New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??
@Rennoko all I can say is before the dec 10th balance changes they did a pretty good job of discussing them with the players and they actually made a few adjustments based on player feedback. Prior to that I personally had a major issue with them just rolling out balance changes all willy nilly. Its annoying when you spend time and money gearing up a character only to have them change it at the spur of the moment. As it stands now I have 2 months to prepare for the upcoming changes to crit damage and traits. I can level my engi in that time and be ready to embrace the already OP condition meta. I hope everyone can agree that this is a much better system and that they understand that they should have be extreamly angry if there were balance changes in this patch because we would have had no chance to discuss them.
Not arguing the approach, which is a fine approach, but we have been discussing some changes and issues for quite some time, come to a conclusion, and we still find ourselves where we are/were months ago.
Lets look at Dumbfire for instance. The proposed change was brought up at or around December 10th. A nerf, but a good and skillful nerf, needed severely on an overpowered trait. Some would argue it is an overnerf and needs to be master tier (I wouldn’t hate that), but in the current in game iteration, that trait is severely problematic, and has been for a REALLY long time, especially in WvW.
There has been enough discussion on that one, and many others, that could have been and should have been rolled out.
Also minor quality of life improvements to severely underused traits would have been fine to roll out as well… like what they did with some of the minor traits last patch.
Sweeping meta changing balance can wait if it must, but there was finished products they walked away and left on the drawing board.
@Rennoko all I can say is before the dec 10th balance changes they did a pretty good job of discussing them with the players and they actually made a few adjustments based on player feedback. Prior to that I personally had a major issue with them just rolling out balance changes all willy nilly. Its annoying when you spend time and money gearing up a character only to have them change it at the spur of the moment. As it stands now I have 2 months to prepare for the upcoming changes to crit damage and traits. I can level my engi in that time and be ready to embrace the already OP condition meta. I hope everyone can agree that this is a much better system and that they understand that they should have be extreamly angry if there were balance changes in this patch because we would have had no chance to discuss them.
Not arguing the approach, which is a fine approach, but we have been discussing some changes and issues for quite some time, come to a conclusion, and we still find ourselves where we are/were months ago.
Lets look at Dumbfire for instance. The proposed change was brought up at or around December 10th. A nerf, but a good and skillful nerf, needed severely on an overpowered trait. Some would argue it is an overnerf and needs to be master tier (I wouldn’t hate that), but in the current in game iteration, that trait is severely problematic, and has been for a REALLY long time, especially in WvW.
There has been enough discussion on that one, and many others, that could have been and should have been rolled out.
Also minor quality of life improvements to severely underused traits would have been fine to roll out as well… like what they did with some of the minor traits last patch.
Sweeping meta changing balance can wait if it must, but there was finished products they walked away and left on the drawing board.
I understand your point. But they never said that they won’t do any skill’s balance/fix during the 4 last Living Story patch. Lets take an example of this patch. They put 5 balance/fix which ain’t a lot, but the last patch was a big balance/fix patch so its kind of normal. Maybe they will simply stop doing any balance/fix until the big feature patch, but we can’t really know that.
@Rennoko.5731 I can agree with you that waiting till april to roll out these changes is too long. But Im not convinced that things like dumbfire and warrior healing signet needed to be in this patch. Ill try to be open minded if you want to take the time to convince me. I just got my necro to 80 and I did for WvW so I havnt been keeping up with the dhummfire discussion much. I do know people have been wanting the healing signet nerf for a long time and I feel its ok if they take it down by the proposed amount but Im glad there not doing it with this patch.
I am saddened by a lack of quality of life improvements. There was an awesome wish list on reddit discussing quality of life improvements and I had hoped one of them would make it like the salvaging fractal rings. Instead the fixed something we had a work around for. Depositing minipets. It would have been so much better if they would have made it so they stay out when you go between zones so you dont have to keep clicking on them to bring them back out. We could already keep them in an invisible bag so who cares about that change.
