“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
A thief should always be able to initiate the fight which put the elementalist into defensive mode. The thiefs first combo hits for 8-10k for a non-tank ele that is hard to comeback from. Specially if you have under 15k hp. In wvw I normally have ~22k hp with buffs so dealing with their initial burst is easy enough to do. In spvp we do not have guard defense for extra HP making it a truly paper vs scissor match up.
If you can’t beat a 2 spam dagger thief on an ele that has aoe burst, you’re doing it wrong.
(edited by Black Box.9312)
So funny… a thief who spam 2 is a free target
Ill help you, you don’t need any invuln, you don’t need any mist form protection block teleport etc… just imobilize him and he will waste all his initiative
If he push only one button (spam 2) you just have to push 1 button too : a skill for root him!
or if you don’t have an immobilize skill then maybe a slow, he will touch you only 1 time instead of 3 or 4 and if you also dodge he will never touch you
No problem for the tips
when people don’t complain about the perma stealth, people find something else to complain about thieves
Its normal if you are low hp that he hit you that much, if you was not low hp that mean he should be with zerk gear ! so just an immobilisation and 2 or 3 skill would kill him
A necro hit me for 8 k condition damage from one attack in WvW when I didn’t clear the conditions. OP much?
So let me get this straight…You were fighting someone else, a thief jumped in while you were < 25% health, spent half their initiative….and, knowing that you’re the squishiest class in the game, you expected to live?
Lol my all zerk armor/trinket thief had 2400 armor which means nothing. I can be one shotted by a warrior still, so your armor means nothing your still glassy. Ele has plenty of tools to down a thief, like idk chill, immobolize, and any number of blocks.
It really makes me chuckle to see after a year ppl whining over hs spam. Yesterday a thief spammed toward me, know what I did? Interrupted him in mid air and spiked him as he dropped problem solved not hard zerglings just stratigize.
You could change Heartseeker in two effects? as illusionary leap?
Or reduce damage by 25% or more.
The solution is wanting…
Lol my all zerk armor/trinket thief had 2400 armor which means nothing. I can be one shotted by a warrior still, so your armor means nothing your still glassy. Ele has plenty of tools to down a thief, like idk chill, immobolize, and any number of blocks.
It really makes me chuckle to see after a year ppl whining over hs spam. Yesterday a thief spammed toward me, know what I did? Interrupted him in mid air and spiked him as he dropped problem solved
not hard zerglings just stratigize.
it is true that there are countermeasures, but it should be a utility skills to approach or escape, not to dps medium-high heat.
Oh please, stop acting like Thieves are the only class that spam in this game. A game where you have a whopping 5 base abilities. Please, do tell what complex rotations the rest of you guys are using. Want to know the honest reason Thieves spam HS so much? Probably because with D/D and Dagger/most anything else, it’s one of the few, reliable damage dealing abilities we have. Would you rather me spam Death Blossom and Cloak and Dagger? Yeah, that’d make a whole lot of sense. Or next time I’m running D/P I’ll Black Powder you to death, right?
Don’t forget dancing dagger…. lol
Lol my all zerk armor/trinket thief had 2400 armor which means nothing. I can be one shotted by a warrior still, so your armor means nothing your still glassy. Ele has plenty of tools to down a thief, like idk chill, immobolize, and any number of blocks.
It really makes me chuckle to see after a year ppl whining over hs spam. Yesterday a thief spammed toward me, know what I did? Interrupted him in mid air and spiked him as he dropped problem solved
not hard zerglings just stratigize.
Ehhh, since when Chill a problem for thieves especially for D/P build gap closers (Shadow Shot)?
We’re not talking about d/p, were discussing hs. Plus you shadow shot to them and what? Still 66% move decrease. Chill a hs spammer and laugh when they burn there ini. I run chill on crit on my thief and it works wonders against thiefs. Plus it’s one of MANY MANY MANY ways to counter a single skill….
We’re not talking about d/p, were discussing hs. Plus you shadow shot to them and what? Still 66% move decrease. Chill a hs spammer and laugh when they burn there ini. I run chill on crit on my thief and it works wonders against thiefs. Plus it’s one of MANY MANY MANY ways to counter a single skill….
