Rune of Strength - Can we expect a nerf?
I feel that the rune is needed is power is to remain even remotely viable post-patch. It lets you bring anti-condi while being able to deal enough damage that you stand a chance to burst a tanky condi user down in a reasonable amount of time.
I understand that it limits variety but unless ANet decides to nerf conditions then the Runes should stay as is.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
So because this rune is good its overpowered ? Are we really supposed to use garbage runes? All classes have access to those runes I don’t see how it can be overpowered.
Maybe cleric gear is OP? Heals too much lawl.
Whether its overpowered or not its starting to become a problem as its further diminishing our already small diversity in gear choices.
That’s the definition of overpowered. Games are competitions of ambiguous decision making. The rune allows you to trait tanky and deal high damage, which reduces the number of viable builds that can face players with this rune. Some classes utilize the runes more effectively than others, reducing the number of classes that meaningfully impact the game.
These runes remove real choice from the game, and that’s bad for everyone.
Everyone can use these runes, so they are not overpowered.
Everyone can log out and make a warrior, but that has nothing to do with being overpowered. If a choice is so much better than any other choices, then there are not actually other choices.
Just boon strip the might away.
Easier said than done. A necro running corrupt boon and focus can keep their might down for maybe 10 seconds before they have 10 stacks again. I’ve tried.
A thief will only steal 3 stacks of might. They are better off running the rune themselves.
Null field is nice, but easy to walk out of.
Fundamentally, all the boon ripping in the game is too slow to meaningfully keep might off of one person. You can expect 4 of your opponents to be running these runes. The resources spent boon ripping have cooldowns that are too long to keep might off of people.
So because this rune is good its overpowered ? Are we really supposed to use garbage runes? All classes have access to those runes I don’t see how it can be overpowered.
Maybe cleric gear is OP? Heals too much lawl.
good? it does not come close to the standard take rune of ice 7% damage when the enemy is chilled , chill is the hardest to stack condition(in duration), here we have a easy to stack(in tine and intensity) boon already increasing the damage but also putting a near permanent 7% damage on every enemy he attacks(unlike the other rune just dealing dmg to the chilled enemies).
If the rune encouraged having high stack of might to be used at it’s full potential (+0.X% dmg per stack of might) I would consider it well designed cause it induce shift in the gameplay but in it’s current state it gives too much for no efforts.
So because this rune is good its overpowered ? Are we really supposed to use garbage runes? All classes have access to those runes I don’t see how it can be overpowered.
Maybe cleric gear is OP? Heals too much lawl.
This is the problem, there shouldn’t be such a disconnect between viable choices. Everything is either incredibly strong or complete garbage. Unlike every other rune Strength works on pretty much every profession/build/game mode. At least before we had a couple decent options for each mode. If we have 1 that does amazingly well across the board it makes everything else redundant.
Whether its overpowered or not its starting to become a problem as its further diminishing our already small diversity in gear choices.
That’s the definition of overpowered. Games are competitions of ambiguous decision making. The rune allows you to trait tanky and deal high damage, which reduces the number of viable builds that can face players with this rune. Some classes utilize the runes more effectively than others, reducing the number of classes that meaningfully impact the game.
These runes remove real choice from the game, and that’s bad for everyone.
What choice is there? How would you take 16 power runes, 5 Precision main stat runes, 3 critical damage runes, and other, lets throw divinity and infiltration on there and make them equal for all classes for all builds?
So take 24 direct damage runes and change them to be equally good. It sounds easy to say there is a perceived problem, then pick the easy solution(nerf rune of strength) but it won’t fix the 23 other possible direct damage runes.
When you look at basically 20+ direct damage runes or those that “could” work for direct damage builds how do you make those runes good on every class, on every build? It isn’t that simple and Anet knew that there was probably going to be “best”. Powerr even stated that there will still be “best” runes.
You want damage you pick damage, people want regen they pick dwayna, they don’t pick dolyak runes.
