No Book Back Item Hunt back also!!
Please also bring back the Halloween Back Item Book, where you have had to go on the hunt for multiple parts …
Last year I dodn#t collect all parts, because my characters were just too weak to survive in the mid level areas to get to those parts …
you had 2 weeks to level your characters up. and tons of people were hunting them so you didnt really need to fight at all.
I was disappointed by this too. I was looking forward to finishing it this year.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
That was one of the best achievement rewards. The fiery book that lights up your path is really cool. I had to bust it out this year for fun but I feel everyone should have a chance at it, or perhaps equal or better achieve rewards.
God, you have no clues what was going on in GW2 the first months after release if you say such stuff like this… (also not everybody played these days with powerleveled people around, many played also SOLO and solo you stay no chance agaisnt creatures that are like 7+ levels above you and with no perfect gear, but only low level bluish/green noob crap >.> after restarting the account after gettign it released out of the claws from such an antisocial (insert swearing insult that can’t be outspoken) hacker that stole my account
Many people even couldn’t play because of for example alot of HACKER WAVES being extremely present the first few months after the game was released.
Also in the first few months people have something better to do, than to powerlevel characters. At the firsts months, normal players try at least to ENJOY the game and that slowly. Especially if you restart competely from the begin as a hacker victim to get rid of everything that had to do with that persons foul actions with that nobody sane wants to have to do something with just to be 100% safe…
Sure, If i would have abused this out, I would have had also a powerleved chara, that would have been already for that event overpowered…
Seriously, you surely must be one player, who just has the Mad Memories and just can’t understand my situation and that of really many other players and this not just only in regard of that Back Item, but also mainly in regard of the achievements from last halloween, where many peopel didn’t got the master carver title thanks to dumb bugs, which this game was literally infested with massively at the begginning, that it wasn’t absolutely funny, especially the first events were a huge lag catastrophe, or do i have to remember you on the first Karka Event, the Lion’a arch invasion ???
I did that solo on a level 5 toon so it was definitely not impossible to do.
I would love to have the back item on the characters I made after last halloween.
That said I had 3 characters still at level 2 when the event started last year and all of them got the complete version. The book pages were located in areas that any level character can reach except for the very last part. More than enough people were doing it though so help was always around the corner. Another option would have been to have a high level character parked in the same spot to clear the area.
There really isn’t an excuse for you not to have a complete version whatever the level your characters were.
Seriously !! Don’t you get it.. am I writing chinese here???
What helps all the millions of people around every corner to help, if you had NOT ENOUGH TIME to do the stuff, due to an hacked account ..
Leave me alone with your pseudo blah blah about how stupidly easy it was last year.
If you got hacked, then you got hacked and then you can’t play, simple as that and then you had absolutely no chance to do anything in the game if you were not lucky to get your account back quickly enough.
People also do have other things to do in their lives – sleep, work, eat, real life in overall, so do you really believe, that the only thing a hacked player does at the moment he gets his account succefully back is to speed rush through all the places, just to get that 1 back item for that I had last day less then a few hours to do, before the event was completely OVER.
As conner also said, then there are also the people, which would love to make just “more” Mad Memories, so that other characters of them coulld also have that back item. Theres nothing wrong with that wish, where I just can clearly say. I can support this simple and not coming over here only to diss people on how easy the thing was last year, when someone who had no chance to get the things done in the game could care less about that and just expects here of Anet a sign of FAIRNESS.
Anet should know best, what a hell was going on in their game just after the first few months when 1 hacker wave after another was on the way, until they slowly got rid of that issue.
I was just happy that I was able to do in that short time mostly all achievements (except carver due to that dumb bugs) I had to make up for the decision how to use my tiem best, work on the achievements.. or work for the back item … I decided for myself for the achievements, because I’m an achievement hunte and i strongly believed in Anet, that they would return certain aspects of the halloweeen event like this little nice fashion item back next year, cause GW2 IS ALL ABOUT FASHION.