I mentioned D/P because it’s the most popular and common thief weapon set and it has Heartseeker. I don’t know what kind of players you’re fighting. The reason I pointed out Shadow Shot was because it’s one of the best Gap closers out there and greatly minimizes the 66% movement reduction effect of chill in terms of offense.
As an off topic that can be ignored but I want to point out: chill doesn’t affect initiative on thieves because it would break the class yet it affects Attunement Recharge on Eles because it also breaks a class. Logic.
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
And your low DMG Warrior with 5x might stack.
(edited by Evilek.5690)
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
In WvW at the moment. Alot of Thieves are running with full BL stacks, and guard leech, applied fortitude. They steal in, 2k mug, 3.4k CnD (why a stealth skill does so much damage idk), and can backstab for 7k-9k damage depending on Armor. For heavy armor classes, that’s oh idk, for the average guard who has about 15k hp that’s instant panic mode. Warriors may panic as well, but it’s not guaranteed unless the HS crits for 4-5k on top of that (endure pain will probably save them or they’ll run away with great sword) all medium armor classes are in deep trouble, depending on armor and hp (my engie has 2700 Armor and 18k HP). My engie has been hit for 2k mugs, 3k CnD and a whopping 9k backstab, all within the 2s that the thief was invis to visible. Luckily most thieves will apply basilisk’s Venom before engaging, so I can usually stop the chain of burst if I time my shield stun properly. however I also have within that one second to apply conditions to make him back off or he will restealth and try again.
Of course, not every thief runs with such a high power creep. but even with just guard leech their instant pressure is really high. This is just from the match up from the week that just ended too.
I also realizes classes cannot be balanced around having either/or one of these buffs applied to them. Doesn’t make it less sucky.
(edited by Mepheles.2087)
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
(edited by Evilek.5690)
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)
here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same interval
and unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
(edited by Introp.8465)
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
heart seeker really isnt OP, the fact that a glass thief can build to kill a glass ele, who is already weakened is pretty normal.
note, that heart seeker is single target, and is only worth using when the player is sub 50%.
In the 3/4th of a second that it takes to do heart seeker you would already have done 2 parts of your AA chain and done more damage, and theif dagger AA chain is not even the strongest AA dmg among the classes over time.
you basically got caught with your defenses down, what can ya do.
Then again
you’re not much better off if i’m using Conditions either
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
I uploaded my 10 min test on youtube for you. Upload time 30 min +-
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
I uploaded my 10 min test on youtube for you. Upload time 30 min +-
why do i need that? i just did it myself. and your full glass non viable build with 20 might stacks does 6k while i go over 7k without it, wonder why? nut even using assasins.
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
I uploaded my 10 min test on youtube for you. Upload time 30 min +-
why do i need that? i just did it myself. and your full glass non viable build with 20 might stacks does 6k while i go over 7k without it, wonder why? nut even using assasins.
27x HS 3x 6k+ DMG. HS spam is really OP.
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
I uploaded my 10 min test on youtube for you. Upload time 30 min +-
why do i need that? i just did it myself. and your full glass non viable build with 20 might stacks does 6k while i go over 7k without it, wonder why? nut even using assasins.
27x HS 3x 6k+ DMG. HS spam is really OP.
oh those 4,5 – 5k hits counts as 3k? ok. so you showed how you kill light amor target with hs spam in 3-4s in 3-4 hits. do you think this video helps you? lol.
and people will use backstab before hs, so you start dishing out those 6k crits asap, being above threshold.
Im srsly confused what you were trying to show in your vid, that hs is actually op? you did it fine
6k HS 3x which kind of player takes 3 obvious attacks like that to the face?
Here is the obvious answer: Someone who should die…
Did yo get outspammed on your AoE spam zerker ele? Cry me a river, then run back to your zerg, where you belong.
Once HS hits up to 5 targets in a 800 dianeter circle 12x from 1200 range for 5k+ without targeting anyone we can talk about OP. Once clusterbomb 1shots arrowcarts and the guys useing them we can talk about OP. Once thieves can provide their mightstacking to their group aswell we can talk about OP.