The fact that you can build tanky and still do good damage as you put it is more builds not less. So pre-patch it was Orgre, Divinity, Lyssa(more for condi clear then DPS), maybe old strength runes with a 2/2/2 setup and?
(edited by oZii.2864)
this rune set is good for the game, it helps balance power with the current condition meta
this rune is fine, the other runes need some buffs, that’s all.
Whether its overpowered or not its starting to become a problem as its further diminishing our already small diversity in gear choices.
That’s the definition of overpowered. Games are competitions of ambiguous decision making. The rune allows you to trait tanky and deal high damage, which reduces the number of viable builds that can face players with this rune. Some classes utilize the runes more effectively than others, reducing the number of classes that meaningfully impact the game.
These runes remove real choice from the game, and that’s bad for everyone.
Everyone can use these runes, so they are not overpowered.
Everyone can log out and make a warrior, but that has nothing to do with being overpowered. If a choice is so much better than any other choices, then there are not actually other choices.Just boon strip the might away.
Easier said than done. A necro running corrupt boon and focus can keep their might down for maybe 10 seconds before they have 10 stacks again. I’ve tried.
A thief will only steal 3 stacks of might. They are better off running the rune themselves.
Null field is nice, but easy to walk out of.
Fundamentally, all the boon ripping in the game is too slow to meaningfully keep might off of one person. You can expect 4 of your opponents to be running these runes. The resources spent boon ripping have cooldowns that are too long to keep might off of people.
Ok i play since beta and if you think like now i can only say l2p, try to play moore and then you can understand that after ferocity nerf the this runeset have balanced really the meta betwen power and condition build, it is a runeset that all class in game can use with a power build and all class have access to 7% pluss damage because they also give you 20% chance to take might when you struck, and all class can take might also alone using some traits, THIS MEAN REALLY ALL CLASS HAVE ACCESS TO 7% PLUS DAMAGE, now this runes are the only way to be competitive with a tank condition player now you have same chance to win or loose against him, a nerf to this set will be a bad spot and will unbalanced again the metagame, if you don’t understand this i suggest you to play a little bit !
I feel they are over the top. It is not that everybody has access to them that makes them balanced, but rather not every class can utilize them well that makes it a bit unbalanced.
I for one expect the nerf before conditions are getting a real one.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
I feel they are over the top. It is not that everybody has access to them that makes them balanced, but rather not every class can utilize them well that makes it a bit unbalanced.
I for one expect the nerf before conditions are getting a real one.
Yet this thread claims EVERYONE is using them. You have a team you get might from your team and you may have blast finisher but no fire fields. It all works out.
They are the obivous choice of any class that can’t viably run a condition build because they help increase damage output directly. A big nerf to these runes would take away one of the good rune sets thieves/eles/guardians/warriors have to take the fight to heavy condi bunkers. That is not subjective, to break a condi bunker, you need to have enough defence yourself, and stacking might allows you to fight while doing so.
I would also like to add that it still requires a measure of skill to actually reach 20+ stacks of might with this. It’s a nice idea to have the 7% damage scale with howmuch might you have stacked though, to encourage playing skillfull. 7% dmg at 20+ stacks. Otherwise you get +3% at 10 and +5% at 15.
Either way, I’m using Runes of Balthazar on my burning guardian and I’m melting people with it so to me, it’s not not so much of an issue xD
Yet this thread claims EVERYONE is using them. You have a team you get might from your team and you may have blast finisher but no fire fields. It all works out.
Is there any other choice to make as a power oriented spec though? Really?
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Is there any other choice to make as a power oriented spec though? Really?
Yes there is. Ogre, Scholar, Eagle, Air, Fire, Pack, Rage – just to name a few.
OT: Balanced until conditionspam gets nerfed.
They are the obivous choice of any class that can’t viably run a condition build because they help increase damage output directly. A big nerf to these runes would take away one of the good rune sets thieves/eles/guardians/warriors have to take the fight to heavy condi bunkers. That is not subjective, to break a condi bunker, you need to have enough defence yourself, and stacking might allows you to fight while doing so.
