22 Chests opened, nothing unique

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I think what is really awesome here is that people have spent hundreds of $ on keys and sit online complaining about it as if the chest drops (which was crap before) would somehow magically get better while children in their own area probably went to bed hungry because no one in their area would support the local salvation army or food shelter.

/golf clap


What I think is really awesome here is that you yourself have little to no ability (ha see personal attack fallacy) to actually contribute to a discussion because you have little to no ability (Yeap, 2 in one paragraph) reason successfully against an argument you don’t really seem to care about. Excellent appeal to Emotion and Appeal to Pity there though, you seem to have some merit as a solid logical fallacy maker (3 times, hot kitten I’m on a roll)

You’re no better than your post perceives him to be because you’re now doing the same thing.

Thought i’d let you know.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825



correct, its like a flashback of when Valve did the mannco store in TF2 and the whole deal with keys+crates

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Tbh, I’m not a huge fan of the system, I just don’t see why it’s such a huge deal compared to the fun of the new events, new jumping puzzles etc But the system is probably sustainable. And it is a fashion show, and I don’t care much for fashion shows aside from spending a couple of g on dye. I’ve also been fortunate in that I’ve gotten in on things at the right time and made good moves with my gold.

The system also funds further development, and if it is sustainable, we will see more real content as a result. I actually like that idea a bit more, more jumping puzzles, dungeons, and pvp for me.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CaptSlate.6205


I have neither the time nor the inclination to go that in depth in my analysis. However, I will say this. If the price of the GS stabillizes at or below 25g, in this high demand environment, the system will work just fine, because it is then accessible to most of the player base and supply is meeting demand.

But again, isn’t this whole ordeal in relation to what will happen to the market place NEXT, not what is happening now? Why 25g is that some magic number? I admit that 25g seems like price point that would be accessible to a group of people with the resources to achieve such a price point, however, what about people that cannot achieve this price point in the next 14 days or how ever long the event runs? Are these people expendable, are they to be laughed at for attempting to achieve their goal of getting the item they wanted via “legit” means ergo those means set forth by Anet and not the player market?

Well for the people that can’t afford that in time (like myself) I say “congratulations on existing. I’m sorry Anet can’t cater to everyone but they do have to make money.”

Not everyone’s gonna get the skin they want. Which is too bad. If they spent money they spent money (again, like myself) but the game is F2P.

I’ll say it again, the game is F2P

One bad night of spending is going to be made up for in spades throughout the life of the game.

All I can say to people who didn’t win out is “too bad” and “try again next year”

What does that entail exactly? I have heard the moniker of the game is F2P, F2P, F2P, but what does that entail? Are your expectations of F2P (which you did buy the game for 60 dollars let me remind you), different from other peoples? Of course they are! You can’t say they aren’t! It’s a real shame that this issue is being lost in, “they have to make money” There are quite a few ways they could make money without having to rely on a RNG, assume for a second that, everything Potato says is true about how in demand the GS Saw is (and I know it is in high demand) Think if they had priced it at 5 dollars, no they would not have made as much from this as their Black Lion Keys, but they wouldn’t have lost the trust of people either.

Trust is more important in the long run in business operations than money ever is, trust is money my friend. Again, though I’m all over the, sorry I lost, yeap cool, I’ll get over it, it’s the people that won’t get over that hurts ANet in the long run, and it hurts us too. Lost confidence = lost sales = lost money to spend on playing players.

Yeah, they’re not losing out on anything here.
Everyone can talk trust and lost sales and blah blah blah.

But lets all face facts here.

You’re mad. I’m mad. Some other folk are mad.

But guess what?

They’re makin money.
And will continue to make money.
And will do it in ways you like, and in ways you don’t like.

This one little halloween event isn’t going to put them in the sinker and they’ll probably do it again next year.

The overwhelming confidence I guess some players had in those chests for this thing was obviously misplaced. Lessons will be learned and their money WILL be spent in other ways.

Yeah, Anet isn’t going to be hurting from this no matter which way any of us decide to slice it in our bitter rage.

I mean, that’s the truth.