@aspirine.6852 funny I didnt see any boss zerg farming in the winters day patch, or in the fractal patch, and if memory serves me correctly the tower of nightmares boss was 5 man group instance.
yeah ok that is true, except for the wintersday and fractal update was not really living story. The after tower was boss farming the pre tower was zerg farming. Toxic things, all zerg farming..
I just spent the last 3+ hours standing around without a clue, running in a zerg without getting a hit on anything, and not getting any wurm down to even 98% while being shouted at in map chat.
I could have watched 4 episodes of something in the same time.
I’m going to go until some timers and guides come up. Which I hate. I’d rather just play the game and solve things by exploring. But I simply don’t have 3+ hours on most days for standing around. What a waste.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
@aspirine I wouldnt give them too much heck about the nightmare tower. Atleast they tried to throw some instances in there. Also there was the Twilight Arbor Aether dungeon path. Granted its annoyingly long and not many people run it (and in my personal opinion not all that much fun) but it isnt a zerg fest. I havnt played it yet but I heard the boss in lornars pass is supposed to split up the zerg a little by having the zerg build defensive structures and man arrowcarts. Sounds like it will be fun and if nothing else a little more inventive than just everyone pilling up and dpsing down the robot the way people do shatterer.
I was expecting to be disappointed so I guess the answer to the topic is “yes”.
Yea, very disappointed actually, mainly with the lack of background events associated with these new boss events and hugely because of the wait times.
Things would be so much nicer if they had just designed these encounters to activate once a minimum number of players were present or at least have included an actual countdown timer for them (as in how many hours/min before they begin). Regardless standing around waiting for stuff to happen then losing early because players have been trained by this game to mindlessly zerg is sort of a buzz kill for new content
Things would be so much nicer if they had just designed these encounters to activate once a minimum number of players were present or at least have included an actual countdown timer for them (as in how many hours/min before they begin). Regardless standing around waiting for stuff to happen then losing early because players have been trained by this game to mindlessly zerg is sort of a buzz kill for new content
This, so much.
Or pre-events.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
yes, the game dificulty made ppl become zombie-like and when the dificulty steps up a bit ppl don´t like it. I just remember, as many that played GW1, Elite areas were we could actually have fun and dificulty at the same time ( urgoz, the deep, fissure of woe, underworld, etc). I really miss those areas, as to PVE the only thing that is fun for me as areas/dungeons is Fractals, Arah and CoE.
The Origins of Sadness.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Horrific disappointment, but didn’t we all know that was exactly what was going to be the case when we heard there would be 4 more god kitten releases with the name scarlet in it? What highlighted it for me was once again the armor as a reward, the “wurmslayer” gear, which is just the already terrible ascended pieces reskinned to have a green glow. It is absolutely hilarious and comical that after all the crap that went down with the reskinned T3 armor, and all the hate that was received over the way ascended looked, that they did this YET AGAIN.
This patch killed the buzz for me, I dont even have the will power to login again after playing some of the patch, no scratch that, sitting in overflow. Then to get into the actual map, and then sitting another 2 hours waiting for the event.
An overhyped patch? Color me surprised. It had all the warnings that nothing good was going to come from it.
This patch killed the buzz for me, I dont even have the will power to login again after playing some of the patch, no scratch that, sitting in overflow. Then to get into the actual map, and then sitting another 2 hours waiting for the event.
Total disappointment with game model.
Well for me, the Wurms were really unclear and nobody got anywhere, just lots of yelling. Marionette – people were split up really wonkily with 1 or 2 people sent to a champ and 8+ sent to another then more yelling. I also got booted out of the game at the last second so it didn’t even give me failed contribution to at least have a go at the other stuff.
Perish [FLEE]
This patch killed the buzz for me, I dont even have the will power to login again after playing some of the patch, no scratch that, sitting in overflow. Then to get into the actual map, and then sitting another 2 hours waiting for the event.
Total disappointment with game model.
It’s just another LS update that highlights the disconnect between the dev’s and what is actually happening in game. Chris whitelines focus on WvW and PvP is so deep that things like living story and PvE play are left in the complete dust. I find it hard to believe that they have any more then a single team out of the supposed 350 employees over there at anet working on PvE material. They just cannot be THAT BAD at this.
