Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.
(edited by Hjorje.9453)
The thread is about the price of the mini game kit. It is not about GSSBlunaspike.4153 ability to correct people in how they use words in threads on Guild Wars 2 forums.
If people are incapable of using words correctly, then what is a message board even for? We might as well just type random words and hope our intention is conveyed. I do agree with you though, and I’m going to drop it.
It’s kind of a moot point though. The entire argument is bad. It doesn’t matter what people think, Anet will not change the price now. Even if they wanted to, they could not. The people that have already purchased it would all need refunds, etc.. So people might as well get over it, and start ignoring it like they would have in a few days anyway.
Actually, he did use the proper word. Maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are. The word was the proper word. I myself also think the price is reasonable. As in a fair price for an item. I also agree with your last paragraph there. I think this argument is bad also and at this point it don’t really matter what any of us think about the price of the item, it is set and most likely will never be changed.
(edited by Hjorje.9453)
True. I can play for the low price of 5s. Only 5s to play a single small mini-game once that does not benefit me in any way. Now why would I do that? All the other mini-games are free. If I want to play a mini-game, I’m not going to pay for the privilege if I’m not going to gain any benefit from it.
If you enjoy the game then 5 silver is not that much. If you do not enjoy the game then why would you buy it to begin with?
Cost to play lowers my enjoyment. Having to pay for the privilege to play makes me want to play less. Significantly less.
The thread is about the price of the mini game kit. It is not about GSSBlunaspike.4153 ability to correct people in how they use words in threads on Guild Wars 2 forums.
If people are incapable of using words correctly, then what is a message board even for? We might as well just type random words and hope our intention is conveyed. I do agree with you though, and I’m going to drop it.
It’s kind of a moot point though. The entire argument is bad. It doesn’t matter what people think, Anet will not change the price now. Even if they wanted to, they could not. The people that have already purchased it would all need refunds, etc.. So people might as well get over it, and start ignoring it like they would have in a few days anyway.
Actually, he did use the proper word. Maybe your not as smart as you think you are. The word was the proper word. I myself also think the price is reasonable. As in a fair price for an item. I also agree with your last paragraph there. I think this argument is bad also and at this point it don’t really matter what any of us think about the price of the item, it is set and most likely will never be changed.
First it is “you’re”. Second I included the definition, and the link to the source. I’m not trying to be an kitten , merely pointing out something that annoys me.
But the important thing is if you don’t want to pay 100g you don’t have to. As many people have said already you can play against NPCs for free, or buy the cheaper kits to play against other people.
No one is saying that you have to play the minigame, that’s a strawman argument.
What we’re saying is that 100g is too expensive compared to the benefit. At this price people will do the achievements and then never use the game ever again.
Keg Brawl has a hard enough time getting players and that is a free activity.
People are comparing this to other unlimited use items, but they’re not equivelent. The other unlimited use items are giving a specific benifit to the player, they’re valuable due to convieniance.
This item isn’t convenience, it’s the only way to experience this activity. It’s akin to making the trading post vendor ONLY available via the unlimited item (or the limited use item).
If there were player vs player stalls set up in LA this wouldn’t be an issue- but there aren’t, and with this 100g item existing there isn’t likely to be.
Your entire argument has been based upon a logical fallacy so calling someone else out for using one is utterly silly.
I bolded the part I’m talking about, because that is a fallacy aswell, you’re claiming that the only way of experiencing the content is to invest a sum of 100g, when in reality you are required to invest absolutely nothing to experience the content by facing NPCs and to face players the sum needed to acquire access to the content is on par with that of teleporting to a couple of waypoints.
Furthermore it IS a convenience, rather than buying one-time use items for each round you wish to play, you pay a larger sum to maintain a permanent version of the item, this item however does you little good except for providing you with the means of having the content accessable to you constantly.
Now as for the item being “required” to access the content? Well look at it like this:
Counting in coppers we get 1.000.000 copper for the item, for a onetime kit you spend 504 copper, or for a 5 time kit: 2.000 copper.
Now what this means is that the 100g is equivalent to buying 500 5 time kits, which results in 2500 uses or 1985~ uses of the one-time kit.
You might ofcourse REALLY enjoy belchers bluff and want to play 2000+ rounds, but that doesn’t automatically mean that you will want to spend 100g on it, it does however not mean either that you are supposed to be able to purchase the unlimited item for a lower cost simply because you don’t want to use the 5-time or 1-time kits.
