Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Showing Posts For xcavars.5049:
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
I thank you for your kindness thief from end guild! T^T. (Assuming this is not trolling)
It wasnt trolling I was running around taking back our camps and only attacking if attacked. That same night I helped an Ele from SF take the skritt in my own bl, wished him happy new years and left
Happy new year everyone, have a good 2014. Happy fights and roaming.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
30/25/0/015 With full zerk gear and power foods. Youll average at 3.3-3.5 atk. With full stacks of bloodlust, wich i usually run, and 25 stacks of might, on a second set of dagger wich i switch to after i get full bloodlust, you can reach over 4k atk.
I run with trav runes, but scholar runes would be a better alternative for more dmg at the start of ur chain. Reason i run traveler runes is because theres a lot of running involved in WVW and I wanted to free up a space on my utility. I run shadowstep and either 2 venoms and 1 stealth or 2 stealths and 1 venom. Bask venom never leaves my bar beacuse its too valuable in certain situations. It can be used offensively and defensively.
The term assassin to me is to quickly kill and be out just as quick. My usual combo revolves around shadowstepping within 1500 range of my enemy and then steal, cnd backstab to bring them down below 50%. Because of the 30 in DA, i take PANIC STRIKE, wich immobs them allowing me to chain a full auto attack off. An important thing to note is a full chain of auto attacks takes up to 3seconds. As soon as u hit a full chain, hit CND and youll be just in time when ur reveal buff wears off. In PVE a full STEAL CND BACKSTAB is enough for most things, in WVW a light gear opponent or an uplevel will die to a stealcndback, a medium opponent will die to the full auto chain after and only the heaviest opponents require 2 backstabs and a few heartseekers.
If things go haywire and youre getting focused, blinding power up and hit shadowreturn. A lot of people play or have a thief these days or have a basic understanding of the class by now but one thing remains the same, they just auto attack you when ur in stealth and theyll auto attack the area around wich you stealthed. If u Powder up and shadowreturn you can walk away from most things and elave ur opponents running around swinging their swords.
My friend runs an alternative build to me going around 30/30/0/0/10 and we usually party together. He epitomizes 1 hit 1 kills, hes in and out faster then me. Usually we run in with a tank. healway guard or a good mesmer. We take two different roles, I have more init then him and can chain more skills together in a quicker time because of this. I can hit a few more cnd’s and heartseekers then he can, but i cant do as much dmg as he can to below 50% health opponents.
Have a good day, happy ganking
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
lols tbh i didnt see the irony of what i said </3
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Caithe Ferborn, my sylvari thief. All them human thieves look the same
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
The real issue that I have with what you did isn’t that it is not effective (because it is).
It’s that when fighting you, all I am doing is pressing 5-2-1 over and over again (with a few other buttons like healing skill or Blinding powder, and dodging occasionally) and you have to do so much to counter me.
Add in a little bit of skill on my part and while your tankyness stops me from doing enough damage to kill you, you will never bring me down either.
Though to be fair, that whole hypothetical fight, I also only used about 3 – 4 skills. If we’re counting total buttons used, the thief would be about even when he changes weapons and uses a different playstyle upon perma stealthing.
Never claimed to be a killer. I emphasised that I was tank and not burst enough me thinks. *respect that you see the bigger picture tho. If that thief stayed around, the odds are more in favour of my to be honest. I have ways to reset the fight as well, they include my elite and actually healing. So many times iv fought a thief who mistook my meditation heal as my actual heal, and they thought I was out of damage mitigation and engage all out and leave themselves vulnerable in the process.
Shock to them – F1 F2 F3 for boons and regen, damage them with burn and symbol+leap for retal on myself and blind on them, autoattack once, their blindness stops a hit from them. Use renewed focus, hit them a few more times. F1 F2 F3 again, burn plus symbol+leap, shadow refuge from them = USE 5 to pull em out. Im a bit low so they try to burst cause iv healed enough that it seems like I popped a heal early.
