Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!
6 hours later…
Charr Ranger, no speed boosts. FINALLY!
Human & Sylvari
Warrior & Necromancer
No speed boost
I’ve lost count, about a 100 times? Have an almost 100% success rate since beating it the first time.
Human Ranger
No Speed Boost
2ish hours, kept failing at the two beams before I realized you had to jump down. While I initially blamed my failure on a very large Charr in my instance, I eventually realized I was just not making optimal jumps and the Charr and I gave each other tips, eventually completing it within a few minutes of one another.
Tallest human
No speed boosts
about 3 hrs
Have to admit… this WAS a challenge lol
no boost
4 times complete.
no boost (how can u have aboost anyway their none at all)
took me 6hrs but i went to sleep with no regrets
It took a couple of hours, but I did it.
no boost
No clue why anyone would boost through this and overshoot the platforms.
First victory in 2h more or less.
Finished with my charr thief, human guardian and sylvari necro.
Out of like 30 tries today i must have finished it 25 times, maybe slighlty less.
I love that puzzle.
No Speed Buffs.
Took me 8 hours to learn the nuances, including fluffing a jump into the clock tower itself. Totally worth it, rewards are alright but the satisfaction is immense. Keep it as it is.
Asura Elementalist, Sylvari Necro, Asura Warrior
no boosts (more of my rage was directed at warriors dropping boosts, and not the puzzle itself)
2-3 hours for my first completion, it’s fairly easy not that I have a rhythm.
Norn, ranger : )
I have on all of my characters multiple times. Once you beat it once, it’s incredibly easy. Even without a speed buff.
Charr Warrior.
did it twice in a row.
sylvari theif, completed around 50 times
0% Boost
I beat it…after like 5 hours total… and it was a little too hard IMO and no I didn’t get a “sense of great accomplishment” All I got was relief and joy that I never had to do it again.
Which is exactly the opposite of what you want for you content…..
Still enjoying all the other stuff though…Reapers Rumble is a blast….
Human thief, 24
completed 4 times.
Once with a speed boost
Rest of the times with 25% passive from signet(if its applicable in the puzzle)
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
No speed buffs but high heart rate buff at the end. :P
Norn engineer
No stupid buffs
After ~2hours of practice I completed it about 30 times farming for Trick-or-treat bags
I often get the last chest and still make it into the tower for almost 15 ToT bags every other run (there’s a 1 round cooldown between bonus chests)
Took me 3 freaking hours.
One time complete.
Warriors sprint major trait.
largest norn warrior COMPLETE
largest norn hunter COMPLETE
Asura Engineer COMPLETE
Human Necro COMPLETE
Human Guardian COMPLETE
No boost
Never again.
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?
Asura Guardian
Sylvari Thief
done it loads of time just cuz it’s hella fun
i’m currently on a streak of 5 consecutive succesfull runs
once you know the puzzle though it’s super easy. most fun was in the exploring of it
Aura Thief
No speed boost.
Only had to try about 50 times.
Human Guardian, completed 20-ish times.
Human Warrior, few times.
Asura Ele, 10% boost, few times.
I just completed it; so gratifying.
0% Movement Speed.
Repping Beastgate since day 1.
no speed boost
it took me a few hours to do though!
Human Ele, 61
No speed boosts.
dagger speed trait (not that I noticed any differance or that I was any faster than other ppl around me)
2.5hours of trying so worth it
Norn Necromancer 2x
Norn Guardian 1x
Norn Elementalist 1x
No speed boost. Took about 4 hours for first win on my necro and I was only able to complete it this time because everyone had exited the instance at about 3 am. The final jump into the clock was very forgiving on my comp, I didn’t even hit the clock and was still loaded into it. After that I finished on my fiancees guardian using her comp which has a smaller monitor and it was extremely difficult to make the last jump, I had to hit the hole in the clock window almost dead on which required me to actually guess when to jump because I needed to start moving for the jump almost right before I could see the clock on the rotation that the window breaks. After that I completed on my elementalist with other players there in only a few tries. No speed boost used on any characters.
Asura – Engineer
No Speed Boost
Sylvari Ranger
Easily the most challenging jumping puzzle ever designed. Made me look at the rest of the game in an entirely new light, as everything else by comparison is easy.
Don’t listen to the whiners, you guys did a wonderful job designing it, devs.
Just beat it! Ah the feeling of accomplishment and excitement is overwhelming!
Beat it with all 4 of my characters. Finally.
Done with a norn guardian at lvl 40 no boosts
After two hours of trying I finally made it too.
Tallest Norn female
No boosts
Beat it on all toons and some of my friends. Best content in the game! So fun.
Asura Engineer
As suspected all it really took was being able to see myself.
no speed buffs
11 times complete
No speed boost
No buffs
got it on around the 15th try
Not that hard
Really fun.
Only thing that kind of got on the way were big Norns and some trolls with spirit trees but eventually you learn the path so well you don’t need to really see your character you get a feel for where he is.
Just beat it
! Ah the feeling of accomplishment and excitement is overwhelming!
And people asked to nerf it… That feeling when you get a bit ahead of other players and they fail to follow you and fall into slimy greasy green substance….
Did it with smallest norn warrior, helped (/evilgrin) a lot of players with swiftness from banners while i learned course myself. =) It took about an hour to complete it with 1st character without help of youtube videos (because none were available right after act II started).
+25% passive speed boost when in air
Took me about an hour and 15 minutes or so
Finished it. Did it several more times.
Still think, design-wise, it’s utterly god-awful.
I beat the tower after about an hour of learning the jumps.
Human Warrior with no speed boost took me about an hour to finish
Human Elementalist with no speed boost took me 2 tries
- Mike Obrien
Human Female Mesmer – COMPLETE
Norn Female Ranger (slightly larger than average size) – COMPLETE
Asura Male Elementalist – COMPLETE
Charr Male Warrior (max size) – COMPLETE, but it was an absolute kitten to do.
Sylvari Female Necromancer – COMPLETE
No speed boosts were used for any of them. My Mesmer was the first to attempt it, and it took me well over an hour before I finally learned all of the tricks for the puzzle and where to shave off a precious few seconds here and there. After that though, it’s basically become muscle memory and I can make it to the end almost every single time.