In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]
I really like the clock tower it was the only thing ingame that i have to put effor to archieve and it was so rewarding doing it
It was very appropriate for Halloween. Looking up during that opening cinematic, I felt real terror. Then I died a dozen times and gave up.
Still—congrats to those that did it, I just enjoyed the fact that it was there ;-)
The tower have been absolutely FUN. The only problem was the bigger characters overlapping with you. But it was so fun that you keep trying and trying until you succeed. Usually 90% of people succeed in 3 hours of tryings(included me )
For disabled people: I imagine it’s not easy, as it’s not easy to play spvp,wvw as a disable people. In other words, if you have problems with finger’s motion, you have a disavantage in the whole MMORPG experience. I don’t see how Anet should not implement this fun jumping puzzle.
I keep playing it even after completion lol
Easy fix for most problems people are having with this, don’t let people complete it 100+ times, it just adds to the congestion and griefing.
You complete it, you’re done.
That way they could even make the final chest rewards better because it would be a one time deal.
As for the 1000’s of ToT bags people are boasting they’ve gotten doing this, they can still get them from all the mobs in the world…..
OMG ANET… I am a chill person, but this is making me rage like that german autistic kid… I am kicking things in my apartment. This puzzle is not enjoyable at all why in the world is this an achievment!!
…Finally finished it, but man that was too stressful for entertainment… It reminded me of Mega Man 2 heat man’s stage (an 8-bit jumping puzzle) back in the day, but I was like 12 then. Now I’m 34. =P
(edited by GreenImp.3687)
I will add my two cents to the “Hate the CLOCK TOWER” forum. I am a lifelong gamer, I’ve been gaming since I was 5… That’s over 25 years of gaming, starting with Space Invaders and Battle Tank on the Atari, moving up through Super Mario Bros…. Sonic…and so on, I generally stick to PC games, though I started on platforms. I consider myself an experienced gamer and a pretty good one at that. I try to give good feedback about bugs/botters and other in game flaws. I’m a huge fan of the Guildwars Series. I have completed many jumping puzzles in GW2 already, and I enjoy all of them. UNTILL I came up against the clock tower, and guess what; it’s been made an achievement. I’ve now completed all other Halloween event tasks available, except the jumping tower. I don’t think I will ever complete it; I’ve spent 2 days trying. All of the problems have already been laid out in this forum. So I won’t bother posting the fact that it has issues, the biggest one being a group event rather than solo instance. Also for those of you elitist people who call this whining, this is a special event, it shouldn’t been an elitist event. It’s already limited, why limit the playing field that much more by making it so difficult that people are willing to pay others to take over their account just to get the achievement. It is not fun, it is a chore, and it has been made a chore, because of the achievement tab and the difficulty. IF I ever complete it, I won’t feel a sense of satisfaction, it will be anger in the fact that I wasted 2 days trying to complete a WAY to difficult jumping puzzle because the game designers didn’t want to feel the game was too easy. IT’S A SPECIAL EVENT. It shouldn’t be the hardest jumping puzzle in the game.
(edited by Edan Oberon.6174)
You wont feel complete for not finishing the jumping puzzle? Who says you have to have all the achievements complete? Sounds like entitlement to me. Im glad to finally have a decent and challenging holiday event that is not only fun, but lets you be rewarded with an achievement for achieving the end goal. If you have others do it for you, you dont deserve it. It’s a kitten line of text/orange bar, it wont give someone an advantage over you. If you want it, earn it. For those that completed it, the feeling of achieving completion was awesome. Changing the clocktower only cheapens it.
Also, it takes 5-10 minutes to get a character from creation to queensdale where you can complete the event. Make your own kitten norn/char.
Did you ever think that this event was put in for people who want a challenge? I LOVED the clocktower. LOVED it. You know why? Every other game that has a holiday event makes it cheesy, grindy, and ultimately boring. The clocktower took me at least 2 hours to finish ONE time. That in my opinion is fun because you feel accomplished. After another 2 hours, im hitting the top 70% of the time. I find that I want to do the event just because its fun, i could give a crap about the halloween bags.