Hmmm….well, since you can play against NPCs for free that is good. However, I want a lot of mini games in the game and I want lots of people playing them to liven the game up a bit. Money gates participation.
If every new mini game introduced is going to cost money (moa race was not worth doing even once for me at the cost per race) it will limit participation in them. However SAB and crab toss and dragonball didn’t cost so perhaps they will keep some free ones in the group.
(edited by Katz.5143)
I’m not commenting on whether the price is fair/unfair or reasonable/unreasonable.
Just on the fact that I don’t have 100 gold to spend on the game.
Which is unfortunate, because I’m exactly the type of player that is passionate about the concept of mini-games and would challenge other players to a round of Belcher’s Bluff on a regular basis.
ANet, if you want players to actually play your content… don’t make it hard for them.
Wow @ the amount of trolling, thread-derailing, and flamebaiting going on this topic. I can’t believe this hasn’t been locked down yet. I suppose trolls will be trolls, thread-trains get derailed all the time, and baiters are masters of their art….
Aaaaanyways, I think the price is fine. You have cheaper alternatives. Anet wants money sinks, and this minigame provides that. Will people buy these things? Well, let’s look. Hmmm. People bought those unlimited use items that are not very cost effective at all. Some buy the blue dorito chip just to have it. There’s more examples as well, but I’m too lazy to add them. Hopefully, you get the point, which some of you probably won’t. And then, my first paragraph will come into play again. Vicious cycle.
Popcorn anyone? No? How ’bout pie?
(edited by Lonewolf Kai.3682)
I think that the price is too high. I only have 100G atm and it’s needed to dress up my alt. I’m no going to bang any doors crying. I bought 25 regular kits. Should be enough to get the achievements. I’ll proudly display the title that I’ll get and then forget this mini game forever.
The thread is about the price of the mini game kit. It is not about GSSBlunaspike.4153 ability to correct people in how they use words in threads on Guild Wars 2 forums.
If people are incapable of using words correctly, then what is a message board even for? We might as well just type random words and hope our intention is conveyed. I do agree with you though, and I’m going to drop it.
It’s kind of a moot point though. The entire argument is bad. It doesn’t matter what people think, Anet will not change the price now. Even if they wanted to, they could not. The people that have already purchased it would all need refunds, etc.. So people might as well get over it, and start ignoring it like they would have in a few days anyway.
Actually, he did use the proper word. Maybe your not as smart as you think you are. The word was the proper word. I myself also think the price is reasonable. As in a fair price for an item. I also agree with your last paragraph there. I think this argument is bad also and at this point it don’t really matter what any of us think about the price of the item, it is set and most likely will never be changed.
First it is “you’re”. Second I included the definition, and the link to the source. I’m not trying to be an kitten , merely pointing out something that annoys me.
As many have pointed out, this is a thread about the price of an item not a grammar lesson. That being said, it seems proper grammar is the only thing you apparently respect. It is evident you don’t respect other’s opinions if they differ from yours. So here is are two words for you to ponder.
4. a (1) : peculiar to a particular individual : personal <subjective judgments> (2) : modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background <a subjective account of the incident>
2. a : the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed <places the issues in proper perspective>; also : point of view
All the definitions included on the links above are to numerous to post here so I listed the ones I believe are pertinent.
You may not believe the use of the word ‘reasonable’ above was correctly used, but that is your subjective assessment of the definition. Because you believe the price is not reasonable to you, it therefore is not. To the person who posted it, the price is indeed reasonable. Two perspectives. Two subjective interpretations of a definition. Neither is right or wrong. So you really have no justification for admonishing him for his use of the word ‘reasonable’.
I believe Hjorje was right in a previous post. Your argument is thin so you are trying to get a rise out of the ‘reasonable’ poster by trolling him in the forum. Obviously ‘educated’ has nothing to do with common decency.
Additionally, pointing out things like the misuse of ‘your’ for ’you’re’ is petty and trite.
I’m not trying to be an kitten , merely pointing out something that annoys me.
o srry i didnt think youd be annoyed by lack of punctuationality please let me type like this because im mentally challenged sry if it anoys u i never have learned to spel propurly.
