Character Re-Customization

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


lets hope this comes in the next update.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I’m tired of “waiting for the next update” for something that should of been out in the beginning, it shouldn’t be part of a holiday patch, its just for looks….

It would be better if they released new hairstyles later and this now, that way we can sort all the bugs out of it by the time they release new content with hair….

I’ve been wanting to change 3 characters for months… :/

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Norb.4253


I’m a man trapped in a woman’s body.

Halp, Arenanet.


Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Almost done… 200 pages!

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drewan.5681


honestly, kinda pissed we are still being ignored in regards to this. I expected we would at least have gotten for more info by now :/

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tetrodoxin.2134


Also waiting for this. C’mon anet, give us re-customization! xO

Anet hates [your class], since [other classes] got buffs while [your class] only received nerfs.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mrmrr.2403


I can’t wait for this to become available! it’d be cool if they released it with some new hair styles or face choices… the sylvari options are especially meager imo

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nataris.2350


Would love an update on this. Eagerly waiting to recustomize my characters. >_<

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ice.5162


Any official updates? I remember them popping up in-game, and they are still in-game, what’s taking so long?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vague Sentiments.9832

Vague Sentiments.9832

This needs to happen. Character accessory color is the biggest problem for me. You have to commit upon creation with no wiggle room to change in the future – which can really dash any hopes away when it comes to using newly acquired dyes in an eye pleasing manner.

Basically, I picked bland brown. I am very sick of brown. And things that match that particular brown.

I’d be willing to pay gold, gems – ANYTHING for this.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lopez.7369


Yup, my purple bows have basically ruined customization on my Necromancer. It’s awful.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Darknass.1903


hair/face and all that jazz, yes.
sex, yes.
profession, maybe buuut why? you have several character slots for a reason…
race, no, due to personal story and other factors that would just make it too confusing to keep track.

HoD – Ranger, Ele, Guard, Engie.

“The best defense is a strong offense.”

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AliceJutta.3824


I’m a man trapped in a woman’s body.

Halp, Arenanet.


I whole-heartily laughed aloud.

Alice Suyeong – Mesmer, Ruins of Surmia

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: FunToStopTime.8569


All these customers continually ignored. No responses, becoming particularly insulting.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Boogiepophantom.3041


id love to know the eta on these items

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aluano.1826


Say something ArenaNet, when can we expect this? Next update? In a few months? Tomarrow?!

Talk to us! Don’t be shy

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SaraFjellskoge.4168


Count me as one more customer eagerly awaiting the kits. Please can we get an update on when they will be released? Or at least a status update?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Joel.6587


id very much like to change the Tats on my Norn. =/

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drakonis.4579


Would love an update on this. I need to remake one of my characters badly. lol

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Strodor.6051


I’m thinking that we may see something on the Nov.15th update. Wouldn’t hold your breath though.

Smaggle – Asura elementalist [INT]

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


It’s quite sad they’re just ignoring us ATM.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kristabella.6213


I’m still waiting for this feature BADLY. Unfortunately I don’t see any reply by developpers No news … Maybe not this 15th either …. Pls Let us know something!!!!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


Throwing my 2 cents in with this. I realize this stance on it is not very important since the game has no subscription, but I ceased playing Guild Wars 2 actively a short time ago.

However, a recustomization option of some form would bring me back to the game quickly. I stopped playing due to having a level 60-ish character that I had invested a good amount of hours into, but finding that I suddenly hated the color scheme of her. As a sylvari, my color scheme is all the more important than the more human-like races (in my opinion) and when I noticed a certain clash that did not bother me as much at creation, it sucked all the will to play the character from me.

It seems a small thing, but this is the sort of thing that makes me stop playing, personally. I have no urge to re-level through content I have so recently done, so I do not wish to roll a new character with a better color scheme. Particularly since it is just as likely after a few weeks of play I will run into the same problem.

I can only speak for myself, but I can say for certain a recustomization option for my characters would bring me back to the game and I would resume playing eagerly in a heartbeat.

