10/11: BG/TC/JQ

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eugene.8792


Had fun @ TCBL’s Garrison. Goodjob to the SEA crew who held it. Finally something fun for this matchup during this timezone.

Good play TC.

Commander; [WvW] Together we are unbreakable. Jade Quarry.
Audreycia ;Human Warrior
Bubble Snowice ;Charr Guardian

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Aye. Had loads of fun. Also


well done mates!

Also to TC, u guys showed that u r indeed worthy oponents

And BG, your zergkittenskills are strong /karate chop. No but seriously, thanks for keeping T1 extremely competitive.

Good Luck on the league everyone

-Sir Fuzz the Great of the King of Stargrove.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Feydra.6318


Been back for two days now, after along break from Gw2, and its really great to be back among TC, and the fights oceanic times been really fun, hard but fun, and big thanks to JQ and BG for the clean fights, have to apologice though we cant really face you in the open on a regular basis, we simply dont have the numbers, so we hit run, and do our best to sell every tower and keep as expensive as we can, and the Garri fights been amacing, im still not sure how we pulled those fights off, but i think its a bit of mixed luck and skill !, hope everyone on all sides enjoyed it, i have atleast thanks !

Miriel de Clavo – Elementalist
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


It is always fun to fight against old friends. Wish we had the numbers in sea time and ocx to make it a bit more interesting than just a free for all in our tc gar. ;3

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


RATS is SG :P fun thingsss

It’s not actually just SG. That’s basically a guild for anyone on the server to participate in.

not anyone I heard they’re pretty racist actually. I wanted to join but they keep calling me a bookah

Mal I think it is time you created a master race toon

I got one! My Necro is indeed the master race. Sadly I don’t play him anymore.

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: SFShinigami.2015


score update from [LOVE] Garrison in BG BL!



Jigglenaut/Numa Rar/Jakuho Raikoben/Tenel Ka Djo/Kurotsuchi Taichou [SF]/[LOVE]
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: virtue.7235


Agg vs EP 20v20 GvG

thanks for some of the best fights i have ever had EP
cant wait for the next time!

Serane – D/D Elementalist [Agg]
[Agg] WvW – http://www.youtube.com/user/SeraneGW2
Server? We move a lot.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Without this weeks’ match JQ has 36% more gold medals than BG. Only in Nuked-world is this almost the same amount.

With this week’s match it goes up to 43%.

Thinking says you’re wrong.

How easy do you guys want your wins to be?

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Without this weeks’ match JQ has 36% more gold medals than BG. Only in Nuked-world is this almost the same amount.

With this week’s match it goes up to 43%.

Thinking says you’re wrong.

How easy do you guys want your wins to be?

Mediocrity for months from JQ in terms of tier 1 where we had 1 gold in the many months since may and BG had 10+ in that same timezone. You can’t seriously say that JQ was stacked during those time periods. When JQ had no OCX no EU coverage whatsoever. We would hit 90 ppt during those periods. All you see now from JQ is the fact we can actually give our SEA something upgraded on more than just EB every night.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Without this weeks’ match JQ has 36% more gold medals than BG. Only in Nuked-world is this almost the same amount.

With this week’s match it goes up to 43%.

Thinking says you’re wrong.

How easy do you guys want your wins to be?

Percentages in relatively small ranges of numbers is an offensive way to show disparities; after all if JQ had 2 gold and BG 1 gold and they had only fought thrice JQ would have 100% more gold medals than BG!!!!

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: kaisez.4968


when we changed Bl ? sorry


Kaisez – [NoaH] want you !!

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: neomccoy.2657


Fun fights last night. Thank you NS and PLX for that 3 way open field fights.
Here is a video of it. Enjoy:

Everything Purple [EP] – Tarnished Coast
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


when we changed Bl ? sorry

Yaay so proud of my fellow toasts (being the only wped garri hehehe)

(edited by electriette.8952)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Without this weeks’ match JQ has 36% more gold medals than BG. Only in Nuked-world is this almost the same amount.

With this week’s match it goes up to 43%.

Thinking says you’re wrong.

How easy do you guys want your wins to be?

Percentages in relatively small ranges of numbers is an offensive way to show disparities; after all if JQ had 2 gold and BG 1 gold and they had only fought thrice JQ would have 100% more gold medals than BG!!!!


The numbers represent well over 6 months of data.

The facts show that JQ is dominant and has been so. It has won ~40% more than it’s nearest competitor – whose guilds it has been recruiting.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


As this era of wvw in gw2 comes to an end, I would like to congratulate Jade Quarry on having the most successful wvw alliance in gw2.

The hard work that the wvw community has put in on a daily around the clock basis for a year plus has been nothing short of epic. All the battles, the fights, the politics, the drama, the hatred sometimes in and out, the Quarry and it’s honey badger pugs have endured, and will end at the top of the heap. Love the Quarry or hate the Quarry, it has earned it’s place as the Old Warhorse of Gw2.

