banning halloween griefers?
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Thanks for the report; we take issues like this seriously and would like to investigate. Can you be more specific as to what players are doing? Please note that I’m not looking for player names, but what mechanic is being abused.
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they are using the costumes to fear/ knock back people from getting the npc.. pretty annoying
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]
They can’t do that if you are not brawling, and if you are in brawl mode by mistake, simply press time out and they cannot do anything.
@Jason King
Specifically, those with the mad thorn costume will spawn the food tables on the sections that you jump on for the cauldron in lions arch., then will then proceed to spam the throw food until the screen completely covers up with explosions of food, they will also stand on the very end and fear you off before you can jump in.
That’s the only griefing I’ve noticed so far.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
good point.. as of last night for me that is what they are doing.. as of today i haven’t been online so they may be using other exploits.
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]
the food fight stuff affects players not in brawl xP
The area that contains book VI is having lots of issues with Lord Humphrey Faren running through the wall and not being accessible. I’ve read in the forums that people standing on either his initial spawn point or his final destination make the event bug out. If you guys could fix this or look into it you’d make a lot of people who cant get that last book really happy
I have seen people pop NPC services like BLTC or Bank right on top of the ghost that needs to be spoken to, making it nearly impossible to select them.
From what I’ve seen and heard is the engineer has a skill or something to move npc’s around, this is being abused on everything. I’ve seen all dungeon vendors moved from their place, the bank and mystic forge npc way off their spot etc. I don’t play engineer so I don’t know exactly which skill this might be.
but that’s not really an exploit related to halloween.
Some things never change…sigh. I have seen winter event presents/trees blocked by mounts. I have seen portal NPCs blocked by mounts. I guess if you don’t have mounts, you just use what you have at your disposal. I have never understood the folks that insist on grieving. It’s not like there are even factions involved in GW2!
Unknown.2796 – That was a Guardian skill. And it was listed as a fix to this update. Yay!
They are bugging NPCs don’t know why, in Gunar’s Hold, the Fort Trinity NPC for use what we get on the mail this patch was bugged inside an wall!
Now entire server can’t make that untill ANet fixes it, or the server restart.
Asura thing.
@Jason King
Specifically, those with the mad thorn costume will spawn the food tables on the sections that you jump on for the cauldron in lions arch., then will then proceed to spam the throw food until the screen completely covers up with explosions of food, they will also stand on the very end and fear you off before you can jump in.
That’s the only griefing I’ve noticed so far.
But there’s a solution ! Buy a witch costume and use the broom — it protects you from everything including the table
You also have A-holes who stand by a ghost and push people away/ prevent the NPC from spawning x_x took 3 Hours last night just to get ghost 1 since a couple of people thought it would be cute to prevent anyone from getting to it.
Fort Aspenwood
Yes people stand by the ghost and it bugs, but that is ANets fault…. turning out to be a great event LOL
Ugh yes yes and yes again on this.
People are spawning those stupid food tables on the steps to the cauldron and just griefing people.
This is really sad to see, and even more disappointing ANet didn’t do something to prevent these items being misused like this.
Our whole server can’t finish the book event chain because there are over 30 people spawning cauldrons and food tables near one of the ghost spawn point.
Also the cauldron in LA is having some people that fear you once you are ready to jump in. Very sad for people that do wanna enjoy this.
the level of premature behavior in this game astounds me lol.. i guess the old saying “do unto others as you want done to you” doesn’t fly in the great divide of the internet lol.
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]
The people seeing this, do you see messages relating to the BLC affair?
I’ll check in a moment myself, just out of curiosity.
I never liked players griefing other players, even if I’m rather disapointed in the way Anet handled the chest drops and such.
So it’s a serious question: are you sure these players are doing this because of the BLC, or is it just what they consider ‘fun’.
Simply because they ‘can’ is often enough reason for people to do silly things.
Man, some people can be jerks ><
I honestly didn’t know The Mad King Thorn’s outfit had those abilities (fear and whatnot) until I read them this morning. I just liked hitting the 2 and 3 skills because I want to hear him laugh and tell a joke. I’ll make sure to do those skills away from the event areas.
Yak’s Bend
Lincoln Force [BOMB]
There is always going to be ****** in the game.Some were blocking jumping paths so you couldn’t see but what are you going to do probably same guys who do doorbanging in wvwv .. Every game has their share. I think we call them pre-teens even if some are 40 years old .
Seriously you guys are doing something wrong here, as fear does not work on people who are not brawling. If they are fearing you off of edges,steps away from your destination etc… then you must be either wearing town clothes or joined in some how. i am able to walk through in my armour just fine without none of this effecting me at all.
MasherSeriously you guys are doing something wrong here, as fear does not work on people who are not brawling.