It won’t hurt any pig in the game, if anet just enables again to go collecting the parts for Mad Memories, same as like it would hurt absolutely nobody, if Anet would allow everybody to work on the last years achievements, if you still don’t have them the same way how people could do the SAB world 1 achievements still, when world 2 came some months ago, totally regardless of the fact that one was an holiday event and the other not.
Please don’t missunderstand me and sorry if I just sound angry (which I’m kinda, cause of this heavy disappointment), but these thigns like the Mad Memory, are in fact rewards, that everyone should have the dame chance on gettign them BY EARNING THEM and for a game, that sets so much importancy on the aspect of fashion, it should absolutely stand out of any question, that ANet should ASAP fix this miserable unfair situation by letting everyone as they like work for whichever items or achievements they are missing.
We are talking here not about some kind of living story achievements, which are really something unique. We are talking here about achievements and rewards, that are bonded to a yearly returning holiday event .
Even in GW1 players had always the chance to do things from the holiday events of previousx years, sometime we got even in GW1 the chance to receive rewards from previous years (head gears)
Specific aspects of the holiday events in GW1 were even every year exactly the same!!
And the same continuity GW1 had i do want to see here in GW2 too in regard of achievements and fashion rewards.
Nothing more, nohing less.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I did that solo on a level 5 toon so it was definitely not impossible to do.
You technically did not do it solo cause I know certain parts required you to stuff high lvl. You probably just came at the right time to get the needed stuff after the mobs have been killed.
I was bummed by this too. I have 8 80s now, but last year I think I had maybe one 80 (might have been 70-ish but I think I’d barely dinged to 80 by then), one around 40, one around 25 or so, and the rest all very low or not born yet. My top two characters at the time have the completed memories, and the third has the basic version (which required running through some one-hit KO areas, but reaching Sparkfly would have been fairly well impossible). I really wanted to get the completed Mad Memories on my other characters though, if I’d known in August 2012 that I’d need to be able to reach Sparkfly with as many characters as possible by the middle of November, I’d have power leveled a bunch of them over September.
Also, that aside, I really enjoyed the bag hunting stuff, just clearing out the daily bags in Queensdale with my lower level alts was an entertaining side-show and gave them something to do.
I really hope that they return these quests before the end of Halloween.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Add me to the list of people who were hoping to complete theirs.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I did that solo on a level 5 toon so it was definitely not impossible to do.
You technically did not do it solo cause I know certain parts required you to stuff high lvl. You probably just came at the right time to get the needed stuff after the mobs have been killed.
That’s kinda what he was trying to say.
There were so many people running the scavenger hunt I was able to run through on two more alts in a few minutes, just bypassing the literal swarms of other players and talking to the ghosts. The final ghost was the only one which actually required some daring to avoid the traps and mobs (though the mobs were pretty much dead with all the aforementioned swarms of players). Those traps were instakill at the time, regardless of level, so it wasn’t any harder.
I had really hoped for the scavenger hunt to come back. A new or different book would have been great, maybe with a longer or different scavenger hunt (Bloody Prince Diary, anyone?).
So far this is like %75 of the content from last year, with more grinding for only half the rewards.
sure there are just as many people who like to do it so they can get it for their new Mains/Alts
Could we please get ASAP an official post here from any dev that comes by and can say something about why in the silly mad king thorn’s name we don’t have back the scavenger hunt and the achievements from last years hallowween back ???
Theres absolutely no reason to keep that content stuff out of the event this year and it totally alienates and disappoints a huge amount of your whole playerbase to a real big scale level, that you basically put this middle finger right in front of our faces.
Bring this content back and you’ll immediately have thousands over thousands of die happy players again, but as long as this content is missing out, this event will be for me the absolute biggest FAIL ever with this kind of TERRIBLE fanservice.