(edited by Bazzoong.7145)
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
I uploaded my 10 min test on youtube for you. Upload time 30 min +-
why do i need that? i just did it myself. and your full glass non viable build with 20 might stacks does 6k while i go over 7k without it, wonder why? nut even using assasins.
27x HS 3x 6k+ DMG. HS spam is really OP.
oh those kitten hits counts as 3k? ok. so you showed how you kill light amor target with hs spam in 3-4s in 3-4 hits. do you think this video helps you? lol.
and people will use backstab before hs, so you start dishing out those 6k crits asap, being above threshold.
Im srsly confused what you were trying to show in your vid, that hs is actually op? you did it fine
Do not be funny. This is full glass cannon with 20x might stack without defensive skills and hitting enemy in the back side with scholar runes vs low armor target.
One single dodge roll evade two HS, one single (daze,stun.imob etc) destroid this HS spam Thief.
And of course L2P
6k HS 3x which kind of player takes 3 obvious attacks like that to the face?
Here is the obvious answer: Someone who should die…
Did yo get outspammed on your AoE spam zerker ele? Cry me a river, then run back to your zerg, where you belong.
Once HS hits up to 5 targets in a 800 dianeter circle 12x from 1200 range for 5k+ without targeting anyone we can talk about OP. Once clusterbomb 1shots arrowcarts and the guys useing them we can talk about OP. Once thieves can provide their mightstacking to their group aswell we can talk about OP.
who gives a kitten about that aoe? you just cant forget it, because its the only argument? in 1×1 why would you need aoe. ele melts to thief in 3s after mist form is over. and 3 obvious hits? you know you can spam 4-6 depends on build, on most of the classes you cant do kitten to a 1 skill spam over and over and over again. evade one, get hit by other. and since its gap closer you can even get hit at the end of evade, thief wont even need to try to keep up with you – just 2 2 2 2 2 2 away
not everyone is playing wvw or run in zergs
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
I uploaded my 10 min test on youtube for you. Upload time 30 min +-
why do i need that? i just did it myself. and your full glass non viable build with 20 might stacks does 6k while i go over 7k without it, wonder why? nut even using assasins.
27x HS 3x 6k+ DMG. HS spam is really OP.
oh those kitten hits counts as 3k? ok. so you showed how you kill light amor target with hs spam in 3-4s in 3-4 hits. do you think this video helps you? lol.
and people will use backstab before hs, so you start dishing out those 6k crits asap, being above threshold.
Im srsly confused what you were trying to show in your vid, that hs is actually op? you did it fineDo not be funny. This is full glass cannon with 20x might stack without defensive skills and hitting enemy in the back side with scholar runes vs low armor target.
One single dodge roll evade two HS, one single (daze,stun.imob etc) destroid this HS spam Thief.
And of course L2P
OH, failed on your video, now this? this is so pathetic. unintetionally you yourself proved about hs damage, now you will rely on evade argument? you cant evaded 5 times even after evade you can get hit.and 1 single stun? – pick one single stun braker lol. you build sucks kitten tbh, mine even worked in spvp to some degree, so yeah, and mine did more damage on crits low life less from 100 to 50%, but no one ever spams hs on full hp, you bring enemy to 50% and then spam away
6k Dmg is fine for a berserker, who attack another berserker.
As a single target melee skill, this skill have to be a little stronger, than the area attacks from the other classes. E.g. Ele can do 4k dmg/s with Lava Font on up to 5 targets or 5x over 16k with Churning Earth or warriors with 3x over 12k in 3s with HB.
how is it fine to be able to spam 6k damage skill which has gap closer in it? no warrior skill hits even close to that on fair grounds. Semi traited eviscerate will do 6-7k on low armor, but it has huge cast time and obvious leap animtaion + you need full adrenaline for that and 7s cd. with 100b you STAND STILL, means you need setup for that (or you are hitting 1/6 of damage max) to land – immobilize (can be cleansed) or stun ( stun breakers). with HS you just spam away. 2 ( enemy dodged that?) 2 ( again dodge?) – 2 2 2 2 dead now.