If you want “events for everyone”, look around! 80% of this event caters to EASY quests with decent rewards. Find the ghost… with guides… really? This does nothing for the hardcore gamers, but its something for everyone. Leave the kitten clocktower! There are other ways to get the rewards from it (MK dungeon) if you can’t platform.
As far as achievements go, you may not get it if you can’t do a hard jumping puzzle. In real life, i’d like the achievement of being a CEO, winning the lottery, being a quarter back in the NFL, and performing successful heart surgery. I’ll probably do none of these, and nobody will give me an acknowledgement of completing these tasks. Just face it, you may not get all of the achievements for Gw2. Tera had an achievement for first of your class to max level and nobody kittened about that even though only 7 or so people could achieve it. The simple solution is to do nothing about this event and leave it as it is, and its also the best one
BTW my guild is filled with full time employees that are casual as hell and EVERYONE has finished (most of them under 2 hours).
Yes, the thought that the clock tower was for people who want a challenge did occur to me. That is why I prefer the solution to a problem that keeps the clock tower the way it is.
Given that the suggestion wouldn’t change the clock tower puzzle, your discussion would seem to suggest you aren’t actually concerned about the jumping puzzle itself but the achievement associated with it. So if you are that tied to getting the achievement, then it really isn’t a stretch to understand the feeling of the people having difficulties.
I also don’t think you can apply “best” to your solution, perhaps, “best for you”. “Best for me” would probably be to reduce the difficulty a tad so I don’t have to spend 8 hours trying it. On the other hand I think “best for the game” is to remove the achievement. In any case not up to us, I only made a suggestion, assuming the developers read this stuff, the decision is theirs.
I will add my two cents to the “Hate the CLOCK TOWER” forum. I am a lifelong gamer, I’ve been gaming since I was 5… That’s over 25 years of gaming, starting with Space Invaders and Battle Tank on the Atari, moving up through Super Mario Bros…. Sonic…and so on, I generally stick to PC games, though I started on platforms. I consider myself an experienced gamer and a pretty good one at that. I try to give good feedback about bugs/botters and other in game flaws. I’m a huge fan of the Guildwars Series. I have completed many jumping puzzles in GW2 already, and I enjoy all of them. UNTILL I came up against the clock tower, and guess what; it’s been made an achievement. I’ve now completed all other Halloween event tasks available, except the jumping tower. I don’t think I will ever complete it; I’ve spent 2 days trying. All of the problems have already been laid out in this forum. So I won’t bother posting the fact that it has issues, the biggest one being a group event rather than solo instance. Also for those of you elitist people who call this whining, this is a special event, it shouldn’t been an elitist event. It’s already limited, why limit the playing field that much more by making it so difficult that people are willing to pay others to take over their account just to get the achievement. It is not fun, it is a chore, and it has been made a chore, because of the achievement tab and the difficulty. IF I ever complete it, I won’t feel a sense of satisfaction, it will be anger in the fact that I wasted 2 days trying to complete a WAY to difficult jumping puzzle because the game designers didn’t want to feel the game was too easy. IT’S A SPECIAL EVENT. It shouldn’t be the hardest jumping puzzle in the game.
I’m sorry, but you’re not as good as you think then….
Beat it. Got the mad king’s slippers. Awesome event, hopefully similar things will be put in future events.
I forgot to add. This mindset is destroying gaming. No wonder every game made from the current generation consoles on could be beaten by a blind folded 5 year old. If it’s too hard people will kitten and cry that they can’t beat it.
Man up, grow a set, and deal with the fact that you either can’t beat it, or you have to put in some time to beat it. Having everything available to everyone takes everything special away from every event if that’s how things are done. This is really making me sick to my stomach.
(edited by BAMFZILLA.1850)
From reading all the hate on both sides, I’d say the only thing ANet achieved with 100% success is fracturing their player base. Doesn’t sound like a win in my book.
I’m actually just sad for wasting my time. Couldn’t see my character (asura) for the first hour or so thanks to the large characters all around. Switched to my largest character (if you can’t beat em, join em), only to have the clock tower bug me out into the water before the event started several times in a row.
