Best trailer ever!
Yeah that’s a sick trailer.
Thanks for the nice comments guys.
Here are some “behind the scenes” facts about this cinematic:
The cinematic was built as a prototype for the new video playback technology.
It was made over a year ago, and we planned to launch it with the original Fractal release. Unfortunately, the tech didn’t get implemented in time and we missed the release window. It was decided that we sit on the cinematic trailer until there was a big update to the Fractals.
The 3D character models are (pre)rendered in-engine with our model viewer and matched up with cameras in Maya and After Effects.
While I have special place in my heart for the original GW2 in-engine cinematics (such as the Dugneon Catacombs flashback…a cinematic that I reworked 4 times over the course of development) These new types of pre-rendered videos allow us to work faster, increase the quality, and they perform better on more peoples machines.
There are some pretty exciting cinematics coming in the future…I hope you guys will receive them as well as the Fractals piece.
Thanks again!
I do not understand how it is new… they have the same style of our characters introduction.
You mean that this technology is new regarding to the way you set up the scene? More easy and fast to create?
I never understood the reason to use static characters on the living story scenes… (Marjory’s journal, Queen Speech, etc) They would be much more amazing with these movements and also would be nice if it had our character on it like in the introduction scene.
Good trailer, pity it doesn’t feature any of the new content.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Thanks for the nice comments guys.
Here are some “behind the scenes” facts about this cinematic:
The cinematic was built as a prototype for the new video playback technology.
It was made over a year ago, and we planned to launch it with the original Fractal release. Unfortunately, the tech didn’t get implemented in time and we missed the release window. It was decided that we sit on the cinematic trailer until there was a big update to the Fractals.
The 3D character models are (pre)rendered in-engine with our model viewer and matched up with cameras in Maya and After Effects.
While I have special place in my heart for the original GW2 in-engine cinematics (such as the Dugneon Catacombs flashback…a cinematic that I reworked 4 times over the course of development) These new types of pre-rendered videos allow us to work faster, increase the quality, and they perform better on more peoples machines.
There are some pretty exciting cinematics coming in the future…I hope you guys will receive them as well as the Fractals piece.
Thanks again!
I do not understand how it is new… they have the same style of our characters introduction.
You mean that this technology is new regarding to the way you set up the scene? More easy and fast to create?
I never understood the reason to use static characters on the living story scenes… (Marjory’s journal, Queen Speech, etc) They would be much more amazing with these movements and also would be nice if it had our character on it like in the introduction scene.
It is new. If you observe closely it is in a distinctly different style, and there’s a reason for it. As he explained, the new cutscenes are being pre-made in software like After Effects then played back as pre-rendered video files in-game, whereas the painterly intro cutscenes were rendered in-engine in real-time using special tech that ArenaNet created.
I do not understand how it is new… they have the same style of our characters introduction.
It sounds like they are using video files now, instead of playing the cinematic out in engine, which is something many games do for their cutscenes, but neither GW2 nor GW1 ever had.
(edited by Lucky.9421)
One of the all around best videos I’ve seen for GW2 to date. I don’t think it would have really been as appreciated for its quality had it been used in the past as it can be today.
I have never stepped into fractals for several reasons, but I will be adding this video onto the end of the GW2 trailers I watch every day before hopping in-game to set the mood and get in the GW2 mind frame as I roam the open world.
Fantastic job, Matthew Oswald and team(s).
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
There are some pretty exciting cinematics coming in the future…I hope you guys will receive them as well as the Fractals piece.
I just hope that if/when you add more cinematics to the game you will take care and make them
(a) not pop up in the middle of a fight / action sequence causing you to die instantly when the cinematic ends (*cough*volcanic fractal*cough*)
(b) be skippable so we don’t have to wait 5 minutes for Mrs. Lionguard to explain to Caithe how much help they need dealing with lolscarlet over and over and over again.(a) I cant answer this as it is a design issue with our scripting system. The cinematics team only handles a few of the flyby-camera-style cinematics. I can take a look at this-
(b) all our cinematics have the ability to be skip-able. Sometimes someone forgets to flag a cinematic as skippable :0When a scene is scripted out there may be triggers that NEED to happen in order for a set of events to play out the way they were meant to be. If we allow players to skip this type of cinematic, then it can unravel scene, spawns, and such. I’d love to have a fix for this…but players may have to bare with it for the time being. I feel your pain.
Aetherblade Path, Twilight’s Arbor, please make those skippable. Thank you!
yeahh really great this trailer,hope we can see more in future
Sad I can’t watch the Trailer I ‘ve been watching Trailers and teasers for every update now… but I just can’t enjoy the upcomming Content knowing that you destroy my hard work to get to 81… it’s like deleting the Trailer out of nowhere it might be good it might be bad the desition to destroy another ones work is just bad.
