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Not able to play on High Settings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xhenya.3871


I am not able to play on high settings. I try to, but my fps gets way too low(below 20fps). According to I should be able to run it. Not to mention I also think I should be able to run it at high settings.

Intel® Core™ i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz
8gb RAM
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
GeForce GT 440
2gb Video Ram
2gb Dedicated Video Ram

Elementalist long animation time intentional?

in Elementalist

Posted by: xhenya.3871


I just made a Ele…and I think they are perfect. They represent what a caster should be. Making timed and effectively aimed hits creating massive damage. If the casting time where to be sped up. They would be overpowering the other classes. The point of giving the ele an opening is so that they dont instantly destroy everything. The game would get boring if there was no challenge. And if you just like overpowering with out even trying then I think you need to rethink your ideals and values. Its that kind of thinking that is destroying society.

Need Ingame GMs

in Suggestions

Posted by: xhenya.3871


This game needs InGame gms. Most players wont bother reporting bugs (or anything) if the problem doesnt get addressed right away. And just leave it the way it is until usually developers themselves notice. There are many issues that i feel could be simply fixed if there were GMs in the game:
*Bugs in mobs
*Bugs In dungeons
*Bugs with Characters
*Bugs with Items
*Possibly player disputes
*It would also give players assurance that someone is reviewing/has reviewed the problem they are having.

You guys have made a game where help takes WAY too long

New patch? Like soon?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xhenya.3871


ummm i dont know about the rest…but the tome of influence is a consumable item…..once you use it…its gone

Camera Movement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xhenya.3871


I play a mesmer and my camera gets all wacky and it cannot seem to control it very well in battle it keeps moving close to my char. It would also get close when it would go near a wall. This makes it difficult to maneuver my char around and blocks my view. I also find myself having to click on the same target many times to stay locked on. It keeps switching target for me. Is there anyway to set a minimum radial distance so that it wouldn’t get close? I also feel like the recent patch made it worse.

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: xhenya.3871


Blink has failed me a many times when i am on the edge of something(lets say canyon) to teleport to the other edge that is fully accessible if i just walk there and is in my sight. It would teleport me even closer to the edge im on. I use this in pvp too and the same happened there. It also happens when im trying to teleport below cuz im not trying to lose health or die. And yes the teleport icon thingy on the ground would be green.

Also if i where to move while using blink….i would teleport and then my character would stay comepletly still but would still move in the same direction i was going. It would fix when i would change direction tho.

(edited by xhenya.3871)