Suffice to say, bump for re-customization! Make it happen ArenaNet! Take my money!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xalugami.2096


I’ve been waiting for these items since they were first on the Gem Store (and taken down minutes later). I have 600 Gems at the ready in hopes they retain the 350 & 250 cost for the Total Makeover Kit & Hairstyle Kits respectively. It’s amazing how such small things on your main character that you grow to dislike can make you want to put down the whole game entirely.
I hope these are going to come sooner rather than later, I doubt it’s taking over a month to work out bugs with a few items. Then again, some events have been broken since launch…

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zoe.6230


I’d at least like a barber shop (like in World of Warcraft)

It was hard for me to pick a hairstyle during the character creation because I liked multiple styles.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mutiny.4180


I’d love it if we could dye accessories and underwear post-creation, ideally for free and on the fly.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lopez.7369


I’m not going to stop playing, but my enthusiasm for the game is definitely down due to my character being stuck with an awful color scheme due to the color of my bows. It makes picking out vanity items a lot less exciting, which is a shame because that’s kind of the point of endgame.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sirgen.9045


I would love to see this implemented

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Norb.4253


It was an alt, a character just for fun. A whimsical creation that was fueled by typical male fantasies, attractive and with revealing clothing so that one could admire her “assets” in all their glory. My main toon is always a male, alts can vary.

Little did I know that the class itself would be so much fun (ele), I’d drop my main 80 Warrior and switch full time to this pretty and petite yet deadly flower. So now she’s my full-time toon, also 80, and just waiting for me to spend my gems and swap gender/names with the warrior.

Please, an update, any update! A timeline, something! I could have leveled another character to 80 by now with the looks and name I wanted, and I almost did exactly that except decided to hold off after we got that teaser (when the items were made available but then pulled out). I figured it wouldn’t be long after that.

This isn’t just a problem with my in-game appearance. I’m afraid my main being a girl is starting to bleed into real life. I’ve inexplicably started to sit whenever going to the bathroom, I now have 25 different pairs of shoes in my closet (they were all so cute I just had to buy them), and haven’t missed an episode of The View in two weeks. THE VIEW.

I’m scared, Arenanet. So very scared.

(edited by Norb.4253)

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bytor.3826


Your nips. Calm them, forums.

The items are apparently already in the database. They’re just awaiting release.

Probably ironing out what bugs I’m sure there are. We’ll get it soon.

This is my signature. Marvel at its brilliance!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Steele.2784


Thanks for the suggestion, everyone. We’re doing what we can.

+1 After making a guardian norm I found out that if I make my character fat weapons and shoulder become huge making them look so much more appealing. I cant imagine that adding a appearance changer would be hard to implement. It seems all parts of the community agree this should be added and close to the top on priority. It would be great to have some more news from Arenanet on this feature!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Strodor.6051


It was an alt, a character just for fun. A whimsical creation that was fueled by typical male fantasies, attractive and with revealing clothing so that one could admire her “assets” in all their glory. My main toon is always a male, alts can vary.

Little did I know that the class itself would be so much fun (ele), I’d drop my main 80 Warrior and switch full time to this pretty and petite yet deadly flower. So now she’s my full-time toon, also 80, and just waiting for me to spend my gems and swap gender/names with the warrior.

Please, an update, any update! A timeline, something! I could have leveled another character to 80 by now with the looks and name I wanted, and I almost did exactly that except decided to hold off after we got that teaser (when the items were made available but then pulled out). I figured it wouldn’t be long after that.

This isn’t just a problem with my in-game appearance. I’m afraid my main being a girl is starting to bleed into real life. I’ve inexplicably started to sit whenever going to the bathroom, I now have 25 different pairs of shoes in my closet (they were all so cute I just had to buy them), and haven’t missed an episode of The View in two weeks. THE VIEW.

I’m scared, Arenanet. So very scared.

+1 Internet for you, Thanks for the entertaining read.

Smaggle – Asura elementalist [INT]

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Huck.1405


Over 230 posts on this subject and no reply! Shame on you Arena!

“You can teach ’em, but you cant learn ’em.”

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wymsical.6945


I don’t really know why people seem to think they’re entitled to extra responses. We know the items exist, we know they’re slated for an upcoming update. We just don’t know exactly when. They’re not obligated to tell us when. The items likely still have some bugs that are being worked out to make sure that no one’s character gets messed up and/or they want to drop them with a larger update.

Sure, I’m chomping at the bit to recustomize my necromancer and elementalist, but I’m not going to say ‘For shame’ or ‘How awful’ when ArenaNet doesn’t reply to a long thread that’s essentially just people complaining the items aren’t in the shop yet.

