Showing Posts For zerohunter.3196:

Sylvari other tree

in Lore

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


So its almost sure now, that trees are created by dragons sleeping beneath them, so there is good dragon under Pale Tree, and another tree above Mordemorth, and Sylvari are not corrupted and thats dragons failure, or they are gonna trigger, like Cylon’s FF.

Sylvari other tree

in Lore

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


If i remember good, in sylvari story we are finding dude, who wasnt from Pale Tree, what happend to him, is possible that Mordemorth is burred under another Pale Tree, as we say about Grove Pale Tree?

Eternity giveaway

in In-game Events

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Well if it’s still going on, I’d be glad to enter.

Devs response please - Solution for low FPS

in Community Creations

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Is there any list of compability GPUs?

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196



Submitted week ago.

Unable to launch game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


So i just reinstalled my system, and i wanted to play GW2, but when i open app, its freezes and nothing happens, same with repair file, and installation only download some files and then closing, any solution?

Delete single proffesion from my character

in Crafting

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Yes, crafting instead of proffesion, but wiki dont say how to delete craft like i never used it.

Delete single proffesion from my character

in Crafting

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Hi, i know that i can change other proffesion, but i want something else, i’d like to have 1 proffesion on my 1 character, since there is 8 proffesions for 8 classes. I want have for example only jeweler on my guardian, and delete cooking, is there a way? I can even pay gems for it.

Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Propably internet connection is lost sometimes, i have wireless internet, this pc is only i have, but i upgraded FW so we will see.

Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


I bought my router few weeks ago, i have no idea, just again get dc and cant get into main at Bloodtide.

Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


My internet get dc just for a 3 seconds, no more, and game running in background kicked me, any ideas? “Cannot connect into main log server”

Spot keeper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


I think AN should add a small improvment, a spot keper, if u get dc, it will keep place for you until back, for 5 minutes, it will be very helpful on world bosses, what do you thnik?

Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


I have an idea, is there a program that will monitor my internet connection, and will notice if i get signal lost?

Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196



Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


My pc is quite good, have win7 less than 6 months, i can alt tab GW2 and play Mass Effect 2, both on high details, but i did it for test only, usualy im watching video, and checking game after 15 to move character, but often i see character select menu.

//Intel i5 3550P//MSI HD R7850 Twin FrozR III//MSI B75MA P45//Crucial 2×2GB//Samsung 500Gb//Corsair 430W//Tacens Prior Limited//

Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Today story, i waited for Wurm, 20minutes before i get kick, so i went to Lornar Pass, and get 30m before kick;/

Game keep kicking just before boss starts.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


So, i have these problems few months ago, but i didnt notice this, but now i get angry.
Last time i waited for Tequatl 1 hour, to get kick just when Tequatl start, and today, i waited 1 and half hour, for Wurm, to get kicked 5m before event start, what the hell is wrong with this game? Cant you just keep spots for example 1m, an then release it so i can rejoin main server? Nobody needs world bosses when they cant do it.

Graphics settins improving.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Hi, i get today an idea, my pc is quietly nice, but when i going to fight boss, i need to reduce manually character model limit and quality, then i can play with around 30fps, but when im going back to solo exploring, i have to set character model limit and quality on higher options, so if game can detect how many players is on map, and can move players to overflows, why cant we make playing easier, and enable automatic settings of character model and limit depending on number of players?
For example, up to 10 players high settings, over 50 players low settings, around 25 players middle settings, i think thats is an good idea, how about you?

Sorry for my english:D

World Transfering

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerohunter.3196


Is possible to transfer me for another server, if i choose wrong? I moved from Blacktide to Desolation, and that was mistake, my friends are on Underworld.

With best regards, Bartlomiej.