The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
it’s still relatively fresh for a dead horse.
Not much of it left (drinks)
No mounts please!!!
If we really need mounts added to all maps just change it so a select group of mini pets become mounts. Change the size of the character to fit the mini(so shrink the character) and give them no speed boost or skills then make it like tonics so when in combat you are dismounted.
But if they want to make a map designed for mounts that could work, like a flying map or underwater, but not every map in existence needs them. And the main cities should always have them banned if they are ever added, unless in mini form.
Everyone take a shot!! drinks
I’m already on my third liver. Oh, and kidneys grow back, don’t they??
I really want a go-kart.
I’m picturing that you craft it and it requires more than a few watchwork sprockets. you get in it, get perma swiftness (so no significant speed boost), and drive it around. If you are attacked while in it, it takes damage instead of you (like in a golem). once it’s destroyed, it’s gone and you have to make a new one.
If the waypoints were less and even more spread out like outposts were in original Guild Wars, I might have agreed.
But now, no.
Must use waypoints.
8 threads already +1 adnauseum.
Thread #24815 regarding mounts. This will surely be the one to change it all!
All hail thread # 24815!
Quaggan doesn’t want to be ridden!
its a needed thing even back in the midevil times mounts is needed for long distant journeys.
Ya, i mean yes – literally everyone (and i’m talking EVERYONE) had a horse back in ‘ye olde’ medieval times.
Alright…maybe not everyone…and maybe not horses as such…but they did have a pony – shanks’s pony – and that, my friend, is what you’ve got in GW2.
Be grateful.
No, thanks. I’m sure there would then be 1000 threads on some kind of clipping issue.
its a needed thing even back in the midevil times mounts is needed for long distant journeys.
Ya, i mean yes – literally everyone (and i’m talking EVERYONE) had a horse back in ‘ye olde’ medieval times.
Alright…maybe not everyone…and maybe not horses as such…but they did have a pony – shanks’s pony – and that, my friend, is what you’ve got in GW2.
Be grateful.
I’m sure people had Asura gates and waypoints back in dem ol’ days with swords ’n magic ’n dragons ’n stuff!
Freakin’ medieval people playing around in their Super Adventure Boxes all day long!
Thank you for this thread. It made my mood feel more better.
Why have mounts when we have a bazillion waypoints ?
The waypoints really kill the purpose of mounts…in other games there is much more focus on actually moving your character around the maps rather than instantly teleporting, so mounts make sense… In gw2,not so much.
There are WPs & speed boosts everywhere & clearly you know nothing of GW lore.
The maps arent even BIG enough for a mount
Mounts would be fantastic. Sadly, the only people left on the forums are the hard-liners who think that nothing new will improve this game.
the only people left on the forums are the hard-liners who think that nothing new will improve this game.
Your such a hard-liner.
Oh dam I may have stured up some mean people :S but I did made a point on the wrong way. But I am really saddened that Arena hasn’t added the mounts but from all that running made ya think man all that running around would make ya feet hurt. :S
If everyone enjoys running around all day everyday. But it dose kinda ruin the realism of the old times were theirs no mounts for this game. If Arena dose actually puts those mounts in what I want to drive is those nice 2 wheel tanks that the charrs have now those are awesome.
Quaggan doesn’t want to be ridden!
Save a horse, ride a quaggan!
buy a broom or tunnel machine.
mounts are not needed but they would be a fun addition even if for just cosmetic reasons and for rp.
The Norn love seeing threads like this.
From a new player’s perspective, watching people run around on mounts would probably be far more entertaining than having drop zergs come out of nowhere and then vanish. Without waypoints, you’d actually get to see people travelling places.
I want a Sylvari Hound for my Sylvari Mesmer. She would look so incredibly cute riding one!
I want a Sylvari Hound for my Sylvari Mesmer.
She would look so incredibly cute riding one!
Knowing other games, some of these mounts would have to be available to ALL races or else the peeps would be upset. So you’d have a Charr or a Norn riding a tiny Sylvari hound and……………………………………………………………………………..sorry, I just dropped dead from the amount of laughter caused by that mental image for a minute.
I wouldn’t mind a Dolyak as an inventory enhancement… much like the Miols in Aion :P
The Norn love seeing threads like this.
The Norn get to ride Broodmothers.
