Rate the Charr Name Above You
Sounds pretty good Jolken.
Leonidas Davinci for Charr engineer. Leonidas ( Brave and violent Spartan king during the battle of Thermopylae overly dramatized in movie 300) and Davinci (Leonardo Davinci, one of most famous mechanical inventors in history).
I’ve always though Leonidas was a kitten name, and fits well on a Charr, only thing stopping it from 10/10 is Davinci, it just feels off.
Cerberus Bloodwall, guardian named after the guardian of the gates of the underworld who prevented those who crossed the river styx from ever getting out A.K.A Cerberus, Bloodwall due to being blood legion and and monstrously durable.
Cerberus Bloodwall is kitten both for a Blood Legion Charr and a Guardian; definitely someone I wouldn’t mid to have watch my back. 9.9/10
My Charr engineer’s called Rexus Slagfall, a fellow with the Iron Legion. Rexus because it just sounded cool really and goes with Slagfall I feel; Slagfall because the idea of raining molten slag on your enemies is awesome to me.
Rexus Slagfall sounds like a guy I’d fight with. Too bad you didn’t have a fun backstory.
I’ll name three of all my charrs since I couldn’t choose between any of them.
Bakaara Windcaller – A female Elementalist from the Iron Legion who was born in Blazeridge Steppes and was taken to Nageling for safe refuge. Joined the Black Citadel’s Fahrar when she was about 1.5 years old. She is currently with the Pact but takes downtimes to save people from the branded. She’s quite the romantist.
Mitsuke Nightfade – Male Thief from the Ash Legion, was born and raised in the Black Citadel, nothing special about him except he and Bakaara are really close friends and would do anything to protect each other.
Enadga (pronounced É-nad-sha) Gutripper – Female Ranger from the Blood Legion. She got the name Gutripper because she likes to thrust her palm into her enemies stomach and rip out their guts while they’re still alive and make them eat it. She’s quite brutal, even by charr standards.
All those names are 8/10. Closely related to their classes, and very cool.
My Engineer is Jayne Hobbes, a pun off of Jayne Cobb from Firefly, and Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes. Wanted my buddy to make an Asura named Cal Reynolds, but it was taken.
If Jayne had a proper surname name, it’d be Ironslab, because he uses shields a lot.
I’ll give that an 8/10.
My ranger’s Feral Sparkshot.
His current pets are Moabert (a moa bird) and Tuskbert (a boar)
Part-time Kittenposter
My Charr’s name is:
(No special characters: he’s got the original)
Totally black furred.
And he’s a Mesmer.
It won’t make any sense to anyone who didn’t play GW1.
But for those who did, the significance will be obvious.
Chaot – 7/10 like u said, I have no clue what it signifies and it just doesn’t appeal to me.
Mine is Rupert Clawhide
nice and correct conventional Charr name but “Clawhide” sound weird for me
(should be “Stealthclaw” or something)
- Griswald Wildhowl : Shaman (Elementalist)
- Gore Hellfury : Dark Shaman (Necromancer)
- Ahroun Lightroar : Guardian
- Ferron Madgear : Engineer
I don’t have background story for them, though.
WildHeart.8209 – clearly a char-o-holic !
I really liked:
- Ahroun Lightroar : Guardian – 8/10 seems fitting to the class.
- Ferron Madgear : Engineer – 7/10
I created a Guardian – A behemoth of a char and he really resembles a lion…
goes by the name of Gerrak Wardedpelt.
10/10 for Gerrak Wardedpelt. Sounds like an awesome name for a charr :)
Mine is Tyrana Shatterfury. She’s a Guardian.
9/10 for Tyrana Shatterfury, surname fits a guardian albeit too menacing for a guard at that so I took a point off.
Gnashir Goreshanks is my charr warr’s name
Sounds better for a thief but still 9/10
Nova Cat is my guard’s name for all those mech fans.
I really like Nova as name, I have mixed feelings on Car =\ 8/10
Mine is Katta Spineshivers → Thief
Good name for a thief, so 9/10, because Katta sounds a bit too human-like for me… But Spineshivers is great!
Mine charr is Flame of Revenge, female elementalist
Good name for a thief, so 9/10, because Katta sounds a bit too human-like for me… But Spineshivers is great!
Mine charr is Flame of Revenge, female elementalist
8.5/10, I can see it being fitting for a female Charr in particular, if she has a particular dislike for Goldies.
Latest Charr character is my Ranger (who also may be 80 already…. >>), Cerosi Steelfang, he’s Iron Legion and a bit of a charmer.
For the toast!
Cerosi… I’m not quite sure about that one, sounds a little ‘soft’ to me, if that makes sense. I do like Steelfang though and together it does look like a Charr name, just not one I would choose. All in all a solid eight out of ten, I’d say!
My recently created furball is named “Stern Ironhorn”. Warrior, Iron Legion, Horn Warband.