Spam 6k DMG
Full glass cannon 30/30/0/0/10, 2x sigil of force=10% DMG,Assassin signet +15% DMG,Flaking strike +5% DMG,Improvisation +10% DMG, 20x MIGHT stack, etc. vs light golem 3x crit DMG.
Don’t use sPvP to counter argue damage done in WvW, they are different, scaling is completely different and you can’t achieved anywhere near the same stat combos, so it’s worthless.
As for your armor, for today’s meta I’d consider anything under2500 Armor as a glass build and I’m surprised you weren’t hit for me. Proper full glass thieves would down you in under 2 seconds with their normal steal>C&D>backstab chain with that low armor. On the flip side, you can (if you can catch them) sneeze on them and they would likely die :p
WoW i hit so hard with full ascendent + legendary in WvWvW, HS SPAM IS REALLY OP !!!
You like pictures? here, made some in spvp
on this one you can see 5 hs spam damage – 4 hits for 3k+ and anfter health threshold you start dishing out 6k+. Keep in mind this damage done in roughly 5s
after that follow real scenario – backstab into hs. 1 backstab and 2 hs target down, 2-3s.
(yes this build would not work in real life, but somehow without 20 might stacks and other stuff i managed to do bigger hits, means you tried to make the as low as possible trying to trick others)
After that follows example on medium ( my initial back stab somehow was lower than before, managed to 3 shot medium same as light but anyways, damage still there, down time – 3-4s.)here is screenshot on indestructible golem
http://i.imgur.com/Di61tcQ.jpg ( damage done when he is lower than 50% ofc, to show potential of spam)http://imgur.com/O1945EV
another one on moving heavy golem. ( starts with backstab).
all i did is land first back stab, folloing pressing 2 2 2 2 2 ( not moving abit, not even turning, he walked path around corners, i did follow him auto, just pressing 2 button on same intervaland unlike you, i didnt even use assassin signets active
I uploaded my 10 min test on youtube for you. Upload time 30 min +-
why do i need that? i just did it myself. and your full glass non viable build with 20 might stacks does 6k while i go over 7k without it, wonder why? nut even using assasins.
27x HS 3x 6k+ DMG. HS spam is really OP.
oh those kitten hits counts as 3k? ok. so you showed how you kill light amor target with hs spam in 3-4s in 3-4 hits. do you think this video helps you? lol.
and people will use backstab before hs, so you start dishing out those 6k crits asap, being above threshold.
Im srsly confused what you were trying to show in your vid, that hs is actually op? you did it fineDo not be funny. This is full glass cannon with 20x might stack without defensive skills and hitting enemy in the back side with scholar runes vs low armor target.
One single dodge roll evade two HS, one single (daze,stun.imob etc) destroid this HS spam Thief.
And of course L2P
OH, failed on your video, now this? this is so pathetic. unintetionally you yourself proved about hs damage, now you will rely on evade argument? you cant evaded 5 times even after evade you can get hit.and 1 single stun? – pick one single stun braker lol. you build sucks kitten tbh, mine even worked in spvp to some degree, so yeah, and mine did more damage on crits low life less from 100 to 50%, but no one ever spams hs on full hp, you bring enemy to 50% and then spam away
I really do not need to prove anything: or w8, come on sPvP, if you can kill me with HS spam i pay you 200g
BTW waiting for you
(edited by Evilek.5690)
If someone can kill you with one button it is not the button thet is the big problem it is you. Especially if the button is heartseeker.
I could understand if you complained about CnD or Assasin’s Signet or even Mug, but heartseekerof all things…
oh message was too long.
You dont need to prove anything? so you start proving, you fail at it and now tactical evade? lol
allright, you will be playing ele then? easiest 200g in my life, and you are giving that gold upfront, dont expect me to trust you
If someone can kill you with one button it is not the button thet is the big problem it is you. Especially if the button is heartseeker.
I could understand if you complained about CnD or Assasin’s Signet or even Mug, but heartseekerof all things…
yes because it is totally fine to be able to dish out more than 18k damage in 4s window, pressing that one button which has leap finisher and gap closer in it
^ With that signet build I will dish out about 20k damage in 1s on a Mug CnD BS combo with superior signet of air and I will initiate that combo from 1500 range, honestly HS spam is a joke, it does not work.
