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Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zombie.2789


Just wanted to have a go on Revant, I pre ordered the expansion last monday, had the core game for over 2 years now, got no new character slot like it said and I don’t fancy deleting a character or paying for 800 gems for something I got told I’d get. New maps are a pain to try and find, thought I might be able to just WP into the new maps but that’s fine even if its a pain. Very confusing expansion :$

Report system failing T9

in WvW

Posted by: zombie.2789


Been over a week non stop now which FoW/BT/WSR match up have had a crippling issue with certain players. They’ve been reported so many times by all 3 servers and nothing is getting done. We’ve already lost a match up unfairly coz of this and its about time Anet done something about this NOW. We’ve been waiting for Anet to do something for over a week now and all you’ve done is punish people who just named them letting the 2 idiots get on with what they do best. Enough is enough Anet, DO SOMETHING. Why should fair players be put off player their favourite game mode coz your not willing to sort it? gg anet for letting hackers win. Good message for buying customers.

25/10 DL/FoW/Arb

in Match-ups

Posted by: zombie.2789


getting a bit bored of the blobs ganking 1 guy than corpse hopping in wvw now, if your that skillless and like jumping, go play Mario bros. thanks for the good fight by the real WvWer’s, glad to have some fun in this match up