Iv fought thieves who stopped fighting and just stood there when that’s happened. I will admit there are certain skill gaps and comforts when running a thief. But chuck them out of the comfort zone and its soooo fun.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Ill role-play in the shoes of one of my own characters fighting against a thief. Lets say my guardian, who is currently running a roaming build to cap camps so im running meditations with sanctuary for the control and bearthing space. I run shelter as a heal amd remewed focus as my elite, runs into a ganking thief. I dont see him and he opens up with steal cnd backstab and basilik venom, ofcourse im tank cause I CHOSE TO SPEC THAT WAY, and I took a few hits before reacting. Im down half and I pop off smite condition cause to get rid of bask venom and turn around and pop a few hits into him, lets say 1 or 2. hes squish so I woulve gotten him to about 60-70% with 2 hits and my smite condition and im back to about 60-70% myself because im tank and I got a heal off my medition. We’re even and he sees it. He sees his burst isnt going to work, because 1. Im no longer surprised. 2. Im spamming that auttoattack to ward him back, so he risks getting hit when he wants to hit me. So he turns around, switches weapon sets and BP and heartseekers off. I see that he switches to his perma stealth and he can engage at his discretion. Normally, he would (speaking from experience) wait for about 3 seconds, the duration of a normal stealth. In that time he wouldve walked around to my open back and aimed for a backstab -BP and heartseeker combo. I count to 2 and pop my sanctuary. Guess what – he’s on the floor, and he’s not expecting it. That means He’s about to leave stealth and he cant apply his blind and restealth while he’s drooling on the floor. That gives me a few seconds to hit him, before he stealths again or ports away with shadow step if he has it, or roll of initivive. Im regening health and getting more health while he’s slowly getting whilted down. He picks up his weapons, and his balls, from where I knocked him off his body, and turns tail and perma stealth and runs. I didnt know this ofcourse and i drop a symbol on myself to deter him should he still be around. I safely make it a few steps without getting hit, wait for cooldowns near friendly territory and then head back out. Viola, thief didnt kill me and im off my way to cap some camps or find a group to hitch along with.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Untrue with the “When thieves roll warriors or guardians they get face kitten d”. I mained a theif and I still do at times, it was my first class. After that, I made a warrior and a guardian and they are the EPITOME of easy in comparison to a thief when surviving. Sure thieves can run away easier, but in zergs, small groups and guild fights, I prefer my guardian or warrior cause I can STILL ATTACK and survive at the same time.
Now that’s out of the way;
Honestly this whole blackpowder heartseeker thing is old. It was old when the game started and I was experimenting with the class. It only now catches on and im laughing at the trend setting of this game, I laugh when I see them doing it and snicker about sheep. Im not defending the cookie cutting builds who run this cheese spec, but I dont like your complaining and generalisation of a thief is. 1v1, ganking and ambushes, sure a theif excells at it BECAUSE ITS WHAT THEYRE MADE FOR. But in groups, thieves have little more to offer then pulling out a bow and auto attacking and spamming CB. A good group will focus thieves, and goodluck running a thief and jumping into a zerg aoe.
But I feel sorry for you, so I’ll help you out:
If u run against a thief, he’s not invincible. If you argue that he’s unpredictable and can choose the engagement, then sir do I have a revelation for you. Chuck an aoe on yourself. Do you think a thief would stand in that aoe? Did I just blow your mind? Engineers, throw ur turrets and bombs. Necros, well ur kitten up. Guardians, use a consecration. Rangers, spike trap your surroundings. Warriors AOE with longbow OR spin to win. Eles… just be an Ele.
If youre arguing that “aww why should I change my build for this and this” “how come thieves warrant a specific build for themselves when u fight them?”. Remember that game you played back when you were 5, rock paper scissors? You know, certain things beat certain things? These thieves SPEC to kill you, they made the choice to specifically target and put you down as fast as possible. THEY change THEIR build to SPECIFICALLY fight YOU. They sacrifice armour, they sacrifice conditions and healing. They just do a lot of damage very quickly, but prolong the fight, or extend the fight beyond that initial burst, the thief will run and reset. Did you read that part? lets rewind: “The thief will run and reset”. In any part of that sentence did the words “And you just got ganked and died a horrible death” exist?
Theyll stop, evaluate and choose to run or prolong the fight and wear you down. They made the choice to make it advantageous for themselves or run. If they choose to perma-stealth and wear the fight out and whittle you down, THAT ISNT ADVANTAGEOUS FOR YOU. You know what that means? YOUR TURN TO RUN. You make the SMART decision, just like the thief did when choosing to stay or engage. Dont stand there and wonder why youre dying and why you cant face tank the damage and then come here and complain when the situation called for you to run but you didnt. Thats your fault entirely.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
I’d like to say that im having a fun time. Sad to see Devona go, some hectic players there. shoutout to that standout EDGE female human thief. I hated you at the start but I respect you now. Goodluck this week SF and Fergi, just like old times.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Caithe Ferborn:
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
(edited by xcavars.5049)
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
To every present at Danelon, Langor and Quentin last night. That three way fight with about 20-30 people from EACH server (Im from ET and im not claiming outmanned? MUST BE INSSANE!?) That was amazing. That in – all its emphasis, was WvWvW was meant to be.
