– Dark Lord of Moshpoipoi
(edited by Clyan.1593)
I knew i was going to have a rough time if i would go for the liadri mini… but i felt confident and had enough time to do it. So i did.
Wasted about 30 tickets with my necro until i gave up and pulled out my mesmer.
I was sure to make it with this class, cause it’s always like that: You have a special situation? Get your mesmer.
Took me another 30 tries though, but i killed her. It was a horrible fight, cause i made a lot of mistakes, and when i heard the asura counting my hands started shaking. Liadri had about 5% hp and i was out of endurance, dark clouds appeared over my head and a bunch of black clones stood dangerously near to me. Liadri made her cripple-step and since i could not blink anymore there was no way out. I just had enough time yet to switch to my sword and use 2.
I don’t even know, if the shadowfall went down or if any clone exploded. Everything i was looking at was her healthbar while i acoustically focused on the asuran voice counting down from “two” to “one”.
When i realized that i had been teleported back to the upper floor without being dead i almost lost my mind.
Like i said, it was a horrible fight, but it was intense, and never had it felt better to get a mini, especially since i’m not too much into them. So, i’d say liadri should not be nerfed – and if you really want the mini, don’t give up.
The only thing i really hate about liadri is the fact, that some classes suit better for this fight than others. I mean, every class can do it – but with a mesmer, warrior or thief it’s so much easier. And since not everyone plays them, this really should be balanced somehow.
(edited by Clyan.1593)
I don’t even know, if the shadowfall went down or if any clone exploded. Everything i was looking at was her healthbar while i acoustically focused on the asuran voice counting down from “two” to “one”.
Just for the record: you do realise that sword #2 grants evadeframes and shadowfall can be evaded? No need to be nervous about getting killed if you are mid animation.
I don’t even know, if the shadowfall went down or if any clone exploded. Everything i was looking at was her healthbar while i acoustically focused on the asuran voice counting down from “two” to “one”.
Just for the record: you do realise that sword #2 grants evadeframes and shadowfall can be evaded? No need to be nervous about getting killed if you are mid animation.
I just said, that i didnt know if the shadowfall went down and the clones exploded before i killed her. That’s all. You misinterpret the message. I was afraid of the countdown, not the dmg.
I don’t even know, if the shadowfall went down or if any clone exploded. Everything i was looking at was her healthbar while i acoustically focused on the asuran voice counting down from “two” to “one”.
Just for the record: you do realise that sword #2 grants evadeframes and shadowfall can be evaded? No need to be nervous about getting killed if you are mid animation.
I just said, that i didnt know if the shadowfall went down and the clones exploded before i killed her. That’s all. You misinterpret the message. I was afraid of the countdown, not the dmg.
my bad, you made it sound like that move was some kind of last resort when in reality evading shadowfall through skills is something, many players do.
gratz anyway. always glad to see people beat her through observation and adaptation!
I don’t even know, if the shadowfall went down or if any clone exploded. Everything i was looking at was her healthbar while i acoustically focused on the asuran voice counting down from “two” to “one”.
Just for the record: you do realise that sword #2 grants evadeframes and shadowfall can be evaded? No need to be nervous about getting killed if you are mid animation.
I just said, that i didnt know if the shadowfall went down and the clones exploded before i killed her. That’s all. You misinterpret the message. I was afraid of the countdown, not the dmg.
my bad, you made it sound like that move was some kind of last resort when in reality evading shadowfall through skills is something, many players do.
That’s why i mentioned a sentence before that i specifically used key 2.
I know I definitely made use of my clones to blow her visions during phase two when things were getting dicey.
<3 my mesmer. She’s my main and while I tried thief and necro, it was mesmer that I killed Liadri with. It took a lot of tries, but kitten did I feel proud of myself for winning that fight
It wouldn’t be so hard if there were no bugs like:
- My character clearly being outside of the AoE but still getting hit.
- A shadow exploding on the other side of the ring and killing me.
I guess they’ll fix the bugs for next year.
Killing Liadri as a condition engineer is not that hard in my opinion. This is how I beat her.