I am only OK with mounts as follows:
1. No increase in speed.
2. No combat usage.
3. No increase in speed.
4. Must have craftable options.
5. No increase in speed.
6. Must be in achievement panel once acquired.
I am only OK with mounts as follows:
1. No increase in speed.
2. No combat usage.
3. No increase in speed.
4. Must have craftable options.
5. No increase in speed.
6. Must be in achievement panel once acquired.
I’d say 25% movement speed. Most classes have that option anyway. The majority of people would still be outrunning mounts with swiftness.
Oh man! I’ve missed this kind of threads!!
What would life be like if we didn’t have theses coming up ALL THE TIME!!!
Imagine the possibilities!!!
uhmm, i really don’t care about the lore part, it’s still breaks immersion.
what’s more immersive:
- teleport everywhere in a magical way
- ride to your destination on a mount
ill go for the mount any day.
For something to break immersion it would have to not fit into the world. And thus would have to in some way or form, break lore. Which WPs don’t do.
i play skyrim with the most lore breaking armors you can think of yet i don’t quick travel, it’s about immersing in the world and waypoints are the exact opposite.
I think people lose track of the point of this argument. Walking through an environment rather than teleporting is indeed more immersive. Riding through the environment on a mount is more immersive than WPing through it. However, riding faster than normal diminishes that environment. If you can get from point A to point B faster on a mount, it makes the space in between effectively smaller. Anet didn’t craft these beautiful environments for us to just speed past them on a mount, or fly over them. A mountain is less imposing when you can ride around it faster, or even fly right over it. So what is the point of the mountain if it is made meaningless by a mount? If a mount moves 30% faster than walking, then Anet would have to make the world 30% bigger to compensate, otherwise the world would effectively shrink. That’s 30% more work that doesn’t even need to be done.
What about the part where you haven’t actually BEEN TO the WP in question yet? You can’t WP somewhere until you have walked there and unlocked the WP. Even then, there are still many mountains, rivers, valleys, and caves in between each WP that would be diminished by mounts.
Anyway, if they were to add mounts, they would need to remove the WP system because it would be totally redundant. Not to mention we already have runes, signets, swiftness, blink, shadowstep, portal, and leap abilities to move us around faster. The only thing a mount would truly add to the game is one more type of vanity to pursue. If that’s all you want, then fine, bring on the broomsticks and tunnel drills. Mounts with speed and flying buffs would break many of the things Anet worked very hard to create.
Mounts? No sir, I don’t want a mount.
I want an airship. My own airship that doubles as my home instance.
Beyond the grotesque pay-to-win being suggested here, we’re back to raw, naked Power Creep.
You can go faster. You can go faster forever. But it comes with a cost – one of your utility slots eaten by a Signet if you’re in one of the lucky classes that has the option, or all 6 of your Rune slots.
Anything that gives the same benefits with no drawbacks is going to wreck the balances already in play.
You want speed? Pay the price. It’s there and has been since launch in most cases. You just don’t want it enough.
(edited by Nike.2631)
I’d freaking love to ride with my Thief on such a mount like that, especially when its also usable in combat to fight with my thiefs shortbow, while riding it like seen here:
(I suggest everyone to watch the full trailer, but the riding mount comes more near the end of the trailer
The short mount sequence starts at around nearly Minute 7, when the trailer changes to the awesome heroic looking cute female character.
I hope that this game gets soon a release date, currently its more a ghost in the net and besides this trailer sadly exists nothing.
If I could go with my mount on a hunt (raid) like this in a special made for that kind of gameplay-map in GW2
I’d cry tears of luck
wrong game, this is more a justified way to show mount goodness.
it has mounts, it has a superior lustful world (better then GW2 but then again, skyrim is already allot better so no surprise there) and has so much RP potential.
ill just wait and see, eventually ppl will ether move away from this game or use it as a time waster.
there is no immersion in this game, just some cheap traveling or running around.
the battle system doesn’t work with the target system, the events are nothing more then zerg fests and the fanboys are way to hypnotized with flawed mechanisms.
ill see when this game becomes a grave, a place for zombies who love everything Anet does, an example on how not to make a game.
ill see when this game has duels, areas filled with selfish players who want everything they want but ban everything they don’t want.
fact: more and more players leave GW2
fact 2: players who never played GW1 but now bought it like it allot more then GW2
ps. i know you’re gonna cry to Anet how much a meany i am or how much this is BS, go ahead, delude your self.
fact: more and more players leave GW2.
Hopefully all the ones that want mounts.
Fly isn’t a problem. Its more like gliding. Not real flying as in AION, where the map structures aren’t blocky.
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