Eh, I’m gonna try to make this my last post, but I agree with all that, except the ideal that money WILL be spent, or at least in the same quantity, it’s impossible to stop cash flow, there are too many people that want other things, it’s just the amount of it we will see.

But it is indeed the truth that ANet will at best actually hear what we are saying, and at worst continue to be a cold heartless unfeeling corporate entity like the rest of the corporate entities we give money to every day.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573



correct, its like a flashback of when Valve did the mannco store in TF2 and the whole deal with keys+crates

People are just mad. That’s all it is.

I spent 30 bucks and got no skin. I’ll try 20 when I get paid again but after that if I get nothing than I’ll simply farm some gold and buy what I want off the TP and reap the rewards of having 8 million repair canisters (which save gold), a handful of BL salvage kits (which is more gold via, rare salvaged mats) boosts to help me farm……..the list goes on.

The prices aren’t that outrageous on the TP either. They’ll go up obviously after the event is over but not to the degree of a precursor or anything.

Even if THAT happens, a week is enough time to get the gold you need.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CaptSlate.6205


And I’ve lost my ability to edit, but Oreoz, I know that whole heartedly, was just an attempt to inject humor into the conversation, I see it failed =(

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I have neither the time nor the inclination to go that in depth in my analysis. However, I will say this. If the price of the GS stabillizes at or below 25g, in this high demand environment, the system will work just fine, because it is then accessible to most of the player base and supply is meeting demand.

But again, isn’t this whole ordeal in relation to what will happen to the market place NEXT, not what is happening now? Why 25g is that some magic number? I admit that 25g seems like price point that would be accessible to a group of people with the resources to achieve such a price point, however, what about people that cannot achieve this price point in the next 14 days or how ever long the event runs? Are these people expendable, are they to be laughed at for attempting to achieve their goal of getting the item they wanted via “legit” means ergo those means set forth by Anet and not the player market?

Well for the people that can’t afford that in time (like myself) I say “congratulations on existing. I’m sorry Anet can’t cater to everyone but they do have to make money.”

Not everyone’s gonna get the skin they want. Which is too bad. If they spent money they spent money (again, like myself) but the game is F2P.

I’ll say it again, the game is F2P

One bad night of spending is going to be made up for in spades throughout the life of the game.

All I can say to people who didn’t win out is “too bad” and “try again next year”

What does that entail exactly? I have heard the moniker of the game is F2P, F2P, F2P, but what does that entail? Are your expectations of F2P (which you did buy the game for 60 dollars let me remind you), different from other peoples? Of course they are! You can’t say they aren’t! It’s a real shame that this issue is being lost in, “they have to make money” There are quite a few ways they could make money without having to rely on a RNG, assume for a second that, everything Potato says is true about how in demand the GS Saw is (and I know it is in high demand) Think if they had priced it at 5 dollars, no they would not have made as much from this as their Black Lion Keys, but they wouldn’t have lost the trust of people either.

Trust is more important in the long run in business operations than money ever is, trust is money my friend. Again, though I’m all over the, sorry I lost, yeap cool, I’ll get over it, it’s the people that won’t get over that hurts ANet in the long run, and it hurts us too. Lost confidence = lost sales = lost money to spend on playing players.

Yeah, they’re not losing out on anything here.
Everyone can talk trust and lost sales and blah blah blah.

But lets all face facts here.

You’re mad. I’m mad. Some other folk are mad.

But guess what?

They’re makin money.
And will continue to make money.
And will do it in ways you like, and in ways you don’t like.

This one little halloween event isn’t going to put them in the sinker and they’ll probably do it again next year.

The overwhelming confidence I guess some players had in those chests for this thing was obviously misplaced. Lessons will be learned and their money WILL be spent in other ways.

Yeah, Anet isn’t going to be hurting from this no matter which way any of us decide to slice it in our bitter rage.

I mean, that’s the truth.

What is the reason for GW2’s succes?
It’s the reputation they build up with GW1.

What is the reason they sold so many chests for this event?
it’s the reputation of good business models they used in GW1.

Will they ever be able to do something simular starting on the same base of player trust?
You seem to say they will, I say they won’t be able to.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042



Will they ever be able to do something simular starting on the same base of player trust?
You seem to say they will, I say they won’t be able to.