The thread “Best trailer ever!” was moved from Guild Wars 2 Discussion because it was a better fit for the Linksville sub-forum.
Why was this thread moved to the “Linksville” sub-forum from “Guild Wars 2 Discussion”?
If it was going to be moved at all then it should have been moved to the “Fractured” forum as it is discussing the trailer for that game update.
Matthew Oswald, would you see about having this thread more appropriately moved to the Fractured sub-forum instead of where it has now been moved to, please?
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Yeah, that’s a rather odd decision. Do all threads featuring ArenaNet trailers get sent here?
Yeah, that’s a rather odd decision. Do all threads featuring ArenaNet trailers get sent here?
From what I can see none of the Nightmare Within trailer, Rock the Nightmare trailer and contest, or the Tower of Nightmares trailer discussions were moved to this sub-forum. Nor have past discussions on previous release trailers been moved to here.
This had to have been a mistake and the wrong sub-forum was selected for its destination.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
I think it was because they moved the the embarrassing Dev twitch temple video from a few days ago here just now.
Moved both for fairness.
Yeah, that’s a rather odd decision. Do all threads featuring ArenaNet trailers get sent here?
From what I can see none of the Nightmare Within trailer, Rock the Nightmare trailer and contest, or the Tower of Nightmares trailer discussions were moved to this sub-forum. Nor have past discussions on previous release trailers been moved to here.
This had to have been a mistake and the wrong sub-forum was selected for its destination.
Well, bring attention to it, and ye shall receive! I see we are now in a more appropriate sub-forum. =)
Yeah, ANet’s always been awesome in overhyping their product with cool and shiny trailers…
You mean “overhyping” the same way that every single trailer in the history of mmo’s has?
Yeah, that’s a rather odd decision. Do all threads featuring ArenaNet trailers get sent here?
From what I can see none of the Nightmare Within trailer, Rock the Nightmare trailer and contest, or the Tower of Nightmares trailer discussions were moved to this sub-forum. Nor have past discussions on previous release trailers been moved to here.
This had to have been a mistake and the wrong sub-forum was selected for its destination.
Well, bring attention to it, and ye shall receive! I see we are now in a more appropriate sub-forum. =)
Thank you very much to whoever brought this thread to the appropriate sub-forum. I just didn’t want to see this thread discussing the qualities of the trailer (and the ‘behind-the-scenes’ info from Matthew Oswald) to disappear into the depths of the Linksville Abyss.
I’m having trouble choosing which segment I enjoy most. Each piece so appropriately told a fragment of a story, and the transitions are so well done in that they effortlessly flow into eachother (even literally), that I am even left rooting (as well as mourning) for the nameless and faceless heroes embroiled in the fractal scenarios and conflicts portrayed within them.
I just want to reaffirm my statement of appreciation for the work and creativity put into this video.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Awesome Job Anet. You can tell this cinematic is different than the rest. Looks good, looking foreword to many more.
Trailer is beautiful, grats to the team.
Kinda looks like they spent more time making the trailer than they have optimizing their game.
That trailer was amazing… more of these please.
I do like the Ascalon intro that you mentioned so I think its good to have a mix of styles. It keeps everything fresh and exciting. No more cheesy guitar rock music though
Yeah, ANet’s always been awesome in overhyping their product with cool and shiny trailers…
wow. feeling the love emanating from you. you should go watch Bambi and come back and edit that post. pay attention to the bunny scene. it’s key.
Can you make public that model viewer you use? Please?!?!?
One of the coolest trailer I seen so far.
Thumbs up.
Meh, It’s okay, I guess.
Only thing i don’t get is why Mossman so bigarse in trailer
Spectacular trailer guys, keep it coming!
Great trailer. Great new technology. Please give us more in the future!
GW: Factions CGI trailer was better.
lol no it wasn’t.
What? Have you even seen the factions trailer? It’s hard to beat something like this.
Makes me want to play Guild Wars 1 again And makes me wish Anet would release a cantha based expansion already!!!
GW: Factions CGI trailer was better.
lol no it wasn’t.
What? Have you even seen the factions trailer? It’s hard to beat something like this.
Makes me want to play Guild Wars 1 again
And makes me wish Anet would release a cantha based expansion already!!!
outdated CGI dosent match the handcrafted appeal of the trailer for the fractals update with that said i miss cantha lol. Any way Aion WoW LoL And forsaken world Had good CGI trailers.
