Zodiac Armors Feeback
Ahh I love this armorrr
I went on a screenie rampageee <3
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
It would only work both ways, if it was being applied to every part of the armor. As it stands, there are parts of the armor that are clearly not flesh, that look identical to the parts that you’re falsely claiming to be flesh.
You’ve already had another poster explain to you your faulty texture logic, no need for me to recount that.
That’s completely absurd.
In the construction of the shoulder plates, you would build the large, functional “cup” part that surrounds your shoulder joint, and then cast the Magic Sparkle Enchantment on the ornamental part, affixed to the functional part after the fact. Then you would cast it on your skin before donning the unenchanted parts of the armor. Done.
I don’t see anyone addressing my texture point. To be clear, I’m talking about this image, not the close-up of the medium armor.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
Part 2
Obviously I can vote with my wallet, and my own characters don’t have to wear zodiac. I’m fine with that! Really, I promise. I don’t care about taking anything away from anyone – this isn’t an issue of fairness the way Flamekissed was. But I still have to live in a game world where women’s breasts are bared under the veil of airbrushed particle effects, and supported by wishes and dreams — or literal groping hands in the case of the Arah heavy armor. Which they changed as if the problem was the slivers of exposed breast and not the inherent grossness of implying that women’s body parts are to be groped and ogled. Are there going to be more armor sets like this in the future? Is this where the armor design is going? That’s what I’m hoping the feedback influences.
Your feedback is valid, you are talking about how you as person brought up in a certain culture feel about the tone of the armor. Keep in mind though, its a big world, people come from many different backgrounds and cultures. What you think of as exploitation is someone elses freedoms, What you find disgusting others find inspiring.
As far as the motivations i dont think its as dark as you make it seem, I prefer semi naked armors, on my male or female charachters, I’m an artist, i like the human form, and yes we artists generally idealize it. I draw men with impossibly diesel bodies, often showing way more of that body through the clothes than would normally be seen. I do the same with the females. Really artists usually just focus on making stuff look cool. In fantasy settings, people tend go hyper ideal. Everything is exaggerated.
Your realism angle is totally correct though, armor is not realistic, it doesnt follow real rules, part of that is due to development issues, part is due to design, part is due to trying to appeal to people playing an rpg. But to be honest, i dont think people are looking for realism here, guild wars is very idealized and almost surreal. Its never going to be like a elder scrolls with real looking people, and armor that obscures most of the charachter. Have you seen the male human faces? none of them dont look like they are wearing make up (even the clint eastwood face) The body types only range from slim pretty boy to slightly buff pretty boy. Just saying asking for realism now, or comparing these ingame idealized models to reality is kind of pointless, that ship sailed long ago with you re first foray into charachter selection.
im not saying GW2 cant be better at the idealization, and more creative, but i just want them to make good/better looking designs, While i want some shirtless wildman medium options for my charr (maybe vests, or just straps with pouches on it) i really dont care as long as long as whatever the make looks better. I just dont want to tie their hands with idea of whether it will be appropriate for X amount of people.
While the arah dragon bra may have annoyed people, it was a way better design before they fixed it than after. That type of compromise on design is what i hate seeing.
(edited by phys.7689)
Ahh I love this armorrr
I went on a screenie rampageee <3
I don’t think you have anything to worry about there. No one’s asking for it to be removed, that I have seen.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
It would only work both ways, if it was being applied to every part of the armor. As it stands, there are parts of the armor that are clearly not flesh, that look identical to the parts that you’re falsely claiming to be flesh.
You’ve already had another poster explain to you your faulty texture logic, no need for me to recount that.
That’s completely absurd.
In the construction of the shoulder plates, you would build the large, functional “cup” part that surrounds your shoulder joint, and then cast the Magic Sparkle Enchantment on the ornamental part, affixed to the functional part after the fact. Then you would cast it on your skin before donning the unenchanted parts of the armor. Done.
I don’t see anyone addressing my texture point. To be clear, I’m talking about this image, not the close-up of the medium armor.
No, it’s quite logical.
The weapons are made of Zodiac Material, the Shoulder and Head Armor are made of Zodiac material, but the body armor is just flesh converted to “Magic Sparkle”? Not logical.