Everything else about this holiday event is great, but this? No thanks.
Hold on.. I need to say something. To keep a discussion going, or in defense of Arenanet or whatever.
Think about it, but complaining at Arenanet because you think the puzzle is too difficult, is like complaining about the instrument maker because you can’t play the guitar, or complain about the casino because you lose in poker, or complain that Erno Rubik made the Rubik’s cube too difficult.. and I can go on. I’m serious, it’s just the same principal.
Arenanet made the puzzle, and they made it difficult so we have a serious challenge. But all they did was put the opportunity out there to beat it. It’s an option, not mandatory. There are loads of content out there and also loads of puzzle’s out there that are a bit easier. If you feel that this one is too difficult, then either keep trying until you make it, or give up and you do something else that you find more entertaining and more on your level of skill.
And people say that “but they made an achievement out of it.. OMFG!” – Well… First of, the clock tower achievement is not needed for the Halloween title, so don’t worry about that. And secondly and most importantly in my opinion: You do not achieve everything in life. Not all of us win the super bowl, or the stanley cup. Not all of us are gonna be a singer like Freddie Mercury or a guitar player like.. well.. <insert your favourite guitar player here>. Not all of us are gonna make the clock tower jumping puzzle. The in game achievement is put there for you to be reminded that you managed to achieve this jumping puzzle during the first halloween event of Guild Wars 2. If you didn’t make it, then all you can do is accept that it was too difficult, and that you didn’t achieve this – no shame in that.
But in my opinion, going on the forums saying “This jumping puzzle suck.. Arenanet suck for making this too difficult” – That’s just kinda ridiculous.
I also got a suggestion. Instead of coming into this thread writing that the puzzle suck, I think it would be most welcome if you made a thread saying “I can’t make this puzzle, somebody please give me a tip or some help”.
I can tell you what I did, and hopefully this will help more people to overcome this challenge. It takes abit of time, so if you’re in a great hurry, then it might not be the best way. – I went to the spot where you have to wait a bit for the tower to blow up. And instead of rushing with the pack, I waited for everybody to get ahead and then I tried to figure out the best way to jump until I learned to beat the start. When I knew how to do the start pretty fast I slowed down when I didn’t know where to go (allow yourself to fail by the green liquid), and I figured it out.. and so on. I think this might be easier than blindly failing at the same part all the time because you can’t figure out where to jump.
EVERYONE, I HAVE BEEN FAILING THIS PUZZLE FOR 3 DAYS… I have a solutio though that I will do tonight.
MAKE A NORN, simple as that. The puzzle design is actually quite good, but the way they execute it fails worse than making a boat out of sponge. Norn and Charr make it unfair and make it so seeing your character is impossible and then seeing there to jump is not as worse but still bad. I will make a norn BECAUSE THEN I WILL ACTUALLY HAVE PROPER PLAYER CONTROL of where my character is going etc.
EVERYONE, I HAVE BEEN FAILING THIS PUZZLE FOR 3 DAYS… I have a solutio though that I will do tonight.
MAKE A NORN, simple as that. The puzzle design is actually quite good, but the way they execute it fails worse than making a boat out of sponge. Norn and Charr make it unfair and make it so seeing your character is impossible and then seeing there to jump is not as worse but still bad. I will make a norn BECAUSE THEN I WILL ACTUALLY HAVE PROPER PLAYER CONTROL of where my character is going etc.
Don’t expect to magically get better at this JP just because you made a Norn or Charr. I found the puzzle just as difficult on my max size male charr as it was on my little asura.
Once again, people complaining about not being able to see their character wouldn’t be able to complete it anyway. Face it, you’re too slow. End of story.
This is part of the problem. You cannot LEARN if you cannot do better run after run.
When I have to make the same mistake dozens of times and somehow get it right once or twice in there, without rapid reinforcement and rapid ability to train myself to get it right over and over again, I CANNOT teach myself to do it right.
So I am essentially learning to do it WRONG.
All the people telling me to keep trying and I’ll get there, do not understand how learning works, much less PHYSICAL learning.
