Showing Posts For xerenity.7451:

**Spoilers** Nowhere to hide....

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: xerenity.7451


This Achieve sucks!
But easiest way for me was on ele:
lightning flash , earth focus 5, and finish. easy.
no dodging no nothing

“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xerenity.7451


Hello Gaile
#324383: Pending Account Rollback – Haven’t heard anything back from the GM for 3 days. Just inquiring for an estimated time it will happen so I can actually progress again

“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

Reworked BASIC guide to Power Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: xerenity.7451


Very nicely done, now that i have finished The Dreamer on the thief and stopped being all secretive and whatnot i have not seen too many necros in dungeons or fracs… and it is rather depressing seeing as how necro was my first of seven 80s…
Honestly i wish the condition system was overhauled and so that players that wanted that “warlock” feel for necros were able to do so (myself included). But bursty necros were also viable i just didnt see it in too much depth until now- very nice work!
Kind of makes me want to jump back to necro for a while to play around myself =p

“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xerenity.7451


Bugged on Darkhaven.

“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

Only a Guardian...

in Guardian

Posted by: xerenity.7451


Only a Guardian can laugh at numerous squishies killing themselves with just keeping retaliation up and running around in circles during WvW

“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

Damage output VS Survivability

in Guardian

Posted by: xerenity.7451


Hello GW2 Community,
Ive been having a conflict of game philosophy seeing as how i have lived on both sides of it and was curious as to what you guys thought about it. This mainly applies to PVE and other dungeons. Before i continue, i want to put out 2 major subjective statements of the argument:
-The best DPS you can do is the DPS while you are alive; not while you are taking a dirtnap waiting for a res
-You are holding back your team when you cannot supply as much DPS as you can be.
With those 2 things being said- we arrive on my “block” if you will, on the matter. Yes, in a perfect world, anyone in your party who is running a glass cannon/beserker build (which some believe should be everybody, i myself at a time thought that) would know how to dodge and stay alive efficiently. However, this is not a perfect world. GW2 caters to both casual players and elitists(i myself being an elitist). And it promotes teamwork- so you will usually find yourself being matched with both types of players on a consistent basis.
From the start of the game my mindset on how to play fluctuated between different phases(in chronological order);
-Play how you want
-Best DPS is the DPS you are doing while you are alive
-Everyone should be running glass cannon- as it is more valuable to the group
-Back to the best DPS is the DPS you are doing while you are alive
For the longest time i could not decide for the life of me which profession to main- I went from Necromancer, Thief, Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist, and then back to Guardian(all 80’s of course). I finally decided to stick to guardian, seeing as how we were so versatile and were able to adapt to a lot of situations. As i progressed in fractals (at this moment in time it was frac 28) i noticed a lot of high dps output classes being the first to fall- it eventually led to the wiping of the group. Seeing as how GW2 has no recount- no one can appreciate/flame you for the amount of damage you are doing; the only alternative which seems to take the majority of cases- is the case of them noticing how many times you do or don’t die. I like to be noticed for not dying. So my question here is- what do you guys think about giving up the damage output to be the guy/girl that does not wipe with the rest of the group? i mean as long as you are up you still control the outcome of the battle, yes? While you are up you can still make sure your party members stay alive or dead (if you’re teaching that dbag that thinks hes all kitten and hotstuff that he needs to learn to dodge). And no i do not have a L2P issue- i think i handle myself quite well in what i do. Just curious of other individual’s perceptions on the matter. Thank you for taking the time to read this and replying(if you do). Happy hunting. (:

PS: I use a 0/0/10/30/30 “Healway” build with Clerics armor and running 2 major water/2 superior water/2 superior monk runes. For weapons and trinks i am using berserker with the exception of the Lunaria and Solaria ascended rings and beserker Fractal Capacitor.
As for counsumables i use 20% boon duration (Chocolate omnomberry cream) and master maintence oils.

“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

(edited by xerenity.7451)

The Good things about being a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: xerenity.7451



“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.

[WvW/PvE] The "Healway" Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: xerenity.7451


Hello Chris,
We’ve spoken a few times in game and I have decided to leave my review for those that were unclear- because i was. Before i tried out this build, i was pretty skeptical and was sure AH was a better build. After playing around with the build for a few days- and doing lvl 20+ fractals with it; I’d have to say I’m pretty pleased with the result. On my level 25 frac with it this morning, I was pretty hysterical upon finishing because had only used Shelter ONCE. And that was due to the fact that i got lazy during the Grawl Shaman and didn’t swap and dodge when he did his dive. May not be impressive in other people’s eyes- but I thought that was pretty noteworthy. Also i guess i should mention that i deviated from the build a bit-

Armor set: Cleric’s
-Beserker Beta Fractal Capacitor
-Lunaria and Solaria Rings
-Sapphire Amulet and Earrings (although i switch out for zerkers depending on fight; but i barely notice a difference)
The last deviation is the runes. A few people had mentioned that superior and major runes dont stack. False. Tested myself a week ago and you can see the duration difference in the tooltips. For runes im using the same set up as my auramentalist-
2 major water/2 superior water/2 superior monk
For consumables i use Chocolate Omnomberry Cream for the 20% duration buff and superior sharpening stone for compensation of lack of power.
Weapons are all cleric.

All in all- this build performs VERY well in higher fractals and I suggest anyone rolling a guardian to at least try it once. Good luck and happy hunting (:

“Commander” Countess Xerenity;
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.