Only speaking for myself here, but i certainly won’t be buying any keys ever again from the gem store after today (during any event or otherwise) – not unless Anet do something to make up for things.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murakami.5243


I hate to say this but Runescape has a better idea for what to do for events than anet. Everyone participates in an event and comes away with a non-tradeable souvenir and everyone is happy.

Buying some event items from gem store like witch or mad king costumes is fine but to gamble real life money on Black Lion Chests and not be guaranteed an enjoyable experience is outright ridiculous. If I want to play slot machines then I will go to a Casino, at least there’s chance for real money there. Dear Anet, please don’t do this again for future events. I thought the anger generated around mystic forge and precursors should have told them the general reception about an RNG mechanic… and to think they did it on gems…. just sickens me.

The early game of GW2 is beautiful and I thought it was the best mmo and everything I had been looking for when playing in the betas, but now I am having doubts. Did the design team change over the five years this game was being developed? Reminds me of how D1 and D2 were amazing but D3 which had a totally different dev team totally missed the point.

Golden Company X I I I [GC]
Developer of GW2 WvW for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/gw2-wvw/id653987126?mt=8

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CptSlater.2457


Clearly you didn’t play Forsaken World. There are 4-5 type of chests for money/gold which have extremely rare chance of dropping a tradable mount/pet. You get a mount/pet after opening hundreds/thousands (!!) of chests. Ripoff or Business model, call it whatever you want but it works (ofc devs need to calm down angry players somehow) :p

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaden.3162



Will they ever be able to do something simular starting on the same base of player trust?
You seem to say they will, I say they won’t be able to.

Only speaking for myself here, but i certainly won’t be buying any keys ever again from the gem store after today (during any event or otherwise) – not unless Anet do something to make up for things.

and that is the moral of the story that we have all been saying, while they rake in money for the event, they have effectively killed off a large portion of players who wanted to spend money on their work.

now those people wont be so inclined to spend money again for fear of being ripped off again.

going forward this was a terrible, terrible business move by ANET.
alienate the paying players, your reputation as company is massively important as well, and likely those players will get tired of the game at a faster rate and move their money else where, should a competitor game show up, they will have a great chance to steal players and money as there reputation would be in better care.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


On the bright side, it’s another reason not to spend money on this game.

Let the people who can conveniently say “it’s your fault for buying” do the buying themselves. After all, who else is going to subsidize their skins and whatever items/content anet plans to do the moneygrubbing trick on again?

Vote with your wallet, let the fanboys share in the misery when they realize they were supported by the very people they callously trample upon.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

I am not going to become popular with this post but seriously people some of you really need to learn the meaning of the word restraint. Gambling is gambling and like any other gambling out there chances are you’ll lose. You need to be responsible with any form of gambling, you dont just continue trying until you succeed cause that often means a huge disaster.

Also the hard odds are really a good thing in a way, makes the reward even more special/valuable. Think about it, if opening 5 chests is all it took to get a skin, everyone in the game would have one. many would have all of them. That would also mean really cheap skins for sale and on the other side no profit to be made by finding a skin. You’d end up having payed $10 to get a skin which the next few days you’d probably get for a few silver! people will be angry none the less.

Like others suggested if there is a skin you really have to have you shouldnt leave it up to chance. buy it from TP. If you want a sports car would you try to get it by using all your money on lottery tickets? Some might but that too generally doesnt end well! In my opinion people got carried away. This wasnt intended as buy as many keys as it takes until you get the skin you want, in my opinion this was supposed to be ohh I have some keys in my bank, lets use them now since I could get this nifty skin. Or even, hey arenanet did a great game, this update is awesome, lets support them by buying $10 worth of keys and using them to get this nifty skin. Didnt get it? ohh well sometimes you win sometimes you loose.

Self control is important people !
If you’re not ready to loose dont gamble! its as simple as that!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


So many people forgetting that the very source of the skins come from the BLC themselves.

With sports cars, you can buy them directly from manufacture. Fact remains that the skins only come from one source in the end – BLCs and their gambling mechanism. The ones you see in TP didn’t magically appear from a wormhole, oh no, they came from the people who spent hard-earned money to open BLCs.