Great, I’m glad you all played other comparable games and know how to do these things. Or have the appropriate tools to do so quickly.
Not all of us do, but we’re willing to try to learn. Many of us. I am not whining about difficulty. I am COMPLAINING about the lack of consideration for those of us who want to learn but are not being afforded the opportunity to participate in the fun and given the chance to learn.
I’ve been a teacher. Of Math. I’ve had students who have historically failed math. I know well the difference between giving them the resources to get B+’s in classes they previously failed, and just ignoring them and giving them the chance to fail again.
This puzzle is like going into a class you’ve failed before, and not getting any help to learn. You want to learn, but no one cares, and the people who HAVE mastered the material all point and laugh and demean. The person who put the class on the curriculum say it’s optional and not to take it.
This is all missing the point. Some of us do want to learn and be included and participate and have fun doing so.
You’re all missing the point that no two people learn in the same fashion, and we’re asking to be included. Not catered to, not having it watered down. But that the designers be creative and provide opportunities for people to be successful in surpassing the difficulties that they may never have encountered before in order to gain the tools needed to succeed.
Yes, it’s just a game. But think about what a game is. It’s recreation. It’s what we do to re-create ourselves, to take a break from the stress, to have fun, to let go of all the crap we deal with in the “real world.”
It’s not something to be trivialized so much as everyone else seems to think.
Hard is one thing. Not feeling as if you are learning anything in the process is entirely different. Not feeling as if the experience is AFFORDING you the opportunity to learn enough over the dozen plus hours you have invested. Or feeling that the ratio of learning, fun, and progress compared to the amount of stress, griefing and hassle experienced is unbalanced…
These are some of the things that are being said, and said loudly.
Why the people who walk in and complete the puzzle after two tries or twenty minutes seem to think that the feedback translates to whining for those who have invested 12-20 hours… well, it boggles me, and makes me question their reading comprehension capabilities.
I just wanted to say thank you for this comment. You hit the nail squarely on the head.
Once again, people complaining about not being able to see their character wouldn’t be able to complete it anyway. Face it, you’re too slow. End of story.
This is part of the problem. You cannot LEARN if you cannot do better run after run.
When I have to make the same mistake dozens of times and somehow get it right once or twice in there, without rapid reinforcement and rapid ability to train myself to get it right over and over again, I CANNOT teach myself to do it right.
So I am essentially learning to do it WRONG.
All the people telling me to keep trying and I’ll get there, do not understand how learning works, much less PHYSICAL learning.
Great, I’m glad you all played other comparable games and know how to do these things. Or have the appropriate tools to do so quickly.
Not all of us do, but we’re willing to try to learn. Many of us. I am not whining about difficulty. I am COMPLAINING about the lack of consideration for those of us who want to learn but are not being afforded the opportunity to participate in the fun and given the chance to learn.
I’ve been a teacher. Of Math. I’ve had students who have historically failed math. I know well the difference between giving them the resources to get B+’s in classes they previously failed, and just ignoring them and giving them the chance to fail again.
This puzzle is like going into a class you’ve failed before, and not getting any help to learn. You want to learn, but no one cares, and the people who HAVE mastered the material all point and laugh and demean. The person who put the class on the curriculum say it’s optional and not to take it.
This is all missing the point. Some of us do want to learn and be included and participate and have fun doing so.
You’re all missing the point that no two people learn in the same fashion, and we’re asking to be included. Not catered to, not having it watered down. But that the designers be creative and provide opportunities for people to be successful in surpassing the difficulties that they may never have encountered before in order to gain the tools needed to succeed.
Yes, it’s just a game. But think about what a game is. It’s recreation. It’s what we do to re-create ourselves, to take a break from the stress, to have fun, to let go of all the crap we deal with in the “real world.”
It’s not something to be trivialized so much as everyone else seems to think.
Hard is one thing. Not feeling as if you are learning anything in the process is entirely different. Not feeling as if the experience is AFFORDING you the opportunity to learn enough over the dozen plus hours you have invested. Or feeling that the ratio of learning, fun, and progress compared to the amount of stress, griefing and hassle experienced is unbalanced…
These are some of the things that are being said, and said loudly.
