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Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Verdonix.3781


I got it last night as well…. said “Error: Invalid Authorization” or something close to that. I was able to retrieve my gold and something I had bought the day before but not buy or sell anything.

Orion Maximus —→ Northern Shiverpeaks --—- [CrGd]

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Syphen.1980


I can’t purchase items from the gem store. I have the gems but clicking confirm does nothing. I am trying to purchase transmutation stones.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Franky.4258


I’m having the issue many people seem to be having with every page of the BLTC window just showing as a blank grey with nothing in it. It worked for one afternoon during the Halloween content but hasn’t worked again since. I’ve tried deleting the dat file and the windows update several times but to no avail.
Obviously a lot of people have fixed their problem because this thread has slowed down a lot but it’s not working for everyone yet. Please halp! =)

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mushu.7685


hello, I just bought the 3 spooky Halloween pets for 500 gems and they are not in my mail or bank or in my inventory can anyone help me ? Please tell me where to get it ?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lyger.1826


I got it last night as well…. said “Error: Invalid Authorization” or something close to that. I was able to retrieve my gold and something I had bought the day before but not buy or sell anything.

I’m getting this also. It’s odd, as the TP was initially working for me. I ran to the crafting station, attempted to list some stuff I’d crafted, and then I was getting ‘Error: Invalid Authorization’ on every tab except the pick up tab.

edit Logging out completely and logging back in did fix this for me.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: nomaster.9107


I have purchased crafting booster and key, but they did not show up at my inventory too…

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Windle.3527


Clear out your mail people, there’s 10 mail maximum.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nostradamus.3507


Something must be done to adress the issue that is simply eating the items you wish to sell. This appears to happen from time to time when I wish to sell something.

I select what I wan’t to sell and then when I press the sell button the TP starts to load. Nothing happens for a few seconds then I get a message saying “Error while attempting to sell”. The problem is the items are gone from my inventory and no items were put on sale.
Also checked to see if the items were refunded in the pick up tab but they were not. This issue is causeing me to loose money when attempting to trade.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lunawisp.2378


Either the gem store is broken, it’s extremely slow or it’s just not intuitive enough for me.

Whichever tab (out of the eight) along the top I click on, nothing happens except the name of that tab appearing in the window below. Nothing else changes. What on earth am I supposed to do with this thing? Is there some secret to using it that I haven’t discovered yet?

Found pottering around on Desolation (EU).
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Owl.9013


I bought gems so that I can get more character slots, the tabs on the trading company are greyed out and it does nothing when I click on them. Any idea’s?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Solace.9837


Like many others the gem store is broken for me.
It shows the front page, but clicking on any tab such as Promotions, simply changes the title to Promotions and does nothing else.
Search is not working either.

I can purchase Recent Purchases from the right hand column.

The pages are not changing in response to clicking the tabs.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: loro.6984


Hi there,

I just solved my trading post problem where an empty screen appears, no buying no selling, no gems, nothing.
A few week ago I set a proxy server in the internet explorer browser settings to work at a customer. It seems that GW2 uses those settings to communicate while using the trade post.
I’ve remove the proxy settings in IE and trade post works again!!!
Cheers and good luck

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kalok.4273


Isle of janthir, Charcter Shibata.

I sold 167 orichalcum Greatsword baldes, and should have received a littel over 28g.

All the items are gone from my inventory and I only received 85 Silver.

Dont know why my previous post was deleted.

I thought this would be important

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kalok.4273


Looks like I got my commission back maybe…

But all the Items are gone

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: psandow.1053


I just attempted to trade approx 1g57s for 200 gems – i adjusted the copper value so it gave exactly 200 gems. On clicking Trade, ‘Failure’ written in red and ‘199’ popped up but the trade appeared to complete as my gold went down and I appeared to have 200 gems. I went to purchace 5 Fine transmutation stones with the 200 gems – clicked to comfirm, the 200 gems went to 0, but I have no sign of the Transmutation stones, and I’ve lost the gold. Is this just a slow delivery of the stones or was this a bug in the exchange? The stones are not in my recent purchases list. Can I get my gold back..?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Raydan.6379


i bought 10 mystic forge stone with 450 gems, it has been 2 hours so far and it hasn’t arrived in my mail box. My mail box only have one old mail. what can i do?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ivok.6490


i got same problem like other people i cant buy anything the icon stay blank grey and also i cant sell anything what should i do ?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Melancia.1320


I am having the same problem too. When I try to buy anything, the option is greyed out and can’t click on it. When I try to sell, the window pops up, starts to load, but then nothing appears. What is happening with the Black Lion Trading Co, and what should I do?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Psychomaniack.1953


Still having the same problem… I can not sell on the TP.

Which is kinda stupid. All my bags are full (on all 5 characters), bank is full too. I’m just waiting for this stupid “patch”, so I can sell the stuff on the TP and not loose a ton of cash.

