Showing Posts For yangshindo.1527:

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


I really hate these auto colors they force us to use. It just makes gw2 pvp ugly and with no kind of visual customization while other older games bring us better options. I hope ANET change this ASAP for the sake of this game srly.

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


the main point is, if ur stunbreak is on cd them u’re dead. That’s it.
It’s a broken mechanic to force you to build a character some way and save your precious stunbreaker for these things or else u’re dead just because someone clicked his abilities without any think or plan just haste and spam. No class should be allowed to do that because it’s just bring dumbness to the gameplay.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


8v8 is perfect.
5v5 is too small.

i’d gladly agree with u except for one thing.
The game is balanced around 5v5, Anet said that and it’s easily noticiable aswell.
So yea… I can’t agree with you.

CONFUSION - What to do about this skill

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


confusion is really strong right now.
But the Mesmer nerf is coming.. I’m sure.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


8v8 is already bad.
If they do 10v10 I quit. I rly do.
So sick of the zerg spam

PistolWhip Spamming + Haste

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


The problem with the entire l2p and l2dodge thing is that no other class got the same burst. If you dodge, then it’s ok but if not…kitten u’re downed with just 1 skill. The burst is so insane and just a little mistake will make you pay so hard while other classes like ele and necro u need to chain full rotations with very good precision to do a subpar damage. There is no room for just 1 mistake when you fight a HB warrior or a PW thief. Its just not fun to play a game with these mechanics for some classes while others actually are fun and requires good level of player skill.

(edited by yangshindo.1527)

There, I fixed it! (FPS)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


Do u guys like gambles?
If yes.
Them buy new hardware just for gw2.
It’s like a bet where u bet ur new rigs money.
Some will win, some will lose.

Suggested Build for New GW2 PC

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


It’s useless.
Don’t buy new hardware while the game still got serious optimizations issues that will screw you even with a high-end machine.
Buying hardware, updating drivers, clean OS install nothing will help you.
Only Anet can fix their own game.

Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


Nerf Thiefs and Mesmers downed state.

Suggestion: Remove Red and Blue armor dyes in sPvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


As everyone here I find the armour recolor useless and annoying.
Name tags should do it like EVERY other game.
Right now these color schemes for sPvP just makes GW2 UGLY.
And if the Esports is the reason. Make only spectators able to view the full red/blue costumes or “official tournament streamed games” using that crap premade colors.

Wth is wrong with this game ?!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


pretty much happening to like 30% of people playing…
gw2 is a great game but got the worst programming that I ever saw.

Performance inconsistencies...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


pretty sad how this game is bad optimized and bring trouble for people with nice rigs.
Devs should prioritize this issues above all things right now.

AMD Phenom II Cpu Usage

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


same issue here. On intense action my CPU usage fall down to 50% and the fps to like 10…
My GPU is even worse with only 30% usage.
I have a 3.4ghz phenom II x2 565 and a HD6750