I would also like to add that it still requires a measure of skill to actually reach 20+ stacks of might with this. It’s a nice idea to have the 7% damage scale with howmuch might you have stacked though, to encourage playing skillfull. 7% dmg at 20+ stacks. Otherwise you get +3% at 10 and +5% at 15.
Either way, I’m using Runes of Balthazar on my burning guardian and I’m melting people with it so to me, it’s not not so much of an issue xD
In the way you say they will became really unbalanced because not all class can take 10 or 20 stack might, now this runest is balanced because all power build can have access to the plus 7% damage!
Is there any other choice to make as a power oriented spec though? Really?
Yes there is. Ogre, Scholar, Eagle, Air, Fire, Pack, Rage – just to name a few.
OT: Balanced until conditionspam gets nerfed.
So you’re saying those runes are equally viable?
Just naming Ogre, Rage, Air and Fire is pointless. Those are nowhere close to Strength.
For all but the most niche specs, Strength is the absolute go to right now. An awesome team with great communication can do with a few other runes, but you still need it.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
too be honest runes of the pirate may be even better than this set if your class is already good at holding up might stacks. that parrot hits insanely hard, and you still get some might duration.
Is there any other choice to make as a power oriented spec though? Really?
Yes there is. Ogre, Scholar, Eagle, Air, Fire, Pack, Rage – just to name a few.
OT: Balanced until conditionspam gets nerfed.
So you’re saying those runes are equally viable?
Just naming Ogre, Rage, Air and Fire is pointless. Those are nowhere close to Strength.
For all but the most niche specs, Strength is the absolute go to right now. An awesome team with great communication can do with a few other runes, but you still need it.
If we go back Pre-Patch you best DPS rune was Scholar this was instagib Rune and really only good on thieves maybe some shatter builds, gimmick S/D burst Eles.
There was no ruby orbs so people took Ogre which was top dps for PvP purposes maybe throw on Strength Runes once they where fixed(after about a year) and Divinity runes for Raw stats. Then you had the Lyssa Runes. Those where really all anybody ran maybe a 2/2/2 might stacker HGH build for Engi’s.
Support runes: Soldier, Mercy and ?
Condition Runes: Nightmare and ?
Those are pretty much the meta runes, the game has been out for 2+ years now. We know how damage works whats important people are ignorant anymore in thinking the Sigil of Rage is hot and trying to kill everyone with haste.
There never was any real Rune diversity in s/tPvP you could do some gimmick build with gimmick runes to be “different” but Ogre was pretty much top for pvp damage because it reliably gave you the damage bonus.
Post patch we have Strength/pack mostly strength runes, the condition runes nightmare and balthazaar, trooper(shouts), mercy there maybe some new setups that come forward but my guess those would be support or condi setup.
Power/precision/crit damage power is more important then ever now and people that played for a long time knew it would be this way before the patch even hit. There was a ton of theorycrafting stating that the importance of power would be greater post patch.
The crit damage nerf made precision less valuable and power even more valuable then before. Precision runes, and crit damage runes don’t stand a chance against any power rune unless they give those crit damage and precision runes more power. They are there as filler lyssa was an exception only because of it’s 6/6.
(edited by oZii.2864)
The rune set is fine. People just complain about it because it’s the “new” thing.
Also regarding the price – I don’t see how this is an issue.
They’re 70 gold / set now – big deal. Precursors went up 300 gold and nobody complained – but expensive runes – can’t have that in the game.
The problem with Runes in general is that without a DPS meter we can only theorycraft which ones are best.
And theorycrafting only knows 1 winner, and that winner is simply best.
If we actually had a way to record damage in game in real, practical game-play situations I’m sure other runes would get their room to shine.
Runes of the Pack for example are a really solid DPS set for more casual PvE and dungeons but get left far behind because they can’t hold up in the spreadsheet wars.