And you should either stand in your AoE or have a defensive shield or protection up as a ele always, in case of doubt ride the lightning outranges HS spam. Of all things that should worry you about thieves as a ele HS spam is the least, if you can not even deal with that how would you ever deal with a Hambow warrior or a decent S/D thief.
You really should try to change your way of looking at things or you will never stand a chance, just imagine what will happen if you actually meet someone decent?
Oh lol evilek guy is such waste of time. he didnt have slots for ele, so asked his buddy to duel instead. Got kitten wiped every time, refused to give 200g. epic waste of time
^ With that signet build I will dish out about 20k damage in 1s on a Mug CnD BS combo with superior signet of air and I will initiate that combo from 1500 range, honestly HS spam is a joke, it does not work.
And you should either stand in your AoE or have a defensive shield or protection up as a ele always, in case of doubt ride the lightning outranges HS spam. Of all things that should worry you about thieves as a ele HS spam is the least, if you can not even deal with that how would you ever deal with a Hambow warrior or a decent S/D thief.
You really should try to change your way of looking at things or you will never stand a chance, just imagine what will happen if you actually meet someone decent?
well just rekt the guy who offered 200g. Guess if i got the gold? asked front, hee refused, and after being wiped on floor started random excuses, on of which was he traited and equiped max toughess and def traits and asked me to spam hs ( when i came with somewhat working 0/30/20/0/20 build oriented on actually having chance to survive and spamming hs when target is lower than 60% hp. ( in duel he died after 3hs crits).
I know good thief will out dps hs spam, but that take more skill than 2 2 2 2 spam
(edited by Introp.8465)
Oh lol evilek guy is such waste of time. he didnt have slots for ele, so asked his buddy to duel instead. Got kitten wiped every time, refused to give 200g. epic waste of time
Man this is me character list. And yes your HS spam make 600 600 900 and big crit 3k DMG vs stationary Elementalist with 0 10 0 30 30 Traits. 2.5k Armor.
And yes a don’t pay you 200g because you don’t kill me with HS spam
(edited by Evilek.5690)
Oh lol evilek guy is such waste of time. he didnt have slots for ele, so asked his buddy to duel instead. Got kitten wiped every time, refused to give 200g. epic waste of time
Man this is me character list. And yes your HS spam make 600 600 900 and big crit 3k DMG vs stationary Elementalist with 0 10 0 30 30 Traits. 2.5k Armor.
And yes a don’t pay you 200g because you don’t kill me with HS spam
i came in with working spvp build expecting your buddy will do the same.
I didnt duel with u, god knwos what it was.
You said you will upload it, im waiting for non edited version, actually seing your build and stats
If you wanted me to kill with random kitten max hs build i used on dummie ( you did different one, saw the damage in light armor. ) could have looked at my screen and just mailed gold
the moment you refused to play upfront i knew you will never pay. losing duels not even doing more thna 2k damage per 10s i could tell your build was kittened dmg mitigation as much as possible, yet you still ate 4 3-5k crit in first duel
Oh lol evilek guy is such waste of time. he didnt have slots for ele, so asked his buddy to duel instead. Got kitten wiped every time, refused to give 200g. epic waste of time
Man this is me character list. And yes your HS spam make 600 600 900 and big crit 3k DMG vs stationary Elementalist with 0 10 0 30 30 Traits. 2.5k Armor.
And yes a don’t pay you 200g because you don’t kill me with HS spam
i came in with working spvp build expecting your buddy will do the same.
I didnt duel with u, god knwos what it was.
You said you will upload it, im waiting for non edited version, actually seing your build and stats
If you wanted me to kill with random kitten max hs build i used on dummie ( you did different one, saw the damage in light armor. ) could have looked at my screen and just mailed gold
the moment you refused to play upfront i knew you will never pay. losing duels not even doing more thna 2k damage per 10s i could tell your build was kittened dmg mitigation as much as possible, yet you still ate 4 3-5k crit in first duelDont worry i record full fight with chat windows, upload soon on youtube.
be sure to not cut anything, and will it show your stats on build you claim u were using? im still waiting for that gold. the moment i offered to use kittene build i used on dummie u left. not using for fun in spvp, necro enjoyed nice 5 crit 4to 6k in a row
just no crit poor engi for 9k hs, maybe want screen of that?
