Personal Portal
I was really hoping for some sort of personal waypoint device. Something that would enable you to teleport to a location of your choosing from anywhere in the game, or at the very least, return you to your race’s home city.
I’m disappointed.
Same here. Do you know what I’d do just for an infinite use item that could take me back to Black Citadel whenever I want?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
The portal is a one-time use consumable that effectively allows you to use a skill that is similar to the mesmer’s portal. We recognize thakittens a very powerful item, so the recipe is quite rare and takes considerable resources to manufacture.
And will we be able to use this skill in WvW/sPvP/Dungeons? Or just open world.
I’m incredibly wary of this. It sounds very close to P2W where you can pay a lot of gold to get access to an incredibly powerful skill.
or you could level a mesmer up to like 20
Levelling to 20 is so pre 5000 achievement points. Go with the times man!
Don’t actually understand the need to have this? Portals is a unique feature to mesmers, why change that?
The portal is a one-time use consumable that effectively allows you to use a skill that is similar to the mesmer’s portal. We recognize that it’s a very powerful item, so the recipe is quite rare and takes considerable resources to manufacture.
Ah no. I thought it was going to be something that allows you to teleport between maps, or back to a specific location.
The problem is that as it is presented, that item is either absolutely useless or terribly harmful for the game itself.
Make it even a bit expensive, and no one will use that.
Make it cheap and you’re removing value from a class, even if just a bit. The problem isn’t strictly about it, but more like setting a precedent.
Ok, there are already engineer’s kits here and there, but that’s kinda also the point of the class.
If they really wanted to give other classes access to portal-like skills, they could have done so during an update that actually added skills to all the various classes. Giving it this way…well, it won’t be satisfactory in any way, imho.
Why? This item sounds useless. You can’t use it in wvw and it portals just one person (the user). Ooo I can save one jump in a jumping puzzle (I’m a platformer and have already completed all jumping puzzles in the game). Some people might like it on jumping puzzles but this is lame if I’m interpretting it right.
If it’s personal, I won’t even be able to use it to get new people through things like the frogger rocks on cof1 or the lasers in coe. really really lame ANET
For those asking “why portal for your ranger chopps?”, it’s because portals are too useful in pve for only mesmers to have. It’s stupid, in my opinion, to gove such a powerful utility to just one profession. Sure in pvp it makes sense but in pve it makes the mesmer in too high of demand (many people cannot beat the rocks on cof1 because they’ve never done it without a mesmer blink/portal). Also in wvw it’s too high demand. Just my thoughts :p
(edited by Chopps.5047)
If it’s personal, I won’t even be able to use it to get new people through things like the frogger rocks on cof1 or the lasers in coe.
really really lame ANET
Well you won’t because like the portal gun, this consumable will very likely be disabled in dungeons.
If it’s personal, I won’t even be able to use it to get new people through things like the frogger rocks on cof1 or the lasers in coe.
really really lame ANET
Well you won’t because like the portal gun, this consumable will very likely be disabled in dungeons.
No, I won’t even BEFORE I run into the consumable restriction because the portal is personal in the first place. Unless ANET comes out with a good reason for personal portal, it seems like a completely useless item. I will think about how I might use it in pve…I just can’t think of one instance where I would say “gee I’m glad I spent X number of mats and gold on that!”
This kind of thing is only desirable in wvw (all the mesmers in my guild are sick of being portal robots) and dungeons and you can’t use it in either so it’s almost certainly not worth the gold. It’s not even a convenience thing like the unbreakable harvesting tools. It’s just a waste of gold, it seems.
I’m sad that this is their solution for the stated design goal of giving more people access to portal. That’s like giving me a brand new M3 and I’m only allowed to sit in it: no driving! It’s a tease with no pay off.
(edited by Chopps.5047)
I probably missed a dev post in this topic confirming that it’s a self use only item. I was under the impression it was just an account bound consumable mesmer port.
All got the same rewards as you, but being VERY LAZY and stupids.
Not true.
All they got is an in-game achievement and some blues and greens. You get the satisfaction of knowing you finished the puzzle without handicaps.
Don’t know about you but for me the latter is worth a lot more than a few in-game shinies.
I don’t think this portal stone is a bad idea. I just don’t like it being expensive to craft, and being one-use only. It’s such a waste for only one teleport (that you can also mess up by accident).
I was hoping it would be a method to instantly teleport to one’s home instance (would make sense given the fact we have the opportunity to unlock the personal crystal node during the current Bazaar of the Four Winds event) or later perhaps the Guild Hall.
As it stands, it’s just a copy of the Mesmer’s ability which makes it far less interesting to use.
I was hoping it would be a method to instantly teleport to one’s home instance (would make sense given the fact we have the opportunity to unlock the personal crystal node during the current Bazaar of the Four Winds event) or later perhaps the Guild Hall.
Yes, I would have liked (in order of preference)
- a permanent item that portals me to my home (aka player housing)
- a permanent item that portals me to my guild hall
- a permanent item that portals me to a city of my choice (but then always to the same city)
- a permanent item that portals me to my home instance (less useful for me, as my human character has relocated to Rata Sum, but oh well)
One-time portal-skill portals are okay – I actually would like a “safety net” for use in some jumping puzzles such as Skipping Stones – but if it is very expensive to craft, I’d rather not.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
More clarification:
- It’s an artificer recipe
- You can trade the output of the recipe between characters on your account
- The recipe makes a one-time use item, it does not unlock a new skill
- This is not going to replace a mesmer in your party
Why do you keep pushing new recipe outputs that we can’t tp? >.<
Ah yes. New, shiny, amazing, but when you read the fine print, next to impossible to get.
A cheap marketing gimmick. Is that all you’re good for anymore, Anet?
Ah yes. New, shiny, amazing, but when you read the fine print, next to impossible to get.
A cheap marketing gimmick. Is that all you’re good for anymore, Anet?
They are good for creating the upcoming arena.
The recipe requires a level 400 artificer. It requires 5 Orichalcum Ingots, 1 Master Tuning Crystal, 1 Charged Lodestone, and 75 Watchwork Sprockets.
Does anybody here think that this is woth it? Any single one person at all?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
More clarification:
- It’s an artificer recipe
- You can trade the output of the recipe between characters on your account
- The recipe makes a one-time use item, it does not unlock a new skill
- This is not going to replace a mesmer in your party
Why do you keep pushing new recipe outputs that we can’t tp? >.<
It uses a charged lodestone. That’s almost 3g (probably more when you consider the other items) for a single portal. I can’t think of any time in the game where I would pay 3g for a portal. When would you ever use this over simply swapping to a mesmer? You could pay a mesmer 1g to portal you wherever you might use this item for.