I don’t deny anyone having it back. Bring it back. I’ve said already that I have no issue with it – it’s no skin off my teeth. I’m simply stating a reason why ANet may feel they have their hands tied on this issue. And yes, it is the slippery slope argument.
I personally don’t feel ANet did mess up. Just because X number of customers are unhappy doesn’t mean they’ve totally messed up. There are presumably just as many happy customers as unhappy ones. Saying I feel the need to deny others a chance to spend their currency is unfair, as I never once said that. I do think, however, that there has been a lot of unfair accusations laid at ANet’s door.
First, the “no warning” accusation. There was warning. Proved. Was it the best, most-all-encompassing warning in the world? No, but there was warning. And some people missed it, and that’s unfortunate. But really, they could have sent mail and you still might have missed it – some people are at capacity for their mailbox, someone else might only have logged in just before the event ended, someone else might just not really check their mail in-game as I frequently forget to do. So someone, somewhere, I guarantee you, would have missed the message.
Second, the fact that ANet removed the vendors at the end of the patch rather than leaving them in for a few days. Well, that was ANet’s decision to make. And, they gave due warning about this, so it’s the same point, really. Some people will be ok with that, and others won’t. The only people who aren’t are the people who missed the notice, so it’s the same point, really.
That’s all I’m getting at. People have a right to be annoyed that they missed out. They are directing that annoyance at ANet under incorrect and unfair accusations, however. And yes, I still maintain that even if bringing back these vendors would do nobody any harm, it has larger implications that I have spelled out time and time again, but that people refuse to see because they are not looking at the larger picture, but only at what affects them, personally, right now.