Mikuchan addressed your texture fallacy on the previous page.
It would only work both ways, if it was being applied to every part of the armor. As it stands, there are parts of the armor that are clearly not flesh, that look identical to the parts that you’re falsely claiming to be flesh.
You’ve already had another poster explain to you your faulty texture logic, no need for me to recount that.
That’s completely absurd.
In the construction of the shoulder plates, you would build the large, functional “cup” part that surrounds your shoulder joint, and then cast the Magic Sparkle Enchantment on the ornamental part, affixed to the functional part after the fact. Then you would cast it on your skin before donning the unenchanted parts of the armor. Done.
I don’t see anyone addressing my texture point. To be clear, I’m talking about this image, not the close-up of the medium armor.
No, it’s quite logical.
The weapons are made of Zodiac Material, the Shoulder and Head Armor are made of Zodiac material, but the body armor is just flesh converted to “Magic Sparkle”? Not logical.
Mikuchan addressed your texture fallacy on the previous page.
Of course it’s logical. It’s no less logical than Zodiac Material existing in the first place. You think a culture capable of making sparkly armor is incapable of creating the illusion of sparkly skin? The Human starting quests show you mesmers can make you look like entirely different people, 100% convincingly. Kasmeer isn’t actually wearing any clothes at all, they’re an illusion.
As for Mikuchan:
- Remove the gloves and you see an edge of the suit with another kind of fabric at the end.
- Remove the helmet and you have a clear collar that marks the end of the suit.
- There are no protruding nipples, there’s merely a smooth bump. Look at any female breast and you will quite clearly see an actual protruding nipple and not a smooth bump.
- When the armor breaks, your character quite obviously has underwear under it that is not shown with the armor on. Hence the armor must be on top of the underwear, which in turn is on top of the skin. Hence the armor is on top of the skin.
- Did I mention my skin is not blue and not starry and will never be? I’m a human, my skin is skin-colored.
- There are other armors that have cuffs. The existence of a cuff does not guarantee the existence of fabric above the cuff.
- There are other pieces of armor that include neck-guards that have no link to other parts of the armor. See PVP Pitfighter, PVP Knight’s.
- Normal mapping doesn’t actually generate additional geometry in the mesh. Normal mapping is a height-mapping technique which uses a flat image to simulate additional geometry. This image gives an example of what a mesh looks like before and after normal mapping. The image on the right, which has more detail, hasn’t actually gained any complexity – there are no more polygons in the right head than the left. It’s a simulation of a rough surface. I have never stated that the nipple exists in the character mesh. Because it doesn’t. It does exist in the normal map of the light and, more obviously, medium Zodiac chestpieces. Another example: Your character’s belly button isn’t actually a cavity in your character’s model. It’s flat. It just looks like it has depth thanks to the normal map. In other words, of course there is no bump. It’s not modeled. That doesn’t mean it can’t have the appearance and intent of being what it is meant to be.
- Your underwear completely disappears whenever you wear any kind of clothing or armor. Despite having obvious cleavage, you don’t see a thick leather bra strap when viewed from the side. In other words, the absence of any underwear for this particular piece of armor doesn’t prove anything: It disappears every time, regardless of the kind of armor worn, and reappears in like fashion regardless of what you’ve just taken off. Additionally, your character actually looks like this when nude. Underwear is not a texture, it’s a piece of clothing which has actual geometry. This geometry sits on top of your character’s body mesh exactly like armor.
- Irrelevant, GW2 is full of magic. You don’t cast spells in real life either. I’m not claiming blue is actually a flesh tone. I’m claiming that there’s nothing covering it and it’s simply skin that has been made translucent.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
(edited by foofad.5162)
Ahh I love this armorrr
I went on a screenie rampageee <3
Don’t worry, so far noone is asking for it to be removed- it’s mainly for there to be a reskin version without the blue, showing off the characters actual features or for the blue skin to be dyeable
@ foofad
The cuffs are clearly in the end of the fabric, magic or not. The same for the collar.
Again, you can’t use the implementation as an argument. See the counterargument about the armor layer armor that makes you completely nude with private parts.
Yes, you are right about the underwear.