Engineer is the way to go!
(edited by Renny.6571)
This fight is not hard, its challenging and fun but she is 100% scripted, if you pay attention and take note, the orange circles the rotation of the orange circles the spawns of the visions and rifts all of it is a pattern. Learn it and it is easy.
I did make a video yea yea yea shameless plug you do NOT have to look at it. Maybe it might help some people out though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj6q479uoew
It wouldn’t be so hard if there were no bugs like:
- My character clearly being outside of the AoE but still getting hit.
- A shadow exploding on the other side of the ring and killing me.I guess they’ll fix the bugs for next year.
Those were problems I also had. I’d be clearly outside of the AOE yet still get hit by Shadowfall on occasion. I also found that the visions have a highly inconsistent blast radius – sometimes they’d let me walk right next to them and not explode, other times they would explode and kill me from about 300 range away.
I also had a weird thing happen a couple times in phase two, where all of my skills would go on constant one-second cooldowns (similar to being dazed) and I also could not move while they were doing that. The first time it happened, it lasted for about 5 seconds, which was enough to get me stuck in an AOE field and killed; the second time it lasted for about 2 seconds so it wore off fast enough for me to be able to move out of the way. Even my stunbreakers wouldn’t work when that happened. I have no idea what caused this to happen – as far as I know Liadri doesn’t do any daze/stun attacks, there were no Rifts in the arena when that was happening (and they just yank you anyway), and only one of my friends that had beaten Liadri had ever seen or heard of that happening before.
It was weird. It also killed me when she was down to a tiny sliver of health the first time it happened. The second time, when I was able to recover, was when I finally defeated her.
It’s amazing how much simpler easier it gets if u try different builds and classes.
I toke me 16 try’s on my thief. Then i at some mango pie and it was k.
lol @ all these pve people being unable to kill liadri. had some good laughs. got it in my 3rd try on mes
I spent like 60 tickets on her until I was finally able to kill her once – it was such a nice feeling when I came out of the arena alive. Please don’t nerf her!
Laidari is too much overpowered. I wasted ~70 tickets, 10g and all festival tokens to get absolutely NOTHING from her. She needs to cripple less, have 2 at max inv buffs and spam less red fields. HP nerf would be welcomed as well.I am trying to kill her for 2 days already and Im seriously out of patience for this game.. aNET please do something about this.
Thanks in advance.
Srbija do Kosova, bre !!
This will help you brate : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opnHUK1MKWM&feature=youtu.be
They need to make pets immune to everything in the fight but Liadri’s actual attacks, otherwise they die instantaneously and there’s literally nothing you can do about it.
I have to wonder why anybody would buy gauntlet tickets from the merchant, they’re horribly overpriced if you’re just going to use them on Liadri who will likely wipe you over and over.
My only real gripe is that the time limit can be really harsh unless you do the first phase almost perfectly, which is mostly just trial & error because it starts (essentially) the same way every time and it’s pretty difficult to deal damage to Lidari while running around trying to heal and dodging visions & red fields.
Yes, Liadri is hard but it doesn’t need nerfing. It is challenging for new players but thats the beauty of it. I wasted 200 tickets before killing her (yea i know too much) but mostly because my frustration got me. When I relax and take a breather and finally finished her, it was like you accomplished something great!
Just study her moves, relax and try to enjoy the challenge.
btw I use mesmer
Last season it took my warrior 80 odd tries to down Liadri. However this season my same warrior took 3 tries to beat her haha easy title run XD
I very much enjoy doing the Gauntlet fights.
I still have to beat Liadri just got up to that point yesterday and tried it twice and got exploded by the Visions.
But I am so looking forward to do it
Some mechanics seem to be bugged, like Deadeye Dunwell Oneshoting me in spite of feedback dome twice, but still got him in the end.
Or not being able to do the Blobs Schmobs achiev (I switched to my Warrior and rifle to do it and did not kill any Oozes twice, still did not get it)
I can’t think of any Mesmer weapon to do it with.
But overall they are very entertaining fights!