I was fighting alone(with 20 of my mates) for danelon pass in a glorious(quite boring) fight for the camp using all my utilities, abilities and skills given to me by god(Spamm autoattack1) then Sorows showed up with their numbers just as we were about to cap it (circle of anxiety) and we turn to run for the safety of Langor that we held at the time. As we turned, me (on voice chat with my good man Nestikk) squeeled out in a manly manner as I beheld a group of Ferg in the gateway towards langor sentry. My jaw (allong with my ballsack) totally didnt drop in surprise and excitment as my group stealthed through to langor (according to Nestikk, though I waypointed like a man before the fighting) and ran back to regroup at Langor with our forces. Running into danelon, as Ferg pushed Sorrows into Quentin side gateway, we saw Ferg slowly dissappear and we re-engaged Sorrows people then the lag became bad for me at that particular time and I cant recount the fighting, though im sure it was all glorious. I turn around at the sound of Nestikk’s exclamation to look backwards. And for the second time I find both servers oweing me a new pair of balls and a set of jaws as they liquidated, dropped and seeped through my carpet floor as I beheld the same group(?) of Fergs once again at Langor, though upon closer insepction they had lesser numebrs but not lacking in ferocity. We ran(waypointed) through again. As we finally took danelon and began an assault on Quentin under some nameless commander (Sorry I dont know and couldnt pronounce your name, if you read this then tell me your age sex and location and if youre female, i will make slow and sweet love to you.)(If youre not female, then i will make slow and sweet love to you anyway – Full kitten . Ehemn as I was saying, we began making our catapaults and balistas to fight for Quentin lake currently being held by sorrows and defending greatly by them, when an ocean of red names AND CLOTHES, swept through the hills in a blood mist lik fog and before I knew it I was dead (And i waypointed, like a true man this time) to quickly fight for Quentin lake again.
I forget what happens after that, or what happened to our groups after, but that was the best night of wvwvw iv ever had. PERIOD.
Btw I didnt take pictures of it, but did any of you see our point blank trebs at a few of the towers? At one point it looked like a man’s gen parts with one treb in the middle and two rams flanking it. Omgsh the laughs on vent and map chat were soo goooood.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
shrug Its gunna be funny when they get their ranks, and they attack us ‘Only Inavders’ and they get their kitten pushed in.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: xcavars.5049
Friend lost access to his account. Did what support said to do, but has not had access restored yet. It’s been 3 days.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Rednik, theres nothing wrong with using your environment. It should be encouraged more. If someone, in the heat of a losing battle, sees a way out then why shouldnt they take it? See a low health raptor who got hit from cross fire in the fight youre in and youre down? hit it quickly and rally. If i see something i can use, i will use it. Game mechanics, simple as that.
@ air, you are totally right. Mesmers are my bane on my thief cause i can only hit one target and if i miss a few critical hits in a fight i will lose, and that happens heaps with a mesmer.
Us thieves have our own banes, our own weaknesses and they are ridiculously obvious to those who know about them and spec for them. If you’re losing a 1v1 to the SUPPOSED 1v1 class, why’re you complaining? Stealth is part of the thief game mechanic, much like a mesmer’s clones, necro’s lich and a ranger’s pet. WHY would you hate on their mechanic? Sure you could take it away, then a thief wouldn’t be a thief and you’d probably just move on to the next thing that kills you the most and ask for it to be nerfed cause in all honesty that’s what you people do.
The issue is culling, and will always be culling. In 1v1, i have my fair share of them from ganking, to being ganked, to /bow-duel fights, and yes i agree that they don’t appear straight away, but their animations do and their sounds. Pay more attention and you’ll find them. There are tell-tale signs that you’re hitting a thief or even getting hit by a thief. The extra .5 of a second that a thief doesn’t render shouldn’t matter.
Here’s a checklist:
-See a shadow whisp appear in mid air for no reason but no character? HE’S THERE.
-Hear a whispy sound but no character? HE’S AROUND YOU STILL.
-Your auto-attack is chaning? HE’S THERE.
-You’re losing health? HE’S THERE – EFFING DODGE.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
I don’t see the point in laughing at your kills and dancing on their corpses. I don’t even get mad when someone does it to me, nor do I do it back to them. One time me and Darxio cut off a group heading to godsword ourselves. We took on an initial group of 4. We bursted down 2 and were in the process of killing a third when a random came to help them. We were in the process of killing the last 2 when another warrior showed up, a scout for a party of 3. I chased him all the way to the veteran guards outside the gates of gods, while darx took care of the last 2, and just as the warrior ran passed them, immobilised him and watched both guards immobolise him and stun him at the same time so he was at their mercy. I watched for a bit then turned my back and helped darxio burst the last two down. After that I led darxio to the guy i kept near the guards and found him dead with 2 people near him. No problem, a non 80 and an 80. Though it was a mesmer and i hate mesmers. After we killed those guys you know what i did? I stood near their corpses absolutely still, sheathed my weapons and watched. I let them see my character model, the Armour i was wearing and the guild tag i was running. I let them see who had killed them. Let them ingrain and burn the image of my character in their minds so that next time they see me, next time they see my guild name, next time they face my class, they’ll be scared. Cause if your laughing and dancing on people corpses youre not instilling fear, your instilling hate. People play worse when they fear you and think they’re going to lose.
