Showing Posts For xnorb.8207:
Spear works very well for me. Only skill 2 needs a longer range.
Damage input … in regular battles i barely get any damage and that’s without “tanky” gear or dodging …
All this may be valid and true for a well functioning group of friends on TS, or “vets” knowing exactly what happens when.
When i come to a big battle, my highest priority is to hit the boss and stay alive.
I don’t see health bars, i don’t see conditions on allies … how am i even supposed to
know who needs what ?
I see my own health, my own conditions and the boss health/conditons/boons.
That’s what i focus on.
Do i revive ?
Ya, a hell lot, even all NPCs i see around.
But in (random pub) battle i use the skills that keep me alive rather than
casting skills that might (!!!) help others.
Bring in healthbars, display conditions, slow down the action and then you will see
way more interactivity and teamplay.
There’s a severe downside of removing healers, tanks and mainly all teamwork tools…
It’s not only random event reward.
We get drowned in EXP in GW2.
That’s something that causes lots of troubles IMO.
(Just look at all the threads about missing endgame content)
If i were to design EXP:
- Events need to be “registered” – for example by talking to an NPC
- No EXP for crafting, you only gain crafting levels
- PvP EXP unlocks special PvP things, should not affect PvE
- Supportive actions / Teamplay gets rewarded with EXP
I never understood what’s actually wrong with having dedicated classes.
This is an MMORPG, not everybody is befriended, not everybody uses teamspeak/ventrillo (as there’s a lack of ingame VoIP afaik) and not everybody speaks the same language (for example on european international servers)
Having dedicated classes, everybody knows what his role is.
Without classes, without proper abilities to cover a certain role and without direct communication, it’s more or less pure luck if you succeed in dungeons or not.
But of course … people are new to the game (remember, not everybody player GW and not everybody played Beta), many things are widely unknown and anything you find is always based on lvl 80, which is completely irrelevant if you’re lvl 35 and raise so much in level that it’s absolutely pointless spending even 1 silver on equip …
“Oh, i boosted to endgame in my grind of 10 hours per day, now i’m bored, HELP!”.
Here’s some advice:
Enjoy the gaming experience rather than pushing hard to get to lvl 80.
As you already screwed it for your first char, create a second one – something completely
different than what your first was (if you are warrior, why not pick the mage ?)
and this time play this game the right way.
I’m in since 27th and i’ve got one char® lvl 41 and i discover something new every day and not the slightest glimse of boredom.