I mean people on this forum have literally spent months giving credible and tangible fixes and ideas for this game that would blow other competing MMO’s out of the water with very little work given the available resources, and yet….here we are.
Disappointment. The cool boss touted as a big deal turns out to be too frustrating to really deal with.
I’ve fought it three time, at this point I’ve more or less figured out we have next to no chance to beat the thing. No one will get the chains off in time. The cannon will charge and kill us. No chance.
Don’t get me started on the Wurm.
These bosses needed better testing and tweaking I think.
Lets see a video of Anet Completing these bosses, Oh wait they wouldn’t have had any upleveled players when they did their testing.
Just another update i will totally ignore i think
But i have good ideas for the next updates :
- instant death on login
- instant death after zoning
- instant death whenever you are near the next vista
- instant death every 5 minutes when doing random stuff
And of course
- instant death for the whole server when any event fails.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
mmh this patch is ridiculous…. 2 mouth for make this? rotfl … i think gw2 community is tired for this shame work by anet…
My guild is thinking to left game…
I can see it now:
“But wait, there’s 3 more patches after this. You have to be patient. They’ll be epic!”
“But wait, there’s 2 more patches after this. You have to be patient. They’ll be epic!”
“But wait, there’s 1 more patch after this. You have to be patient. It’ll be epic!”
“But wait, the next LS season is coming in a few months. You have to be patient. It’ll be epic!”
Yeh i can see LS season 2 already….. “The return of scarlet.”
i think anet haven’t no idea what to do on this game & in this ls…
Disappointed, spam 1 update
server jumper
Using language like “in the next feature patch” is intentionally misleading, and they should have stated at the start of the stream, NOTHING they were discussing had any weight or would happen anytime soon, so feel free to not bother watching.
They said exactly that. It’s your fault for taking it in a completely different direction.
This person isn’t stating a personal view but what was said by Anet’s post.. Your post is irrelevant and ironic that you took this post to a completely different direction. Also common language/dialect is made with understanding in mind, and reflects personality. Anything else, we have BS for that.
After release, this game’s performance and attitude has been in a steady decline. Although it doesn’t seem like they will pick up the pace. The lore , once they get content with it rolling may peak people’s interest again.
(edited by Coltz.5617)
This patch killed the buzz for me, I dont even have the will power to login again after playing some of the patch, no scratch that, sitting in overflow. Then to get into the actual map, and then sitting another 2 hours waiting for the event.
Total disappointment with game model.
It’s just another LS update that highlights the disconnect between the dev’s and what is actually happening in game. Chris whitelines focus on WvW and PvP is so deep that things like living story and PvE play are left in the complete dust. I find it hard to believe that they have any more then a single team out of the supposed 350 employees over there at anet working on PvE material. They just cannot be THAT BAD at this.
I mean people on this forum have literally spent months giving credible and tangible fixes and ideas for this game that would blow other competing MMO’s out of the water with very little work given the available resources, and yet….here we are.
That even scares me more, i dont believe that focus on WvW, all we have is a new WvW map that is an overflow map (edged of the mist, so far with info that was released) to avoid queus and bandwagons from server x to server y, imo they will fail 3 times in a row.
They cant see how bad it is, they know very well the game engine and they are limited by that(vision), they do what is easier and acceptable to their techology and dont see a way to cause some evolution on their product, people attend to the blob event releases, it is what it matters.
Yeh i can see LS season 2 already….. “The return of scarlet.”
Scarlet story arc isnt the problem, it is how Anet is throwing content away exploring or not the player reactions, how LS work with this game overflow mechanics as exemple scarlet charecter truly is a victim here ready to be discarded .
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I can see it now:
“But wait, there’s 3 more patches after this. You have to be patient. They’ll be epic!”
“But wait, there’s 2 more patches after this. You have to be patient. They’ll be epic!”
“But wait, there’s 1 more patch after this. You have to be patient. It’ll be epic!”
“But wait, the next LS season is coming in a few months. You have to be patient. It’ll be epic!”