GW1 just shows that YOU CAN DO ALOT BETTER…
So its just normal, that you frustrate alot of people with such a kind of nonsensical decisions and I’d be surely not surprised, if by that big fail you scared off surely again alot of people from GW2 to permanently leave this game, which just searched for the next fail design patch to let their angers overflow and explode to get the final reason to rage quit.
I’m sure, this game will have after halloween now quite some kind of measurable lesser percentage of players, than before, if the old content of last years halloween (and also wintersday before you started with all the living story stuff) will return so that also newer players, hacked players and all those, which just had not enough time will have now this year a new fresh chance of foing the achievements, the Mad memory scavenger hunt ect.
You can just see within a few threads on the first page, that this topic here hits on a huge responsing wave of disappointment from the community, that alot of people share on this topic the same opinion as they are sitting all like me in the same boat that you let sailing through your wild non understandable storms of not well thought out community decisions.
So show us please, that you Anet, still knows what it means to make in a game some good fanservice and bring back in a hot fix the old last years halloween content back including the achievements for master carver, clock tower, emissary ect. as also too the scarvenger hunt for the Mad Memory back item to show us, that your words about GW2 being all about fashion WERE NO LIE.
So everyone whos with me on this now, please posts a +1 here and help to keep this thread up, until it gets finally an officialy red post response from a dev!!
Sure there’s enough reason. It was a reward for an event during a LIMITED time. Just because the theme of the event occurs annually does not mean players are entitled to be able to get those items that are unique to that particular event.
If for some very unlikely reason that they do a living story next month that involves the Ancient Karka coming back to life and having to kill it again. Will you complain that you should be able to get that chest that everyone got last year?
I see only, that you absolutely don’t seem to understand any of those “enough reasons” as it looks.
Don’t come here with such a silly argument, that only because something happened within a limited time, that Anet can’t simply repeat the last years content again just for guess it…. “a limited time” again.
Heck, they don’t even have to repeat exactly the same scavenger hunt this year.
They could just simply add to the game for this year a different one, but just with the same reward, so that players have basically to do for the Mad Memories every year a different scavenger hunt. It would just work without any problems.
If Anet would truly hold on their words, that GW2 is all about fashion, then this here would be not a silly matter about limited content, but it would be a matter of trustworthyness for what Anet’s words stand for.
This Back Item is a part of the whole “fashion” of GW2. Limiting the fashion aspect of this game, just makes Anets words not trustworthy and in fact quite a lie to me, because if they would make fashion so important to the game, as they say, then they wouldn’t limitate anything fashion related on time gated limited content At least not for holiday events, which return every year. Living Story patches are somethign different, as they stay for a complete different game design concept, which are just imcompatible with the mechanics for returning rewards.
Anet has left even the pumpkins all over the world this time and all of this just for a yesterdays’ silly daily achievement only ???
Come on, you can’t be serious. This makes no sense at all and would be just very bad game design, if that was just intended so.
The whole halloween as it is right now just feels more or less only like a warmed up cold coffee right now with a drop of new milk in it that are the new achievements and the LS stuff around the blood prince, what is really a shame.
Even with repeating old content you can be CREATIVE as a game designer and repeat old content in a new shape of game design with new different gameplay mechanics and so on.
As long as the rewards stay the same, everything is fine and newer or especially hacked players don’t feel being punished for not having a slight chance at all by either not having enough time to do something last year or by simply being not able to play cause of some jerks having stolen your account.
Alone the fact that in the first months after the release of the game, when those first holiday events were running we’ve seen thousands over thousands of players getting hacked. Alone this is reason enough to repeat the old content this year, because quite a huge percentage of the whole playerbase was massively infected over the first like 6 months still after the release of the game by those huge amounts of hacker waves GW2sadly had.
Do you really want to blame all of these people, that they couldn’t make those thigns within that limited time, when they had from the begin on no kitten chance at all to maybe participate on those events at all ???
You must be kittening kidding me!! (god I need a break now, all of this just rises too much my anger as I’m seriously super pi***d about all this )
Could we please get ASAP an official post here from any dev that comes by…
I don’t want to break it for You, but You have Your official answer sooner than ASAP – old achievements and, more importantly – rewards, won’t be coming back. It was said sometime around original Halloween or even before it if I can recall correctly.
