Orr has a problem. Namely, most of it’s going to waste. Players at the level cap naturally clump in Cursed Shore, it being the only 80 level zone in the game. This leaves both Malchor’s Leap and Straits of Devestation largely deserted, and a population of level 80 players becoming increasingly bored with running the same events in Cursed Shore over and over again. There’s plenty of excellent events just next door to them, but since they’re lower level, they’re understandably neglected.
What seems puzzling to me is that Orr seems to be designed to be one gigantic meta event, starting at Trinity Fort and working all the way to Arah. Of course it doesn’t currently work that way, because the events in Malchor’s Leap and Straits of Devestation have no impact on Cursed Shore, aside from disabling temples, and are certainly not required to reach the final zone.
I believe there is a way to kill two dragons with one airship here: expanding the end-game and getting players more interested, not to mention spreading players out a bit more so things don’t feel so crowded. My proposals are as follows:
1. All Orr becomes level 80. The simplest way to achieve this without large scale redoing of the zones would be to simply scale all players entering Orr up to level 80, same as WvW. Then it’s just a far simpler matter of changing mob levels. Loot should be virtually unchanged, and crafting nodes are already max level.
2. Progression to the next zone requires completion of the dynamic events in the previous zone. For example, before players can even move into Malchor’s Leap, they must invade the Straits of Devestation alongside the Pact, and fight a three front war all the way across the zone. Orr should be where the biggest and best meta-events take place, and I can’t think of a better one that a three zone war front.
3. Holding camps will be of vital importance, because undead counterattacks can push you right out of a zone. Players will have to protect their lines of supply in earlier zones, ensuring that Pact outposts remain secure. Ultimately, I’d love to see players given the option of upgrading Pact outposts just like in WvW, and have supply caravans making their way forward (or supply choppers for that matter).
4. Every 2 weeks, when the WvW resets, so does Orr. Players must start over, reinvading the zones and securing their positions.
Frankly, this seems to me to be the original intention for Orr; one giant struggle to press into Orr. Redone, these zones could be so much more than they are now. The events across the zone deserve more attention than they get, and level 80’s are desperate for more content. This seems to me to be one of the easiest ways of achieveing that goal, rather than making all new content.