Agree! Perfect trailer with all those fractal moments so familiar to all players
I also loved this trailer. I want to see more of this kind on the game
No dredges? Harpys and Cat-golems??!
BTW It’s really nice!
Not bad, reminds me of Samurai Jack kinda.
Same. I loved that show.
Great job on the trailer, it really brings goosebumps. No Thaumanova in the trailer, though.
Edit: ok, so the trailer is 1 year old. xD hence no new Fractals.
[DV] – megaboss community
Yes the trailer is absolutely gorgeous. I am not a big fan of fractals, maybe never will because they become dull very fast…but i have to give props to the guys who made the trailer for it.
Hope to see more in the future.
The trailer is simply A M A Z I N G! I am so impressed! One of the best cinematics of GW2 I’ve seen
There are some pretty exciting cinematics coming in the future…I hope you guys will receive them as well as the Fractals piece.
More cinematics like this one? Yes please! Especially if those will be in-game Work well done with this one, looking forward for the future
My jaw just fell flat on the floor after seeing that cinematic!
OMG! I can’t stop replaying this!
There are some pretty exciting cinematics coming in the future…I hope you guys will receive them as well as the Fractals piece.
Thanks again!
If the coming in-game cinematics are even half as good as this one, they’re gonna rise to the top of my best in-game cinematics list!
(edited by Burjis.3087)
Yes – more of this both in-game and in trailers, please! It’s great.
Will this ever play in-game? Like by talking to Dessa or something?
Will this ever play in-game? Like by talking to Dessa or something?
Yes, it will play the first time a new player enters the Fractals…and it will be watchable by triggering it within the hub. It also includes a little VO from Dessa that’s not included in the trailer.
(Somewhat related) There is a plan to allow people to playback cinematics through some sort of story UI. This should help people catch up on what they missed.
I like that I’m seeing some new cinemas cropping up in the game, this sort of thing can make all aspects, Dungeons, Fractals, PVE, LS and so on a lot better. You can cram a lot of useful info into just a few seconds with this kind of thing.
Will this ever play in-game? Like by talking to Dessa or something?
Yes, it will play the first time a new player enters the Fractals…and it will be watchable by triggering it within the hub. It also includes a little VO from Dessa that’s not included in the trailer.
(Somewhat related) There is a plan to allow people to playback cinematics through some sort of story UI. This should help people catch up on what they missed.
That’d be great. The item like Marjory’s Journal, while helpful, are annoying to keep around in your bank to play one cinematic. Getting it implemented into the UI would be appreciated.
Great artwork! Watched it for nearly 10 times now!
They sure do know how to make a good trailer I agree this is the best so far!
Fissure of Woe
(Somewhat related) There is a plan to allow people to playback cinematics through some sort of story UI. This should help people catch up on what they missed.
I know I post this a few times, but I figure since it keeps being brought up in terms of replaying cinematics / living story then I might as well post it again.
I have an old Suggestions post that had a concept of replaying cinematics and this thread has an image of the Marjory Journal in question. If it doesn’t show up in the expanded “My Story” that I have posted, it would be nice to see a Living Story tab added to the list.
Bottom line is that any ability of replaying the Living Story and seeing what has happened is a great addition. I attached the concept I created with Marjory in case you didn’t want to hop threads.
(edited by Outlaw.3421)
I have an old Suggestions post that had a concept of replaying cinematics and this thread has an image of the Marjory Journal in question. If it doesn’t show up in the expanded “My Story” that I have posted, it would be nice to see a Living Story tab added to the list.
That’s a great concept image you made there
(Somewhat related) There is a plan to allow people to playback cinematics through some sort of story UI. This should help people catch up on what they missed.
I know I post this a few times, but I figure since it keeps being brought up in terms of replaying cinematics / living story then I might as well post it again.
I have an old Suggestions post that had a concept of replaying cinematics and this thread has an image of the Marjory Journal in question. If it doesn’t show up in the expanded “My Story” that I have posted, it would be nice to see a Living Story tab added to the list.
Bottom line is that any ability of replaying the Living Story and seeing what has happened is a great addition. I attached the concept I created with Marjory in case you didn’t want to hop threads.
This. We need this.
replaying old cinematics / replaying old LS content can easily be done with an old gw1 trick the scrying pool
about cinematics:
CGI cinematics will never be better than ingame style cinematics for one simple reason:
- CGI cinematics are always over the top and nothing of what happens in them can be accomplished ingame, while the newer style cinematics are all about ingame possible things, that hypes me up more than some over the top CGI BS.
remember how good swtor CGI’s were ?
the game tanked and one of the reasons was people expected to be able to move and do some of the things portrayed in those cinematics.