I think this is a big problem with Gw2. People are always waiting for something to happen to make it worth playing. Here we are a year and a half later still waiting.
I can see it now:
“But wait, there’s 3 more patches after this. You have to be patient. They’ll be epic!”
“But wait, there’s 2 more patches after this. You have to be patient. They’ll be epic!”
“But wait, there’s 1 more patch after this. You have to be patient. It’ll be epic!”
“But wait, the next LS season is coming in a few months. You have to be patient. It’ll be epic!”I think this is a big problem with Gw2. People are always waiting for something to happen to make it worth playing. Here we are a year and a half later still waiting.
Your right, we should of seen this coming when we need to hold right button to look around and press 1 for basic attack.
I like the new update, was in both fights and failed both. The new content is actually hard, the Wurm is a new Tequatl (that fight is really cool) and above all a lot of new dialogs are added.
The bosses are fun to do, both featuring an unique element to them. The marionettethingie is harder then I expected and the first time I tried the worm we failed to even scratch it
I like the new update, was in both fights and failed both. The new content is actually hard, the Wurm is a new Tequatl (that fight is really cool) and above all a lot of new dialogs are added.
The bosses are fun to do, both featuring an unique element to them. The marionettethingie is harder then I expected and the first time I tried the worm we failed to even scratch it
No the bosses are impossible. Has any server beaten them yet? Or better question, has any server come close to getting ONE of those wurms to 50%? The problem is, none of this stuff is tested on a large scale prior to release, and an even bigger problem is its just a hodge podge of crap thrown together in one boss event that they call “dynamic”. You cant throw all these different things to do in a boss fight, along with spamming 30 second stuns and knock downs, and then only give you a 10 second window to damage the boss with a ridiculous amount of health in a 15 minute window for a mission that requires 3 separate command groups on different areas of the map.
The patch is good it has some fine content in my opinion. Both the worms and the marionette needs proper coordination and are challenging, and therefore they are fun. the living story itself has a good depth too.
Certain people aren’t used to a challenge duo to the easy brain-afk PvE content there is right now. And now where there is finally some change in it, where Anet is making things tougher, there is only place for bad commentary. Also that people are waiting 2 hours for an event to start up is their dumb fault. It was already early known that the events happened every 2 hours round the clock. Instead of waiting, you could’ve done some living story content like collecting for the power core. But no, instead of that you just do nothing for 2 hours? It’s not Anet’s job to take you by the hand, It’s your own responsibility.
Okay a timer or some sort of announcement would’ve been nice, I gotta give that.
And I do hope Anet will add that soonish. But besides from that, and in mind that there are still 3 patches upcoming regarding this living story I think Anet did a good job. Keep it up please
Expectedly deceived.
A 2 hour wait to beta test content on a overflow server, working as intended, oh and while you wait, have you been to the gem store.
I like the new update, was in both fights and failed both. The new content is actually hard, the Wurm is a new Tequatl (that fight is really cool) and above all a lot of new dialogs are added.
The bosses are fun to do, both featuring an unique element to them. The marionettethingie is harder then I expected and the first time I tried the worm we failed to even scratch it
No the bosses are impossible. Has any server beaten them yet? Or better question, has any server come close to getting ONE of those wurms to 50%? The problem is, none of this stuff is tested on a large scale prior to release, and an even bigger problem is its just a hodge podge of crap thrown together in one boss event that they call “dynamic”. You cant throw all these different things to do in a boss fight, along with spamming 30 second stuns and knock downs, and then only give you a 10 second window to damage the boss with a ridiculous amount of health in a 15 minute window for a mission that requires 3 separate command groups on different areas of the map.
The worm only spawned twice on RoF, first time we completely failed but got an idea on how to handle it, second time it was bugged (that happens, nothing to do about it besides patching it, can’t blame Anet for not delivering flawless code), but I find it really cool to see the servers struggling to tame this beast and think that somewhere in the next days it will be killed.
For me content that is instant farmable is no fun, let the servers get the hang of this beast and eventually we’ll figure out how to be effective in killing it. Remember, its a boss on the same scale as Tequatl and is designed to not be killed easily.
