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Yeah i don’t really see the advantage of your build if I compare with my previous build.
you have less dps, a little bit more resistance even if you loose an invulnerability.
I think both are old builds, I have already tried 30/30/5/0/5 but i preferred my 30/25/0/10/5 even if it’s pretty much the same thing.
But with all the changes and patch we have to consider, maybe we need to think of something else, adapt the way we play ranger.
Some builds are still good, but some other not so much, and I think zerk builds have been nerfed hard with QZ.
GS, signet, pets buffed. QZ and zerk nerfed.
You spoke about 2 builds BM and Bunker but I have seen a lot of versions, which one did you advice me to try ?
(edited by yiN.4059)
So you don’t suggest me a real change ? Just get some knights stuff and the 20% cd on GS ?
If I have only 20 pts on marksman i loose SoS so i don’t benefit of the last patch.
Can u remember me what is SoR please ? (my game is in french so i don’t have in mind every name in english)
Youre not a tank by any means but yo should have enough DPS to kill people very effectively
I had already some problems to finish quickly some players without QZ
If you are lookinh for something totally different then there are several bunker/BM builds posted around atm.
Yeah there is a ton of builds around here but that’s why i’d like some advice, I don’t really know what to choose to fullfill my objective.
Oberon you should definitely take the piercing arrow in your build…
I used to play my ranger with full berserk and 30/25/0/10/5
Utilities : SoS/QZ/SoH / Rampage or Entangle
Pets : Wolf and jungle spider.
GS/Shortbow/Longbow depending of the situation.
With the QZ nerf i chose to stop playing my ranger for a while.
Now I would like to give it a try one more time but I really don’t know where to go.
I really like the GS/Shortbow combo, the mobility and the piercing arrows.
I have a full berserker stuff and if I can avoid to craft a full new stuff that would be great but I really want the best so if you think zerk is dead you can advice me something else, np.
My goal is to play mainly with a little opti roaming group (5 to 10 players) and alone sometimes.
I have read most of the last topics but I can’t decide what would be the best build to fulfill this objective
(edited by yiN.4059)