Why the people who walk in and complete the puzzle after two tries or twenty minutes seem to think that the feedback translates to whining for those who have invested 12-20 hours… well, it boggles me, and makes me question their reading comprehension capabilities.
I just wanted to say thank you for this comment. You hit the nail squarely on the head.
I want to be a professional football player, but I’m not fast enough or strong enough. I’m willing to learn and get better, but the NFL just won’t take me. I think I should go contact roger goodell and complain that it should be easier to make it into the NFL for the people that really want to play professional football.
(edited by Moderator)
Yep that’s what he said. He created it with the intention that only about 5% of the playerbase would be able to finish it.
Which, imo, tells me quite a lot about how much the player base as a whole was deliberately shafted when making something for a “holiday” event.
Actually according to this the instance was supposed to be singleplayer but MMO server limits especially during high traffic times like these made it impossible. But seems ghosting out other players seems like a nice idea they followed up on. Maybe they could just phase them out if in fact being in competition with others was not the intent of the design. I think I will rest my case then. I am sure the camera issues will be ironed out as well. At least then we can fail in peace.
Yep that’s what he said. He created it with the intention that only about 5% of the playerbase would be able to finish it.
Which, imo, tells me quite a lot about how much the player base as a whole was deliberately shafted when making something for a “holiday” event.
Actually he said “5% of the people” and the 5% has no statistical value in this context. He just said he expected that of many people trying this will have many people failing at it. Since you can participate at any level it doesn’t diminish your experience unless you are a completionist and will miss those 10 points indefinitely. The same goes for the loot. Don’t worry, it will be there again next year, in an improved version. So you will get a chance again.
When I’m playing WvW I’m really playing LSD.
(edited by Ravenblade.7685)
After 3 hours of failing the clock tower, I have concluded that the first stop is my the worse part in the whole clock tower. Why? Firstly it waste a ton of time and makes you race against the goo, if it wasn’t there we have something like 5 seconds extra that could save quite a lot of people. Secondly, It messed up with the flow, we have 2 stair cases before we have to wait 5 to 8 seconds for the stop. My personal problem is that I do thing like this in making a predetermined path and with that first stop it messes it up. For example, I would go on object A, Then to object C, Afterwards to object D, and finally to object F but with the stop, I am unable to use my method as I am always at a different place and jump at a different time.( I have been able to beat CoD on veteran via this method and and I am not very good at shooters)
Yep that’s what he said. He created it with the intention that only about 5% of the playerbase would be able to finish it.
Which, imo, tells me quite a lot about how much the player base as a whole was deliberately shafted when making something for a “holiday” event.
He just said he expected that of many people trying this will have many people failing at it. [/quote]
Which only supports my statement that the puzzle was designed knowing that a great majority of the players would not be able to do it (aka they get the shaft)…and on a “holiday” event, no less.
If it’s not fun, then don’t do it. Why ANet should dumb stuff down to one group of audience is ludicrious at best. Keeping something for both groups, then we’re talking.
A friend of mine used a good 7+ hours to finish it. But, that was because he did it 4AM when no one were around.
If you’re an achievement adict, bite the dust and keep on trying. He did it, he made it.
Which only supports my statement that the puzzle was designed knowing that a great majority of the players would not be able to do it (aka they get the shaft)…and on a “holiday” event, no less.
Depends what you are understanding as “doing”. You can participate, even get the credit towards your achievement for having visited it and it does not count towards the main achievement.
Beating it is another thing and yes, it maybe unfair to those who expected a light-hearted experience but it was never advertised as such. I hate to pull the “optional content” card but I believe they were very sensitive here. Yes, you may have an empty 10 pts. bar taunting you and I can relate to that myself. But at the end of the day it’s nothing you couldn’t compensate elsewhere unless indeed you are a completionist or loot/skin collector.
When I’m playing WvW I’m really playing LSD.