The OP is a condi bunker
Is there any other choice to make as a power oriented spec though? Really?
Yes there is. Ogre, Scholar, Eagle, Air, Fire, Pack, Rage – just to name a few.
OT: Balanced until conditionspam gets nerfed.
So you’re saying those runes are equally viable?
Just naming Ogre, Rage, Air and Fire is pointless. Those are nowhere close to Strength.
For all but the most niche specs, Strength is the absolute go to right now. An awesome team with great communication can do with a few other runes, but you still need it.
You asked for alternatives, here they are. Yes they’ll all do their job in an power oriented spec, maybe not 100% as good as strenght, but still fairly solid and a lot cheaper. (Considering your signature, I’ll assume your a WvW player after all.)
What you don’t seem to understand is that there will always be runes that will be more popular than others, simply because they’re considered meta atm. It’s always been like this. That doesn’t make the other runes bad though. Saying Ogre is bad is utter bullkitten, a meta d/p thief will still go for Ogre instead of strenght, because 2/6/0/0/6 has no good access to might anyway.
The only thing that makes them over the top on certain specs is the raw might duration, but on the other hand condi runes (esp. Nightmare + Balthazhar) are just as broken, so it will eventually even out.
(edited by laquito.5269)
For builds/classes with average Might stacking capabilities Runes of Strength are totally balanced. However, for specific builds which can constantly maintain a high number of stacks Runes of Strength just provide way too much damage. They also outperform most other runes because they basically offer it all at once. Why take Figher runes? What about Scholar, Ranger or Engineer runes? Rune choice should not be a no brainer but right now this is the case.
Yes, the rune changes are quite recent and we might see changes while the patch settles. But the dominance of Runes of Strength is pretty obvious at this point. I personally would prefer the 7% damage bonus while under the effect of Might being moved to another rune set, for example, Fighter. This way builds with low Might stacking capabilities would benefit more from using Fighter runes while high Might stacking capabilities would favour Runes of Strength because of the additional duration.
(edited by Xaylin.1860)
You asked for alternatives, here they are. Yes they’ll all do their job in an power oriented spec, maybe not 100% as good as strenght, but still fairly solid and a lot cheaper. (Considering your signature, I’ll assume your a WvW player after all.)
What you don’t seem to understand is that there will always be runes that will be more popular than others, simply because they’re considered meta atm. It’s always been like this. That doesn’t make the other runes bad though. Saying Ogre is bad is utter bullkitten, a meta d/p thief will still go for Ogre instead of strenght, because 2/6/0/0/6 has no good access to might anyway.
If an alternative is worse then Strength, then how is it an alternative? I am talking Spvp right now, which is where most balance in this game comes from it seems.
Considering WvW, sure, if you are on a budget, there are alternatives that you adequatly pointed out. They still remain worse, though.
And I understand perfectly fine that there will always be popular runes, no need to even imply that I don’t. I, for one, would not take Ogre over Scholar on said build you posted here, because it fits the role better. I would not even take Ogre over Strength, as said build can easily be adjusted to make sure you always have might, and thus the 7% damage boost. That’s what I said in my previous post, some niche builds still do better with other runes then Strength. Strength is, however, much better then all other rune sets on too many roles and builds right now. That is my opinion, off course.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Many topics on this, really hope a moderator condenses it soon :/
Anywho, this rune set is a problem imo. Why? Because its way to passive and doesn’t require thinking to get many of the bonuses. The 6th bonus is naturally permanent from this rune unless the enemy never hits you. Granted boon stealing/ripping can counter this, not everyone is going to have that (mesmers would be the only one who would have it from either null field or sword or gs which all mesmers seem to have atleast 1 of). I don’t think this rune set should be nerfed to oblivion but there should be some tweaking done so that it leans on certain builds like
(1): 25 power
(2): 5% might duration
(3): 50 power
(4): 15% might duration; gain might for 10 seconds if you take more than 10% of your health from a single attack (5 second ICD)
(5): 100 power
(6): 20% might duration; +7% damage when over 6 stacks of might.