They’re coming, guys. It might just take a while.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skuko.5783


I don’t really know why people seem to think they’re entitled to extra responses. We know the items exist, we know they’re slated for an upcoming update. We just don’t know exactly when. They’re not obligated to tell us when. The items likely still have some bugs that are being worked out to make sure that no one’s character gets messed up and/or they want to drop them with a larger update.

Sure, I’m chomping at the bit to recustomize my necromancer and elementalist, but I’m not going to say ‘For shame’ or ‘How awful’ when ArenaNet doesn’t reply to a long thread that’s essentially just people complaining the items aren’t in the shop yet.

They’re coming, guys. It might just take a while.

lol i don’t feel entitled to a response and yes, they are not obligated to answer.

but since this is a free to play game and in essence these kind of items are their bread and butter, wouldn’t you say it would be only logical to present your customers with clear and meaningful information regarding things which will keep them spending money?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wigett.1054


I would love to redo my toon. tweek stuff. maybe a barber shop. would be cool.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I wish we could get an ETA…

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Praenomen.3245


I don’t really know why people seem to think they’re entitled to extra responses. We know the items exist, we know they’re slated for an upcoming update. We just don’t know exactly when. They’re not obligated to tell us when. The items likely still have some bugs that are being worked out to make sure that no one’s character gets messed up and/or they want to drop them with a larger update.

Sure, I’m chomping at the bit to recustomize my necromancer and elementalist, but I’m not going to say ‘For shame’ or ‘How awful’ when ArenaNet doesn’t reply to a long thread that’s essentially just people complaining the items aren’t in the shop yet.

They’re coming, guys. It might just take a while.

Putting aside the idea that forum posts are rationed out depending on each person’s worth (entitled to extra responses), I don’t see the harm in lightly bumping the thread every so often.

Not like anyone at ArenaNet is going to run off in tears for being reminded a second time of something by reading the forums, and it’s entirely within my realm of interest to bug them about it until recustomization is an option.

If anything, the knowledge that the items are in the game warrents extra bugging rather than less.

I don’t particularly expect a -response- from ArenaNet, but I also expect the ability to occasionally drop a reminder. It gives me a bit of peace of mind, personally.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

I’d be fine paying for a recustomization option.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I’d pay 20 bucks for it. :/

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aeri.5738


Should be optainable via a few silver coins, not for gems.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Strodor.6051


Should be optainable via a few silver coins, not for gems.

Gems are A’nets way of sustaining this game and providing you with monthly Free content that you would only expect from a Pay to pay monthly subscription MMO.

Besides, you can get gems WITH in-game gold, there’s absolutely nothing to kitten about here.

Smaggle – Asura elementalist [INT]

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zedrix.2104


I’d pay 20 bucks for it. :/

Same, that’s how much I hate looking at my character as it is now.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I don’t even log in anymore, can’t stand ugly toons. :<

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SaraFjellskoge.4168


I keep hoping the kits will be in the next patch… Will the next patch be on the 15th? Or might we get one sooner?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Draaky.2436


I totally hate my norn warrior hope Re-Customization would make me be able to change it to an other race

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mutiny.4180


I totally hate my norn warrior hope Re-Customization would make me be able to change it to an other race

Very unlikely due to the way the personal story works. You’ll, at most, be able to change your full appearance and gender. I believe the few accidentally released included a complimentary name change, too, but take that with some salt.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cubed.2853


If you can not fix clipping issues you should provide a possibility to change at least some aspects or whatever once after you know what proportion of your created character is clipping… You simply can not see in character creation the clipping problems, but you will probably know every detail after you hit 80 and equiped you character.

it was written…

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zakka.2153


Again going say this.

Barber: An in world NPC who uses in-game currency to change your hair color and hair style

Black Lion:
Potion of Change: Allows change of any appearance options – body type, hair, face, skin ect
Potion of Morph: Allows Sex change and Appearance options.

and maybe – I thought I saw some where they said they are not going too.
Potion of Race: Allows Race change and Appearance options.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jaevric.3196


Personally, I’d pay $20.00 – $25.00 for a character recustomization that let me change my race, even if it meant having to play through the personal story again. As much as I love my Charr, I can’t find a suit of heavy armor that doesn’t clip and look terrible on him short of the T3 racial set. I’d turn him into a Norn and wear the HotW set in a heartbeat though — I’m just not really inclined to level a 2nd Guardian.