I like the new update, was in both fights and failed both. The new content is actually hard, the Wurm is a new Tequatl (that fight is really cool) and above all a lot of new dialogs are added.
The bosses are fun to do, both featuring an unique element to them. The marionettethingie is harder then I expected and the first time I tried the worm we failed to even scratch it
No the bosses are impossible. Has any server beaten them yet? Or better question, has any server come close to getting ONE of those wurms to 50%? The problem is, none of this stuff is tested on a large scale prior to release, and an even bigger problem is its just a hodge podge of crap thrown together in one boss event that they call “dynamic”. You cant throw all these different things to do in a boss fight, along with spamming 30 second stuns and knock downs, and then only give you a 10 second window to damage the boss with a ridiculous amount of health in a 15 minute window for a mission that requires 3 separate command groups on different areas of the map.
The worm only spawned twice on RoF, first time we completely failed but got an idea on how to handle it, second time it was bugged (that happens, nothing to do about it besides patching it, can’t blame Anet for not delivering flawless code), but I find it really cool to see the servers struggling to tame this beast and think that somewhere in the next days it will be killed.
For me content that is instant farmable is no fun, let the servers get the hang of this beast and eventually we’ll figure out how to be effective in killing it. Remember, its a boss on the same scale as Tequatl and is designed to not be killed easily.
I can certainly appreciate the complexity in a boss fight, especially in a game like this. In fact i have been pushing for more complex boss fights that require higher manned dungeons and raids for quite some time. The problem lies with the fact that it is plainly obvious to just about everyone that none of this was well thought out from a gameplay perspective, or tested for that matter.
You create a world scale boss fight that requires the entire zone to cooperate, yet the zone is too small and it constantly keeps pushing players into overflow, you get a mix up of pros and noobs all trying to go their separate ways, some commanding via TS, some not even listening. Then you have a boss fight that not only requires the coordination of 3 of these groups in the zone, but you only give it 15 minutes to happen on 2 hour windows, and then make the boss fight so ridiculously hard (hard, not complex at all) that it’s virtually impossible to complete for even the most well coordinated servers. On top of ALLLLL OF THAT, the rewards once again….BLOW.
This is, literally, classic living story at its finest. No one really is even speaking on the fact that zerg’s of this scale are absolutely terrible for most people with the way this game handles CPU usage. You listen to the chats, TS or map chat and all you here is misery over the lag, the disconnects, the FPS, etc etc etc. The experience might be good for you but for 80% of the rest of the population, this kitten is not cutting it.
Completely disappointed.
A solo story instance is gated behind the group Marionette encounter. The 3 Wurms are bugged, laggy, overly complicated and require far too much coordination. And if you don’t like world boss encounters, there is absolutely nothing for you to do in this release.
EDIT: Oh…and the story. I still haven’t a clue as to what is going on in this LS. This newest patch added nothing to explain nor progress the nearly incoherent storyline.
(edited by Elbegast.6970)
(.. cleaning this post for shortness, just scroll up
(.. cleaning this post for shortness, just scroll up
I can certainly appreciate the complexity in a boss fight, especially in a game like this. In fact i have been pushing for more complex boss fights that require higher manned dungeons and raids for quite some time. The problem lies with the fact that it is plainly obvious to just about everyone that none of this was well thought out from a gameplay perspective, or tested for that matter.
You create a world scale boss fight that requires the entire zone to cooperate, yet the zone is too small and it constantly keeps pushing players into overflow, you get a mix up of pros and noobs all trying to go their separate ways, some commanding via TS, some not even listening. Then you have a boss fight that not only requires the coordination of 3 of these groups in the zone, but you only give it 15 minutes to happen on 2 hour windows, and then make the boss fight so ridiculously hard (hard, not complex at all) that it’s virtually impossible to complete for even the most well coordinated servers. On top of ALLLLL OF THAT, the rewards once again….BLOW.