Anyway, the price of the infinite Belcher’s bluff item is there already, I’m not sure if they can change it back without screwing the few people that already bought it.
I think it’s about 3 times too much, or so, however.
It would be nice if there were locations in every inn/bar in the game-world that would hold 1 or 2 tables for people to play on.
I won’t buy it since I don’t do CoF1 runs but I also don’t really care that much.
The thread is about the price of the mini game kit. It is not about GSSBlunaspike.4153 ability to correct people in how they use words in threads on Guild Wars 2 forums.
If people are incapable of using words correctly, then what is a message board even for? We might as well just type random words and hope our intention is conveyed. I do agree with you though, and I’m going to drop it.
It’s kind of a moot point though. The entire argument is bad. It doesn’t matter what people think, Anet will not change the price now. Even if they wanted to, they could not. The people that have already purchased it would all need refunds, etc.. So people might as well get over it, and start ignoring it like they would have in a few days anyway.
Actually, he did use the proper word. Maybe your not as smart as you think you are. The word was the proper word. I myself also think the price is reasonable. As in a fair price for an item. I also agree with your last paragraph there. I think this argument is bad also and at this point it don’t really matter what any of us think about the price of the item, it is set and most likely will never be changed.
First it is “you’re”. Second I included the definition, and the link to the source. I’m not trying to be an kitten , merely pointing out something that annoys me.
As many have pointed out, this is a thread about the price of an item not a grammar lesson. That being said, it seems proper grammar is the only thing you apparently respect. It is evident you don’t respect other’s opinions if they differ from yours. So here is are two words for you to ponder.
4. a (1) : peculiar to a particular individual : personal <subjective judgments> (2) : modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background <a subjective account of the incident>Perspective
2. a : the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed <places the issues in proper perspective>; also : point of viewAll the definitions included on the links above are to numerous to post here so I listed the ones I believe are pertinent.
You may not believe the use of the word ‘reasonable’ above was correctly used, but that is your subjective assessment of the definition. Because you believe the price is not reasonable to you, it therefore is not. To the person who posted it, the price is indeed reasonable. Two perspectives. Two subjective interpretations of a definition. Neither is right or wrong. So you really have no justification for admonishing him for his use of the word ‘reasonable’.
I believe Hjorje was right in a previous post. Your argument is thin so you are trying to get a rise out of the ‘reasonable’ poster by trolling him in the forum. Obviously ‘educated’ has nothing to do with common decency.
Additionally, pointing out things like the misuse of ‘your’ for ’you’re’ is petty and trite.
To add to this, there is also the word Semantics. For example, “The particular posing poster is pointlessly arguing sematnics to obstinately troll others, relentlessly bait for flames, and despondently feel superior.”
On topic, they won’t change the price. It’s already in game, and it won’t change. There is a history of not changing prices unless it was bugged when released.
I’m surprised that people are surprised that this mini game is “money gated.” The other open-world minigame, such as Moa Racing and Costume Brawl, are “money gated” too so there are precedents.
However, that being said, 100G for a permanent and 5s for one-time use is a bit over the top. Costume Brawl is no where near as expensive, and BB’s costs seem way more expensive relative to Costume Brawl, which I feel it is very similar to.
Anet seems to be finishing the permanent mini games in the order of gold sink first.
I don’t have a problem with the 100 gold version. Because i’ll pay the mini game eighth pay for buying it.
Some future permanent mini better be free.
I would also like to point out that you do not have to pay 100g to play the mini game so the title of the OP is a little much. It is 5 silver to play the game.
True. I can play for the low price of 5s. Only 5s to play a single small mini-game once that does not benefit me in any way. Now why would I do that? All the other mini-games are free. If I want to play a mini-game, I’m not going to pay for the privilege if I’m not going to gain any benefit from it.
If you enjoy the game then 5 silver is not that much. If you do not enjoy the game then why would you buy it to begin with?
Maybe to encourage players to bet with each other? Makes it more fun. Who cares about infinite use? Get a few dozen cheap ones that’s all you ever need. How much will you realistically be playing this? About as much as people play choir bells.
Agree that negating playable content depending on how rich or how much someone farmed is ridiculous
Oh I see now, it’s 100g BUT it was 15s in the human home instance. I was lucky enough to buy one when they were 15s in the human home instance before they disabled the npc.
