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Performance issue-more people the less the GPU works

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerph.1482


Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

Performance issue-more people the less the GPU works

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerph.1482



how much FPS is that cpu giving you in a massive WvW fight anyways..
I am thinking about upgrading.
Running phenom II @4ghz atm with hd6870 x 2 atm
i am getting about 11 FPS in a MASSIVE WvW

WvWvW battles
20FPS in crossfire mode and 10-15 in single card mode.
small wvwvw


For massive WvWvW battles, my FPS results do not change when toggling “best performance”, vs “high performance”.

My point on this thread is, despite upgraded hardware since the CPU and GPU are not being pushed during massive WvWvW it does not matter what you upgrade, your effectively going to net similar results because something is F with the client.

If you go get the best GPU out there you’ll see a moderate gain because it’s performance under 45% load will be better than an older card at 45% load. I’ve been gaming a long time and have never seen something like this, the only reason a GPU is under performing is if you have it configured in a mobo with lower bandwidth to the CPU/Memory, aka older version of pcie. In my case, I am running pcie 3.0 and it’s max rate so I have plenty of bandwith from the CPU/Memory to the GPU. As I can prove with industry standard benchmarking.

The whole theory of “the client is waiting for player to render”. This may be true if they throttle the client performance until all information is received from the server.

The bottomline, DEVs, why is this happening?

I still would like to see other people back this claim up, please go download GPU-Z and run some monitors and gather more stats.

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

Performance issue-more people the less the GPU works

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerph.1482


CPU not fast enough? Ha, no that is not the bottle neck, if this theory was true then bench marking you would see a similar result, the GPU would drop in load while the CPU bogged down. In fact you don’t. Try it, 3dmark.

The CPU is significantly faster than the GPU, the GPU is ALWAYS the bottlekneck. Unless of course you do have a inferior cpu.

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

CPU upgrade?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerph.1482


No-I went from a 2500k (3.3) to 3570k (3.4), same video card and it’s pretty much the net same.

OC though might next more gains at the CPU level.

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

Performance issue-more people the less the GPU works

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerph.1482


So just built a new system and was testing some crossfire action, I actually get better performance with a single card, no surprise, but I’ve been running GPU-Z while WvWvW and notice a very strange pattern. This happens in single card mode or crossfire.

The more people there are the less my GPU works, which results in a lower framerate. Less people, the higher the GPU load goes up, thus great framerates, it makes no sense but I have the proof.

My GPU goes down to 50% usage when it needs it most. CPU seems to be about the same 65-75%.

Please, more people collect data and determine if this is true or not?

my spec (no cpu oc)
3570k 3.5ghz
2×6850s (12.8)

In this example I have crossfire enabled, but its relavent with a single card.

Just me
82% GPU + 39% GPU performance with no players on the screen

lots of people and action, should see the highest GPU action
>45% + 0% GPU performance

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

(edited by zerph.1482)

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: zerph.1482


weekend night queues have gone way up on IoJ, really sucks. Been there since day one and end up sitting in the queue 1-2+ hours now.

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

Invisible enemies and allies in W vs W

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerph.1482


bump, it did get worse with the oct 11 patch. I have a somewhat higher end system and before I would only see invisible enemies in extreme situations (orb take). Now even 20v20 players will disappear.

It’s at the point it’s unplayable, I’ve quit and would love to come back.

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.

in WvW

Posted by: zerph.1482


64bit would solve the disk access issue, as it could store a kitten load in physical memory, which everyone has plenty of. However, if you have a SSD this is a moot point. I find it hard to believe that it’s a networking issue with today’s high speed lines, look at your network throughput during the peak times, its not that.

I think this all comes down to we are in a PC world and not all PCs are the same, so the game developer has to weigh performance ratios. People who have real gaming machines could handle the higher volume load, but average joe can not.

Look at WoW, it’s designed to be medicore graphics to be ran on anything…. just the nature of MMOs unfortunately. DAoC had the same problem until PC hardware was commodities and everyone had powerful enough rigs.

But then there is also the server performance and here the issue is battle mechanics, the server has to process everything and with huge battles it simply is overwhelmed. Sure they can throw more hardware at it, but doubtful with this model (free to play).

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

Proper WvWvW builds.

in Guardian

Posted by: zerph.1482


I play a “zerg” stopper build. If the enemy is trying to take a keep, or you have a clear battle line this is a really effective build.

Its premise is burst damage and get the hell out. GS/Staff, I stack persicion (at 48%), toughness/crit damage+, then vit (at about 15.5k).

Basically, I pop reaper of grenth, save yourself, judge’s intervention (teleport 1200 range), whirling wrath/blinding blade, symbol of wrath, leap of faith to blind, then get the hell out with dodge, stand your ground as an extra buffer (breaks stun) and healing breeze which is more consistent in healing than signet of resolve, and instants if needed. I typically can escape a FF back to the keep or out of the line. Switching to the staff gives the additional speed buff if you need a bit more room.

Once back on the line I use the staff to heal/buff teammates and wait for my cooldowns to come back up and then rinse and repeat. I only have 1 range ability of 1200 with the staff (orb of light), which really sucks but a staff is really key to this build because of the speed buff and healing capabilities, once I escape the chaos I’m typically poisoned with all shorts of kitten, so dodging for heal, and using the 2 staff heals will keep you alive.

I have medicore 80 gear I can deal out 5k-15k damage to multi foes which confuses the hell of out them, this can be huge for the team, they can then rush and finish them off.

Very good melee AOE damage
Good survivability (for a short time)
Easy retreat, even when you are in the thick of it
Can quickly change the tide of the battle

1v1 very tough due to kiting
very limited range
one trick pony
must be patient

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

Chat window takes over input randomly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerph.1482


I’m not quite sure what keystroke is doing it but I use the standard FPS setup. WASD,Lshift,space,Lctrl ect ect.

Very often my chat window will take over input, like i’ve pressed “T”. This of course locks up any input 1-9, wasd, ect. Very frustrating in PvP.

Anyone else experience this?

Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: zerph.1482


1) 2h sword built with heavy crit has worked best for me for kill issues
2) seems nerfed recently but doing good DPS will help with #1
3) signet of the wrath, activated 2s knock down, with 2H sword you can also pull them back in, having speed boost from “Save Yourself” can be real useful in this case. Having shorter cool downs and good burst damage also is helpful in 1v1 situations, but you sacrafice other things so depends on your play style.


Madro – 80 Guardian- BG