Yes, GW2 is full of magic. However if the skin was translucent you would see the intestines. If those were translucent as well, you would see right through the character. AND if that would be the case, you would still not “show skin” since there is no skin to show.
So now you’ve changed to trying the “enchantment” idea.
Well if you cover the whole body in an “enchantment” then that is not the skin but magic showing.
Since the “enchantment” obviously is contained in other parts of the armor as well and is contained only in the areas you have armor on (remove helmet = no blue face), it’s contained in a certain place and thus works just like fabric or steel or whatever you like to compare it to.
Magical or not, it’s an armor that covers your whole body.
Deal with it.
And arguing over the implementation does not help.
Could you maybe stop this fuss? This is a feedback thread mainly for people who like it and want small adjustments to be made. What most of u are discussing is futile. This is not about armors in general, it’s about THIS armor and possible adjustments. I wonder why the mods aren’t doing anything. This is not constructive at all, it’s childish. All that stupid skin discussion.
I think it’s safe to say the outcome of this whole thread comes down to 2 suggestions:
1) Make a separate zodiac skin for light, medium and heavy armor that doesn’t have the blue skin at all
2) Make the blue skin dyeable
There we go
@ foofad
The cuffs are clearly in the end of the fabric, magic or not. The same for the collar.
That’s not an argument. That’s an unsubstantiated statement of opinion. I have given you actual examples where similar structures exist to the ones you are referring to, which you’re disregarding because they don’t satisfy you. I can’t do anything with “they are what I say they are because of reasons.”
Again, you can’t use the implementation as an argument. See the counterargument about the armor layer armor that makes you completely nude with private parts.
Implementation is all we have. It’s not like Anet is telling us what they intend verbally. All we can do is look at the facts. And the fact is, that the character’s body appearance when wearing that armor uses the exact same portion of the texture file as the skin. There is no technical reason that I am aware of that they couldn’t have simply made the blue part exist on the same layer as the rest of the solid armor. Transparency is enabled on the file, not certain parts of the information contained in the file.
You’re essentially imposing an artificial limit on what we can talk about to suit your purposes without offering any sort of explanation for why you are correct in doing so. “You can’t talk about technical implementation because of reasons.”
Yes, GW2 is full of magic. However if the skin was translucent you would see the intestines. If those were translucent as well, you would see right through the character. AND if that would be the case, you would still not “show skin” since there is no skin to show.
If it weren’t for the blue haze (starfield, sparkles, whatever you want to call it) you would see right through the character. The blue haze is an additional texture file. It works similarly to Twilight and Sunrise’s sky effect. Twilight and Sunrise actually have transparent blades.
So now you’ve changed to trying the “enchantment” idea.
Well if you cover the whole body in an “enchantment” then that is not the skin but magic showing.
Since the “enchantment” obviously is contained in other parts of the armor as well and is contained only in the areas you have armor on (remove helmet = no blue face), it’s contained in a certain place and thus works just like fabric or steel or whatever you like to compare it to.
Magical or not, it’s an armor that covers your whole body.
There is no indication that I’m aware of that the blue part serves any practical function what so ever. There is plenty of evidence that whoever manufactures armor in Tyria doesn’t care about practicality at all, since a third or half of female armor features one or more gaping holes in vulnerable places, even going so far as to be completely exposed skin. Therefore I would contend that the fact that it is “zoned” is irrelevant to its actual use or function. If I were to guess as to the designer’s intent, I assume that it’s meant to be purely decorative and the protective part of the armor can be taken at face value as to be the parts that actually look like protective metal or clothing.
Deal with it.
And arguing over the implementation does not help.
I’m perfectly happy to continue the conversation amicably, there’s no need to be dismissive.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
By the way, since I haven’t been clear on this yet: My solution to my grievance would be to remove the nipples from the normal map, increase coverage of actual metallic portions of the armor without reducing the gaudy aesthetic including covering the entire chest and belly (preferably) while maintaining visibility of the glowy blue skin.
Something more along the lines of Norn cultural T3 in terms of coverage, particularly of the torso.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
(edited by foofad.5162)
Well, since I already posted about how much I love this armor, my feedback would be to make the blue theme go away when the helmet is off or something; as suggested by another player here. I liked that idea.