It shouldn’t be an issue in the first place. You shouldn’t have to go out of your way to reset your brawl status if your costume wore off before timing out. You shouldn’t have to give up large win streaks because someone wont let you back into the cauldron when your costume wears off.
You also completely ignored
the food fight stuff affects players not in brawl xP
I ignored it because i have yet to see it do that, i know i can hit players not in brawl, but it has no effect on them as far as i can see, they just stand still and never get knocked down, unlike players who are actually engaging me. If i’m wrong on that then i hold my hands up, and Anet will probably fix that as it’s likely a bug if that is indeed what happens.
God, i hope they do. It’s a serious joy killing factor in an otherwise fun event and game. The fact is these people do this knowingly and say things like “I’m not griefing, I can’t get banned.”
Talk should have preference over using objects created by skills like portals and items created by costumes, if not already.
Also, items created by brawling like the banquet and the pirate cannon are setting people as brawlers, but then they don’t have skills to brawl when they stop using hose items.
So they should get something like a temporary weapon like piece of food and a cannonball to use after they use those items and enter brawling mode, that also have the ‘Time Out’ effect, and put you out of brawling mode if you drop them.
Actually, a friend of mine tried to report a player the other night by choosing ‘report’ and found that ‘griefing’ is not listed among reasons for reporting. That seems like a significant oversight.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
Seriously you guys are doing something wrong here, as fear does not work on people who are not brawling. If they are fearing you off of edges,steps away from your destination etc… then you must be either wearing town clothes or joined in some how. i am able to walk through in my armour just fine without none of this effecting me at all.
Right. But these griefers are targeting people who are in brawling. they even set up food fight to make sure everyone gets pushed back.
OK.. you guys really need to do something with the griefers… There are 3 guys standing on top of the cauldron spamming the banquet and you can’t get up there at all. If you get anywhere close they all just target you with their skill 1… get closer you get feared off the edge. This is ridiculous. I have no idea how to report them in game because none of the options apply! And we can’t name names here… Come on ANet.
OK.. you guys really need to do something with the griefers… There are 3 guys standing on top of the cauldron spamming the banquet and you can’t get up there at all. If you get anywhere close they all just target you with their skill 1… get closer you get feared off the edge. This is ridiculous. I have no idea how to report them in game because none of the options apply! And we can’t name names here… Come on ANet.I have a screenshot with all 3 of their names if you want a private message.
OK I don’t know why my text is doubling up.. I didn’t type that. I deleted the post and pasted it back in with same results.
@ DumpTruck (quotes broken)
On the internet, it’s more like “Do unto others before they do unto you.”
Saw this coming when I was considered as brawling, and (for lack of any tonic or costume) had no access to any means to leave brawling.
Doubly so when tapping ‘f’ at the cauldron would start brawling promptly, but the costume would not apply until after ‘activation’ completed, assuming one noticed an activation was in progress and waited for it to complete…
To leave the brawling mode when you are not wearing any costume or tonic effect – you need to switch your combat weapon.
sigh Yet again people griefing and exploiting will spoil the fun of people that don’t. I’m sure this will cause a change in the food table and cauldron items that will annoy the people who were not misusing them. And the griefers will simply move on to their next method of messing things up for everyone else.
I hope a solution is found that doesn’t eliminate the fun from the items.
A gaming community always has the worst, even though people like to think their own game has moslty the best…
And I do that as well, in a sense:
I’m on an onufficial roleplaying server these days (Piken Square) and probably it’s because of the fact roleplayers are in general less griefing (unless you don’t rp as they want you to ).
I see less of the griefing others mention here.
but important note: I play at off hours more than peak.
People need to make the distinction that using the table and using the table to grief are 2 different things… Yesterday I got so many PMs about griefing and ruining the fun while using a table on open ground where anyone can attack me. Its not my fault that I know how to manage my bar to draw people to the table and use my AOE to then attack. Thats akin to saying that people shouldn’t use their best skills because they are too good.
We should make this clear, everyone has access to Mad King costume without spending real world money. This is not pay to win. If you dont want to farm out the money then dont complain that you dont have nice things.
these things dont affect players that are not in costume brawl mode
you enter the fight then you crying you got feared becouse you forgot to turn it off……
nothing is abused here, well maybe some players intelect
They can’t do that if you are not brawling, and if you are in brawl mode by mistake, simply press time out and they cannot do anything.
There’s a bug that keeps you into “costume brawl mode” even without a costume.
Someone kept fearing me even in normal armor in LA.
It’s probably the witch cauldron that transforms you back after 1 minute.
People need to make the distinction that using the table and using the table to grief are 2 different things… Yesterday I got so many PMs about griefing and ruining the fun while using a table on open ground where anyone can attack me. Its not my fault that I know how to manage my bar to draw people to the table and use my AOE to then attack. Thats akin to saying that people shouldn’t use their best skills because they are too good.