It’s been over 2 weeks since I post here, still nothing. Hello, is someone from Anet even reading this?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drake Phoenix.6158

Drake Phoenix.6158

Same problems here… can’t sell to TP, can’t buy from TP, not all items show up in TP search, equipment in TP does not show comparison tooltip properly. Seems like the system needs a reboot.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eva Ridlee.6854

Eva Ridlee.6854

Is Gem purchasing still unavailable? I know there was maintenance due today but by my watch it should have been back up by now, anyone else having this problem or is it just me?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ossyrana.1637


I have been able to place purchases and receive items in my pick-up when I buy mini pets, bags, and accessories, but recently when I tried placing a purchase for some exotic armor, my pick-up remains empty even though it shows that I paid. I lost a LOT of gold, unfortunately.

I read the above posts, but I am not sure, even though explained, how to repair the game. Is it a modifier or patch type of thing? And can you delete the repair short cut afterwards if you desire (and won’t affect the game if you do so)?


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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jokermo.3058


just another repeat sell still doesnt work just an fyi

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: nevyn.7261


hi, i just bought gems and tried to buy the chest keys from the trader , it deducted my gems but i didn’t get the mail for my keys . i bought 3 × 5 keys and 1 mini pets set and 1 character slot. i got the character slot . but not the keys and the mini pet set. pls help. thanks

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ReJoyve.3189


I buy fine transmuation stone 5eat 200gam but not have any item in my pick up or my bag then I test to Buy second time but on item again What should I do?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zOLtAm.7824


Seriously? How can someone have all that gold? lol


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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arquin.1349


Only Cave Johnson could have had that much money

But I guess it’s no wonder he went broke later on.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dimgl.4786


This made me LOL SO HARD

On the flipside, someone is 3,800 G richer.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


What in the hell…why do i never see something like this

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Norb.4253


This made me LOL SO HARD

On the flipside, someone is 3,800 G richer.

Lemons are account bound, someones just showing off.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


Gratz on your 3800 gold now.

Edit: nvm someone just said they are account bound.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


lemons are untradeable, so noone will get the 3800g. On the wierd side, someone wasted 190g for listing fees. Next time give the money to me.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Redamz.5038


I’ll laugh so hard if they make a way to acquire non-account bound lemons.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zOLtAm.7824


This made me LOL SO HARD

On the flipside, someone is 3,800 G richer.

Lemons are account bound, someones just showing off.

This ^

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lani.1429


lemons are untradeable, so noone will get the 3800g. On the wierd side, someone wasted 190g for listing fees. Next time give the money to me.

Haahah imagine the face of that person

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


lemons are untradeable, so noone will get the 3800g. On the wierd side, someone wasted 190g for listing fees. Next time give the money to me.

Lol,i didn’t know this.. kitten !

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shikigami.4013


lemons are untradeable, so noone will get the 3800g. On the wierd side, someone wasted 190g for listing fees. Next time give the money to me.

Only applies to sell listings. If you you post a buy listing you get all your money back when you cancel it.

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aphix.9846


That’s a buy order isn’t it ? so no 190g wasted ?

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zOLtAm.7824


lemons are untradeable, so noone will get the 3800g. On the wierd side, someone wasted 190g for listing fees. Next time give the money to me.

You dont pay anything to make orders and there is no one selling lemons on TP

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Well I know what I’m doing with a lemon when ANet makes them TP-able.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KeeVasha.5874


I just found out in my question that lemons are acct-bound.. which to me is confusing. It’s a LEMON for heavens sakes LOL

Never seperate the life you lead.. from the ‘words’ you speak

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keiran.1896


I need a lemon, just in case :P

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: drifter.8453


Seriously? How can someone have all that gold? lol

Buy gems -> convert into gold? That’s what the majority of people do.

Not the majority. I bought gems before and did not get to much gold back. The majority are buying from goldsellers do to the fact of getting more gold back then what the same price of gems vs gold go.

Last I checked was before the hallowen event If I bought 35$ worth of gems then trade the gems for gold I would get 15 gold back. If I spend 35$ for gold from a seller. I don’t know because I never buy gold from sellers, I more or less would get more gold back for the same price of what I would use to buy gems.

So why would I spend the same amount of money and get less gold back from trading gems vs a goldseller? You wonder why there are SO MANY BOTS in game? If it was the Majority of players buying gems and trading for gold there would be less and less bots. Alls I see are more and more bots.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


3800g is not much for a trader. In my guild are 3 traders with over 2500g each. They make about 100g profit a day by manipulating the market.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xiv.7136


Some arenanet employee should make a non-account-bound lemon and sell it to this guy

I like pizza

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Saidor.7028


Hey I got my lemon for $60……

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xiv.7136


Hey I got my lemon for $60……

ouch you actually bought MOP, sorry dude

I like pizza

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Angel.1435


It’s probably chinese farmers trading gold through the Trading Post. They do a similar thing in WoW. It helps to stop them from being detected as easily

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

Looks like a trust fund baby showing off how much gold he bought on daddy’s credit card.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Skeletor.9761


You know what they say… When life gives you lemons, make lemonade