Why did you roll a Charr?

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Mercator.1827


Title pretty much says it all. I assume if you are here, you rolled a Charr. If not, why are you here, and why are you not a Charr? Was there a reason, or did you just make one of each class?

I picked Charr because I was extremely interested in what happened post-Ascalon between them and the humans. It’s interesting seeing what used to be a bitter enemy become a very real protagonist. Their home city also seemed the most interesting to me (next to the Asurans), because I liked the very industrial feel. Plus, I love the way they run on all fours. So kitten.

So what are your reasons?

I rolled Charr because I wanted a Warrior. I wanted an “I don’t screw around” gruff kitten wearing spiked armor and wading into combat with a ferocity matched only by explosive gadgetry.

Gogarn Stonehewer, at your service.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Raf.1078


Charr Warrior….just wanted one. If any race epitomizes the warrior, its the Charr.

Course, I’d really like a honkin big 2H axe. That would complete the image.

Gurgle Bloodspit takes a bow!

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

(edited by Raf.1078)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: TheComet.6471


The Black Citadel is just awesome, the lore is pretty nice, and I absolutely love the Iron Legion.

Also Charrzooka on a mesmer

Kaineng – Co-Leader of Skrittical Hits
Sybol – Healing Bunker Charr Mesmer (80)
Dresdon Honorclaw – Zerk All-Ranged Charr Warrior | Hawke Fullmoon – Melee Ranger

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Sorkas.1865


Goes way to back to playing a game called Metamorphosis Alpha about a million years ago where my character was an evolved tiger warrior and also due to influence of the Kzinti in Larry Niven’s ringworld books . I have always played cat/tiger races when available. GW2 knocked the charr design out of the park with body design, dewclaws on feet, proportions which are just right, no giant boobs on the females and running on all fours. Then add in that we live in a steampunk deathstar with vehicles which look like Batman would drive them and weapons which merge magic and mechanicals and what is not to love ! Voiceovers / humor are also very well done

Tarnished Coast
Direclaw Foerender – Guardian
Moonclaw Emberblast – Engineer

(edited by Sorkas.1865)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Everything. My Charr thief just looks so darn deadly. I love animal races, and cats too. So Charr was the obvious choice.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Syktek.7912


Simply because they rely on themselves completely, not worshiping anything other than their machines, blades and other creations. Because of the fantastic lore they have. Because they’re feline based and that’s just awesome because cats kick butt. So many other things I could mention.

Just different from being forced to play as a human.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Dredg.4890


I rolled my first charr because their lore is fascinating. I’m in love with the concept of warbands.

I rolled my second charr when my friend told me he hated charr (due to him playing gw1 heavily I guess).

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Vazir.5867


My first char was a Norn male warrior he looked like Star Wars kid when he did 100 blades so decided to make a human warrior… omg ninja spin kick.. delete. Then I tried Charr, didn’t like them at first, but they look best in heavy armor

Gunnar’s Hold · Draugur [Drgr] Brimhorn and yes I have a pink quaggan backpack

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Kreon.6235


I just think they look really cool, with there horns and giant mass bodies. Haha

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: endeavor.7530


Charr have always been my favorite race, from the first time I saw them in Pre-Searing and even the first mission where you run away from an angry mob of charr… sort of reminds me of one of the fractals… Either way, I remember always wanting to be a charr. The joke of seeing a charr sneak around is still funny however. Next race I want to play is Kodan and Tengu (I’m just a fan of beast races, heck I even have a kahjiit in Skyrim (heavily modded for more manliness of course).

Server: Fort Aspenwood
Main: Endeavorr

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Silwarel.2510


My first character was Sylvari, but then I went through the creating options, tried female charr, saw all these wonderful head models inspired by great cats and the fur patterns… and have become captivated for life.
I also appreaciate a female can look pretty scary, no chain mail bikini jokes.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: tigirius.9014


love running on all fours, love cats, and love meat almost just as much as Charr do! LOL

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: cthorn.3912


As soon as my partner told me: “There is a race of big horned cats.” when we were first looking at getting GW2, I decided I was going to play one. I have alt-itis and like to play every race/profession for storyline reasons, but the Charr were my first pick by far for aesthetics and culture.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Conjurerjiki.1204


I huge fan of werewolves/anthro like dragon e.t.c huge fan of them and I didn’t notice till I found out charr has that similar what I had in my mind of the type. At, 1st I didn’t like charr I though it more like a just ordinary beast and didn’t influence me much. Till, one day it was the people and the Lion Arch had too many charr and when I saw them they so reminds me cat so much yes I love cat too in irl I got pets with them. Continue my story their fluffy tail you can make cute, scary or normal i love it alot. Why would i not like it!! Thanks to all LA and my friend rolling charr because i had influence :P!