One has to do a little thinking and tweaking and trying and watching.
Love it!
I was trying since living story get released. I pay 70 euro per month in hope game developers will be able to keep doing good job, BUT I simply have to get that title at least. I don’t have patience man.. I have to go to job and keep my business going… I can’t play gw2 24/7 and I am really tired from ONE boss. What should I do now, farm 12/7 and try to beat her for whole month like crazy? No thanks, that is so stupid.
You have to get it? Then get better and beat her up, just like the other tens of thousands of players have.
I wont try anymore. But I still want my title and miniature. I dont see solution for my problem. Also, I am not the only one out there who finds Liadri way too powerful. She should be challeging, but not in god mode as is now.
They nerfed her? Good but seems its not even close to what she should be when “nerfed”.
Wow, such entitlement… They’re not yours until you earn them. Quit whining and get better at the game. There are now tens of videos with strategies and tips, making the fight even easier…
Some mechanics seem to be bugged, like Deadeye Dunwell Oneshoting me in spite of feedback dome twice, but still got him in the end.
Yeah, Dunwell’s headshot isn’t considered a projectile, so reflects don’t work on it. You’ll need an invulnerability, evade, or interrupt skill, which is annoying.
On the other hand Struger’s meat tosses are considered projectiles, so you can reflect those. Thanks for the consistency, Anet.
Yeah, Dunwell’s headshot isn’t considered a projectile, so reflects don’t work on it. You’ll need an invulnerability, evade, or interrupt skill, which is annoying.
On the other hand Struger’s meat tosses are considered projectiles, so you can reflect those. Thanks for the consistency, Anet.
oh dear! well no wonder then and ty for the info.
The Struger/meat projectile might still come in handy, I am missing that one too.
I must say, I REALLY enjoyed the Liadri fight.
It’s gotten to a point that I know the AOE patterns, which is helpful.
I used an Ele to beat her :P..
A few times though, I got her to basically needing 1 hit left and got booted either by time or by that shadow of death.. once I accidentally dodged into a vision of mortality.
The feeling of satisfaction when you beat her… nothing beats that!
Laidari is too much overpowered. I wasted ~70 tickets, 10g and all festival tokens to get absolutely NOTHING from her. She needs to cripple less, have 2 at max inv buffs and spam less red fields. HP nerf would be welcomed as well.I am trying to kill her for 2 days already and Im seriously out of patience for this game.. aNET please do something about this.
Thanks in advance.
I did her on the second try…. If you are not good at this game, don’t blame the difficulty.
Im just grateful for the small things—like the removal of the awful dome—better aoe rings we can actually see, removal of announcers voice being heard for miles (almost literally)—actually—woudn’t miss the announcers voice if it were removed totally (gone to taking my head phones off as her screechy voice is like fingers down a blackboard to me).
Would prefer the timer to be center top tho as searching for it whilst fighting is distracting—-and the announcer is useless—always says the same thing—times nearly up when you have quite a bit left—-perhaps to panic the unwary?
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
I don’t react much on forums but i just felt like i needed to react on this.
Liadri difficulty should not be changed. I tried to kill her last festival but couldn’t get it done. Frustrating?? Yes but i had peace with the fact that some content is harder and not everyone gets that done.
So i tried again this year and got her down after a few hours and the feeling i had for accomplishing this was a reward on its own.
So i really hope Anet doesn’t listen to every complaint about difficulty.
Liadri is fine as she is.
i took her down in 28 tries on my necro, it was really frustrating but i really looked forward to that awesome feel when i do beat her, it’s like fighting that one really tough boss in dark souls and you beat it, yeah that feel. as for the 8 orbs i need more training before i get to that
He compares liadri with dark souls, hahahaha… get real man.
Liadri is not easy. If you beat her once every 5 times (or more) that does not mean at all that the fight is easy.
However, it’s definitely not impossible. Any profession can beat her. And all except rangers can get 8 orbs achievement. That is because pet dies and it’s like 50% nerf on ranger.