If you enjoy the game then 5 silver is not that much. If you do not enjoy the game then why would you buy it to begin with?
Maybe to encourage players to bet with each other? Makes it more fun. Who cares about infinite use? Get a few dozen cheap ones that’s all you ever need. How much will you realistically be playing this? About as much as people play choir bells.
Heh. With this paywall they are guaranteeing that I won’t be playing it outside of the achievements. And as the achievements are in turn behind that paywall, they are guaranteeing I will be boosting these achievements with a friend to minimize my money drain.
Keg Brawl doesn’t cost. No reason this should either. Now to get my Keg Brawl achievements before they add a cost to that to ‘balance’ it.
Yeah, 100 gold is a bit of an overkill, especially considering you get nothing of value when playing the game. It’s just for fun.
Yeah, 100 gold is a bit of an overkill, especially considering you get nothing of value when playing the game. It’s just for fun.
In that case GW2 should be free as well, I just play this for fun.
Yeah, 100 gold is a bit of an overkill, especially considering you get nothing of value when playing the game. It’s just for fun.
In that case GW2 should be free as well, I just play this for fun.
Having to work in-game to make money so you can play a mini-game in-game.
Also … work on your argument. You’ve just presented a straw man fallacy.
Yeah, 100 gold is a bit of an overkill, especially considering you get nothing of value when playing the game. It’s just for fun.
In that case GW2 should be free as well, I just play this for fun.
Having to work in-game to make money so you can play a mini-game in-game.
Also … work on your argument. You’ve just presented a straw man fallacy.
You do not NEED 100g to play. You need 100g only if you are very certain that you will want(still not a need) to play frequently each day and everyday for months if not years.
Yeah, 100 gold is a bit of an overkill, especially considering you get nothing of value when playing the game. It’s just for fun.
In that case GW2 should be free as well, I just play this for fun.
Having to work in-game to make money so you can play a mini-game in-game.
Also … work on your argument. You’ve just presented a straw man fallacy.
You do not NEED 100g to play. You need 100g only if you are very certain that you will want(still not a need) to play frequently each day and everyday for months if not years.
I know I don’t need 100 to play. You only need 5s to play a single time. My argument still stands on the previous merits.
And your previous argument is still a straw man.
*puts on straw hat
Just like how Ford overprices their Mustang car. Poor people like me can’t afford Mustangs, and have to settle for a Focus instead. So too are luxury items that grant you unlimited specific mini game access. People can’t afford to pay 100 Gold, therefore it’s unreasonable, regardless of the fact that it’s optional content that can be accessed for free through other means.
*puts on straw hat
Just like how Ford overprices their Mustang car. Poor people like me can’t afford Mustangs, and have to settle for a Focus instead. So too are luxury items that grant you unlimited specific mini game access. People can’t afford to pay 100 Gold, therefore it’s unreasonable, regardless of the fact that it’s optional content that can be accessed for free through other means.
Close, but not quite. We still need to pay 5s per play. It’s not free anywhere. Now if there were locations in the game in which you could play other players, not NPCs, for free then your argument and the price would hold water.
Yeah, 100 gold is a bit of an overkill, especially considering you get nothing of value when playing the game. It’s just for fun.
In that case GW2 should be free as well, I just play this for fun.
Having to work in-game to make money so you can play a mini-game in-game.
Also … work on your argument. You’ve just presented a straw man fallacy.
You do not NEED 100g to play. You need 100g only if you are very certain that you will want(still not a need) to play frequently each day and everyday for months if not years.
I know I don’t need 100 to play. You only need 5s to play a single time. My argument still stands on the previous merits.
And your previous argument is still a straw man.
Your entire argument has been based upon a different logical fallacy so that you keep commenting on his is just.. hilarious.
Your entire argument has been based upon a different logical fallacy so that you keep commenting on his is just.. hilarious.
And now you’re here with an ad hominem.
If you feel my argument is unsound, tell me how instead of just blindly accusing me. Thanks! ^.^
Convenience items like the molten pick, consortium sickle and chop-it-all axe are far more expensive than they are worth. But people buy them for the convenience (I did).