[Edited by moderator]

(edited by Moderator)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: azureai.9764


I’m so glad I picked a Charr for my character. They look so beastly without being ugly. And Charr culture is hillarious. My Charr definitely makes me happy. Why would I join a fantasy game just to play as a Human?

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Maloy.1249


I am a giant cat monster within an empire that takes no insults, realizes that the world is not fair, and refuses to surrender. They are just so epic in that sense, and I feel kind of down when my fellow GW2 players attempt to pacify the Charr in order to make them more mainstream and politically correct.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Sungak Alkandenes.1369

Sungak Alkandenes.1369

Kzin and Kajit fan here. :-)

Though I admit to taking Sylvari first (was curious about their story a bit more), the second character I started (last week) was a Charr Guardian. In fact, going through the Whispers Initiate story with Tybalt helped push that decision forward.

Overall its been a good time. I’m a story nut, so the early decisions of Ash Legion and ‘deserter’ father has only helped to round out the military/loyalty feel of the race.

“The Meta Game does not stop at the game. Ever.” — Me
I like to view MMOs through the lazy eye of a Systems Admin, and the critical eye of a
Project Manager. You’ve been warned. ;-)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: azureai.9764


Overall its been a good time. I’m a story nut, so the early decisions of Ash Legion and ‘deserter’ father has only helped to round out the military/loyalty feel of the race.

haha. That’s exactly the story track I took with my Charr Guardian.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Kumakichi.2583


I rolled a Charr as my first character because I’ve always been drawn to the rough beastly kind of characters like Worgen or Tauren. Charr fit the bill nicely and very glad I went that way.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Dreadflame.6823


I can not lie…i just loved their look. Then i just read their story, about their culture and i just fell in love. I admit i don’t know anything about the events in GW1, but that won’t stop me to enjoy this game and of course using a Charr. I plan on playing the other races of course…once i get the hang of this game.
On the other hand i just felt this impulse to start playing as a Charr. Come on! The industrial revolution is just a blast, my favorite historical event(concerning our world of course) and their motto “With the roar of engines and the thunder of our guns we will control the land” (not sure if that was it word for word). The similarities between them and the Roman empire in a steampunk environment is quite a culture mix.

Last but not least…i believe Charr are cute for the most part. Would love to shake hands with one of them :P

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Fatfox.4915


Charr are just awesome, all my characters are female charr. They’re always fun to design because of the seemingly endless skin pattern colour combinations that you can make.
That said they’re also the only race where the female armour isn’t revealing and both males and females look fairly similar when they’re suited and booted.

I also felt a bit sorry for them in GW1

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Morgax Warrior.5728

Morgax Warrior.5728

My main reasons are:

Tried out every storyline to some point, i have to say for me charr story was perfect, military operations, proving your worth and dealing with your father. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of my characters will end up Charr.

I prefer to play as beast-like races (Khajiit,Tauren)

Even since guild wars 1 i was interested in charr as playable race, it’s amazing how their technology and culture evolved.

It is rewarding experience for me to play as one.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Genevra.6318


Meow meow steampunk demon kitties with boomsticks meow!!

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Ehragus.5843


Dont know. Regret it badly since I wear light armor.

80 Necro(x2) – 80 Guard – 80 Warr(x2) – 80 Engi – 80 Mes – 80 Ele(x2)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Aiden.6209


Because i honestly love the customization options, with all the fur colours, patterns, horns, eyes, i know other races have similar thing’s but i find they just look so much more awesome on the charr <3


Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Nohjo.5134


I already had a sylvari mesmer, so I created a charr elementalist. The armors look different and I liked to play an unconventional combination. And I like cats.

