How about you remove the trading post?
no thank you, I’d rather not collect 1932819283129 silk for my ascended armor.
I would prefer expanding the TP, so GW2 is a complete free market.
So no more soulbound or account bound items in the game fullstop. Everything and I mean everything can be bought and sold on the trading post.
I’m all for removing the TP and letting us EARN our goods while PLAYING THE GAME, get rid of the gem store too.
You do realise your asking for GW2 to be shutdown don’t you, ie no more game fullstop…
As I told another respondant GW1 did/does just fine for the past 7 years without a TP and gem store...
GW1 also had a trade system. In GW2 you can’t trade through mail, because it requires too much trust. And there are simply too many scammers. Removing the TP would mean no more in-game trading of any sort. Which means you would have to collect EVERYTHING yourself. GL on crafting ascended gear.
(edited by Charming Rogue.8071)
I would prefer expanding the TP, so GW2 is a complete free market.
So no more soulbound or account bound items in the game fullstop. Everything and I mean everything can be bought and sold on the trading post.
I’m all for removing the TP and letting us EARN our goods while PLAYING THE GAME, get rid of the gem store too.
You do realise your asking for GW2 to be shutdown don’t you, ie no more game fullstop…
As I told another respondant GW1 did/does just fine for the past 7 years without a TP and gem store...
Don’t care what you want to call it, something has to fund GW2. GW2 != GW1 … different business model, different costs, etc… Assuming that GW2 doesn’t need gemstore or TP because GW1 didn’t have it is nonsense.
While it’s less player interaction, I wouldn’t be all that against removing TP if it was replaced with a game regulated trader. That way, you wouldn’t buy or sell directly to players and the trader could set prices in a more systematic way.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
….. get rid of the gem store too.
How do you think they pay the light bill to keep the servers on so you CAN play the game? Charity donations?
Some of things that are actually typed on these forums are simply unbelievable…..
And GW1 DOES have a gem store (in-game store) whether it is called that or not….and it ONLY uses RL money.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
….. get rid of the gem store too.
How do you think they pay the light bill to keep the servers on so you CAN play the game? Charity donations?
YES! lol
They should totally get rid of the Gemstore and the TP and then charge us a subscription to keep the servers running and just give us everything for free. While they are at it, they should remove this silly account-bound/soulbound crap and allow us to freely trade everything regardless of if it’s been worn or not.
They can say Evon refused to work for the Lionguard and he and his cohorts ended up at the end of a firing squad.
Then they should add mounts. Because mounts make everything better right?
Then they should bring back the gemstore some time after, and instead of naming it Black Lion Trading Company, name it something like.. Ellen Kiel’s Mystical Store of Wonderment and Do-hickeys.
And finally, turn gems into a physical item in the game and allow people to trade it directly with other players.
lol.. too much to ask for?
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
Evon for Lyfe yo!
….. get rid of the gem store too.
How do you think they pay the light bill to keep the servers on so you CAN play the game? Charity donations?
YES! lol
They should totally get rid of the Gemstore and the TP and then charge us a subscription to keep the servers running and just give us everything for free. While they are at it, they should remove this silly account-bound/soulbound crap and allow us to freely trade everything regardless of if it’s been worn or not.
They can say Evon refused to work for the Lionguard and he and his cohorts ended up at the end of a firing squad.
Then they should add mounts. Because mounts make everything better right?
Then they should bring back the gemstore some time after, and instead of naming it Black Lion Trading Company, name it something like.. Ellen Kiel’s Mystical Store of Wonderment and Do-hickeys.
And finally, turn gems into a physical item in the game and allow people to trade it directly with other players.
lol.. too much to ask for?
Or they give us really everything that we can get in game directly on first logon. Then we have won the game and don’t need to play it and there is no reason to complain and they can shut down the servers and everyone is happy .. right ? .. RIGHT ??
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
Confirmed – Kiel is bad. Score one for the good guys!
….. get rid of the gem store too.
How do you think they pay the light bill to keep the servers on so you CAN play the game? Charity donations?
YES! lol
They should totally get rid of the Gemstore and the TP and then charge us a subscription to keep the servers running and just give us everything for free. While they are at it, they should remove this silly account-bound/soulbound crap and allow us to freely trade everything regardless of if it’s been worn or not.
They can say Evon refused to work for the Lionguard and he and his cohorts ended up at the end of a firing squad.
Then they should add mounts. Because mounts make everything better right?
Then they should bring back the gemstore some time after, and instead of naming it Black Lion Trading Company, name it something like.. Ellen Kiel’s Mystical Store of Wonderment and Do-hickeys.