Nilfa, Asura Thief, Devona’s Rest
A solid, stoic Charr name. Sounds like he may be a little boring, but has your back in a fight.
My Engineer is Mister Tiddles.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Hah! Mister Tiddles gave me the giggles. For a Charr though, I am not so sure how good that is! Definitely engineer-like, but maybe he has been exposed too much to the Asura? How can any Charr take him seriously? The name itself I would say 7.5/10, but as a Charr I’d give it 6.5/10.
For this one I tried to stick to regular naming conventions and for my atypical Charr Mesmer (the sole idea of creating him was to make a ridiculously big character and see how it would work in PvP when people only would see my clones all over the place) is Khaan Mirrorshade. Obviously he belongs in the Ash Legion and prefers the stealthier approach.
Auger Claw
a blood legion thief and the sole surviving member of the claw warband
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer
7/10 for Auger Claw above
Prince Charr Min.
so sue me :P
(edited by linoob.5704)
Prince Charr Min.
so sue me :P
I would definitely give the name a 7.5/10 for the Charmin reference.
And you actually made it sound Charr just by adding an “r” ^^
Mine is an Elementalist called Cerberus Baelfire.
The Cerberus stands for the Hell Hound and Guardian of hell in Greek mythology.
The Baelfire just shows the past bonds of his family to the Flame Legion.
I give Cerberus Baelfire 9/10. Thats a great name for a Charr Elementalist and would strike fear into the enemy.
Garron Honorblade-Guardian
Wears silver and teal armor but with a mix of red on the edges of the armor to give the look of rust and blood after years of searching for the Undead General who killed his entire warband except for one. He has been named Honorblade since other Charr see him as one of the most loyal and honor-bound Guardians they have even seen. He has also earned the title for honoring his fallen warband by slaying the Undead Genearal who killed them. To this day, he fights against the Zhaitans forces and continues to honor his warband.
(edited by xHoudinix.4523)
Mister Tiddles. Seriously, my favorite name in this whole thread right now. <3
Garron Honorblade is definitely both lore friendly and rebel sounding. I love it! 10/10.
I doubt these will be rated highly because I’m partial to both real words and one word names, haha. :P I currently have two Charrs, one of them is named Tooth and the other is named Squire. I tried to choose words that could be associated with the Charr to an extent. It’s a tad bit hard, when a majority of common English words are taken. ;;
(edited by Nimmi.1650)
I definitely like Tooth, I wish you would have given the profession of the charr with the name Tooth. I definitely admire charr’s for their ferocity and different types of teeth and horns.
I would have to rate Tooth 9/10 and Squire 6/10 (really not a fan of Squire).
My Charr thief is named Grimm Maltok (like my forum name suggests). I would have preferred just Grimm, but sadly the name was taken. My thief is from the Ash legion, carrying out missions in the shadows. I chose the name Maltok because from what I can tell, many charr names end with the a hard k (or at least the most memorable). Other than that, I wanted to add Maltok for originality.
SF | Commander | [LORD]
8/10. Grimm Maltok is a cool name.
My Charr Engineer is named Mikalash Gunforge. I tried to be as Charr as possible, but still wanted to stay with an Engineer theme. I think it goes well with being Iron Legion.
9/10 for Mikalash Gunforge, sounds strong.
My Ash Legion Charr thief ,Vadim Greyfur of the Grey Warband (based off of Grey Ranks ) who specialize in sabotage, armed resistance, and assassinations.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
9/10 loving the name Vadim Greyfur sounds like a good strong name.
my charr’s names are Thel Lightclaw, Tharen Lightclaw and Thoren Lightclaw as they are the 3 survivors of their litter and all specialize in their own traits Thel and Thoren are both ash legion as Thel is a master of ranged combat as an engineer and Thoren is a master of the elements as an elementalist whilst Tharen has chosen the path of a guardian within the iron legion and together they carry their warbands to greater honors and challenges.
I like your names @wreck and love the background story. I have a Human Guardian named Tristran Thorndust that’s married to a Sylvari Necromancer named Yvaine Thorndust. Any Neil Gaiman fans out there will get the reference
As for my Charr Engineer’s name, Gwar Mechclaw.
5/10 is what you get because Gwar just remembers me of Gwen and then I miss my old guild in gw1 But for the Mechclaw part its awesome because you are a engineer and ye, mech mechanic ye you get it..
Mines Derfo Adamant (Derfo because my main is Derfo, and Adamant because we have like a warband called adamant and its all about heavy charrs (usually only guardians) on our server underworld.
@Emps I give it an 6/10, mostly because Derfo sounds kinda funny
My charr engineer is Darkhal Firespitter, prominently uses a flamethrower
9/10 sound nice for the FT user
now…I think about changing name of my Charr Engi from
Ferron Madgear
Doraemon (why not?…he has many toys (kits) in his sleeves and he’s a feline)
also think about dressing him up in white/blue tone :P
what do you think ?
this is a pure joke…but rly need to know what you guys think about it.