Imagine how much good ANet could do if they could harness that willingness to spend 7+ hours leaning a mundane jumping sequence for something truly productive and positive. Just imagine offering a reward and achievement for a game that involved getting the place names right on a map of the (real) world. Then one based on historical dates. GW2 players could become the most knowledgeable people in the world.
I think it’s awesome!
Took me an hour or two to make it through but, man, you feel like you accomplish something by the end! Of course now I can easily complete it 50% of the time but practice makes perfect.
I finally beat the clock tower after hours of trial and error, now I farm it with for ToT bags. Stop whining and practice. It’s not impossible. I’m using a human thief.
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)
Come to Australia. Play with our rubbish pings (tunnelling services don’t help). We’re already borked with this puzzle just from lag alone. When you only have a couple of seconds to react and those seconds are swallowed up in the ping, you have zero room for error and you fail – over and over and over and over and over and over….
That is not fair.
When you’re attempting to jump on what seems to be a perfectly logical surface and get caught on the invisible collision edge of a block that is no where near you causing you to get stuck – coupled with the zero tolerance for error…
That is not fair.
When you can’t even see where you’re jumping because of the other 9 people, 2 of which will either be male Norn or Charr characters and you miss the platform simply because you can’t see anything (worse for smaller characters)…
That is not fair.
And I’m not even going to weigh in on the age/disability debate – which is a perfectly logical argument.
All we’re asking is for it to be somewhat more forgiving for those of us who have to put up with this crud for every online game in the history of the internet just because we are fortunate enough to not live in America.
If that means that the rising tide of madness is a second slower, great. If it means that we can run the puzzle in our own personal instance, fantastic.
Yes it should be hard. But it should be hard on it’s own merits and not because of the technical limitations of beaming this to the other side of the world.
Which only supports my statement that the puzzle was designed knowing that a great majority of the players would not be able to do it (aka they get the shaft)…and on a “holiday” event, no less.
Depends what you are understanding as “doing”. You can participate, even get the credit towards your achievement for having visited it and it does not count towards the main achievement.
Beating it is another thing and yes, it maybe unfair to those who expected a light-hearted experience but it was never advertised as such. I hate to pull the “optional content” card but I believe they were very sensitive here. Yes, you may have an empty 10 pts. bar taunting you and I can relate to that myself. But at the end of the day it’s nothing you couldn’t compensate elsewhere unless indeed you are a completionist or loot/skin collector.
The only thing I can agree on is that it’s good it isn’t needed for the title and it therefore technically optional from that point of view. I stand by my opinion (and it is just an opinion and I fully accept that other’s will differ) that deliberately designing an event for a holiday that you know will not be able to be achieved by a majority of your players is not good business nor good customer relations. Regular game content that can be tried again and again over time? You bet! However, a gaming community is like a family of sorts and holiday celebrations should be made as inclusive of the -whole- family as possible. To that end simply having designed the tower puzzle to have a choice of being solo or grouped, or even a difficulty option so that EVERYONE could do it at the level of challenge they desired would have gone a long long way towards designing an inclusive event appealing to hard core and casual gamers (with loot values to match). That is not what they did. They designed an event that they fully expected would ostracize more players than it included.
Many MMO’s have special events that not everyone gets. Why should this game be made “easy” on its “optional” events?
After 6+ hours of buggy cameras and overlapping character, yeah I had to put a stop to this. I know what the rewards are for making this, but any event…especially a JUMPING PUZZLE, that seems to average at least 6-14 hours to beat ONCE, really isn’t worth my time.
This is a challenging puzzle, and so be it. I would gladly put the work in to master it. However, making it part of a limited event AND making it a group event makes no sense. The only thing groups do as add to the difficulty and frustration, but not the fun. The camera is bad enough but workable IF I could just get the 5+ other people standing in the same spot to move and see where “I” am.
I have a job, a wife and a 6-month old. I want to take part in this, but I simply canot justify spending a third of a day…on a jumping puzzle. If it was a massive dungeon or major boss…or some kind of huge interactive event, then yes I could. A jumping puzzle simply is not worth it. Even if I was to beat it, at this point it would lead to me taking a long break from the game because instead of being entertaining, I am now bored and angry at it.
