Showing Posts For xPraks.5096:

[NA] Elementalist LF competitive team

in Looking for...

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Bump, still looking for a team.

[NA] Elementalist LF competitive team

in Looking for...

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Hey, my in-game name is Praks. Been playing the game since its release, mostly doing tPvP. Now looking for a competitive team to join in order to play tourneys. I am looking for an organised team that is willing to take part in as many tourneys as possible and are serious about it.

I am not looking for a casual team. I have been in a competitive team in GW2 before and took part in organised tournaments, so I am not a newbie. I can play each role on my Elementalist and all weapons. I have Teamspeak/Vent/etc. and a mic. Also i can be very flexible with practise times.

Contact me if you are interested in-game, or send me a mail on forums for a try out or something.

NA Elementalist LF Competitive Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Hey, I have been playing Elementalist since closed beta 1, mainly WvW and sPvP. I am now looking for a team to play competitively in tournaments. I can play S/D, D/D, and Staff with no problem, either glass cannon, or bunker, or anything the team composition requires me to play as. I have no problem to adapt.

I am from Greece but play on NA servers so the time for practice might be a small problem but I am sure we can figure it out since I am willing to stay up late for practice as I have done before, for the last team I was in.

I have a mic and can go in whatever voice chat the team asks me to for communication. I speak English fluently so don’t worry about me being Greek and therefor not talking English well.

Contact me in game, either by whispering me or sending me a mail if I am not online at the time, or even send me a message on my forum account here.

(edited by xPraks.5096)

20/30/0/20/0 or 0/30/10/30/0 for S/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: xPraks.5096


If you want a fresh air roaming build check my video here:

It has any info you might need in the video description and the comments. It is a 0/30/0/20/20 build.

(edited by xPraks.5096)

[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Really? Nothing new on this? I haven’t been able to play for 2 freaking days now. I would really appreciate if we got a reply on wth is happening. Are they working on fixing it?

[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Soooo any news on how this is going? Haven’t been able to play since yesterday 7 pm my time. It is now 2:40 pm here and still can’t play.

[Video] Roaming S/D Ele (Fresh Air Build)

in Elementalist

Posted by: xPraks.5096


This video was done to show the roaming/1v1 capabilities of the S/D build using the newly added Fresh air trait. All the fights were taking in the last 2-3 days so I didn’t have the chance to record a lot of footage nor the luxury to only include fights against skilful players. All fights end rather quick, with the longest one being a little less than a minute.

About the build, it is a 0/30/0/20/20 build. I think there’s no need to mention the exact traits since it is a rather easy build to make. For gear, your main stat should be Power, with critical damage being secondary. Don’t go crazy with precision as 30-40% critical chance is more than enough (You will be changing attunements really often due to the fresh air trait so you will have fury almost permanently). For toughness and vitality, you are the one to choose how much you want, and it only depends on how much survivability you need yourself. In the video I have about 1,3K toughness and 1,6K vitality.

Hope you enjoy the video. No need to take it too seriously, I’m fairly new to the S/D Elementalist so I still do some mistakes. Although, I believe I am fairly decent.

The video:

Post 6/25 SPVP builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: xPraks.5096


So far tried:

-0/30/0/20/20 S/D Burst build – Works like a charm, loving the fresh air trait

-0/0/20/20/30 D/D Bunker build – I think this one will be the new 0/10/0/30/30 build. It is pretty effective and the stability is really useful. You can still have 3 stun breakers with mist form + arcane shield + armor of earth. Makes you really hard to CC.

-Will try a tank staff build later today, not sure how I will go with that one yet

BLTC still down?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Still down for me, no idea when it will be done though:/

Tigg owes me 50s!

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Eh, lost 50s too but for no reason. The moa I put my bet on won, but got no reward. I didn’t die, I didn’t log off, didn’t disconnect, i didn’t leave the area, nothing. And still, got no mail at the end with the reward. And yes, i tried deleting mails but nothing.