WildHeart, Id stick with Ferron Madgear, I can just imagine this bulky charr with a backpack, rifle and heavy duty goggles on. 10/10
My female charr warrior I’ve called Warzogra, Im just finding my niche weapons, sticking with a rifle as my long range but not so sure about melee.
Warzogra – anything that describes battle and war in a charr’s name is good in my book.
Mine is -
Name: Fire Fighter
class: Engineer. -
yes i run around with my flame thrower. Not fighting fires, but actually killing with fire. Too bad you cant see names in wvw.
rl ff too.
Cube.1758 > 8/10 – freaking deadly fire fighter!
I have two
Reesa The Silent
Iron Legion, Thief, she keeps to herself and is rather quiet, she uses two daggers as her main weapon and a bow as her second.Her warband was the Silent warband, because of its massacre, she and Clawspur are the two left remaining…
Fang Fireblade
Blood legion, Warrior, of the Blade warband (original i know, i like it!) when he left the fahrar he killed so many Flame legion he earned the title of ‘fire’ for his blade being covered in their blood, when Urvan Steelbane challenged Fang in the Bane and lost (urvan lost), he let him live, through kindness, although Fang was Ferocious. Fang always kept a sword and shield by his side, though has he traveled through Tyria he changed for a Greatsword, which he used to Defeat Zhaitan. (Vigil)
I’d give both 10/10. They, for me at least, feel like Charr names, plus I love when people give thought to their character names. It makes my gaming experience more enjoyable to see believable character names.
Male Charr Warrior: Khazrak Steelrage
Khazrak Steelrage? I like it! Very warrior-sounding. A solid 8/10, it’s just about Charr enough!
Oscarl Snagtooth, male charr warrior (as with everyone else, kitten I feek vad for rolling the most overplayed combo) & Kiara Snagclaw, female charr ranger!
Hm, 8/10. Snagtooth sounds fantastic, but Oscarl doesn’t sound TOO charr-like. Kiara Snagclaw earns a 9/10.
Here’s my entry: Ryfaar Grindgear of the Gear warband, he’s an Iron Legion engineer.
I’d give Ryfarr Grindgear a 9/10. I like the surname its quite fitting for a charr of the iron legion. I guess the his first name sounds good enough, though what do I know my two charr characters are both female charr. Well here my two, first Is Trina Talonmender she is a charr ranger of the Talon warband and member of the ash Legion. My other charr is also another female charr and her name is kalla Bluntcog she is also an Iron legion engineer.
Trina Talonmender – 8/10
Kalla Bluntcog – 10/10 Couldn’t have picked a better name for an Engineer myself
Mine is Wolfius Steelhorn, a dark grey charr with Werewolf aspect.
7/10: Wolfius sounds a bit off to me as a name, Steelhorn is on key tho’
Halisi Talekeeper, a female elementalist
Stormbluff Isle
Halisi Talekeeper 8/10
For an Ele the Talekeeper surname is very good and it fits her
I’m a little skeptical about the name, but sounds good too.
Mine is a male Guardian named Syr Pharon
(yeah I know, not very Charrish, but didn’t know about the double name thing)
7/10 Syr Pharon sounds like a creative name. (RAWR!)
Wonka Chocolatemaw (Elementalist)-
My cute little Brown and black Charr. She looks like a typical Charr dressed in Typical Charr armor. I often RP as a chocolate seller in Divinity’s Reach and the Black Citadel.
Personal guild name: The Charrcolate Factory
Tethys Silverbrow (Mesmer)-
Elegant pure white Charr with gems adorning her face. She likes to wear fine clothing and drink lots of yummy SunnyD and Rum! (yum yum)
Wonka Chocolatemaw – 6/10 Funny and creative, but is off lore. Although, I love how you roleplay as a chocolate seller.
Marr Bloodtalon (Warrior)
Don’t have much of a story for him yet since I recently started playing, although he is loyal to the Blood Legion and will at times disobey orders that he finds ineffective or just plain idiotic.
10/10 – Very fitting for a Charr, especially one in the Blood Legion.
Mine is a Guardian named Luccia Chainpyre. She has a bit of a lion theme to her as well.
10/10. Good solid charr name.
My charr engineer is named Sheandra Ironpaw.
I like the name. Fits an engineer My guardian is called Nylah Adamant.
Nylah sounds like a female, so if it’s a female it’s ok, otherwise would be strange for a male Charr :P
Adamant is quite good for a guardian. Gives the idea of resistence.
Overall 6.5/10 because of Nylah
Otherwhise 8/10 cause it sounds good anyway.
My new male Charr Warrior is named Thoran Godslayer
Galen Wrathpyre, Iron Legion Guardian.
EDIT: I should have done this earlier – Thoran Godslayer’s a pretty stylish name. Hell, it could work for a Charr or a Norn.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)