Much respect to the “Old Warhorse” guilds that make up the heart of JQ, and to those who have came as pilgrims to the Quarry and made it their home. A home in which the mids, and hibs, and albs could finally get along. The home of a global pvp alliance with an almost a 50% win percentage in the most competitive world versus world alliance pvp that mmo’s offer.

The home of the Shadow Gypsies.

We salute you Jade Quarry.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


As this era of wvw in gw2 comes to an end, I would like to congratulate Jade Quarry on having the most successful wvw alliance in gw2.

The hard work that the wvw community has put in on a daily around the clock basis for a year plus has been nothing short of epic. All the battles, the fights, the politics, the drama, the hatred sometimes in and out, the Quarry and it’s honey badger pugs have endured, and will end at the top of the heap. Love the Quarry or hate the Quarry, it has earned it’s place as the Old Warhorse of Gw2.

Much respect to the “Old Warhorse” guilds that make up the heart of JQ, and to those who have came as pilgrims to the Quarry and made it their home. A home in which the mids, and hibs, and albs could finally get along. The home of a global pvp alliance with an almost a 50% win percentage in the most competitive world versus world alliance pvp that mmo’s offer.

The home of the Shadow Gypsies.

We salute you Jade Quarry.

You salute yourself? Congrats on stacking at the end of every era.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rhaegus.8924


Well JQ, are you ready for your second serving of 111k? :P

Just posting this here for some members of the BG community that are suffering from selective memory syndrome.
Mind you this is only a couple of weeks ago.

(edited by Rhaegus.8924)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Traxien Cion.9261

Traxien Cion.9261

If TC didn’t have a complete dead zone during SEA, I feel like we’d be pretty competitive, not to mention if some of our big guilds stopped using “ppt play is stupid” as an excuse for poor play, but w/e.

Just 1-2 SEA guilds would probably be enough to stay above 150 ppt in that time slot, which would mean a much smaller point difference.

Also big shout out to KH. They’ve been pulling serious weight during OCX lately.

Traxien Cion – Ranger | Traxien Kills – Warrior | [STUN] | TC Commander

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


As this era of wvw in gw2 comes to an end, I would like to congratulate Jade Quarry on having the most successful wvw alliance in gw2.

The hard work that the wvw community has put in on a daily around the clock basis for a year plus has been nothing short of epic. All the battles, the fights, the politics, the drama, the hatred sometimes in and out, the Quarry and it’s honey badger pugs have endured, and will end at the top of the heap. Love the Quarry or hate the Quarry, it has earned it’s place as the Old Warhorse of Gw2.

Much respect to the “Old Warhorse” guilds that make up the heart of JQ, and to those who have came as pilgrims to the Quarry and made it their home. A home in which the mids, and hibs, and albs could finally get along. The home of a global pvp alliance with an almost a 50% win percentage in the most competitive world versus world alliance pvp that mmo’s offer.

The home of the Shadow Gypsies.

We salute you Jade Quarry.

You salute yourself? Congrats on stacking at the end of every era.

I love you.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sjofn.7418


I’m still allowed to think Albs are dumb, right? Deep down?

Bjalla Lofnsson/Orlando Fabuloso/Sjofn Lofnsdottr
Slap in the Face, Jade Quarry

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: SFShinigami.2015


As this era of wvw in gw2 comes to an end, I would like to congratulate Jade Quarry on having the most successful wvw alliance in gw2.

The hard work that the wvw community has put in on a daily around the clock basis for a year plus has been nothing short of epic. All the battles, the fights, the politics, the drama, the hatred sometimes in and out, the Quarry and it’s honey badger pugs have endured, and will end at the top of the heap. Love the Quarry or hate the Quarry, it has earned it’s place as the Old Warhorse of Gw2.

Much respect to the “Old Warhorse” guilds that make up the heart of JQ, and to those who have came as pilgrims to the Quarry and made it their home. A home in which the mids, and hibs, and albs could finally get along. The home of a global pvp alliance with an almost a 50% win percentage in the most competitive world versus world alliance pvp that mmo’s offer.

The home of the Shadow Gypsies.

We salute you Jade Quarry.

You salute yourself? Congrats on stacking at the end of every era.

I love you.

You make me feel like Mancen. I want to Mance the night away.

Jigglenaut/Numa Rar/Jakuho Raikoben/Tenel Ka Djo/Kurotsuchi Taichou [SF]/[LOVE]
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


You make me feel like Mancen. I want to Mance the night away.

LOL I sang that in my head when I read it.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


If TC didn’t have a complete dead zone during SEA, I feel like we’d be pretty competitive, not to mention if some of our big guilds stopped using “ppt play is stupid” as an excuse for poor play, but w/e.

Just 1-2 SEA guilds would probably be enough to stay above 150 ppt in that time slot, which would mean a much smaller point difference.

Also big shout out to KH. They’ve been pulling serious weight during OCX lately.

wtf are you doing here get back to work. /cracks whip

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: SFShinigami.2015


You make me feel like Mancen. I want to Mance the night away.