This is, literally, classic living story at its finest. No one really is even speaking on the fact that zerg’s of this scale are absolutely terrible for most people with the way this game handles CPU usage. You listen to the chats, TS or map chat and all you here is misery over the lag, the disconnects, the FPS, etc etc etc. The experience might be good for you but for 80% of the rest of the population, this kitten is not cutting it.
Zerg based fighting is certainly a problem for older hardware, thats also a problem in WvW, but is not something that can be easily fixed. This boss is designed to be challenging, if you could just force it to die by bringing more people it would not be challenging anymore. I think it was really meant to be fought with one big group of people with amounts nearing overflow, which does however cripple some computers.
Furthermore I think that people just need to get the hang of this fight, bosses like the shatterer are “stand here and you wont die, smash your skills to bring it down”, this boss requires more strategy. And sure some people just stand there and smash 1, but as time progresses and people get the hang of this, that amount will go down. Then to the overflow problem, lets say that a map can hold 150 people, then each boss has to be brought down by 50, seems quite reasonable to me.
The rewards will be something like the Tequatl fight, 1 gold and a few chests containing equipment I guess, maybe thats not that much to you but I do appreciate it. If this boss just drops guaranteed Ascended equipment the value of those items would go down drastically, something that Anet has to avoid. Its a 15 minute fight and 1 gold/15m + chance of ascended items is quite a good gold/time ratio.
Maybe you do have a point about the 15 minutes, as I said, I havent really fought it down to the end, RoF was really just trying to figure out what to do, maybe more time is appropriate, but thats something I can’t say right now. For now, lets see how this fight progresses, if it isn’t won by tommorow I have to agree with you, but for now I think that its just the inexperience thats holding servers back from completing it.
Edit: let me add some small things, it might not be silky smooth yet, but I do think that this worm has great potential, the pre quest was fun (I really liked the dialog thingie) and the wurm is certainly interesting. I always like to look from the positive side and I think that in a week or so this fight will be loads of fun
(edited by windwarrior.2690)
Disappointed. More, and more with each coming update as they give us less, and less actual content and more, and more continuous farming.
Completely disappointed.
A solo story instance is gated behind the group Marionette encounter. The 3 Wurms are bugged, laggy, overly complicated and require far too much coordination. And if you don’t like world boss encounters, there is absolutely nothing for you to do in this release.
EDIT: Oh…and the story. I still haven’t a clue as to what is going on in this LS. This newest patch added nothing to explain nor progress the nearly incoherent storyline.
Thats probably the worst part of it all, its supposed to explain to you the origins of something, it didnt even do that. In fact NOTHING has been revealed so far as to what the hell this LS is about so far.
Kinda bummed. I’m not a fan of world boss fights, my PC simply cannot handle zergs adequately. Also, I cannot stand wurms. Actually, I hate wurms. They’re right after quaggans in the list of things I dislike about GW2. It’s something inherent in their design – the evades, the knockdowns, their godawful-ugly- kitten dness.
The marionette is less of a disappointment, and between the two additions it actually seems do-able. Still gets a ‘D’ rating due to the ‘no-loot’ champs. Major thumbs down from this guy.
I’m still seeing that ‘finish them!’ crap. Get it out of my PvE, please.
And as an aside, the toxic offshoots are still cluttering some zones, making map charting on my low level alt a pain. And of course no one’s touching them now. Was really hoping not to have to see these guys after the tower got smashed.
It’s just another LS update that highlights the disconnect between the dev’s and what is actually happening in game. Chris whitelines focus on WvW and PvP is so deep that things like living story and PvE play are left in the complete dust. I find it hard to believe that they have any more then a single team out of the supposed 350 employees over there at anet working on PvE material. They just cannot be THAT BAD at this.
I mean people on this forum have literally spent months giving credible and tangible fixes and ideas for this game that would blow other competing MMO’s out of the water with very little work given the available resources, and yet….here we are.
This so much. It seems like they’re so focused on the PvP side of things and pushing “eSports” that all the PvE content comes off as just an afterthought. It’s funny because I’m sure there are more primary PvE players than PvP players yet Arenanet continues to try and push WvW down our throats.
Another repetitive achievement checklist and frustrating design decisions that offer petty rewards to the players who actually want to enjoy the PvE side of the game.