Simply being hit by anything to gain a boon is like saying “here, just have it”. Atleast this would focus more on specific builds who have to maintain stacks of might and not reward people for something they never have to think about.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Maybe the entire concept of “+X% damage if …” is just bad?
Many topics on this, really hope a moderator condenses it soon :/
Anywho, this rune set is a problem imo. Why? Because its way to passive and doesn’t require thinking to get many of the bonuses. The 6th bonus is naturally permanent from this rune unless the enemy never hits you. Granted boon stealing/ripping can counter this, not everyone is going to have that (mesmers would be the only one who would have it from either null field or sword or gs which all mesmers seem to have atleast 1 of). I don’t think this rune set should be nerfed to oblivion but there should be some tweaking done so that it leans on certain builds like
(1): 25 power
(2): 5% might duration
(3): 50 power
(4): 15% might duration; gain might for 10 seconds if you take more than 10% of your health from a single attack (5 second ICD)
(5): 100 power
(6): 20% might duration; +7% damage when over 6 stacks of might.Simply being hit by anything to gain a boon is like saying “here, just have it”. Atleast this would focus more on specific builds who have to maintain stacks of might and not reward people for something they never have to think about.
So change it into special snowflake rune? This rune is a issue in your opinion because it’s to passive have you never looked at other runes in the game? I’m sure you have and maybe you could make a new topic on how you would rebalance all the runes. It might happen in a expansion. This is about rune of strength which doesn’t follow any special snowflake rules that are any different then any other rune set in the game.
(edited by oZii.2864)
They will nerf it into the ground once enough players have bought theirs; #goldsinks.
They will nerf it into the ground once enough players have bought theirs; #goldsinks.
It is a gold sink only because you don’t know what gold sink actually means.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
They will nerf it into the ground once enough players have bought theirs; #goldsinks.
It is a gold sink only because you don’t know what gold sink actually means.
Umm o.k so, please inform me as what a gold sink then…
As it seems to me when you buy something (strength rune) at an increased price, thus removing the gold from the economy, due to a mechanism released by ANET (patch) this just might constitute a gold sink. The only difference is that these runes are a voluntary gold sink as you don’t NEED to use them … just like waypoints.
I feel they are over the top. It is not that everybody has access to them that makes them balanced, but rather not every class can utilize them well that makes it a bit unbalanced.
I for one expect the nerf before conditions are getting a real one.
Yet this thread claims EVERYONE is using them. You have a team you get might from your team and you may have blast finisher but no fire fields. It all works out.
You don’t need any help from a team. Get sigil of strength and 45%+ crit chance. There you go, perma might and rune-buff. I could maintain about 5 might of stacks easily. Having a skill/utility that grants you might briefly helps for the first attack since it’s 2-3 swings before you have a might stack.
(PS: I’m not against the rune but the nerf wouldn’t bother me either since I’m using different runes now.)
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
The runes are fine, at least they’re one alternative to scholar in PvE for certain builds. I’m still amazed how they kittened up almost the entire rune rework with this single exception …
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
I feel they are over the top. It is not that everybody has access to them that makes them balanced, but rather not every class can utilize them well that makes it a bit unbalanced.
I for one expect the nerf before conditions are getting a real one.
Yet this thread claims EVERYONE is using them. You have a team you get might from your team and you may have blast finisher but no fire fields. It all works out.
You don’t need any help from a team. Get sigil of strength and 45%+ crit chance. There you go, perma might and rune-buff. I could maintain about 5 might of stacks easily. Having a skill/utility that grants you might briefly helps for the first attack since it’s 2-3 swings before you have a might stack.
(PS: I’m not against the rune but the nerf wouldn’t bother me either since I’m using different runes now.)
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
My main concern is that I’m still reeling from having my old runes nerf, trying to recover financially.