And finally, turn gems into a physical item in the game and allow people to trade it directly with other players.
lol.. too much to ask for?
Or they give us really everything that we can get in game directly on first logon. Then we have won the game and don’t need to play it and there is no reason to complain and they can shut down the servers and everyone is happy .. right ? .. RIGHT ??
Shh! You’re giving away all their secret plans!
Great! Now their going to have to come up with another plan.. >.>
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
Confirmed – Kiel is bad. Score one for the good guys!
I hope they kick that Evon guy out and put in Kiel. He is obviously untrustworthy and I strongly suspect he has some sort of kickback scheme going with Zomorros. What they are obviously doing is, Zomorros is holding back on the precursors and slipping some to Evon to sell on the trading post. He is the one undercutting everyone else. If Kiel comes in, she will stop that little racket.
KIEL FOREVER! Score one for the better gal!
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
Confirmed – Kiel is bad. Score one for the good guys!
I hope they kick that Evon guy out and put in Kiel. He is obviously untrustworthy and I strongly suspect he has some sort of kickback scheme going with Zomorros. What they are obviously doing is, Zomorros is holding back on the precursors and slipping some to Evon to sell on the trading post. He is the one undercutting everyone else. If Kiel comes in, she will stop that little racket.
KIEL FOREVER! Score one for the better gal!
Gnashblade just does that to keep things interesting.
It’s part of his charrrrrrrm!
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
I’m still waiting for the “Assassinate Ellen Kiel” living world story arc so Evon can finally get the spot he deserves on the council.
The day the trading post goes away for good is the day I uninstall the game.
WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)Yep, I can hardly wait to do that again. (NOT!)
(I never did sell that axe) >.>
No wonder, going rate was 4.5k ;-). Besides, selling wasn’t even the worst part. Buying was (especially before the lfg tool that also gave trade spam some room). Hopping from dis. to dis. wishing for someone to sell Drago’s flatbow
I wonder how many players bought that bow simply because it was the biggest bow in GW1? XD Ahh, memories…
WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)Yep, I can hardly wait to do that again. (NOT!)
(I never did sell that axe) >.>
No wonder, going rate was 4.5k ;-). Besides, selling wasn’t even the worst part. Buying was (especially before the lfg tool that also gave trade spam some room). Hopping from dis. to dis. wishing for someone to sell Drago’s flatbow
Don’t tease me. I was traumatized by that whole incident and the price for Totem axes is burned into my brain. (Bursts into tears).
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
Nuuuuu John Smith, our lead economist is biased towards Evon. Ruuuun.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
The fact that you want to change the BLTC to Ellen Kiel’s anything seems a pretty good indicator that it’s a bad idea.
Nuuuuu John Smith, our lead economist is biased towards Evon. Ruuuun.
He is Evon. You didn’t really think his name is actually “John Smith” did you?
I would prefer expanding the TP, so GW2 is a complete free market.
So no more soulbound or account bound items in the game fullstop. Everything and I mean everything can be bought and sold on the trading post.
I’m all for removing the TP and letting us EARN our goods while PLAYING THE GAME, get rid of the gem store too.
You do realise your asking for GW2 to be shutdown don’t you, ie no more game fullstop…
As I told another respondant GW1 did/does just fine for the past 7 years without a TP and gem store...
Instead they released 3 games followed by 1 expansion, followed by 1 mini expansion, that all would cost very much real money.
Mantaining the instances in GW1 was easier, developing content was easier too cause it was always assumed around 8 characters and not worrying about anyone falling out,or jumping, just landscape to walk on… GW2 needs a lot mroe resources, and it’s not like GW2 is P2W like a lot other MMOs.
And to echo some people… The idea of spamming “WTS” on a town(nor sitting on a player made store or even browsing the countless possible ones) counts as a good system to me.
In Diablo III they had to remove the AH because there was no other solution.
There was people specialized in buying good items to resell them higher.
Drops were so bad, that people could only farm until they could afford a good drop off the AH.
Searching in the AH was unreliable, and didn’t always show all the items that would have suited your interests.
But GW2 is very different.
Items have fixed stats, and most are always useful.
An exotic weapon that drops may not be what you want, but it’ll never be bad. Even if the stats are not popular, there will be people who want it to fuel mystic forge attempts, or to salvage for dark matter.
There’s very few items with no use, like some exotic upgrades.
If the TP was removed, you would have to make all items account-bound because then you will have two collectives: Those who trade, and those who don’t. And those who trade would have a massive advantage over those who don’t.
Trading is necessary in this game. All it needs it’s a little tweak to prevent direct reselling.