But I feel Your pain, I really do. I feel same about jetpack :/
The jetpack at least is something YOU can BUY in the TP. Yes I know its quite very expensive, but you can buy it still.
Mad Memories can’t be bought.. you have to earn it by doing the scavenger hunt.
Theres absolutely no problem with it by adding a new different type of scavenger hunt for this year (for those of the lore nerds, who think the first one was such a special thing about Mad King Thorn, that it can’t be repeated in the way how the hunt worked the first time). However, a changing scavenger hunt would be an easy solution to this with just the same rewards, so that newer players and hacked players from last year will also have their chance too for earning themself this nice to have piece of fashion that Anet tells us is so important for them, that GW2 is all about fashion.
If they’d be true about that, then they wouldn’t limitate holiday fashion rewards but instead repeat the old content, like they repeated also holiday event old content in GW1, whwere we were also able to repeat every year the event quests ad absurdum until the content basically flooded out of our ears and our eyes cryed and burned for not having to see that content anymore cause you could repeat that stuff every year so that even the neweest of the newest players had thei chance to play that content and get the rewards at the end, when as I see, Anet has changed also the aquiring of the seasonal head gears with a later patch after GW2 has been released.
I haven’t played GW1 for exactly 1 year now anymore, since GW2 got released, so if that is true, that everybody can get now in GW1 all seasonal holiday head gears from a new npc, that simply shows, that Anet still can understand the principles of good FANSERVICE.
So if they made such changes to GW1 to enable players there to fashionate their characters as they like with all of the seasonal head gears, what the hell stops Anet here then to provide us the same fanservice ???
It would hurt absolutely nobody, if nwer players would have the same chance to earn themself Mad Memory back items, other then maybe a players own personal egos, that they aren’t anymore that super special only because they can run around with a title and a back item, that Anet forbid many other players basically to earn…
The official answer you are talking about here that has been made by Anet is referring to LIVING STORY content.
Halloween 2012 and Wintersday 2012 were just simply holiday events with no Living Story. Living Story just began with Flame & Frost and there its absolutely normal, that no rewards from those special events won’t return as alos not achievements, because those rewards and achievements were all tied together with the special one time event, that stands for Anets concept about a living changing persistant world.
Halloween and Wintersday last year had absolutely nothing about that concept. Both were just temporal holiday themed events which changed just only the looks for towns, mostly only LA always sadly for the time being as logn the events were active and then when the events ended, both event left absolutely nothing behind in regard of a living story, that changed permanently anything for the game world…
What made people think that they’d be able to re-earn a festival skin? It was plainly stated that come content would return but the reward items would be unique each year, just as it was in GW1.
Also, keep in mind that this persists until the 11th, meaning there’s one more major update drop between now and the end.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
What made people think that they’d be able to re-earn a festival skin? It was plainly stated that come content would return but the reward items would be unique each year, just as it was in GW1.
Also, keep in mind that this persists until the 11th, meaning there’s one more major update drop between now and the end.
Ya and a truly hope for that update, that Anet sees their mistake in and adds the old conent by that update for the “limited time” after that patch ,that is left over then, until the holiday is completely over then again at the 11th next month.
You all missed it. That’s life. I missed loads of events myself but I am in no way claiming I’m owed the rewards. Though I would if they gave others a chance at their missed events. See where this could go?
Its a living world you see lol. Anet are very smart because this no doubt pushes gem purchases for both items and exchange instead of letting people grind for everything at their own leisure and then standing around bored at the end.
What made people think that they’d be able to re-earn a festival skin? It was plainly stated that come content would return but the reward items would be unique each year, just as it was in GW1.
Also, keep in mind that this persists until the 11th, meaning there’s one more major update drop between now and the end.