Now I’m quite sure that if I dish out the 80 gold (6×13.x+) for them, put them in my ascended. Then shortly after they will f that ish up again, and I’ll be out of money and trying to recover. I don’t want to spend the majority of my in-game time trying to recover from the anet gods messing with me.
Only “problem” with this rune is that with two sigil of strenght, anyone is sure to get a constant 7% damage. The condition is not really a condition. The 10% if over 90% health and the 7% when having a companion are more “if”, because in many game mode, it is impossible to keep the pet alive or to stay at the level of health, while it is always possible to keep a few stacks of might.
The rune is not specially overpowered for the current meta, it’s just too good compared with other options… all other runes are going down… That is the problem, the fact that they are the best in all game modes, and not just for a few game modes… that they are not the best for some builds, but for all power-based offensive builds…
I feel they are over the top. It is not that everybody has access to them that makes them balanced, but rather not every class can utilize them well that makes it a bit unbalanced.
I for one expect the nerf before conditions are getting a real one.
Yet this thread claims EVERYONE is using them. You have a team you get might from your team and you may have blast finisher but no fire fields. It all works out.
You don’t need any help from a team. Get sigil of strength and 45%+ crit chance. There you go, perma might and rune-buff. I could maintain about 5 might of stacks easily. Having a skill/utility that grants you might briefly helps for the first attack since it’s 2-3 swings before you have a might stack.
(PS: I’m not against the rune but the nerf wouldn’t bother me either since I’m using different runes now.)
u dont need any critchance.. getting hit is enough to get at least 2-3 perma stacks of might to boost your dmg
and to the ones arguing that this rune is good, cause its against condi players. just lol, do u even realize that might boost also condi-dmg? ever seen how-much dmg condis does with 25 stacks of might?
Can i get a refund on 70g along with the nerf? the other runes was just 5g so that doesn’t bother me.
They will nerf it into the ground once enough players have bought theirs; #goldsinks.
It is a gold sink only because you don’t know what gold sink actually means.
Umm o.k so, please inform me as what a gold sink then…
As it seems to me when you buy something (strength rune) at an increased price, thus removing the gold from the economy, due to a mechanism released by ANET (patch) this just might constitute a gold sink. The only difference is that these runes are a voluntary gold sink as you don’t NEED to use them … just like waypoints.
The only gold sink in selling and acquiring a rune of strength is when the seller puts up the rune and after they get paid. So 5% at sale and 10% later.
Rune of strength can only be acquired from players so it is simply a transfer of currency. A gold sink would be when money is taking out from the economy for example like paying for the TP fees or way points.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Let’s do a comparison:
Superior Rune of Strength
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 15% Might duration; 25% chance when struck to gain Might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +20% Might duration; +7% damage while under the effects of Might.
Superior Rune of the Privateer
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to shout Yarr and grant 3 stacks Might to nearby allies when hit. (cooldown: 20s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +50% chance to summon a Parrot. (Cooldown: 60s)
Superior Rune of the Fire
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to gain Might for 10s when hit. (cooldown: 5s)
(5): +90 Power
(6): +20% Burning Duration. Gain a fire aura for 5s when you fall below 80% health. (Cooldown: 60s)
Superior Rune of the Aristocracy
(1): +25 Condition Damage
(2): +10% Might duration
(3): +50 Condition Damage
(4): +15% Might duration
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): +20% Might duration; when you use a healing skill, gain 3 stacks of Might for 10s. (Cooldown: 10s)
Superior Rune of Hoelbrak
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to gain Might for 10s when hit. (Cooldown: 5s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +20% Might Duration, -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
See the glaring difference? Strength runes effectively get two significant bonuses at tier 4. Don’t be surprised if one of those two bonuses gets the axe. And even if that does happen, they’ll probably still be top dog in the power dps boosting category.