Well, since I already posted about how much I love this armor, my feedback would be to make the blue theme go away when the helmet is off or something; as suggested by another player here. I liked that idea.
That’s not a bad idea either, though you’d have to do something about the positioning of the boob cups on most of the armors since they’re way too low to cover anything up.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
Well, since I already posted about how much I love this armor, my feedback would be to make the blue theme go away when the helmet is off or something; as suggested by another player here. I liked that idea.
That’s not a bad idea either, though you’d have to do something about the positioning of the boob cups on most of the armors since they’re way too low to cover anything up.
Oh yeh, I see what you mean. I got the heavy one for my norn so the cups look fine. But when I previewed them on my medium and light classes i realized that if the blue was to be toggled on and off then the chest armors would have to be lifted up more. Ah wells=3
I think it’s safe to say the outcome of this whole thread comes down to 2 suggestions:
1) Make a separate zodiac skin for light, medium and heavy armor that doesn’t have the blue skin at all
2) Make the blue skin dyeable
There we go
What I’ve been saying-
+1 to this
Personally I am not really a fan of the armor. I was really hoping for a well designed medium armor for my thief that wasn’t a coat, didn’t have some form of butt drape, and didn’t make me look fat/clunky/too skinny, and something I never expected… blue and cloudlike…
Sidenote: Here’s my take on the ’it’s skin’/‘no it’s Zodiac’ argument. (I never played GW1, but when did Zodiac become a material?)
So anyways..
Step 1: Go to Heart of the Mists
Step 2: Go to the PvP locker
Step 3: Set the category to Medium Armor and scroll to the end of the medium armor list.
Step 4: Observe the icons for the armor. If you don’t have the skins, mouse over it to see a fully colorized icon.
Step 5: Realize that the helmet fin shows blue on the icon, but there is no blue where the face is. Realize how there is no blue on the leg pieces. Realize the gloves don’t have blue fingers. WUUT??? HOW CAN THIS BE!?
[EDIT: I took another look at this as I discovered this is not foolproof]
Now, it seems they either made a mistake OR because of the “daring” design they foresaw this and decided to make it look as if the chest piece DOES have some form of “blue stuff” attached to it. So, the medium chest, at least the ‘male’ icon shows blue where the chest would show… but where the heck are my arms? There are no blue sleeves so my blue arms are skin?
By majority I would say anything on this armor-set that is “skintight” is in fact skin. Anything not attached to the body, such as the helmet fin/shoulders/and the hip flares on the light armor are not. Obviously since there are “holes” in the icons that show no blue but when you wear the armor those same parts of your body clearly turn blue, definitely at least MOST of what is blue is skin.
Logically since the torso seamlessly runs into the lower body it doesn’t make sense that from the waist down you have blue skin, your arms and face are blue skin, but your chest? Nope that’s just part of the shirt? No..
BUT considering this technicality.. Well played ANet.. well played… lol.
(edited by Sir Kaboomski.1508)
Honestly I am disappointing with the new skin’s. When I first looked at the preview I actually asked my guilds if the view was glitched on Charr’s again. Do not like the blue at all.
By the same line of reasoning, you can simply look at the icons for the skins in the BLTC Style section. The blue “skin” shows up only in the helmets of the light and medium. It’s completely missing everywhere else. You would think that if it were actually a part of the armor, they would show some draped spandex somewhere.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
Why in the hell are people arguing that the armor is not skin because if you hide the helm or gloves, you see something different? It’s a set kitten . -_- Of course things would look different if you take a piece off. You’re taking it out of context.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
It’s not even painted skin. It’s a sculpted material that covers the vast majority of the character’s actual flesh, just like that Batman and Robin armor I posted.
Also, why is it, that in every picture you’ve posted claiming that this armor shows nipples, the character only has ONE?
You are literally making things up and completely ignoring evidence to the contrary. It’s not sculpted anything. The armor turns your character’s skin blue. I posted the proof in image form, you can see where I overlapped two screenshots of the same character with and without it. There is no change in physical proportions to prove your claim that it’s something added over top of the character’s body. At all.
As far as the multiplication of nipples is concerned, I see two. Have you even looked at it in game? It’s pretty obvious there too.