Ya and a truly hope for that update, that Anet sees their mistake in and adds the old conent by that update for the “limited time” after that patch ,that is left over then, until the holiday is completely over then again at the 11th next month.
TBH, part of what makes halloween and wintersday fun is that there are some things that can only ever be acquired once. Honestly, That’s what I like about the living story as a whole. Not so much the story but the concept of limited time rewards. Sure you’re going to miss things. Everyone is. That is exactly what makes the stuff you do get special. It has the same stats as stuff you can find all over, and certain things do come back each year which is a large boost in content from the first game. At some point the users on the boards just have to get used to the idea that sometimes you just can’t have all the things, and the ability to have all the things just adds to boring and stale characters all around the world rather than having some nice little “time capsules” that function as nice little souvenirs of the events you did attend.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
What made people think that they’d be able to re-earn a festival skin? It was plainly stated that come content would return but the reward items would be unique each year, just as it was in GW1.
Also, keep in mind that this persists until the 11th, meaning there’s one more major update drop between now and the end.
Ya and a truly hope for that update, that Anet sees their mistake in and adds the old conent by that update for the “limited time” after that patch ,that is left over then, until the holiday is completely over then again at the 11th next month.
TBH, part of what makes halloween and wintersday fun is that there are some things that can only ever be acquired once. Honestly, That’s what I like about the living story as a whole. Not so much the story but the concept of limited time rewards. Sure you’re going to miss things. Everyone is. That is exactly what makes the stuff you do get special. It has the same stats as stuff you can find all over, and certain things do come back each year which is a large boost in content from the first game. At some point the users on the boards just have to get used to the idea that sometimes you just can’t have all the things, and the ability to have all the things just adds to boring and stale characters all around the world rather than having some nice little “time capsules” that function as nice little souvenirs of the events you did attend.
Best post I’ve read on this forum. Your able to say wat I’ve been tryin to slo. Nicer. Then again I’m sick of the QQ around here so wasn’t tryin to
Last year focused on the Mad King. The scavenger hunt was about researching the King’s story and the result of that was the book. This year however focuses on the Bloody Prince. In the living world sense, the Mad King’s story is known. Why would the NPC ask you to do it again, when they’d just tell you the completed story. If ArenaNet was going to put it back, it wouldn’t be about the Mad King, it’d be about learning the story of the Bloody Prince. Instead of the Mad Memoires, you’d receive the Bloody Memoires, which I imagine would look relatively the same but with the Prince’s icon and colored red.
Limited time rewards were also a “feature” of GW1, so it can be expected to never return, until the game is in maintenance mode that is.
The original SAB rewards did not return either.
What made people think that they’d be able to re-earn a festival skin? It was plainly stated that come content would return but the reward items would be unique each year, just as it was in GW1.
Also, keep in mind that this persists until the 11th, meaning there’s one more major update drop between now and the end.
Ya and a truly hope for that update, that Anet sees their mistake in and adds the old conent by that update for the “limited time” after that patch ,that is left over then, until the holiday is completely over then again at the 11th next month.
TBH, part of what makes halloween and wintersday fun is that there are some things that can only ever be acquired once. Honestly, That’s what I like about the living story as a whole. Not so much the story but the concept of limited time rewards. Sure you’re going to miss things. Everyone is. That is exactly what makes the stuff you do get special. It has the same stats as stuff you can find all over, and certain things do come back each year which is a large boost in content from the first game. At some point the users on the boards just have to get used to the idea that sometimes you just can’t have all the things, and the ability to have all the things just adds to boring and stale characters all around the world rather than having some nice little “time capsules” that function as nice little souvenirs of the events you did attend.
^ Exactly this!!! All the new temporary content is part of a “living world” not a persistant one. That means that if you miss it, you miss it. Not everyone will get everything and such is life. But now characters can look more and more unique as time goes on due to limited items. This aspect of the RPG should make you/your character feel more unique.