Besides TP, it would be nice to hire a merchant that sells your own staff in temporary shops, something like the book carts you can find across Divinity’s Reach streets.
The available slots should be limited (say, 9 slots), so you can hire the merchant for – say – few hours/days or 1 week, for a fee a bit lower than the TP’s tax (because if nobody buy your stuff, you have just spent money for nothing).
No “bid” allowed, just a “buy-now”.
That would be not cross-servers, so the “true” economy would be not altered that much.
I’d like it. A part the early Lion’s Arch, all major Cities are practically empty.
(edited by Askadia.4395)
Diablo III removed part of its auction house, look how kittenty the game is now
We could make the new trading system like it was in the older mmos, where you open a store in the capital with your character, and players can walk through the capital and shop, that way is much more immersive. And the chat was much more populated with the sellers posting their stuff every sec.
Dear god ANYTHING but that.
We could make the new trading system like it was in the older mmos, where you open a store in the capital with your character, and players can walk through the capital and shop, that way is much more immersive. And the chat was much more populated with the sellers posting their stuff every sec.
Why in the world is this supposed to be a better system? It’s like the difference between trying to sell your wares by going door to door versus being able to reach the whole world by selling from eBay. Sure, chat is populated. But it’s with spam messages, not with conversations between people.
We could make the new trading system like it was in the older mmos, where you open a store in the capital with your character, and players can walk through the capital and shop, that way is much more immersive. And the chat was much more populated with the sellers posting their stuff every sec.
WTS……Why in the world is this supposed to be a better system? It’s like the difference between trying to sell your wares by going door to door versus being able to reach the whole world by selling from eBay. Sure, chat is populated. But it’s with spam messages, not with conversations between people.
I’d like to think he was referring more to the way Ultima Online had it set up, where you set up vendors and people would just browse through them, using the same menus that the NPC vendors do (except you make & sell your OWN items on them).
Now THAT was a vendor system. People would operate their own little merchant shops, selling anything & everything. I’ve never seen another MMO even come close to the customizability of the UO vendor system.
We could make the new trading system like it was in the older mmos, where you open a store in the capital with your character, and players can walk through the capital and shop, that way is much more immersive. And the chat was much more populated with the sellers posting their stuff every sec.
WTS……Why in the world is this supposed to be a better system? It’s like the difference between trying to sell your wares by going door to door versus being able to reach the whole world by selling from eBay. Sure, chat is populated. But it’s with spam messages, not with conversations between people.
I’d like to think he was referring more to the way Ultima Online had it set up, where you set up vendors and people would just browse through them, using the same menus that the NPC vendors do (except you make & sell your OWN items on them).
Now THAT was a vendor system.
People would operate their own little merchant shops, selling anything & everything. I’ve never seen another MMO even come close to the customizability of the UO vendor system.
Well that could be interesting. However if it’s crafted items it would need a far more flexible crafting system than what this game has or is likely to have. And if it’s just drops they are selling then they are still are better off selling through the trading post. It sounds to me it would require a complete revamp of crafting and drops to make if viable.
Well that could be interesting. However if it’s crafted items it would need a far more flexible crafting system than what this game has or is likely to have. And if it’s just drops they are selling then they are still are better off selling through the trading post. It sounds to me it would require a complete revamp of crafting and drops to make if viable.
Pretty much, if the game wasn’t set up to allow such things at launch (like ESO which doesn’t have a trading post) then it will take many months and a fair number of people working on it to make it happen. Without a compelling reason for them to spend the time and money on this project instead of many other features that players want, I don’t see it happening.
There’s one serious flaw about TP, it attracts flippers who are driving prices up and it affect normal players who just want to play and have to grind more for items they want.
Removing TP is not an option because there’s more crap to sell than i Guild Wars 1.
WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)WTS Totem axe 5k
(Waits while trade chat scrolls with other trades and message leaves the screen. One minute)Yep, I can hardly wait to do that again. (NOT!)
(I never did sell that axe) >.>
Best i can do is tree fiddy.
(edited by Psychol.5783)
There’s one serious flaw about TP, it attracts flippers who are driving prices up and it affect normal players who just want to play and have to grind more for items they want.
There are problems with it but unless you can prove that flippers drive up prices, that’s a pretty unsubstantiated statement. Flippers don’t drive prices in any particular direction, they simply capitalize on people who don’t know how to price their goods. The actual people that drive up prices are the ones that will pay anything for something they want. You don’t need to be a flipper to avoid paying too much for an item so the problem isn’t flippers.
(edited by Obtena.7952)