Manipulated screenshots =/= proof. I’ve been toying with my camera on my Mesmer, trying to figure out what you’re allegedly seeing and still can’t make them show up. I managed to get ONE of those white swirls in the armor to line up “correctly” and look like your screenshot, but that’s not a nipple.
It’s called selective perception.
Here’s the raw screenshot, just to put any more fears to rest over me faking it. Save it, zoom in on your own.
As a woman and with lots of medical knowledge, I can say : Nipples are not that high, even on surgically doctored chests (Unless there is some serious misplacement or serious issue as to why they can not be placed back into their normal location.)
I’m sorry, you are just reaching with these statements and ‘proof’.
Ah! You’re a funny one.
As a woman with 36 UK H sized breasts on a petite body, I can tell you that boobs don’t have that shape in the first place. Breasts do not have a symmetrical circular shape and are not that high on the chest. Boobs cannot be supported by the small amount of cloth/metal/etc that is used and it’s placement.
You know what? It doesn’t change that they still have done it this way and people are putting down the ones who are critical about it as “prudes” when it is simply about human anatomy.
But hey, you’re surely gonna say “it’s fantasy, boobs are allowed to defy physics”… facepalm
But hey, you’re surely gonna say “it’s fantasy, boobs are allowed to defy physics”… facepalm
Well, in this game they DO, erm… “bounce” even when wearing metal plate armor, so…
That’s not even considering the human comfort side of it. I have friends with my character’s chest proportions that can’t run or dance without wearing two sports bras.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
My main issues with the skins are with the female sets awkward handling of the chests. There’s wayyy too much emphasis on the breasts. The contrasts is the highest on them due to how the shading was handled, and the armor pieces frame around the outer edges of the breasts rather than covering it. It makes the models appear nude rather than clothed.
Another issue I have is that there are too many tiny “articles” on a lot of the male sets (and female asura/charr sets). The little bits and pieces that are branching out from various parts of the chest piece or that are unattached altogether make it hard to really focus on other aspects of the design, and really take away from the other more interesting areas. The fact that the blue area of the armor looks so much like skin rather than a surface those articles could be believably attached to makes them look out of place. The design is so whacky in a unique sense, but the articles on the chest piece don’t fit compared to how the rest of the armor pieces interact with the figure. This could be fixed if they were maybe dulled down. Maybe if there were more large chunks of the plating on the chest and only 2-3 of these little articles, while still preserving quite a bit of that “negative space” from the blue, it would fit better with the rest of the design. (Side note: I don’t expect these to be “fixed”, I’m just giving critique for future reference :p )
I also think the high heel shoes on the light armor female set takes away from the set because it’s soo thin looking while the rest of the set has a lot of heaviness and clunky aspects despite the skimpy design. Juxtaposing is good, but in this sense it feels out of place. There’s already a lot of contrasting weight between the chest piece + the stocking design and the skirt, shoulders, and helm.
(Sorry for wall of text, I just wanted to give a reasonably sized critique!)
I think this armor looks really great, especially when you mix it up with Norn T3. Please don’t take the blue away completely – at least make it dyable, or be able to toggle on and off. I really like that it looks like a superhero costume. And the glow of stars that wafts off you is great. Graphically, this armor is very impressive, and I can only imagine how much of a kitten that skin was to get right.
Also, i would welcome an increase in material over the breasts. It is quite sparse.
Oh yeah, and if you could fix the glitches, that would be lovely. (Glitch in the image below is what happens when I exit a quaggan potion)
^ LOL you should play a mesmer so you can see that glitch every time we summon our phantasms. The joy of looking at 3 whirling iBerserkers wearing the zodiac armor…
As far as having the armor removed or heavily modified, I don’t think anyone has taken great offense to it that they demand radical actions. I for one am just annoyed over that circle thing on the breasts that look like areola. If they can just smooth that out and fix the phantasm glitch I’d be satisfied. Maybe those things were meant as placeholders for an armor part that they’ve decided to forgo.. like boob tassels. -_- But whatever it is, it serves no real purpose than be distracting.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
Fun fact: The glitch you see is actually the texture file for the armor suspending in the air. For whatever reason. I have no idea why.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
^Really? That’s pretty awesome, actually xD.