This is where I differ, weren’t the pick, sickle and axe 800 gems in the BLTC? I’d say that those are far more useful than infinite access to a minigame that you’ll break out every now and then compared to gathering tools you use every day. And 800 gems typically comes out to… what, 20g or so? That’s a fifth of what you’ll pay for the mini-game, that’s where I think the 100g is unjustified. It’s just so much more, and even people who play every day don’t typically have 100g in their bank collecting dust to drop on something so random like this. I mean, 100g is a SERIOUS leg-up on a Legendary, lol. It just doesn’t add up as being an appropriate price, in my opinion.
I think what would have worked better would have been to have this as a reward for getting the 16 achievements for the event, and then having the little model just there as a reward for completing the story portion.
Slightly more entertaining than the commander icon, but less useful. :P
Easy solution that will keep the price intact. Those items allow you to play Belcher’s Bluff with people anywhere. Make a place, like Keg Brawl has, that players can go to to play the game for free. That way the items (infinite and single-use alike) truly become worthwhile as they are adding the value of playing anywhere instead of the value of playing in the first place.
Or Anet could put it for 8,000 Gems?
Slightly more entertaining than the commander icon, but less useful. :P
I think you mean MORE useful
Apparently getting to 10k AP gets you a nice pile of gold http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement#Achievement_rewards
Exchange the gems as well and you have 100g. So what is the new complaint?
Your entire argument has been based upon a different logical fallacy so that you keep commenting on his is just.. hilarious.
And now you’re here with an ad hominem.
If you feel my argument is unsound, tell me how instead of just blindly accusing me. Thanks! ^.^
Do you realize by using those words you just lost a good portion of the posters here? These are guys that apply arbitrary meanings to anything they desire. How can you honestly expect them to frame a proper argument?
Ignorant people choose to remain ignorant, it’s nothing new. You could even do as I’ve done and provide them with information so that they can educate themselves, but they won’t. So it’s simply better to drop it.
I agree it is quite high and because of that I won’t get it BUT I also think its reasonable. As someone else said you would have to play 2000 times or something like that to make up the cost so you just have to decide do you think you will play it that often (or do you just want the convenience)? If so then buy it. If not, don’t worry about it and just buy the consumable versions (depending on whether or not the vendors are sticking around you may not even have to stock up, just buy as you need).
Easy solution that will keep the price intact. Those items allow you to play Belcher’s Bluff with people anywhere. Make a place, like Keg Brawl has, that players can go to to play the game for free. That way the items (infinite and single-use alike) truly become worthwhile as they are adding the value of playing anywhere instead of the value of playing in the first place.
Or better,
add this as a cheap activity in all of Tyria’s wonderful taverns. Allow players to challenge each other there for the typical price of a round of drinks.
Keep the infinite gold item for players who want to challenge each other outside of taverns.
Easy solution that will keep the price intact. Those items allow you to play Belcher’s Bluff with people anywhere. Make a place, like Keg Brawl has, that players can go to to play the game for free. That way the items (infinite and single-use alike) truly become worthwhile as they are adding the value of playing anywhere instead of the value of playing in the first place
.Or better,
add this as a cheap activity in all of Tyria’s wonderful taverns. Allow players to challenge each other there for the typical price of a round of drinks.
Keep the infinite gold item for players who want to challenge each other outside of taverns.
Maybe that would draw more than just RPers into the lovely taverns. And at the prices of the drinks there, I don’t think I’d mind. 16c is no 5s, after all. Leave the 5s, 20s, and 100g items for outside-of-bar games.
Love the idea. +1
meh this minigame is useless at all. I can’t even earn enough gold to the trivial en basic content….won’t spend valuable coins into something like that.
It could be fun though, if the prices were like 10 times lower
Your entire argument has been based upon a different logical fallacy so that you keep commenting on his is just.. hilarious.
And now you’re here with an ad hominem.
If you feel my argument is unsound, tell me how instead of just blindly accusing me. Thanks! ^.^
Quick summary here:
You do not need to invest 100g to play this minigame.
To be able to consider the 100g version an investment, you will have to play belchers bluff roughly 2000 times, less than that and it is more profitable for you to invest in either one-time or 5-time kits.
As for your logical fallacy? Well you mentioned keg brawl as a free example, but you ignored mentioning the other minigames availible: Moa Racing and Costume Brawl < this is known as cherrypicking or “the texas sharpshooter”. Through presenting a partial amount of data to back up your claim rather than take in consideration the full data availible, you make your claim appear stronger than it actually is. In this case you presented Keg brawl which is 1 of 5 minigames currently availible.