I’m loving my charr more and more now.

Sam Kaldwin (Revenant)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Leon Derge.5239

Leon Derge.5239

Saw the art of a Charr Warrior under the Warrior section and immediately knew I wanted to make a Female Charr Warrior.


It’s the one right under where it says wallpapers.

Dont know. Regret it badly since I wear light armor.

Who says light armor can’t look good on Charr?


“The path of the Guardian is not one to be taken lightly…”

-Rayn Brightclaw, Tarnished Coast

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I suddenly expect your character to leap off tall buildings into carts of hay.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Ehragus.5843


Saw the art of a Charr Warrior under the Warrior section and immediately knew I wanted to make a Female Charr Warrior.


It’s the one right under where it says wallpapers.

Dont know. Regret it badly since I wear light armor.

Who says light armor can’t look good on Charr?

Sorry can’t say that it looks anywhere near as good as humans/sylvaris with light armor. Take a screen straight in front of your character and the hoodie looks bad aswell :p

80 Necro(x2) – 80 Guard – 80 Warr(x2) – 80 Engi – 80 Mes – 80 Ele(x2)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: ElectricAnimal.4139


I made one because combat feels more visceral on beast type races.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: IonusX.7905


to many male charr in gw1 and charr are just kittening awesome with all the horns and teeth

{TNT} Tactical Night Techs “We are the last line of defense”Commander Fire Warrior Scout

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I suddenly expect your character to leap off tall buildings into carts of hay.

Assassins Cat: Laundry Day

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Monsterboy.2490


Rifle jumping with an Asura is just not as satisfying.
I mean, when a Charr does any sort of leap attack, it roars, and since it’s bigger than pretty much everything, it hurts when it lands, not for him, for the poor soul it landed on.
I also think the Charr looks awesome wielding any type of rifle, be it the ordinary rifle or something like the flamethrower or elixir gun.
Mainly, I play Charr because I think they make good engineers with builds that have anything to do with a rifle.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Dilige Vitam.1956

Dilige Vitam.1956

Always rooted for the Charr since Prophecies. The humans were the kitten there, kicking the Charr out of their homelands out of greed. Just seemed to me that they had an admirable cause, they just went about everything the wrong way. Now to see how they’ve progressed since then, how could I not play a Charr?

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: teh persun.6517

teh persun.6517

I like play the race with the past filled with hardship. Probably me trying to connect my Indian heritage with my cis life style

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Knightlight.7691


I didn’t start out with a Charr. In fact, I got 2 humans to 80 and 77, as well as messing around with a sylvari and a couple of asuras. But after rolling a Charr necro, I’m in love! I think what did it for me was the voice acting, especially on Rytlock( love Blum), and animations and the story. I’ve only played up to a 16, but its leagues better than the humans. I also don’t get annoyed hearing different quips from my character. I can only hear outrunning a centaur so many times but I like my guys sayings. I also enjoy hearing other Charr classes as well.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: SolitaryJr.9654


I started my charrs in winterdays and has stopped my human warrior as main, the reasons are pretty much same as other players. First of all is the fluffy tail (female charr). Next is that I love beast looking characters and I own 4 cats, love them. Will going to start another charr soon, she’s already on the lvl cap! Loving charrs more and more!

Charrs – Thief(80), Guardian(80), Engineer(80), Warrior(80)
[Resting atm :)]

(edited by SolitaryJr.9654)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: DeathBruzer.2039


I just think they’re kitten. All 5 of my characters are Charr. I have an elementalist, thief, necromancer, warrior, and guardian. I had rolled other races before an just ended up deleting them and remaking the same character as a Charr.

PSN: DeathBruzer
Steam: DeathBruzer

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Cerbeius.7129


It all started in GW1. I always thought the Charr was an evil race that destroyed every landscape and every human on their path, but then EoTN came out.
The questline of the Ebon Vanguard brought you in the amazing Charr Homelands and when I met Pyre Fierceshot, I got intrigued by the Charr. My whole view on them got changed, I wanted to learn more about that race. Then a GW2-news update came up and they announced that the Charr would be a playable race in GW2. I really got excited and a Charr was the first character I made.