That 2v8 was the most fun I had in wvw for a long time. Much better then all that zerg crap and this 1v30s iv been seeing with the people with a numerical advantage having the gal to laugh at the lone guy or small parties they killed as if it took some skill to do.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
hahaha to the 5 SF on my body. My purpose here is done.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Iv been gone for the weekend. Whats happrning??
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
So much crying over a thief. Stop bandwagonning the hate, i play a thief and i get killed all the time. I hop on my alts and i can kill a thief just fine. Its probably cause youre running solo, werent paying attention or just really kitten and your pride wont let you think its becuase youre inferior or whatever. There are many ways to counter a thief and theyre all.available for all.classes, you just have to know. Have a look at your own class and think. Think really kittening hard and maybe the answer will come to you
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Just wondering… by “total defeat” do you mean what happens to kaineng every week in wvw?
It seemed SoS was only on top until the other servers started getting people in your timezone and then once the zerg vs door stopped you stopped trying.
Total defeat would be YOU being a hard opponent. But I doubt itll ever come to that point.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Oh right chaster, he’s the guy no one ever likes.
Hard Leather Strap.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Hahaha Sniffy.
Go home, nobody likes you.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
I know thats not glasscannon haha. I run P/D and spec no power or hardly any prec. If you think I’m glasscannon you dont know thieves.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
15 in acro is addictive
Every thief build I’ve tried, and or use now must at least have 15 acro.
Real Thieves run 30 in it /flex
Real Thieves arent Glass Cannons /ekittenenlargment
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Tonight had some of the best 1v1 1v2 fights i have ever had in EB, Id like to thank the two KAIN players i caught coming out of the dredge tunnel and also the KAIN Thief that came in not that long after. It was great fun
You my friend!
I hate you, you caught me at a bad time. I was the initial one you killed cause i was focused on dredge. 7.5k dmg in the span of about 2 seconds whistles.
You made me rage quit last night, but it was already late so I guess I had it comming.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
You know someones lost an arguement the minute they take a quote and use it out of context and also start insulting when their opposition has been nothing but civil. Lols. Hata of too you sire, i hope ur e-pen is sufficiently inflated, u definetly need it.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Wait i thought dr doesnt target us????
No more so then kain and ferg team up against DR
Delusions and nothing more.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Wait i thought dr doesnt target us????
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
15 in acro is addictive
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Lol at sniffycube.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
I have never been in contact with any fergs outside of a few friends and its only been a “Was that you we just kitten in soso camp”, “Omgsh dev is so bad!”, “Omgsh, just wiped a few of your kains bro, tell em to do better.” “That ferggie sucked man!”.
Its just friendly banter amongst peeps and its no where near an alliance. Maybe one of two guilds have been in contact with one another but in no way do the voices of 1 or 2 guilds on either server speak for the entirety of the server. I have never heard of an outright alliance with ferg, and I hear heaps of things.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
LOL, dont flatter yourself. There is no alliance.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Lol at that Salad thief on Btsy. Saw your group get my friend from afar and you come to me, steal and spam heartseeker. hahahaha so bad, yeah you killed me, but I let you. Play better.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Oh darx lols.
Good fight guys
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
What about eles invul finish? Mhmm. Yeah, forgot about that didnt you.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
I’m not going to complain about how uneven this matchup is. What i will say is im disappointed in a lot of people in my server, and even in my guild. Instead of coordinating and working as a team, we’re a bunch of spread out useless individuals with differing goals and not achieving anything at all. There used to be a time where we played for fun, and now after one victory a few weeks ago we feel slighted and abused by the transfers that certain servers get that make winning harder and victory an unattainable goal, like we’re entitled to it. We’re not. And we have to work hard like everyone else and try our best.
Instead, map chat is reduced to a bunch of whiners who run around alone and complain when they get zerged over. Morale is low, and I hardly see any commanders on but the random one who paid for it and doesn’t know what he/she is doing or one of my own guild commanders such as Darxio running the lone fight. Gone are all of our commanders. Gone are those who would fight just for the sake of fighting. No one but a few want to lead a useless fight, and its a shame.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
(edited by xcavars.5049)
I remember when i used to come to forums to read up on whats been happening or what i missed out on and all i see is drama everywhere. Its not.even viable to use the forum as asource of information while im away from my comp due to the blatant accusations and twistrd recounts on all sides.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
KAIN has the majority of thr time 10-15 on one map. only. If we try to conttol a map its usually small groups of us holding a section of a map. We simply dont have the for zerging a map. If you see KAIN taking a corner, we’re staying. Drop by and we got good commanders and skilled players, we’ll be there for a while. Bring the marshmellows! Youre gunna be outside in the cold for a while. Ill come out with a friendly hug and a knife to the back. See yous on the battlefield.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]