Only reason I wanted to do it was for the achievement but kitten , didn’t count for it either._.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: xPraks.5096


IGN: Praks
Main Profession: Elementalist
Alternate Professions: Ranger
Account name: xPraks.5096
Practice Availablity: Any day, Preferably between 10:00 pm – 2:00 am PST and 6:00 am – 11:00 am PST (I live in Greece, so just giving you the times I’m available in PST)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 21 (But experienced player, playing since beta weekend one, but mostly WvW, sPvP being secondary, until now)
Level of Desire: Hard-core tournament play
NA or EU: Living in EU, playing in NA Server

I know my class (Elementalist) and my priority is PvP, whether is WvW or sPvP/tPvP. I only started taking tPvP seriously recently, but with the right team I have no doubt I can make it into serious tournaments, and compete with other teams.

(edited by xPraks.5096)

Rise in unpleasantness

in PvP

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Noticed the same thing sadly:/ Couple of minutes ago someone went afk 2 mins after the match started cause he didn’t like how some of the players in the team played. He just said “worthless, going afk” and proceeded to stay afk for the rest of the match, even if we had a great chance to win it, the difference wasn’t that big and it was only in the first 1-2 mins.

D/D Elementalist WvW Roaming Video

in Elementalist

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Hey guys, this:


is a PvP video I made recently with my D/D Elementalist. It includes some 1v1/2/3 fights with my dagger-dagger Elementalist in WvW. All the clips are recorded in the last 3 weeks.

My build for anyone interested is 0-10-0-30-30 (Pretty Standard). Gear is full Berserker with Power-Precision-Toughness Trinkets. Using Runes of Earth with the Energy Sigil and Accuracy Sigil.

Songs for anyone interested are:
1. Krewella – Come and Get It
2. Ellie Goulding – Starry Eyed (Dexcell Remix)

Any criticism and feedback, both positive and negative, would be really appreciated. I’m in no way saying that I’m the best Elementalist out there or have some awesome skills. The video was made just for fun since I enjoy making PvP videos.

Hope you like it.

Open World PvP video with a D/D Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Was thinking about rolling an ele so was surfin around here and watched your video. Survivability was an initial concern, but not any more! You make it look like a lot of fun.

Thanks, glad you liked it

Open World PvP video with a D/D Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Hey guys, I recently posted this one in my channel.


Several 1v1’s plus some 1vMany for the 2 last fights. Best fight in my opinion, and the one I had the most fun with is the last one in the video, that starts at 6:30. I randomly find a group of Darkhaven trying to ninja a tower from Henge of Denravi. I kite/fight them long enough for Henge to come and Portal Bomb them. ^^

Several Builds used in the video. The Armour is Berserker with Superior rune of the earth x6. The trinkets change depending what build I use at the time. The builds are:

Songs for the video are Sub Focus – Rock it and Pendulum – Blood Sugar.

I’m sure there are many people that can play better than me on D/D ele. This is just a video made for fun. Hope you enjoy. Any feedback on how I play and build is welcome!

(edited by xPraks.5096)

Are other viable builds possible?

in Elementalist

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Well there is also 10/10/10/20/20 or 0/10/20/20/20 you could try ( or even 0/15/15/15/20). If you want to use 0/10/0/30/30 you could always use full berserker gear if you don’t feel like you do enough damage.

Small Scale PvP Suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Hey guys. Yesterday I posted this thread in Guild Wars 2 subreddit ( which was a question on whether it would be possible to set a place in one of the maps in WvW where everyone who wanted to do 1v1’s or small group PvP would head to. Somewhere that is isolated by zergs, commanders, etc etc and the only people that would go there are PvPers that are there for one reason, 1v1’s.

The main problems that I’ve seen as concerns by people in the comments of the thread was:

1) No way to communicate with people from other servers since the report function was removed in WvW. But there is actually a way to communicate with people. Target them, then type /invite or /join to make a party with them.

2) Takes up space from real WvW. This I really can’t suggest a solution to. I only go in WvW for PvP and not for capturing points or farming gold or badges. So for me personally is not a problem to “take up some space from the real WvWers”. For others it may be a huge problem. I will leave it to you guys to decide. Would love if you let me know in the replies here.

3) Class imbalance. Well there is nothing we can do about it. It is said that GW2 has several issues with this right now. Maybe some people even quit the game for this, I don’t know. But if people are still doing PvP in this game it means that they are willing to overcome this imbalances and just enjoy the PvP. What I’m saying that class imbalance is something that exists right now and they is nothing we can do about it as players other than give our feedback to Anet. Till then just enjoy the game.

