Showing Posts For xOprominence.2957:

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xOprominence.2957


First is before, bottom is after.


Achievements/Title for unlocking dyes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: xOprominence.2957


Could add more reason to unlock dyes other than stuffing them into BLTC or colour cosmetics.


WvW included in Map Completion??

in Suggestions

Posted by: xOprominence.2957


I mean like… it isn’t a bad thing, but it can block progression towards Map Completion when an opposing server is constantly owning the map. I do realize that switching servers is an option but I think this shouldn’t be included towards the completion count.

Anyone else feel the same?

Waypoint costs have to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: xOprominence.2957


Personally hate the costs of waypoints, but it needs to stay. I mean like… your practically handed a few dozen silvers every now and then by just doing dailies and events.

We should be able to see how much Magic Find we have.

in Suggestions

Posted by: xOprominence.2957


bump, totally need this.

Hammers seem too small?

in Suggestions

Posted by: xOprominence.2957


So I think hammers look a little puny, anyone else think so?

Dye-able Weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xOprominence.2957


Think this can be implemented?