Also the very people you are lambasting. Also the people you are leeching from. So when they start to dwindle in number, who suffers? Everyone does. Let’s all spread the misery.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


It’s a shame, but I am glad I have not bought any keys yet. This thread has put me off doing so.

Kinda thinking I should never buy gems just in protest. I understand their need to make money, but there’s difference between turning a profit and gouging your loyal customers.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shift Focus.9083

Shift Focus.9083

bought 10 keys, got jack squat, but it’s nothing compared to people who bought $50+ worth of gems, heck even $20+….I’m kind of disappointed at the low rate of the Halloween items drop rate from the chest, at least tell people what the “chances” are…-_-

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sororsrca.1239


Just want to remind some people throwing around the “just buy it off the TP” solution. You may be at the point where 8-10 gold or more is nothing to you, but to those just starting the game they struggle to get their first gold at all. Can you remember this at all? Their chances to get anything from chests or the ability to buy off the TP are now drastically reduced in comparison. I think ANET should also keep this in mind.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


But guess what?

They’re makin money.
And will continue to make money.
And will do it in ways you like, and in ways you don’t like.

This one little halloween event isn’t going to put them in the sinker and they’ll probably do it again next year.

The overwhelming confidence I guess some players had in those chests for this thing was obviously misplaced. Lessons will be learned and their money WILL be spent in other ways.

Yeah, Anet isn’t going to be hurting from this no matter which way any of us decide to slice it in our bitter rage.

I mean, that’s the truth.

While I don’t disagree with the people who say “hey, it was a chance and you took it. You lost, so what. No one made you take a chance”. I will point out that you are wrong. First Anet is not based on a subscription plan like WoW. So if they lose customers that will actively drop large amounts of money on the game, that is a pretty big loss.

I remember playing SWTOR at first, and the sentiment was that if you didn’t like it you could leave. It seemed there were enough people to carry the game on, even if a few didn’t like it. Well now look at it. WoW* is another example. Something companies are having to learn the hard way is that if you kitten off your players they have a tendency to stop paying you.

  • With WoW I’m referring to how badly Mists of Pandaria did compared to Cata, WotLK, or even BC.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


As far as I am concerned Anet is the Scrooge of Halloween at this point. Maybe you can repeat this obsurdity with every single holiday (I am sure that is your plan). This is a RNG fiasco and totally drained any urge I have to buy keys (or anything else). It was not fun, it was not rewarding and… I may as well be playing a subscription game than dealing with this utter nonsense.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cribbage.2056



Complaining about choosing to spend your own money? Shock kitten #8230; it’s luck, random. Don’t complain you’re the idiot for buying them and then complaining…

This is a lose-lose argument. You’re saying people should not bother buying the chests if they want to avoid disappointment. So the players get nothing of interest from Halloween and Anet make no money at all? Not a good solution is it?

Surely the solution we are looking for is for players to spend money and feel like they got decent value.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

I think the root of the problem is a lot of people are thinking in terms of a certainity of aquiring the skin they want. Thing is there is no such thing here! I can never hope of making a 100 million dollars by just working a regular job. So I might gamble away a little money for a miniscule chance of winning that kind of money. But if I dont manage to win I will not simply get it just because I want it will I? I am also not entitled to it just cause I tried to get it by spending some of my money!

Same sort of thing here. These arent skins everyone is meant to get, you can buy costumes or craft the halloween weapons for that. I also expect that events will eventually reward some nice things too, especially the final event. In any case these are just a chance for a few lucky ones to stand out nothing more! In my opinion everyone should get into this with a mentality of I am not going to get one but I will none the less give it a try and not I will do all it takes to get this!. If you dont approach these kind of things with the right mindset it will cause grief.

All I am saying is dont try too hard. if you dont manage its unfortunite but its not the end of the world! There is a lot of other stuff you can get this halloween that involves no gambling at all!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Qaletaqa Hania.2598

Qaletaqa Hania.2598

Games of Chance:

And if i’m not mistaken Black Lion Boxes would be seen as a “game of chance” in Belgium and if you don’t have the correct license it would be seen as illegal.