So yes, this is NOT fun. Maybe for you lucky few that can spend 12+ hours a day on it…but if you can, maybe you should think about WHY you can?
I have a job, a wife and two children. It took me about 2-3 hours total to do this puzzle. It’s hard as hell and not everyone is going to be able to do it. It’s not about having 12 hours a day to do it, it’s about having the skill (and maybe some luck) to do it.
I will agree that doing it with other people makes it harder but once you get farther in, most of the others get weeded out and you’re usually alone. lol
I personally love it. I’m an old-school platformer and it’s nice to see something like this in an MMO.
I’m not going to wade through 15 pages, but I’ve been able to get the overall gist of what’s being said.
Be it disabled players, having a job/kids/whatever, or just not being good at jumping… it’s unreasonable to expect ALL content to be balanced around the lowest common denominator.
Sure, everyone would get to complete the content, BUT what about more seasoned players? Do we just ignore them because they’re the minority? In my opinion, this game has too much “lowest common denominator” content and not enough challenging content that not everyone can complete.
The halloween title will be an actual ACHIEVEMENT. Let’s face it, no one gives a rats kitten if you have the Gladiator or Combat Medic achievement because EVERYONE has it. Between the difficulty and time limitation, this title will actually be something that you can actually be proud of.
There’s plenty of content that anyone can enjoy. There should be varying levels of difficulty throughout a game so it’s accessible for all player types.
Once you figure out the path and know where you lose time from jumping too much and which angles make for the best jump, you can do it fairly regularly. It really doesn’t matter what class. Once you figure it out you can do it based on the camera, not really looking at your toon.
Has no one played Excitebike before?
Snoflake: “Come to Australia. Play with our rubbish pings (tunnelling services don’t help). We’re already borked with this puzzle just from lag alone. When you only have a couple of seconds to react and those seconds are swallowed up in the ping, you have zero room for error and you fail – over and over and over and over and over and over….”
I’m from Australia too, and I beat the Clock Tower. It’s doable. However, you ARE right in that lag makes a big difference. The easiest way to tell is by watching the gears/rubble that explode out of the Tower after the pause at the start. If the gears move out smoothly, you’re good. If the gears seem to freeze for a split second or just appear suddenly, then you’re better off quitting the instance and trying another server. You CAN still beat the puzzle, but the final jump will be very hard to judge because you won’t know for certain when the window is actually open.
Well, anyone complaining about not being able to get the title for MK because of the jumping puzzle… complain no more. It isn’t even required for the title if you didn’t know.
If you can’t complete the puzzle, then you aren’t missing out on anything but the achievement points and for your own satisfaction.
Not fun at all. Leave the jumping thingy to console games.
Many MMO’s have special events that not everyone gets. Why should this game be made “easy” on its “optional” events?
I fail to understand how having the OPTION available for both a hard, moderate or easy mode so that players can choose which they prefer is making it “easy” or in some way nerfing it for anyone who doesn’t want it that way. You, assuming you enjoy extremely difficult challenges, would still be able to have that – and the level of reward such a difficulty level would give you – while others would have the option to use a more moderate difficulty mode for themselves. You don’t lose anything that way. Why is this such a bad thing since it doesn’t effect your desire for that type of challenge at all? I sincerely fail to see the problem or why such a suggestion offends you, and others, so much.
Snoflake, I play from Sydney and the ping is no issue, I doubt the ping will be much of an issue even for someone in Perth.
The lag doesn’t make things unresponsive, it just makes you have to act a touch before what you see, ie. don’t wait until you’re at the edge of the platform before jumping, pretend the platform is a few pixel short and jump earlier, in a double jump hit the next jump before your character lands solidly. Everything is predictable in the clock puzzle (you know if a turn or jump is coming up and exactly when) so ping is not a show stopper.
I’ve done it as every race with every other race jumping with me. It’s not as hard as some of you are making it out to be, and its certainly not a unanimous opinion that it is not fun. Almost everyone in my guild loves it and has completed it multiple times. Thank you anet. This puzzle was awesome.