4) “Just go in sPvP”. Well I really believe that sPvP is lacking right now. The maps have become repetitive, 8v8 is made by people who just farm points, there are huge queues till you join the match, there are these 5-6 builds that everyone uses and if you don’t you are bound to lose etc etc. Although this is just my personal opinion.

So I do believe that these problems are easy to overcome and therefor suggest this. The place that we will use for this will be in one of the 3 borderlands. I personally think the best one will be Blue’s Borderlands because Blue is by default the “weakest” out of the three and therefor won’t mind some WvW spots being taken by PvPers. For the exact place to be used I suggest we use the space right under the south supply camp, where if you remember, the fight club event happened before with success (

TL;DR: I suggest a place that will be always used by the community for small scale PvP in WvW, in one of the 3 borderland maps, just below the south camp on the map.

I would love to hear your feedback on this. Hope you guys like the idea.

Open World PvP with a Ranger

in Community Creations

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Two videos that I made while roaming in WvW. Both of them are action paced and focus on 1v1’s or 1v2’s. Posted them at Ranger forums before, but seeing how there are people who post PvP videos here too, though I should post.:) Hope you enjoy!

Link to video 1:

Link to video 2:

My build for anyone interested:

My gear: I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Trinkets. My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.

Ranger WvW -Video (Enjoy)

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


I don’t get what people are complaining about here. I fail to see what the problem is. Is it that the people he went against weren’t good enough to kill him? Well no kitten, that’s why it’s recorded. It shows Sol killing people. It’s a PvP video. What freaking MMORPG did you people play where everyone is equally skilled at everything. Sol obviously owned most of the people in the video and I see no reason on why you should complain about it.

Yet another bugged trait.

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


I did notice the opening strike bug. I don’t use pets prowess so can’t really tell you about that one.

New player feeling so... useless in WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Best advice I can give you is ignore the people telling you to switch a profession because rangers are broken or suck or w/e they are saying. If you are in these forums asking for advice ON RANGERS, then you obviously enjoy the class. If you wanted to try another class, you wouldn’t come on this section of the forums.

No for the WvW, your aim for now should be to get to 80 if you want to do some serious competitive WvW. If you want to use WvW to level up, join large groups of people that go through key points. I’m sure you can find several guides on how to level in WvW. When you do level up to 80 there are several things you can do as a ranger depending on your build.

You commented on damage so I assume you want to have a build focuses on high damage. There are several builds over the forums. Find one that fits you the most. Change it a bit to suit your game style. I’m sure than when you get decent gear and have a good build you will do great in WvW, as long as you know how to play the class.

Remove pet as a possible C&D target

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


And there is nothing you can do to stop it.

You can stay close to your pet and attack towards it. If thief tries attacking the pet chances are you will hit him. Having pets that have aoe skills at F2 work too, eg wolves with the aoe Fear. Another option is to run around and spam F3. Your pet will follow so if the thief tries attacking your pet you will be close enough to bring him out.

these racial skills viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Hounds are useful when WvW roaming for capturing supply camps or sentries. They get some attention from NPC’s off of you for a while which is useful. Other than that, not much of a use in WvW. In PvE it can again be used when you are solo for taking some aggro off of you while you are fighting multiple targets.

I rarely use it in PvP though. Their damage isn’t that great against players and they tend to die fast. But they do cover you making you harder to target.

Edit: For the other racial skills can’t really comment. Only played as a human ranger.

Open World PvP with a ranger - Round 2

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


If your going to post videos, don’t include ANY fights against low level players, just level 80’s unless there is a large group your taking out. Otherwise your going to get flamed, fighting undergeared people is not an example of skill with a profession.

On a slightly different note, Rangers to me are free kills (I’m an Ele), I don’t know if it’s the profession being terrible or the ranger player base. Literally 95% of rangers I fight, backpeddle spamming 1 or just stand in the same spot trying to DPS me down, it’s honestly embarrassing.

I can honestly say that I have never, never been worried about a ranger I’m fighting, not once has a ranger troubled me or killed me in a 1v1,2v1,3v1. Their pets are an annoyance, that’s about it, it’s intriguing me that much, that I’m thinking about rolling one just to see if they are as bad as they seem, or it is indeed the players.