(edited by Introp.8465)
Oh lol evilek guy is such waste of time. he didnt have slots for ele, so asked his buddy to duel instead. Got kitten wiped every time, refused to give 200g. epic waste of time
Man this is me character list. And yes your HS spam make 600 600 900 and big crit 3k DMG vs stationary Elementalist with 0 10 0 30 30 Traits. 2.5k Armor.
And yes a don’t pay you 200g because you don’t kill me with HS spam
i came in with working spvp build expecting your buddy will do the same.
I didnt duel with u, god knwos what it was.
You said you will upload it, im waiting for non edited version, actually seing your build and stats
If you wanted me to kill with random kitten max hs build i used on dummie ( you did different one, saw the damage in light armor. ) could have looked at my screen and just mailed gold
the moment you refused to play upfront i knew you will never pay. losing duels not even doing more thna 2k damage per 10s i could tell your build was kittened dmg mitigation as much as possible, yet you still ate 4 3-5k crit in first duelDont worry i record full fight with chat windows, upload soon on youtube.
be sure to not cut anything, and will it show your stats on build you claim u were using? im still waiting for that gold. the moment i offered to use kittene build i used on dummie u left. not using for fun in spvp, necro enjoyed nice 5 crit 4to 6k in a row
“I really do not need to prove anything: or w8, come on sPvP, if you can kill me with HS spam i pay you 200g”
You kill my friend “stationary” Ele with HS spam ? Hmm no. So why should I pay you ?
(edited by Evilek.5690)
Oh lol evilek guy is such waste of time. he didnt have slots for ele, so asked his buddy to duel instead. Got kitten wiped every time, refused to give 200g. epic waste of time
Man this is me character list. And yes your HS spam make 600 600 900 and big crit 3k DMG vs stationary Elementalist with 0 10 0 30 30 Traits. 2.5k Armor.
And yes a don’t pay you 200g because you don’t kill me with HS spam
i came in with working spvp build expecting your buddy will do the same.
I didnt duel with u, god knwos what it was.
You said you will upload it, im waiting for non edited version, actually seing your build and stats
If you wanted me to kill with random kitten max hs build i used on dummie ( you did different one, saw the damage in light armor. ) could have looked at my screen and just mailed gold
the moment you refused to play upfront i knew you will never pay. losing duels not even doing more thna 2k damage per 10s i could tell your build was kittened dmg mitigation as much as possible, yet you still ate 4 3-5k crit in first duelDont worry i record full fight with chat windows, upload soon on youtube.
be sure to not cut anything, and will it show your stats on build you claim u were using? im still waiting for that gold. the moment i offered to use kittene build i used on dummie u left. not using for fun in spvp, necro enjoyed nice 5 crit 4to 6k in a row
“I really do not need to prove anything: or w8, come on sPvP, if you can kill me with HS spam i pay you 200g”
You kill my friend “stationary” Ele with HS spam ? Hmm no. So why should I pay you ?
You are pathetic, i knew its not you, now you openly admit it.
I came in with working pvp build, did you expect my dummy test nonsense im now using in spvp? i do 7-9k hs critw to thieves, engis, mesmers, want some screens?
Your buddy in first duel, which he genuinely tried, got him to 70% hp in normal fashion andthen spammed hs 5 times, he dodged 1, criting all 4 doing from range to 3k to 5k crit ins 3s. he was downed.
I gotta love these threads.
“This guy crit 6k on heartseeker!”
“Its fine cause this guy can crit 8k on eviscerate”
“Yah, but the 6k can be spammed!”
“pff, the guy from 6k is squishy… the 8k guy is hard to kill!”
“But this guy can combo from stealth instantly and drop 15k+ on you!”
“well, this guy can chain-CC you untill you die.”
“…so can this guy!”
“But this one can pierce a ranged attack for 19k!”
“Well this one can backstab you for 11k from stealth!”
Ow, but yah… conditions are overpowered.
I gotta love these threads.
