your “solution” is absurd. so we are all supposed to be psychic and read the market? it should be up to the buyer to decide if they want to buy from the 19 99 99 or the 20 00 00, thats a simple change and doesnt restrict anyone, you can still undercut if you want
and why is there no room for a grey area???
Nope. Computers cannot “read minds”. It cannot tell if someone is sad that they were undercut. In fact, it would be completely unfair if a computer allowed a lower priced item to sell after a higher priced item. Now if this were 2050, and we have computers capable of human thought and learning, perhaps we could have some gray areas in the market. Maybe then we could see a computer having the compassion necessary to facilitate the need to sell an item priced at 20 ahead of an item priced at 19.99.99.
Going back to selling for cheaper. This tactic actually makes plenty sense. If you list something at 20 Gold, and someone undercuts it with 19.99.99, that sucks right? Well if the velocity of that item’s market is high enough, BOTH items will sell. However, if the velocity of the market is stagnant at those prices, BOTH items will NOT sell. That means it’s the Seller’s fault for overpricing the item. If you want the item to sell, you need to price it lower to attract more people willing to buy it. Thus the need to list it for 10 to 15 Gold.
Now say you list it for 10 to 15 Gold, and someone undercuts you. Ok, that’s no big deal, as the velocity of the item’s market is much higher now, and so being undercut won’t hurt. Both items would sell much faster since it’s cheaper. You went from having 0 potential buyers, to maybe a handful now.
tl;dr – In order to do well in any market, you need to know how to read it. Amateur sellers who list items at any odd price without doing research will always lose.
tl;dr2 – The current market is well balanced, and working as intended. No fix needed.
so im pretty sick of these illogical arguments (i mean ur first paragraph is so off topic its almost report worthy) so instead of responding to u AGAIN and getting a resposne back that really isnt a response il just ask you this: why do you think this shouldnt be done
keep in mind: the following are invalid answers because they contain one or more “sins of science”
“the market is working fine as is (imperfect solution fallacy) nothing is perfect and everything has room for imporvement
“you just want to keep your stuff from getting undercut” (straw man argument" do not make personal attacks or assumptions and pretend that is a response to an argument
“we need undercutting by 1c because it keeps prices competative” (slippery slope fallacy) do not make arguments that assume one event leads to another without evidence of their connection, also do not attack small pieces of arguments ignoring the larger whole (misdirection falacy) as iv said before we are not taking away undercutting, we are just giving people the choice
“the developers can better use their time” (false inferences) you do not know the developers and are not a developer, if you are / do then you do not know all of the factors involved in their development schedual, even if you did, you do not know what the future holds and cannot assume that anet will NEVER have time for this, not even anet employees would be justified in making this claim.
“very few people benefit” (faulty generalization) do not reach a conclusion from weak premises. you dont know how many people would like this after it was implemented.
so with these in mind please answer the above question “why do YOU not want this done?”