Out of these 5, 2 are free : Keg Brawl and Sanctum Sprint
3 have a cost to them: Belchers bluff (1/5s 4c, 5/20s, */100g), Costume Brawl(Tonic) and Moa Racing (50s/race).
One of these 5 will most likely disappear once the current event is over, namely the Sanctum Sprint, this causes us to drop down to 4 minigames out of which 3 or 75% actually has a cost to playing them.
Furthermore your claims regarding keg brawl is yet another logical fallacy as you failed to provide any form of valid data to back up your claim, thus causing it to be anecdotal.
And finally, pointing out that you did use a logical fallacy is not an attack on your character nor a remark upon your personal attributes as such I did not commit any form of ad hominem.
I don’t really care if it’s 100g for the unlimited item simply because I don’t farm enough gold to be considered wealthy and while I do find the game fun to play, I know full well I won’t be playing 2000 rounds of belchers bluff for a long time to come anyway.
Quick summary here:
You do not need to invest 100g to play this minigame.
To be able to consider the 100g version an investment, you will have to play belchers bluff roughly 2000 times, less than that and it is more profitable for you to invest in either one-time or 5-time kits.
I think I’ll stick with investing zero as I have zero interest in a pointless money sink. I already have a few money sinks in the form of a legendary and a couple of the pseudo-legendaries.
As for your logical fallacy? Well you mentioned keg brawl as a free example, but you ignored mentioning the other minigames availible: Moa Racing and Costume Brawl < this is known as cherrypicking or “the texas sharpshooter”. Through presenting a partial amount of data to back up your claim rather than take in consideration the full data availible, you make your claim appear stronger than it actually is. In this case you presented Keg brawl which is 1 of 5 minigames currently availible.
Out of these 5, 2 are free : Keg Brawl and Sanctum Sprint
3 have a cost to them: Belchers bluff (1/5s 4c, 5/20s, */100g), Costume Brawl(Tonic) and Moa Racing (50s/race).
I mention Keg Brawl as:
1 – It is the first mini-game
2 – It is in the ‘Activities’ section of the achievements pane, alongside Belcher’s Brawl.
3 – None of the other games you bring up are in the ‘Activities’ pane.
Moa Racing isn’t a mini-game. It’s gambling. And at least it has a chance for a return investment. You can gamble on it and make money. Belcher’s Brawl is a money sink and you cannot make money from it. So … apples and oranges there.
As for Costume Brawl? It is closer to a good comparison. Again, it’s not in the activities section but it does track in achievements, even though those achievements are in the ‘Communities’ section instead of the ‘Activities’ one. And looking at the price of the tonics? Let’s just say if Belcher’s Bluff price-to-play was on par with Costume Brawl, this conversation would not have happened. Around 50c per play is decent. 5s? Not so much.
And none of the holiday event ones count. They are all tracked seperately. They were also all free, you know.
I think I’ll stick with investing zero as I have zero interest in a pointless money sink. I already have a few money sinks in the form of a legendary and a couple of the pseudo-legendaries.
And that is your choice, but unlike what the title of this forum topic is, you never had to spend 100g to play this particular activity.
I mention Keg Brawl as:
1 – It is the first mini-game
2 – It is in the ‘Activities’ section of the achievements pane, alongside Belcher’s Brawl.
3 – None of the other games you bring up are in the ‘Activities’ pane.
They’re all minigames, I do agree that moa racing is nothing but gambling but nevertheless, it is an activity and having no achievements connected to it under the activities panel doesn’t quite nullify that..
Moa Racing isn’t a mini-game. It’s gambling. And at least it has a chance for a return investment. You can gamble on it and make money. Belcher’s Brawl is a money sink and you cannot make money from it. So … apples and oranges there.
As for Costume Brawl? It is closer to a good comparison. Again, it’s not in the activities section but it does track in achievements, even though those achievements are in the ‘Communities’ section instead of the ‘Activities’ one. And looking at the price of the tonics? Let’s just say if Belcher’s Bluff price-to-play was on par with Costume Brawl, this conversation would not have happened. Around 50c per play is decent. 5s? Not so much.
And none of the holiday event ones count. They are all tracked seperately. They were also all free, you know.
I do agree that the holiday ones shouldn’t be counted here, altho I’d say they don’t count as they’re a temporary addition.
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