I say this because real money is involved.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: blue.8629


It’s more of the point people spend 50 £/$ on these chests, and complain when nothing drops…
1. People may buy 5 and get something, it is chance.
2. Am sure they are many people who have got something, all you see it the complainers
3. Control your spending, yes buy some. I spend gems on 3 keys, I got nothing. It’s chance. I’m not gunna complain I got nothing, I can take a chance and hope then cut my losses – not continue to buy more, yes it’s good to buy some – but if you’re having bad luck, stop?

Blue… My name is a colour.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


I don’t have any problem with Arenanet making money from chests/keys, but they MUST publish the drop rates. I personally think it’s crazy that people would spend real life cash on a gambling system that they have no idea what the odds of winning are.

I think in the UK there are laws against this type of gambling.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: blue.8629



Complaining about choosing to spend your own money? Shock kitten #8230; it’s luck, random. Don’t complain you’re the idiot for buying them and then complaining…

This is a lose-lose argument. You’re saying people should not bother buying the chests if they want to avoid disappointment. So the players get nothing of interest from Halloween and Anet make no money at all? Not a good solution is it?

Surely the solution we are looking for is for players to spend money and feel like they got decent value.

Yes I see your point, people should feel like they got something – but when does greed and lack of self-control come into it?

I do feel each chest should of contained something to do with halloween – like a random amount of currency for the event items and all that. but people who have bought 50 chests, I understand you feel cheated, but they are just as much to blame as ANet, maybe hit 8? if nothing, stop? or limit your self one a day over the event. If you’re gunna invest into 50 and not prepare for disappointment, then that’s your fault. Sure bring it up and ask questions, but don’t flame… You’re mad because you wanted something your way and had little control over your greed…

Blue… My name is a colour.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I think the root of the problem is a lot of people are thinking in terms of a certainity of aquiring the skin they want. Thing is there is no such thing here! I can never hope of making a 100 million dollars by just working a regular job. So I might gamble away a little money for a miniscule chance of winning that kind of money. But if I dont manage to win I will not simply get it just because I want it will I? I am also not entitled to it just cause I tried to get it by spending some of my money!

Same sort of thing here. These arent skins everyone is meant to get, you can buy costumes or craft the halloween weapons for that. I also expect that events will eventually reward some nice things too, especially the final event. In any case these are just a chance for a few lucky ones to stand out nothing more! In my opinion everyone should get into this with a mentality of I am not going to get one but I will none the less give it a try and not I will do all it takes to get this!. If you dont approach these kind of things with the right mindset it will cause grief.

All I am saying is dont try too hard. if you dont manage its unfortunite but its not the end of the world! There is a lot of other stuff you can get this halloween that involves no gambling at all!

You maybe have a point except for the fact that it was never advertised as being a huge gamble.

People paid money with the idea in mind that they would be getting something for their investment, not gambling.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CptSlater.2457


Lol it’s not illegal since you can buy those keys for “free”. (In-game playing, trading gold) ( Ask Perfect World about this :p) And if you spend $1000 for keys then it’s your fault not Anet’s. They will take your money and implement a new type of chest from it to pull more money from you. Accept it, many developers implement this system in their games to keep it going. If you can’t afford it don’t buy.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


I do actully have to agree with blue a bit on this in some part, i should have stopped at the 1st tem keys i purchased when they returned zero halloween drops.

I’m not happy with the drop rate at all (total of around 30 keys got me 1 drop using the last 5 keys i got- the dagger ), considering the costs involved (be it cash, or gold) it’s really not good enough. But in saying that i really should have stopped at the 1st ten as it was clear from then the drop rate was terrible.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Whitewolf.9736


Must say that I’m disapointed that they took the Black Lion Chest and store route. Even in other games, I can still earn stuff in game rather than having ti pay. It should be a convieience not ‘This is where you can only get it’ and that doubles for a festival where it is supposed to be y’know a fun event.

I know there are ‘timed’ skins but they aren’t that useful for someone wanting to keep them. The crafting recipes are a good step in that direction I suppose even if as per usual they cost a sodding ton to make.