I’m a fan! I wouldn’t wear the whole thing of course, I never do, but I really like the cosmic texture on this one.
Pretty much restricted to blue Sylvari, but luckily I happen to have one of those
Kasmeer wears clothes. The illusion is that she’s wearing nice clothes, when she’s really dirt poor. She explains it to Marjory later on.
My Feedback:
I really love this new armor, my only thing is the female light version on humans (not sure if on other races) has a REALLY big butt. It’s really off putting and if there would be any way to tone this down a little bit many of us would appreciate it!
I hate to even bump this post, but seriously, what is the big deal? Yeah it’s a little weird that there appear to be VERY faint nipple outlines in a very anatomically incorrect place, but you have to strain and zoom and pan the camera so much to barely see them that it strikes me as people going out of their way to be offended. But I guess the world’s still not ready for boobs.
Anyways, I bought the light and heavy sets. Most unique set in game. Reminds me of twilight in armor form but blue. As others have said you need to start toning down the butt capes though. Normally I’d just use a different bottom but there aren’t really any that match this set.
Endless Petrification Tonic
I hate to even bump this post, but seriously, what is the big deal? Yeah it’s a little weird that there appear to be VERY faint nipple outlines in a very anatomically incorrect place, but you have to strain and zoom and pan the camera so much to barely see them that it strikes me as people going out of their way to be offended. But I guess the world’s still not ready for boobs.
Anyways, I bought the light and heavy sets. Most unique set in game. Reminds me of twilight in armor form but blue. As others have said you need to start toning down the butt capes though. Normally I’d just use a different bottom but there aren’t really any that match this set.
It’s very recognizable for us who turns off postprocessing. I’m not offended by it, just annoyed by the fact that it’s there. Nobody is asking for the armor to be removed or modified heavily as i’ve said.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
They are a nice armor set. But, the thing holding back from getting it is the blue skin color. Reminds me of that singer in The Fifth Element.
I think the team needs to make sure not to change skin color in the future or at least have an option to turn it on or off, or have two version sets might be easier.
Changing hair styles would just be the helmet which can already be turned off.
Seeing as everyone would like the blue to be dyable, i’ve whipped up a few examples that would make the armor look great. (Please excuse the messy masking, I’m at work).
Edit: Added another version where breasts are more covered.
(edited by Nikachu.1475)
I view this entire “armor skin” as something more than armor. I think it’s designed to turn your character into an other-worldly being. It’s not armor. It’s not a skin-tight suit. It’s the conversion of an Asura/Norn/Human/Charr/Sylvari into a Zodiac creature.
By this reasoning, there are no nipples or other man or woman parts. You’re a creature of energy just like Human Torch of the Fantastic Four. Sadly, because it’s an armor skin, it has to abide by 2 of the game’s armor skin rules:
1. If a certain part breaks, then it has to show SOMETHING so it defaults back to your normal parts.
2. It has to be applied in pieces. This allows for a partial-zodiac form. Maybe there is an argument to be made that the skin should require 100% use.
I can’t imagine that there will ever be an option to dye the blue portion. I can certainly imagine that people will be trying to dye it as close to skin-color as possible in order to create the nude look and this thread is absolute proof that people will lose their minds over that.
This thread has shown me one thing though: there are some people who are seriously uptight about nudity. I think maybe it’s a cultural thing? In ancient times, there were many peoples of the world who wore little to no clothing. It wasn’t until we all became “enlightened” and “educated” did we learn that your body was something to be embarrassed about. The body is a beautiful machine, people.
Dr. Manhattan is a “creature of energy” yet he still has “man parts”.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
My thing is, it’s terribly alt unfriendly. I’d much rather pay 1000 gems to have this armor be like Zenith skins. There’s just no way I can afford this on all my alts. Nor would I want to run this 24/7/365. So I might just get a set on put them on Blues so it’s account bound. Have I mentioned it’s just incredibly cost prohibitive??? I buy gem with cash so, two accounts worth of this armor would be pricey
I think the argument “Its not skin” evaporates when you look at the armor on a Sylvari – the petals/leaves texture on their skin is faithfully reproduced down to the smallest detail.