We should make this clear, everyone has access to Mad King costume without spending real world money. This is not pay to win. If you dont want to farm out the money then dont complain that you dont have nice things.
1. if you only draw in people who are actually participating in the costume brawl, than it’s perfectly fine.
If you however, pull in people who don’t participate and you force them, just because you ‘can’, than it is exactly what griefing here is about.
2. In what way is it relevant that people can buy the Mad kings costume in game?
Are you excusing griefing by the argument that people can grind gold and buy the costume as well?
In other words: it’s not griefing since they can do it too?
And even worse: you seem to have some idea that this is about complaing we don’t all have the table of the King’s costume? Where did this elitist show-of argument slip in, and more importantly: why?
People should fork up game money, or else stop complaining because they brought it on themselves. By not spending gold?
My guildies had the bug that effected you Yareon (As per usual, the eternally broken forums won’t let me quote you). They used my cauldron to get into the combat, costume brawled for a bit.. then got stuck for quite a while being ‘in brawl mode’ when we were going to go start the quests but had no costumes. It was funny at first, but quickly got annoying for them.
I’ve read that on some server players bugged skeleton that should appear near to the coffin by standing on it. Not sure if it’s true but I’ve seen few replies that were confirming it.
Personally, I have to thank the guy on the overflow I was on for fearing everyone off the stairs who wanted to get a new costume but who was still considered fighting.
I spent the night watching a very nice DVD.
Afer having been well and truly griefed to frustration, I’ll eat the 150 candy cone things for the monthly and then ignore the rest of the event. Havn’t been griefed in this game before, ignoring this obviously untested, exploitable seasonal event will keep me happy.
Gosh, I wanted to like them.
Unfortunately both my guilds are doing nothing but halloween-stuff. I’ll see you all again on the 3rd when the griefing is over. ’Till then!
So, Mad King costume — exploitable skills, but costs real money? Working as intended.
Quaggan tonic costume — can jump and moonwalk (exploitable skills for their cuteness factor?), but costs no real money? Stealth nerf!
You have taken everything I said and twisted it for your agrument.
1) I am not ‘forcing’ people to use the table. I place it so I can use it in an open space (Note, Im not jumped up somewhere unreachable and spamming it). People see me and obviously want to take the table out, when they come running to use it or attack me I dodge away and then come in using my AOE to mop them up. That is called strategy, not griefing.
2) Being able to buy mad king is completely relevant. Im not griefing. Im not taking advantage of broken mechanics. I am using my skills as they were intended. People who complain that this is Pay2Win is who this comment is intended for (something you completely missed or more likely ignored). If people dont want to spend the gold to buy exotics that is their right but they then cant come in and complain that they arent as efficient in PvE because they didnt want to spend the money. Both Exotics and Mad King costume can be purchased through in game gold or real world money. This is a perfectly valid comparison.
Just to continue to copy your posts format, I could care less if everyone has the table. I never once supported griefing of the table by placing it in hard to reach locations or stopping anyone from being able to participate. As stated in my original post, people reading this thread are starting to equate anyone in a Mad King costume as a griefer. This is not true at all, we simply decided to purchase a costume for use in the costume brawl and though in some cases some people use the mechanics to exploit, this is not 100% the case.
To be honest: your original post wasn’t all that clear.
I admit that i may have taken the worst interpretation of what it could have been.
Points taken on most, and sorry for understanding it wrong.
Still don’t get the part about buying it and such, can’t see how that is relevant for the issue discussed here.
Probably me, not saying it’s you.
Anyhow: I stand corrected and am actually glad I was wrong about you.
Your post struck me as very odd amongst the others.
Maybe this is why i can’t really grasp the whole ‘buying it’ thing:
because of players like yourself putting down the cauldrons and tables, I can actually partake in the fun without having bought anything.
Maybe that’s why I don’t see how not having any costume would be an issue for anyone: simply because it isn’t needed since there is always one who has one…
Im not saying people HAVE to buy it, but a lot of people complain that they are getting beaten by these costumes and there is no way to compete. Sure there is, if you cant use the normal tonics to compete (which is very possible, people dont give the tonics enough credit) then buy the costume. Obviously griefing is griefing, there is no good way to combat that as a player and buying a costume so that you can then go grief is not my points intent.
Glad to know it was just a misunderstanding, my bad on not making my original post clear enough.
Some people are jerks. While you wait for an official response here are a couple of workarounds so you can enjoy the brawl and kitten off the griefers at the same time:
1) use a tonic (I don’t know about you, but I’ve got stacks of them from opening bags) and brawl somewhere other than the Forge area. Nobody to grief means griefers get bored and go away.
2) do a high dive from the deck of the tavern into the cauldron (the one up by the vista and the entrance to Troll’s End).