1. So much generalization here. Just because you didn’t have the luck to fight good rangers to fight you describe the whole ranger player base as bad. That, or the class sucks.

2. That is the nature of shortbow. The auto-attack is the main source of damage. If the rangers know how to move around its target you can apply bleed with each hit. If build right you can have high precision and high power, plus the extra damage from the bleeds. That’s just from the auto attack. Skill 2, 3, 4 and 5 are mostly for mobility/kiting/controlling. So it’s normal that you see shortbow rangers using the skill 1.

3. Your post in general shows so much elitism. I don’t know whether it should be taken into account as serious criticism, sorry.

Ranger WvW -Video (Enjoy)

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


I don’t get why everyone tries so hard to make the video look bad. Most people in this part of the forums always try to turn PvP videos with rangers look bad. They are so obsessed about how the class “sucks” that they have to give 100 excuses on why the video was unfair or bad or w/e stupid excuse they find. So much negativity in general here.

But anyway, video was great, enjoyed it. Hope you post more Sol. And ignore the trolls.

Open World PvP with a ranger - Round 2

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


on minute 7:11 – there is to see, that an enemy is helping you by killing the other one.

And when you’ve readen my post – you must have seen, that i have written: SOMETIMES it’s right that a ranger can kill somebody.

maybe you’re a good ranger:
but the clips you put together in one video don’t show us the reality.

i can do it like you: kill somebody in wvw – and post it then.

but where are the clips – who the enemys killing you?

Last fight of the second video and a couple of fights on the first video. But why would you want to see me lose a fight? By losing the fight it means that i somehow i screwed up while fighting. The small amount of fights that I lose and worth showing cause my opponent was a good PvPer I did include.

The video isn’t about whether Rangers need fixing or not. It’s a video showcasing PvP action. Nothing more, nothing less.

Open World PvP with a ranger - Round 2

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Really? That’s all you get from the video? That rangers need improvement? Only 2 players from the video are not level 80 and you chose to ignore all the fights I did against the level 80 players to focus on a fight I did with a players who isn’t 80. What about the fight with the Bunker Guardian towards the end of the video?

Open World PvP with a ranger - Round 2

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Uploaded a second PvP video with some of the videos i had left but couldn’t include in the first video. I know, a bit too soon, but since I had enough clips though to go ahead.

Link to the video:

Link to the first one for anyone who missed it:

My build for anyone interested:

My gear: I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Jewels. My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.

Link is messed up for your new video, For those watching just go and check is two video’s out, you can select it under this link.

That last fight great, Sucks you got AJed in the end from those people..I hate that…they ruin what is a great come back video.. (You would of won that probably)


His actual second video.

My bad, probably copied the wrong link by accident. Edited my post to show the right link. Thanks for the heads up and for posting the right one.

Open World PvP with a ranger - Round 2

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Uploaded a second PvP video with some of the videos i had left but couldn’t include in the first video. I know, a bit too soon, but since I had enough clips though to go ahead.

Link to the video:

Link to the first one for anyone who missed it:

My build for anyone interested:

My gear: I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Trinkets My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.

(edited by xPraks.5096)

Preparations - Anyone else really miss them?

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Never played GW1 but sounds like it would be a good implementation on the trait system, specifically on Marksman trait line. Maybe a % chance for these effects to trigger or 100% chance for them to trigger at the beginning of the battle or maybe as an alternative to the current Opening Strike.

SB/LB Berserker/Knight Build

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


The suggestions I’m gonna make depend on how you play on your ranger so they might be wrong or not directly applied to your game play but here we go:

-I see that you basically ignored condition damage as a stat. This means that you depend on direct hits, both from short bow and longbow, therefor you don’t need to flank people to get high dps, as opposed to a short bow ranger that would need high condition damage. This makes flanking not that useful. This leads me to the point that you don’t need 25 points on skirmishing to get 10% damage increase in flanking. That’s 5 points you can use to something else.

-Peak strength is rarely gonna help you since you did not invest in vitality at all. This means that a couple of hits and you go below 90% hp. Then that trait is useless. That’s another 5 points I would personally not use.