It’s not converting you to an alien being. Its not a layer of molded Kevlar in space-age new colors. It’s body paint.
Whether that offends you or not is between you and the programing your upbringing instilled in you, but don’t pretend its anything other than each race’s default bump map on display.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Dr. Manhattan is a “creature of energy” yet he still has “man parts”.
Only because he chooses too, afaik.
Dr. Manhattan is a “creature of energy” yet he still has “man parts”.
Only because he chooses too, afaik.
Why can’t the same idea apply here then?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Dr. Manhattan is a “creature of energy” yet he still has “man parts”.
Only because he chooses too, afaik.
Why can’t the same idea apply here then?
I’m not sure that I understand your question. Are you saying you want your kitten to be visible in your character model? o.O
Honest question because I don’t know: Are nipples viewable on any male character model? Do the mouths and eyes open or close on emotes? Are there nostrils?
edit: and lol at the language filter. I actually used the anatomically correct word and everything. No vulgarity whatsoever. I think this seals the deal though, if Anet actually filters the “p” word used for male genetalia, it’s safe to assume that they would NOT be showing nipples on a female character model. haha
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
A feedback is no discuission guys! Stay on the topic already. State ur opinion and don’t critizice others for their opinion. This is a thread for opinions and no arguments. Open another thread if ur wanting to have general female and armor discussions. This has got nothing to do with the topic!
I’s like 10% of all posts being constructive in this thread.
Dr. Manhattan is a “creature of energy” yet he still has “man parts”.
Only because he chooses too, afaik.
Why can’t the same idea apply here then?
I’m not sure that I understand your question. Are you saying you want your kitten to be visible in your character model? o.O
Honest question because I don’t know: Are nipples viewable on any male character model? Do the mouths and eyes open or close on emotes? Are there nostrils?
edit: and lol at the language filter. I actually used the anatomically correct word and everything. No vulgarity whatsoever. I think this seals the deal though, if Anet actually filters the “p” word used for male genetalia, it’s safe to assume that they would NOT be showing nipples on a female character model. haha
But nipples isn’t actually filtered see? My point is that they already show as far as im concerned and your argument about being non-corporeal therefore no male or female parts is in fact NOT logical at all (e.g. dr. manhattan).
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
It couldn’t be dye-able either because then people would make it skin-tone which would defeat the purpose of them making everything blue in the first place (so they could show more skin without showing more skin). They’d have to let you choose say, 1 of 5 different set color options (so maybe it would work for more sylvari colors).
Edit: basically, this armor cannot be changed unless they gave options of pre-set colors. So the focus should be on what they should do in the future.
(edited by Lorelei.7809)
Dear Anet,
About the zodiac armor…
1) Armor itself is very cool, much kudos but
2) Make the blue character skin dyeable or
3) Able to be toggled on or off
P.S. Or just take the blue skin out completely. Character individuality gets thrown out the window and this effect would have been better utilized as accented design throughout the armor.
Dear Anet,
About the zodiac armor…
1) Armor itself is very cool, much kudos but
2) Make the blue character skin dyeable or
3) Able to be toggled on or offP.S. Or just take the blue skin out completely. Character individuality gets thrown out the window and this effect would have been better utilized as accented design throughout the armor.
IF it’s dye-able, people would use skin-color which would defeat their purpose of making it blue in the first place (so that they could get away with a more risque design – note the controversy). IF it were able to be turned off, they would need to remodel it entirely as it would be too risque and not teen-rated.
From what I can tell, even Tera covers where these armors don’t if the blue skin were taken off the armor…
If Tera wouldn’t do it, why should ArenaNet?
(edited by Lorelei.7809)
IF it’s dye-able, people would use skin-color which would defeat their purpose of making it blue in the first place (so that they could get away with a more risque design – note the controversy). IF it were able to be turned off, they would need to remodel it entirely as it would be too risque and not teen-rated.
Actually, if it took on the Hue of a dye applied to it but not the Saturation, you couldn’t begin to come close to human flesh tones .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I love how players are arguing over what material the armor is made out of. LOL.
There is constantly an argument by some players who think armor is too skimpy or lack coverage. This isn’t a new complaint in any game ever. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy. At least it’s not a re-skin.