I just can’t understand why they didn’t introduce a ‘Halloween Box of Fun’ where you had a chance to get mini’s, tonics and the weapons and other festival related items which could be earned in game via drops or daily achievement rewards. This could then also be purchased in the store for a reasonable price for those that have the cash to burn.

or y’know, make the weapons available in game for permanent ones with the candy corn recipes like how you do the dungeon tokens.

Just my thoughts.

~Charr Guardian~ – ~Norn Necromancer ~

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

@fellyn you’re absolutely right there, I am 100% with people suggesting that odds of such drops should be published! it would be in everyones best interest to know what you’re getting into!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


In GW1 the chances of getting something out of what you bought for real money were rather high.

They used this trust to sell chests now.

But all of a sudden the droprates are as low as in-game rare drops?

When people buy things for real money, you best give them something for their money.
if not the big price, than at least a few smaller prices…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gunga Din.2350

Gunga Din.2350

Chain greatsword is now 75g. Rising fast. What a fun event, guys.

Yep, So sad. I feel cheated. Its worse than losing at the casino. At least there I know i’m going in against the odds and i’ve accepted the loss ahead of time. I could have traded my gems in for gold and then purchased exactly what I wanted of the BlacK Market, wait…i need 75 gold ? lol

Well done…

Each chest should just have given at least 2 skins each or you should have just put each skin up for sale at 200 gems each. At least then I would have been more happy blowing $50 and knowing exactly what I was buying.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I opened three and got a unique shield, and it looks awesome by the way.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vithaar.8637


2 chest, got scythe skin on second, i’m happy
Sad to hear you guys had bad luck

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kolache.3964


Even scratch-off lottery posts the odds of winning. Perhaps less people would be angry if the odds of winning were advertised. Unfortunately, I’m certain that most people would not have bothered buying gems for this then.

Add my name to the list of people disappointed.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Warp Cow.1089

Warp Cow.1089

Also spent 20 Euro on the market, bought keys, had some left, opened 36 chests, my bank is now filled with black lion tools…

I really wish these chests had more useful stuff, even normal skins on normal days, so it would feel more like a lottery instead of just “pay less and have a chance to get a random cashshop item instead of paying for it directly”. And yeah, I am disappointed I have not gotten a skin, probably not gonna bother with the chests anymore. I love GW2, but I feel like giving money away is like giving it to a charity, as barely anything is actually worth spending money on. The Cook’s Outfit I loved, the additional skills, animations, the look, tradable to other chars on your account… Love it, the chests? Imho a failure, sorry.

- rent this space for only 500 gems a month! -

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mickey.4207



er um…..it’s not a bug. I know that. And I know it’s a business. I’m just trying to get people to put things into proper perspective and not freak out about nothing.

which you kinda just did.

I think people already have a prespective and they know that this event is a money grab. I don’t even know why you are on full defense mode when truth is so obvious.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

(edited by Mickey.4207)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thunderhead.5736


When you are dealing with gambling that can involve real money, there is no such thing as obvious. You post the odds or you can expect MANY dissatisfied customers well within their rights to feel exploited.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


I opened 15 chests and got some avian shoulder pads, so that is good enough. Also got bunch of other useful things like revive orb, transmutation stones and magic find booster:)

I spent no money on keys I used the ones I already had. I’ll probably buy the costume with gold tho.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Warp Cow.1089

Warp Cow.1089

Solution: Make the keys cheaper. Instead of 5 for 450 sell 10 for 400. At the time of this post there are 570,195 black lion chests for sale on the TP. 10 copper is the lowest and most common price, even during the Halloween event. Or have a repeatable quest / event where people get 1 key for 5 minutes of work. Have them as drops (1-2 per session) in dungeons, give people actually a reason to open a chest now or then, get something good, then ACTUALLY buy keys to get more.

Just handing out 1 key for specific storyline quests is not enough to hook people on gambling. Every supplier of gambling knows that =)

- rent this space for only 500 gems a month! -

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


Some people need to learn how statistics work I think. Do you all regularly buy lottery tickets or raffle tickets and then try to get your money back for losing? Seriously grow up.