I did liadri normal way first on berserker ranger and 8 orbs on guardian, but I am confident that I could get 8 orbs on thief as well very easily.
i did all bosses and all achievements including the 8 orb achievement with ranger last year when they first introduced the crown pavillion. dont say things that arent true.
i did all bosses and all achievements including the 8 orb achievement with ranger last year when they first introduced the crown pavillion. dont say things that arent true.
Go ahead and make us a video of your ranger skills.
Liadri is terrible in terms of class balance. I’ve personally tried liadri a lot with my main, ele, I’ve tried different ideas and builds, different gears and tactics and still failed. Then I switched to my dire/rabid engie and killed her instantly without even changing skills and traits from generic pvp build. And I have like 50 time more time played on my ele. Gj a-net.
Then I gone for 8 orbs achievement and from all classes I have at 80 (ele, engie, warrior, necro) I feel that only warrior goes somewhere close to do it. For engie it might be possible with some great luck, others are just crap. “Yeah, you have no guard? Suck this”. Basically this boss is a direct spit in the face of all players who want to play whatever they want to play since if a-net want to do some hard content they don’t make it equally hard by offcetting weak in this content spots of all classes by their strong mechanics, they do it hard for meta, Teh Meleetrain. “Don’t want to play it? Lol, what a kitten, get lost”. Some funny rangers aren’t even get tested, I’m sure.
This morning I had 107 tickets. I now have 78 and even though I didn’t beat her yet I did get her down to 00001% health before the floor dropped out (grrr).
Do I think it impossible now? Nope.
Am I gonna try it till i get it? Yep (hopefully before I run out of free tickets).
She is a challenging fight, but if you want the title you have to work for it. And honestly there is very little that can be called a challenge in the PvE world, and this is coming from what would be considered a casual player.
i took her down in 28 tries on my necro, it was really frustrating but i really looked forward to that awesome feel when i do beat her, it’s like fighting that one really tough boss in dark souls and you beat it, yeah that feel. as for the 8 orbs i need more training before i get to that
He compares liadri with dark souls, hahahaha… get real man.
You’re saying Dark Souls is hard? Hahahaha….get real, man.
i did all bosses and all achievements including the 8 orb achievement with ranger last year when they first introduced the crown pavillion. dont say things that arent true.
Go ahead and make us a video of your ranger skills.
its uploading while im typing this. it says about 45 minutes remaining goodnight!
(edited by Magische Boek.2530)
Learning the mechanics sounds all good and fine, but one shots are just junk. I play from australia. Getting killed over and over again from AOE that you are outside of, or Mortality visions that aren’t actually close is “disheartening” to say the least.
The least Anet could do is build me my own server below the equator so I could play the game “working as intended”.
Lag FTW! Always.
Learning the mechanics sounds all good and fine, but one shots are just junk. I play from australia. Getting killed over and over again from AOE that you are outside of, or Mortality visions that aren’t actually close is “disheartening” to say the least.
The least Anet could do is build me my own server below the equator so I could play the game “working as intended”.
Lag FTW! Always.
I’m in South Africa, so I know the frustration that is lag.. that said, I used food that gives me a boost to dodges, so I can counter lag with some "excessive " dodging… that worked out for me.
Last year I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t beat her. I’ve spent more than 100 tickets. Many times the failure ended with a rage quit for that day. This year I said to myself ‘Oh what the hell…’ and spent 70 more tickets After another 50 tickets and few rage quits I’ve managed to kill her on 13 fps and a serious lag.
Yes it is a hard fight, but everybody can learn the pattern and then the only thing you need, is practice
i did all bosses and all achievements including the 8 orb achievement with ranger last year when they first introduced the crown pavillion. dont say things that arent true.
Go ahead and make us a video of your ranger skills.
its uploading while im typing this. it says about 45 minutes remaining
there’s also a brilliant ranger discussion on reddit right now – http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/26n2jl/subject_7_5_gambits_13_seconds_ranger/
I spent like 60 tickets on her until I was finally able to kill her once – it was such a nice feeling when I came out of the arena alive.
Please don’t nerf her!