Let’s do a comparison:
Superior Rune of Strength
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 15% Might duration; 25% chance when struck to gain Might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +20% Might duration; +7% damage while under the effects of Might.Superior Rune of the Privateer
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to shout Yarr and grant 3 stacks Might to nearby allies when hit. (cooldown: 20s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +50% chance to summon a Parrot. (Cooldown: 60s)Superior Rune of the Fire
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to gain Might for 10s when hit. (cooldown: 5s)
(5): +90 Power
(6): +20% Burning Duration. Gain a fire aura for 5s when you fall below 80% health. (Cooldown: 60s)Superior Rune of the Aristocracy
(1): +25 Condition Damage
(2): +10% Might duration
(3): +50 Condition Damage
(4): +15% Might duration
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): +20% Might duration; when you use a healing skill, gain 3 stacks of Might for 10s. (Cooldown: 10s)Superior Rune of Hoelbrak
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to gain Might for 10s when hit. (Cooldown: 5s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +20% Might Duration, -20% Condition Duration applied to you.See the glaring difference? Strength runes effectively get two significant bonuses at tier 4. Don’t be surprised if one of those two bonuses gets the axe. And even if that does happen, they’ll probably still be top dog in the power dps boosting category.
this type of comparison to other runes is absolutely worthless.
any notion of “all rune sets created equal” is completely wrong, there are and always will be bad/mediocre rune sets that get ignored for better ones.
a handful of rune sets are always going to dominate the meta, there simply isn’t enough intricacy in this game’s build system for this to not happen.
They will nerf it into the ground once enough players have bought theirs; #goldsinks.
It is a gold sink only because you don’t know what gold sink actually means.
Umm o.k so, please inform me as what a gold sink then…
As it seems to me when you buy something (strength rune) at an increased price, thus removing the gold from the economy, due to a mechanism released by ANET (patch) this just might constitute a gold sink. The only difference is that these runes are a voluntary gold sink as you don’t NEED to use them … just like waypoints.
He means that because you’re buying the runes from other players (via the Trading Post), the money is just changing hands; it’s still in the game. It would only be a gold sink if the money were somehow destroyed: for example, if you could purchase the runes from vendors. That’s why waypoints are a sink but things like unbound weapon skins aren’t.
They could make rune of strength craftable. Since last patch i drop only one exotic with this rune in Orr. Most of the condition runes are really cheap (because of the Pile of the Putrid Essence), except Perplexity.
The Rune is high priced because it is good in WvW/PvE supply and demand. In PvE it was all about Scholar runes now Rune of strength is a valid choice for PvE meta.
They went up in price as soon as DnT released a post on reddit with dps calculations to back it up. If Rune of the Grove was the top dps rune and DnT released a post on reddit the price would have done the same thing. Reddit posts affect your TP prices if any of you didn’t know that.
Sigil of water spiked high one day because of a reddit post. I made rune of strength go up in price when I posted the 6/6 was fixed a few months back.
Not everyone checks the GW2 reddit but it has a big impact on the GW2 game and economoy.
(edited by oZii.2864)
Let’s do a comparison:
Superior Rune of Strength
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 15% Might duration; 25% chance when struck to gain Might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +20% Might duration; +7% damage while under the effects of Might.Superior Rune of the Privateer
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to shout Yarr and grant 3 stacks Might to nearby allies when hit. (cooldown: 20s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +50% chance to summon a Parrot. (Cooldown: 60s)Superior Rune of the Fire
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to gain Might for 10s when hit. (cooldown: 5s)
(5): +90 Power
(6): +20% Burning Duration. Gain a fire aura for 5s when you fall below 80% health. (Cooldown: 60s)Superior Rune of the Aristocracy
(1): +25 Condition Damage
(2): +10% Might duration
(3): +50 Condition Damage
(4): +15% Might duration
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): +20% Might duration; when you use a healing skill, gain 3 stacks of Might for 10s. (Cooldown: 10s)Superior Rune of Hoelbrak
(1): +25 Power
(2): +10% Might Duration
(3): +50 Power
(4): 25% chance to gain Might for 10s when hit. (Cooldown: 5s)
(5): +100 Power
(6): +20% Might Duration, -20% Condition Duration applied to you.See the glaring difference? Strength runes effectively get two significant bonuses at tier 4. Don’t be surprised if one of those two bonuses gets the axe. And even if that does happen, they’ll probably still be top dog in the power dps boosting category.