Since we did not know the odds going into this (unlike lotto tickets or sweepstakes) it makes it impossible for us to have any idea about our chance of winning. Only after we used the keys do we now see the kitteny odds. So now we can all go forward and ignore the crappy keys all together, as they are an obvious scam item.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mickey.4207


Sigh. Another rant thread. It’s like someone buying 20 lottery tickets, and asking for a refund because they were under the impression that it’s a guaranteed win.

Lotto tickets have to disclose the odds. If this is going to be Anet unfriendly/unfun business practice, then the odds should be required here as well.

Yeah i don’t know but since when gambling is ok in MMOS? nothing is more sad than players actually supporting these activities.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Warp Cow.1089

Warp Cow.1089

Sigh. Another rant thread. It’s like someone buying 20 lottery tickets, and asking for a refund because they were under the impression that it’s a guaranteed win.

But the point is that ANet needs money to run this game. We do not pay a subscription fee, so they should offer us things we WANT to buy. Having a drop-rate so low that people toss out 20, 30, 50 USD on keys and not get anything is a lose-lose situation. They get nothing good, ANet wont get them as customers again, we all lose because with less money there is less development in the game. If it’s more common to get a skin people spend more, and are more likely to spend money in the future, aka ANet gets more money and we all get a game that stays well funded and being developed.

- rent this space for only 500 gems a month! -

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


Last time I give Anet any money. Bought the game for $60, bought $50 worth of gems. Spent a few of those gems buying the keys to pen the chests. After the first 10 didn’t drop anything different, i bought another 10. I got cloth shoulders that i can’t even use.

Between ripping people off (sorry, but this whole event was a huge cash grab) and being unable to address any of the issues within WvW, I am probably done with the game. The expectations of players aren’t being met, not even close. GG Anet! You lost another customer!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zarkaz.2316


I am pretty sure it was mentioned that everyone will be able to enjoy and participate the holloween festivities. With less then half of a server’s population getting a skin or anything else holloween related from their $20+ gem purchase, how is that everyone… not even close. These skins will be so expensive in the trading post if you were not lucky enough to get the 1 out of 10,000 of odds and get a skin. I don’t at all expect EVERYONE to get a skin but when less then half of a server population comes out empty handed…. better get out your riot shields and batons to fight off the angry mob arena net.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zarkaz.2316


I meant to say that when less then half of the server population gets skins and the rest empty handed. Why is there no edit button for your post!?

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Andyman.5863


Well, I wish I had seen this thread earlier. I had spent $30usd earlier on the keys to celebrate the event and to try and get some of the event skins. Got absolutely none, that was a lot of money to spend and to gain absolutely no enjoyment from the money I spent is incredibly disheartening.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Well, I’m glad I read this thread before buying keys for the 40 or so chests in my bank, I was fully willing to buy keys just for the fun but if the drop rate is so low for these seasonal (which I won’t really be using after Halloween), cosmetic skins then I don’t think I’ll bother: it won’t be fun to spend ~€20 to open the chests and get nothing.

I want to give you even more money ArenaNet but you really have to make it worth my while. Why have the rates so low? It’s like you don’t want us to buy keys.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mickey.4207


Well, I wish I had seen this thread earlier. I had spent $30usd earlier on the keys to celebrate the event and to try and get some of the event skins. Got absolutely none, that was a lot of money to spend and to gain absolutely no enjoyment from the money I spent is incredibly disheartening.

Well thank you for your business. i think Anet hit the bulls eye with this one.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dalendria.3762


I wanted to add to discussion to ask Arenanet for clarification. I actually expected the skins hard to get. However, I thought the BLC would be updated to contain some Halloween themed items. What about tonics that give you costume brawler skills? Candy corn? chance for minipet? or even some kind of item that leads you to a DE or jumping puzzle?

Did I misunderstand the update notes? I really thought each BLC would contain some item related to the event. I am not upset and did not expect to get a skin like some. However, I would like clarification about the BLC contents. Do they only have the chance of containing skins? If so, then please make that more clear. However, if they are supposed to contain at least one Halloween item, please let us know. And if this is a bug.

Can you feel it? HOT HOT HOT