Just another day at the office for Arenanet.
Edit: I haven’t fought any of the bosses yet and I don’t care about how difficult they are as I’ll eventually beat them. My problem is the rewards offer little to no incentive to continue fighting them after you beat them the first time. One of my main issues with Guild Wars 2 is there is little to no sense of character progression once you reach cap. I also really hate the whole Living Story thing and I would rather have a real content patch with actual PvE content, new gameplay features, new skills/classes, etc. than achievement checklist #1251520512 for backpack #2902501251.
(edited by Argodis.2514)
For me the patch was a big disappointment, it just feels like not alot of time has been spent on it, there is little in the way of extra activities to do. Most of the time is spent looking out for the time when the event will come around and then running around in a zerg trying to get a hit on something when it does tick up.
If you manage to get the event to go through bug free your then waiting on the failure message to appear because some zerg that you do not know in some distant place that you have no control over isn’t able to complete their section of it. Then once it fails you then make a note of when it ticks around again and your left with little living world stuff to do for the next couple of hours then rinse and repeat above.
Hopefully the next patches will have alot more to do, if they are just concentrating only on the living world updates.
Nemmeister – lvl 80 Engineer
Jay Knot – lvl 80 Warrior | Rusty Colt – lvl 80 Thief
I like the update
If you’re concerned for WvW, theres a Skill Balance update coming. The Zerging has been improved by the Marionette-Event where Groups of three players can save the day for their server and Scarlett finally gets a little depth. And of course the race between the servers to get the world-first Wurm kill. GJ
disappointed. 0/10.
why? uber lag. skills were not going off for the run to wurm. more lag. no loot from mobs. boring press 1, dodge and heal content (great professions and combat system you designed for the game). unrealistic to accomplish considering it would take a carp ton more people that would only contribute to the lag. I’m assuming that even if it were finished, the rewards would be carp too. waste of time and resources. better off dropping the balance patch asap, not spring.
your engine cannot handle what you are trying to do, but you keep making open world zerglagjunk content. you need raid group instances for this carp.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Just came here to break the whining combo.
I liked this update, managed to beat the Marionette boss and getting closer to beat the Wurms.
Just came here to break the whining combo.
I liked this update, managed to beat the Marionette boss and getting closer to beat the Wurms.
Better hurry then. Don’t waste time here on the forums. The Wurms will be abandoned by the majority of the playerbase in a matter of days.
An expected disappointment to be sure. Really tired of this (it takes 50 people to do or fail) deal with events, other than dragons, and the lag between events is tedious. People don’t have an hour or two to wait for a 10 minute event. Also, FF XIV managed to put two new events in several areas with 24.85mb, whereas GW2 had patches 15 times higher for 2 events in 1 area each.
This patch killed the buzz for me, I dont even have the will power to login again after playing some of the patch, no scratch that, sitting in overflow. Then to get into the actual map, and then sitting another 2 hours waiting for the event.
Total disappointment with game model.
It’s just another LS update that highlights the disconnect between the dev’s and what is actually happening in game. Chris whitelines focus on WvW and PvP is so deep that things like living story and PvE play are left in the complete dust. I find it hard to believe that they have any more then a single team out of the supposed 350 employees over there at anet working on PvE material. They just cannot be THAT BAD at this.
I mean people on this forum have literally spent months giving credible and tangible fixes and ideas for this game that would blow other competing MMO’s out of the water with very little work given the available resources, and yet….here we are.
I literally snorted my diet cola reading that post. Are you seriously saying that you think WvW gets more attention than PvE??
But yes, to answer your question, they are that bad at this stuff.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Just came here to break the whining combo.
I liked this update, managed to beat the Marionette boss and getting closer to beat the Wurms.
Better hurry then. Don’t waste time here on the forums. The Wurms will be abandoned by the majority of the playerbase in a matter of days.
Not much to do while neither of those two events is happening. Besides, the less random people doing the event, the better.
Amber wurm could use some retuning, though.
Anyway, enjoy your thread (and the next, and the next, and the next).