-You use the signet of stone but you do not have the signet of the beastmaster trait so I’m not sure if spending a utility skill just to make your pet not taking any damage for a couple of seconds worth it. An alternative to that skill would be Grasping Vines. I’ve never personally used it since I never played a Sylvari but it sounds similar to entangle. Which sounds good enough for me to CC your opponents.

-Why steady focus? While fighting I rarely have 100% endurance unless you got it to get the effect during the first few seconds of the fight. Again, up to you, but i would personally change it to something else since I dodge a lot.

These are my suggestions. Other than these, your build looks good. Hope I helped.

Do you think heals should help rez pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


I kind of disagree with this one. By reviving the pet each time you use a heal you pretty much make your pet unable to die. It beats the whole purpose of pets having their own HP pool and you might as well make them immortal. The 60 second cool down makes you think before switching pets as a part of a tactic and not mindlessly switching pets to abuse the F2 skill.
That of course is only my personal opinion and my 2 cents on the suggestion since you asked.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


The build itself is nice, the video is not, sry.
You show many situations in which you finish people with half their health, dont see how that’s a proof for anything.
Not saying you are a bad player or something, but your video skills are really not good ^^

But hey, room for improvement ;-)

I suggest record in higher fps rate and putting in some slow-motion to show off some nice moves/evades.

Also some commentary would be nice, if not in speech at least in text form as video subtitles.
It’s always interesting to see the thoughtprocess behind the decisions you make in real combat.

Will keep in mind for the next video, thanks for the input.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


I would swap out “Hide in Plain Sight” for “Shared Anguish” but its pretty good.

I prefer Hide in Sight cause it also interrupts people. It basically removes me as a target, so when I come out of stealth there’s a pretty good chance they wont manage to target me straight away. Either cause of targeting the pet or just slow targeting. That gives me enough time to come back from the crowd control.

So yeah, it suits more my play style.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Before I gave up my ranger, he has near 9k kills in wvw, not exactly same build as yours, but close. I also used SB as my main wp. I think I have enough experience to say it. Yes I can kill ppl here and there. I can make a ganking video to show ranger power too by only showing my killing moment, but so what? Every class can do that simply becoz editting video is sooooo selective. It can’t change the over all feeling that ranger is underpowered. As you can see from the video, most of players he was against were quite below average skill level in wvw (maybe it’s server difference, but most of players I played against played much better than that, at least they won’t focus on killing the pet but leave the ranger alone shooting them down), the only one with some average skills is the thief at last and he is not even lv80.

Okay, won’t continue the discussion on whether Rangers are good in PvP or not since that wasn’t the point of the video anyway and I don’t want to turn the thread into people disagreeing about it.

Hope you enjoyed the video nevertheless and that you will like the videos that I’ll upload soon. They will be much better than this one with better and more action paced PvP.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


this video is kinda misleading, most players he was against were not lv80 (so most likely in crappy gears too), the only solid kill is VS that lv80 warrior, but you can always find some bad-skilled players even if they are lv80. At last the thief is not even lv80 too but give the ranger a real hard time, and once the lv80 ele came, fight ended quickly. I don’t think this video can change the fact that ranger sucks over all in pvp or wvw.

I love how whatever the discussion in this part of the forums is, it will always end up to whether rangers suck as a class. Maybe it was just that I wasn’t skilled enough. I messed up on several times in the video and had a lot of opportunities to turn the result of the battle.

But nevertheless, I’ll try uploading as many PvP videos on my ranger as possible, and hopefully they will only get better. Maybe then I can change the view that a lot of people have, thinking rangers are under powered. Till then, don’t take this video as the best results that a ranger can achieve in PvP.

But whatever, hope you enjoyed it.

PS: I’m not saying that the class needs 0 changes. As all of the classes in this game, this class needs a lot of twitching done. I am only saying that Rangers right now have equal possibilities to be good in PvP as other classes.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


It looks like he’s wearing “Knight” gear (power/precision/toughness), judging by the amount of damage he can take, the sub-20k healthpool and the amount of crits he has. As far as runes, perhaps Runes of the Undead (toughness/condition damage), but that’s just speculation. I can’t say for sigils.

My bad, should have made the post on my gear a bit more visible.

“I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Jewels. My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.