this type of comparison to other runes is absolutely worthless.
any notion of “all rune sets created equal” is completely wrong, there are and always will be bad/mediocre rune sets that get ignored for better ones.
a handful of rune sets are always going to dominate the meta, there simply isn’t enough intricacy in this game’s build system for this to not happen.
It absolutely has worth; because your argument subscribes to the fallacy that since perfect balance does not exist, there should be no attempt at analysis to determine why certain runes are outliers and potentially figure out what can be done to bring them in line with or at least closer to the baseline of the other runes.
Which is inane. Handle it.
Well what about Superior Runes of the Pack or Runes of the Ranger?
They all seem to have a 7% damage bonus with no real conditional either. I mean when is a Ranger without his pet? Not often….
While I agree that Runes of the Strength are slightly OP it’s only because the conditional is quasi-permanent and that both bonuses result in more DPS. More Might = more DPS, longer Might = more DPS, when under Might = more DPS.
It all adds up rather too nicely. If the rune-set offered a little more general utility instead of being purely DPS-focused I think they’d be fine.
(edited by Dee Jay.2460)
Overkillengine makes a great point and the rune is very clearly over budget. The might duration on #4 should probably be removed and the dmg increase on #6 should probably be reduced to 3-5.
The runeset would then be about on par with the other ones. Still stronger probably, but not by such a large margin.
Strength does not deserve a nerf. I can only repeat it – it’s the only real challenger of scholar dominance in PvE (aside from ranger, but that’s too niche, even if they bugged it again as a fiend told me). It’s rather the other runes which should get a buff.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
Strength does not deserve a nerf. I can only repeat it – it’s the only real challenger of scholar dominance in PvE (aside from ranger, but that’s too niche, even if they bugged it again as a fiend told me). It’s rather the other runes which should get a buff.
The problem with runes and sigils are that a lot of them exist simply for the sake of inflating rune and sigil number and lot of them are so terrible that no one ever uses them. Arenanet should remove a good percentage of them, while at the same time buff the the remaining non-terrible ones.
Someone should make a thread discussing all the current good, needs improve/nerf and terrible sigil and runes that literally have no place and will never be good. And offer ways to either improve them or completely remove them.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
(edited by silvermember.8941)
I think arenanet designed these not understanding their own game, big surprise i know…
But its like they thought that having to keep up Might was a significant barrier.
arenanet just completely misunderstood how easily might can stay up for anyone, and that this 6p simply becomes a permanent boost.
Lets take a look.
Rune of the Flame Legion: +7% dmg againt burning targets.
Rune of the Scholar: +10% aslong as your health is above 90%
Rune of the Eagle: +6% against targets below 50% hp
Rune of the Ranger: +7% dmg while having an active companion
Rune of the Thief: +10% dmg when hitting from the side or behind.
Rune of the Engineer: +7% dmg while using a bundle
Rune of Ice: +7% against Chilled enemies
Most notable are:
Rune of the Ogre: permanent +4%, just like Strength something thats up all the time but noticeable weaker.
Rune of Rage: +5% while under effect of Fury. A typically shorter and harder to maintain boon.
Of all the 6piece Damage-modifier runes the Might is simply the best. Its effectively permanent, without the drawback of being considered permanent. But when compared to Rage, its still stronger even when considered as a boon-dependant buff.
So i really dont get where they were going with this. Hopefully we’ll see something done here, not neccesarily a nerf to Strength but maybe a buff to alternatives. Because when one rune set is simply the best, that hurts diversity.