I haven’t played GW1 for exactly 1 year now anymore, since GW2 got released, so if that is true, that everybody can get now in GW1 all seasonal holiday head gears from a new npc, that simply shows, that Anet still can understand the principles of good FANSERVICE.
So if they made such changes to GW1 to enable players there to fashionate their characters as they like with all of the seasonal head gears, what the hell stops Anet here then to provide us the same fanservice ???
As far as the OP’s post about GW1 above…. If I recall correctly this is NOT true. There is a hat maker that can make any festive hat that you unlocked on your account. This lets you change out your hats and dispose of them instead of taking up room in your inventory. However, if you did not do the original content to unlock that year’s head gear, you could not go to this vendor and get that hat. Anet has been this way since GW1 and for you to think that they would change that aspect that many people looked forward to with events like this and Wintersday in GW1 is just silly. Each year you had the chance to get 2 new hats but never any of the old ones. I knew people that stopped playing GW1, but still took the time to come back during the holiday events just to get their unique hats for the year. The limited time offer is what brought people back.
(edited by Holy Whirlwind.2067)
It’s changed in GW1 now, since no new content is being developed/released. Now, if I understand it correctly, you get a token you can use to get any of the previous festival hat/masks.
But to the issue of the book back scavenger hunt returning (and this is speaking as someone who has the book, the Master Carver title and the Emissary of the Mad King title), while from a LW sense it might not seem plausible to bring it back, since it previously had to do with the Mad King and this year’s Halloween is more about the Bloody Prince, I see no reason the scavenger hunt couldn’t be updated to be about more current lore and still offer the same skin — or even a re-colored same skin. That way folks who obtained it last year would have the option of getting it for alts they may have created since last Halloween and folks who didn’t have the chance to obtain it last year can still receive it. I’ve had it on my necro ever since last Halloween, and honestly, I don’t feel like it makes me any different than anyone else, nor would I feel slighted if I saw someone who’d only started playing this month wandering around with it as a back item next month. The same goes for the titles — I rarely pay attention to other folks’ titles, so seeing people with either Master Carver or Emissary of the Mad King who didn’t obtain it last year wouldn’t phase me one bit. And honestly, I’m not sure why it would bother anyone who does have those if folks who didn’t were given the option to get them again this Halloween.
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK
That was a quest I enjoyed, and leveled my character up so much, I think I gained 15+ levels on my character with that one quest. Although I had to travel with a group for the last couple of items, that last dungeon was impossible for my character on his own.
I did that solo on a level 5 toon so it was definitely not impossible to do.
You technically did not do it solo cause I know certain parts required you to stuff high lvl. You probably just came at the right time to get the needed stuff after the mobs have been killed.
That’s kinda what he was trying to say.
There were so many people running the scavenger hunt I was able to run through on two more alts in a few minutes, just bypassing the literal swarms of other players and talking to the ghosts. The final ghost was the only one which actually required some daring to avoid the traps and mobs (though the mobs were pretty much dead with all the aforementioned swarms of players). Those traps were instakill at the time, regardless of level, so it wasn’t any harder.
I had really hoped for the scavenger hunt to come back. A new or different book would have been great, maybe with a longer or different scavenger hunt (Bloody Prince Diary, anyone?).
So far this is like %75 of the content from last year, with more grinding for only half the rewards.
But it can be timing when they showed up and was on. You need to keep in mind, not everyone is pro, being low lvl you had to RUN everywhere because you had no WP and you had NO IDEA where you were going, I know I sure didn’t. I know at one part I was being slaughtered trying to even to get to the spot for the NPC and I don’t know all the ins and outs of it so it took awhile to finally find a way to get there and not be butchered.
There was the also the part with the ship where you HAD to fight some veteran mobs before the NPC would spawn. I had to wait abit before people even showed up.
It was a lot of work for a new player though I very much enjoyed the adventure but I also one of those crazy people that runs into higher lvl areas all the time in games where I don’t belong just to explore or just to farm mats from nodes XD
I can see this being very frustrating for other people even though I enjoyed it.