The decision to choose Crests of the Rabid instead of Armor signets might sound kind of silly but they work quite well for me since I’m neither a condition damage build or a critical chance build. I’m something in between so Crests of the Rabid offer me a good amount of Precision and Condition Damage at the same time."

Will edit the first post and the video description to have my gear too.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


What type of armor / armor signets / weapon sigil do you use?

I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Jewels. My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.

The decision to choose Crests of the Rabid instead of Armor signets might sound kind of silly but they work quite well for me since I’m neither a condition damage build or a critical chance build. I’m something in between so Crests of the Rabid offer me a good amount of Precision and Condition Damage at the same time.

Kinda interesting that you aren’t using Runes… And your link is a LIE!! you say you’re using a spider when there was no spider in that entire video! Sir you are a liar and a scoundrel!!

Yep, that’s true. I like switching pets between Eagle, Raven, Jungle Spider and wolf depending on how I feel at the time. My primary pet is always my DPS pet which is either the Raven or the Eagle and my second pet is always the pet with a good CC skill at F2 (Wolf for Fear or Spider for Immobilize). In the video it just happened that I was using the wolf at that time.

I was very impressed with the 1v2 fight you were in against the thief and ele, thought for sure you were going to wreck that ele and then claim the thieves soul (if you could pin em down, thieves are slippery kitteners)

Glad You enjoyed it.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


What type of armor / armor signets / weapon sigil do you use?

I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Jewels. My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.

The decision to choose Crests of the Rabid instead of Armor signets might sound kind of silly but they work quite well for me since I’m neither a condition damage build or a critical chance build. I’m something in between so Crests of the Rabid offer me a good amount of Precision and Condition Damage at the same time.

Kinda interesting that you aren’t using Runes… And your link is a LIE!! you say you’re using a spider when there was no spider in that entire video! Sir you are a liar and a scoundrel!!

Yep, that’s true. I like switching pets between Eagle, Raven, Jungle Spider and wolf depending on how I feel at the time. My primary pet is always my DPS pet which is either the Raven or the Eagle and my second pet is always the pet with a good CC skill at F2 (Wolf for Fear or Spider for Immobilize). In the video it just happened that I was using the wolf at that time.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


that video is before the sb nerf so just think that crap dmg you were doing there is even worse now. nice to see someone making ranger vids tho, gj.

This is false. All the fights included in the video are caught during this weekend, from early Saturday to Late Sunday. It was after the Short bow nerf, and honestly, I never noticed a difference big enough to damage the way I play in PvP.

Thanks, I enjoyed making the video.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


What type of armor / armor signets / weapon sigil do you use?

I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Jewels. My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.

The decision to choose Crests of the Rabid instead of Armor signets might sound kind of silly but they work quite well for me since I’m neither a condition damage build or a critical chance build. I’m something in between so Crests of the Rabid offer me a good amount of Precision and Condition Damage at the same time.

Stuck with my ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


Rangers own in PvP guys, don’t listen to everyone saying they under powered cause I can’t be only person facerolling every single class I come up against.

Ranger is ranked as the worst or equal worst profession for spvp in any “rank the profession” type threads on the spvp forums.

But, since we’d like to improve, could you make us a little demonstration with a video Sol?

I can do that.

Hope you enjoy watching.

Open World PvP video with a level 80 Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: xPraks.5096


This is a PvP video I made recently showcasing some PvP action with a level 80 shortbow ranger in WvW.

Link to the video:

My build for anyone interested:

My gear: I’m using armor with Power/Precision/Condition Damage Stats. I use the Crest of the Rabid on all my armor pieces (20 Condition Damage/14 Precision/+14 Toughness) and Power/Vitality/Condition Damage Jewels. My weapon is Power/Precision/Condition Damage with Superior Sigil of Agony for 5% increase in bleeding duration.
The decision to choose Crests of the Rabid instead of Armor signets might sound kind of silly but they work quite well for me since I’m neither a condition damage build or a critical chance build. I’m something in between so Crests of the Rabid offer me a good amount of Precision and Condition Damage at the same time.
Let me know if this isn’t the right forums to post and I’ll remove it immediately. Hope you enjoy.

PS: Sorry for the bad video editing. First time I tried.

(edited by xPraks.5096)