If I can do it, anyone should be able to do it.
shamless ego boost but Liadri does not need a nerf.
Fresh air build with no runes/sigils/foods. Stay near the middle in phase 2 and drop the orbs early and you’ll be fine.
Laidari is too much overpowered. I wasted ~70 tickets, 10g and all festival tokens to get absolutely NOTHING from her. She needs to cripple less, have 2 at max inv buffs and spam less red fields. HP nerf would be welcomed as well.I am trying to kill her for 2 days already and Im seriously out of patience for this game.. aNET please do something about this.
Thanks in advance.
Lots of video tutorial in YouTube. If you can’t still beat her sorry to say you’re not skilled enough more practice needed.
It took me about 75 tickets last year to just defeat her, after trying different classes and builds. This year it took me a bit over 100 tickets to get 8 orbs.
Lots of people who are more skilled get it faster, others like me just have to be patient and wait for that perfect run where everything goes just right.
Best tip I can give is to use a profession you’re used to playing. A friend of mine got 8 orbs last year on her thief and gave a youtube link, stating that it was absolutely the only build she could do it with. I tried it, didn’t get it to work well, went back to my trusted condi necro and eventually got it done.
For players with limited skills, such as myself, patience is key. If you find yourself raging after 5 tries, you might want to reconsider if you really want the achievements that bad. In the end games are to have fun.
Also, it’s not because some people can’t muster the patience to learn the fight through trial and error, that the fight needs to be nerfed.
Laidari is too much overpowered. I wasted ~70 tickets, 10g and all festival tokens to get absolutely NOTHING from her. She needs to cripple less, have 2 at max inv buffs and spam less red fields. HP nerf would be welcomed as well.I am trying to kill her for 2 days already and Im seriously out of patience for this game.. aNET please do something about this.
Thanks in advance.
Just l2p thats all.
i took her down in 28 tries on my necro, it was really frustrating but i really looked forward to that awesome feel when i do beat her, it’s like fighting that one really tough boss in dark souls and you beat it, yeah that feel. as for the 8 orbs i need more training before i get to that
He compares liadri with dark souls, hahahaha… get real man.
You’re saying Dark Souls is hard? Hahahaha….get real, man.
Where did I say that dark souls is hard? Stop twisting my words, I hate that. It is definitely more challenging than this content.
Also, people who ask for a nerf for liadri need to step up their game and stop whining.
I +1’d the OP because he made me laugh so much. Is that how it works?
Been on the receiving end of being out of the circles & still getting K.O.ed multiple times now. To the point that a little title & mini is not worth the blood pressure to me. One little latency spike away from dying is not a mechanic one can learn (Tho in built in latency meter might help).
I like the idea of the event as a whole, but the one bad mechanic that is this susceptible
these latency issues is just bad & kind of spoils the whole thing.
Grats to the people that got luck of the draw on their chosen class & spec. without latency. But I’m going to pass on this part of the event.
I agree that the circle AoEs aren’t indicated accurate enough, but that’s a major problem I have throughout the whole game (since release).
First of not every player has multiple characters or enjoys speed training, wich means they might only have one or two classes available to fight Liadri. Especially the casual gamers
Second i am in favor for a adjustment in Liadri (to make her a bit easier) but at the cost that some builds are disabled or decreased in efficiency, like the Necro life steal build I had to resort to, to kill her. Because now I have the mini, but not the sense of accomplishment for beating. Becuase i killed her that cheaply (way of fight, not cost, had to make stuff and owe some ppl a lot of money (for me) now)
i did all bosses and all achievements including the 8 orb achievement with ranger last year when they first introduced the crown pavillion. dont say things that arent true.
Go ahead and make us a video of your ranger skills.
its uploading while im typing this. it says about 45 minutes remaining
The best skill-based-dodges gameplay I’ve seen to date. You even use 180° camera rotation. Anf how you dodged the aoe by that backjump bow skill in just the right milisecond…. you are godlike ranger
Thief with duel pistols and leechlife venom build… should be nerfed since you can kill her without taking her out of her shield, but w/e
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