Jumping Puzzle was frustrating, but in the end it was fun enough to get to the top. I’m actually a bit disappointed in the nerf to the chest, but whatever.
At first I hated being stuck as an Asura under both Norn and Charr foot, but in the end I found that it was pretty fun having a few “competitions” to see how far we could all get.
I have attempted to do the clock tower many many MANY times now and i am beyond frustrated. I am not exactly a great jumper with my sub par computer, and keep messing up. I get that its supposed to be difficult, and i don’t expect it to be easy. I just want to actually be able to finish it without trying to spend my entire day in there just to continuously fail :/
On your mouse there is a little wheel. This by default is set to “zoom”.
Seriously guys, if you’re having view problems, just zoom out!
Tried it and tried it again and then tried it some more for over 10 hours now and no dice. So time for me to throw in the towel and forget this thing ever existed.
Guess I am getting too old for this kitten… So thanks ANet for showing me that I no longer have what it takes.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
The mad king tower was fantastic and shouldn’t be changed a bit. It clearly said you need nerves of steel to take it on, took me 6 hrs to get to the top, but since then done it 4 times. It was suppose to be tough, it’s a video game things should be challenging. Toughen up or get out the clock tower. It’s clearly not impossible. Great job arena-net keep up the great work, hope Christmas is as awesome as Halloween has been in gw2!!!!
It’s a skill-based thing. Make it easy to do and suddenly it’s not something that requires as much skill.
Adding my two cents here as well. CLOCK TOWER IS NOT FUN.
And just to tell you how good my breaking points are, I did legendary survivor and full vanquisher and cartographer for all of Guildwars and its expansions. There are so many ways this jump puzzle is affected by your setup, including the lack of a mouse.
As of now, I’ve done 6 hours on this and I’m giving up. I’m not going to be able to finish this, or the final achievement for halloween because a sadistic designer thought this would be fun.
This is supposed to be a fun event for everyone. Lower the difficulty of this or you might as well make the Mad King have three times the HP and summon 20 spiders every 10 seconds. That would be comparable to this right now.
It’s a skill-based thing. Make it easy to do and suddenly it’s not something that requires as much skill.
And I bet if I had your setup and your health, I’d have your skill level too. My eye sight is poor. If this puzzle were not timed, I could do it. It would take me a while.. but right now, this is impossible for me.
Adding my two cents here as well. CLOCK TOWER IS NOT FUN.
And just to tell you how good my breaking points are, I did legendary survivor and full vanquisher and cartographer for all of Guildwars and its expansions. There are so many ways this jump puzzle is affected by your setup, including the lack of a mouse.
As of now, I’ve done 6 hours on this and I’m giving up. I’m not going to be able to finish this, or the final achievement for halloween because a sadistic designer thought this would be fun.
This is supposed to be a fun event for everyone. Lower the difficulty of this or you might as well make the Mad King have three times the HP and summon 20 spiders every 10 seconds. That would be comparable to this right now.
One person’s fun does not = someone else’s fun.
Make it too easy and the more seasoned players find it too easy, and therefore not as fun. You’re never going to please EVERYONE when everyone has varying levels of skill. There’s plenty of accessible content (like the Mad King as you mentioned) for everyone else. Let the vets have their fun with some challenging content.
Make it too easy and the more seasoned players find it too easy, and therefore not fun. There’s plenty of accessible content (like the Mad King as you mentioned) for everyone else. Let the vets have their fun with some challenging content.
Then remove the achievement for it. Let the vets have fun with their chest that I honestly could care less about.
Make it too easy and the more seasoned players find it too easy, and therefore not fun. There’s plenty of accessible content (like the Mad King as you mentioned) for everyone else. Let the vets have their fun with some challenging content.
Then remove the achievement for it. Let the vets have fun with their chest that I honestly could care less about.
Why remove the achievement? To be brutally honest: The clocktower is something me and many others ACHIEVED, so we earned the achievement. If you can’t beat it, then you shouldn’t have the achievement. Not every achievement shoul’d be out there for everybody, since you don’t achieve everything in life.