down the mystic toilett when I get other ascended weapon drops that I don’t find useful (if that’s even possible)?