Lady Cerba, Ascalonian Priestess of Grenth

- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Sai.5908


I wanted to be a charr in GW1 … so here I am , plus after four years of being a human mesmer I wanted something different .

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: SerMahad.4813


I didn’t play GW1 but I had an instant feeling with them since my first character’s creation. I went for an engineer for their ‘good side’ and for a warrior for their beastly “I’m gonna spill your guts out and eat them on the spot if you make me nervous” side.
I still think charr are the best race in the game concept-wise.

My Mom Thinks I’m Special [MTIS] – Piken Square

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Stormdancer.4972


They’re one of the few beast races I’ve ever seen that really LOOKS bestial.

They play hard, drink hard, fight hard, party hard. They are metal.

And their lore makes them fascinating to role-play.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Ramiah.5648


I have always liked bestial races in games, especially MMORPGs. Anet’s allowing all professions for all races sealed the deal for me. There’s a strong tradition of warrior-types in monstrous races, and I find that dissappointing. This tradition is continued here in the Charr, but not as tightly. The Charr society allows for roles that are outside the traditional fantasy ones normally assigned to races like this.
As such, I really wanted to play a Charr Mesmer or Necromancer (I still can’t decide which), as my main. It is interesting to me that Anet managed to get the “monstrous” mentality in the Charr, and yet refine it to the point that they are both intelligent and caring.

Thy faithful servant asketh for thy blessing. Honor us with the splendor of thy song.
Protect us… Holy Song!

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Senryi.4897


Tails, and the ability to have a FLUFFY tail.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Giant Angry Kitten.1860

Giant Angry Kitten.1860

Being a Furry, it was only natural.

I quickly learned that I get sick of seeing their running animation quickly (hard to see my armor in movement), so I’m much more keen to the humanoid races (Sylvari, Human, Norn)

I wonder if Skritt would make good pets…

(edited by Moderator)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Ninami.6087


Well firstly I love felines and when I saw that the female charrs looks so cool and fierce, I knew that female charr is going to be my first character in GW 2.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Renn.8241


Though, seeing what they’ve gone through, how they’ve suffered, and how they’re fighting back

But Charr are the enemy Or were. I was a pretty dedicated perma pre GW1 player and they had done so much damage to the human race, Ascalon and to people like gwen.
They were monsters and uncivilised and all of a sudden, mostly friendly, allies and friends to other races.

I don’t have a Charr, I want to bring myself to play one, mainly because of Pyre. But there will always be part of me that hates, yes hates, the Charr past and the current Flame Legion. My humans sword is stained with the blood of many Charr.

~Renn~ Jade Quarry – Norn, – Ranger.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Though, seeing what they’ve gone through, how they’ve suffered, and how they’re fighting back

But Charr are the enemy Or were. I was a pretty dedicated perma pre GW1 player and they had done so much damage to the human race, Ascalon and to people like gwen.
They were monsters and uncivilised and all of a sudden, mostly friendly, allies and friends to other races.

I don’t have a Charr, I want to bring myself to play one, mainly because of Pyre. But there will always be part of me that hates, yes hates, the Charr past and the current Flame Legion. My humans sword is stained with the blood of many Charr.

You’ll always find good and bad, but luckily Anet allows us to play the good ones.


Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


But Charr are the enemy Or were. I was a pretty dedicated perma pre GW1 player and they had done so much damage to the human race, Ascalon and to people like gwen.
They were monsters and uncivilised and all of a sudden, mostly friendly, allies and friends to other races.

For us, it’s only been a few years. But for the characters in GW2, it’s been 250 years. Human history is filled with examples of former (sometimes bitter) enemies who are now fast friends. The US and UK, UK and France, the US and Japan, Germany and just about everyone else in Europe etc. And most of those conflicts are less than a century old!

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Renn.8241


For us, it’s only been a few years. But for the characters in GW2, it’s been 250 years. Human history is filled with examples of former (sometimes bitter) enemies who are now fast friends. The US and UK, UK and France, the US and Japan, Germany and just about everyone else in Europe etc. And most of those conflicts are less than a century old!

This is very true and I hadn’t thought about it like this

~Renn~ Jade Quarry – Norn, – Ranger.