“This guy crit 6k on heartseeker!”
“Its fine cause this guy can crit 8k on eviscerate”
“Yah, but the 6k can be spammed!”
“pff, the guy from 6k is squishy… the 8k guy is hard to kill!”
“But this guy can combo from stealth instantly and drop 15k+ on you!”
“well, this guy can chain-CC you untill you die.”
“…so can this guy!”
“But this one can pierce a ranged attack for 19k!”
“Well this one can backstab you for 11k from stealth!”Ow, but yah… conditions are overpowered.
It’s called misdirection, and many think using misdirection is a good debate tactic.
I gotta love these threads.
“This guy crit 6k on heartseeker!”
“Its fine cause this guy can crit 8k on eviscerate”
“Yah, but the 6k can be spammed!”
“pff, the guy from 6k is squishy… the 8k guy is hard to kill!”
“But this guy can combo from stealth instantly and drop 15k+ on you!”
“well, this guy can chain-CC you untill you die.”
“…so can this guy!”
“But this one can pierce a ranged attack for 19k!”
“Well this one can backstab you for 11k from stealth!”Ow, but yah… conditions are overpowered.
It’s called misdirection, and many think using misdirection is a good debate tactic.
It’s more that everyone try to compare a cucumber with a cactus’.
that happens to my full PVT Guardian with Soldier’s runes. Get used to it.
Here’s your problem:
I’m an ele. 2500 armour.
I suggest deleting and creating a warrior.
Seriously though, 2500 armor is nothing, my ranger has between 2800 and 3000 depending on build and my war has 3300.
Ever heard of light, medium and heavy armor classes? It’s normal that a light armor prof (like ele) has such armor.
It’s funny that people think 2500 armour on an ele is glassy….
It just goes to show how clueless people are about other classes stats.
Ignorance is bliss. You can’t SPAM 2 as thief with s/d, and each combo takes 5 init so you will be out within 2-3 back and forth efforts. Spamming 2 with HS may be repeatable 5-6 times but if it misses most times or only does a tiny bit of damage then you’ve wasted ALL your init and are a sitting duck.
You have NO idea. NONE. Go play thief and lose because it’s not a great profession for 1v1 anymore (nerfed to death).
Is that why they are considered either #1 or #2 1v1 profession? Its them or Mesmer and both classes are broken because stealth in this game has no counters.
I’m an ele. 2500 armour.
How can I get hit for 6k each time by a spammable attack.
My churning earth has a 3 1/2 sec cast time and does that damage to soft targets.
It involved absolutely no skill, no sort of setup and it has a gap closer attached. If youre fighting someone else (i was), thief jumps in, presses 2 twice and that much damage?
Attacks which involve no setup, no cooldown and no cast time shoudn’t hit for that much.
Then again
you’re not much better off if i’m using Conditions either
Good lord those graphics look so nice… Even when you are recording I see no skipping, Lol… I need to get rich and build me a PC. This laptop on lowest settings will have to do until I manage to win the lotto.
Oh yeah, nice vids!
Then again
you’re not much better off if i’m using Conditions either
Good lord those graphics look so nice… Even when you are recording I see no skipping, Lol… I need to get rich and build me a PC. This laptop on lowest settings will have to do until I manage to win the lotto.
Oh yeah, nice vids!
My older videos look better, I think because Youtube changed something, as I don’t get the “blending” of graphics when fighting when i watch it on my PC.
But anyway, reason it runs so smooth is not only do I have pretty beast computer, but i’m using a Nvidia 760gtx (2 actually) running Shadowplay
Shadowplay is basically like fraps, only it runs directly off the card, I get no slow down while its running.
I can also set it to basically save the last 10 minutes of my play which is a lot better then hitting the record button on my Fraps every time I fought.
Thieves aren’t anti-ele, they are anti-glass. Since ele is basically always squishy no matter what build they use they are easy pickings for thieves, but really ANY profession trying out a damage-heavy build is going to get destroyed by a thief.
They have too many tools to let them avoid damage, deal damage, close gaps or run away. Shadow refuge is ridiculous and they are the best class in the game at finishing-off people with blind field, stealth stomp, etc.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.