LOL I sang that in my head when I read it.

So does he. That is why I say it at every possible opportunity.


Edit: Check out electriette workin that Dolphin Cave hard!

Jigglenaut/Numa Rar/Jakuho Raikoben/Tenel Ka Djo/Kurotsuchi Taichou [SF]/[LOVE]
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952



@Shini R U PROUD. i even do my job while at uni

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


As this era of wvw in gw2 comes to an end, I would like to congratulate Jade Quarry on having the most successful wvw alliance in gw2.

The hard work that the wvw community has put in on a daily around the clock basis for a year plus has been nothing short of epic. All the battles, the fights, the politics, the drama, the hatred sometimes in and out, the Quarry and it’s honey badger pugs have endured, and will end at the top of the heap. Love the Quarry or hate the Quarry, it has earned it’s place as the Old Warhorse of Gw2.

Much respect to the “Old Warhorse” guilds that make up the heart of JQ, and to those who have came as pilgrims to the Quarry and made it their home. A home in which the mids, and hibs, and albs could finally get along. The home of a global pvp alliance with an almost a 50% win percentage in the most competitive world versus world alliance pvp that mmo’s offer.

The home of the Shadow Gypsies.

We salute you Jade Quarry.

There’s no doubt that JQ has played the meta very well. They deserve respect for such a consistent effort over a sustained period of time.

This, of course, isn’t consistent with the JQ forum posters who claim underdog status despite the clear evidence that JQ has been dominant since TA dissolved.

Speaking of which, I’d suggest that the kings of WvW remain TA, utterly dominant in a time when WvW populations were at their highest.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032


PSA: The Dolyak Parade will be in TCBL in 1 HOUR!

EDIT: We will gather at the windmill south of South Camp!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

(edited by Handin.4032)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


PSA: The Dolyak Parade will be in TCBL in 1 HOUR!

Where does it start?

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: PredatoR.5247


Jericho The Usurper[Agg] – Aggression

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032


PSA: The Dolyak Parade will be in TCBL in 1 HOUR!

Where does it start?

Added to the post

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jereme.1840


Blob harder Agg/NS

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


As this era of wvw in gw2 comes to an end, I would like to congratulate Jade Quarry on having the most successful wvw alliance in gw2.

The hard work that the wvw community has put in on a daily around the clock basis for a year plus has been nothing short of epic. All the battles, the fights, the politics, the drama, the hatred sometimes in and out, the Quarry and it’s honey badger pugs have endured, and will end at the top of the heap. Love the Quarry or hate the Quarry, it has earned it’s place as the Old Warhorse of Gw2.

Much respect to the “Old Warhorse” guilds that make up the heart of JQ, and to those who have came as pilgrims to the Quarry and made it their home. A home in which the mids, and hibs, and albs could finally get along. The home of a global pvp alliance with an almost a 50% win percentage in the most competitive world versus world alliance pvp that mmo’s offer.

The home of the Shadow Gypsies.

We salute you Jade Quarry.

You salute yourself? Congrats on stacking at the end of every era.

How dare you make audacious claims against our minister? And as for stacking, its a game of survivor out there.

Outplay, Outlast, Outwit

And so far, i think the job done by fellow Quarrians is well done. Being number one for 1+ year its not easy.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Esqi.8496


Yay I can post again

[TKG] Flake

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Yay I can post again

Yes the flakey is back!

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


Yay I can post again

Oooh I bet I know what post sent you on a vacation. It’s all good you needed to work on your tan anyways. Pastey white is bad for the eyes. Welcome back to the warzone.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


PSA: The Dolyak Parade will be in TCBL in 1 HOUR!

Where does it start?

Added to the post

After you d/c’d we tried to do the yak parade but we got mobbed by TC

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Esqi.8496


Yay I can post again

Oooh I bet I know what post sent you on a vacation. It’s all good you needed to work on your tan anyways. Pastey white is bad for the eyes. Welcome back to the warzone.

oic! Let’s not talk about that post otherwise the mods might come a knocking.

wtf is with this 10m flood prevention kitten?

[TKG] Flake

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


To the oPP War I just dueled, good show, sorry my member didn’t know it was a duel. I also just got to finally popping food when I noticed I didn’t have any on

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Garreth MacLeod.4158

Garreth MacLeod.4158

PSA: The Dolyak Parade will be in TCBL in 1 HOUR!

Where does it start?

Added to the post

After you d/c’d we tried to do the yak parade but we got mobbed by TC

Real sorry about that. For some reason I ended up having everyone follow me and I didn’t know our zerg was coming to that bridge. Major panic when I saw them. and many "NOOOO"s. I was very happy when Handin came back online.

Thanks to everyone who showed up. Hope you had fun. And to the BG mummy who was with the three TC escorts at the pack of the parade. We were so sad when you fell off that cliff

Leader, Phantom Coven – GW1 & GW2
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Yay I can post again

I got a warning yesterday about a pic i posted ____ not working on WvW but instead holidaying at Bora-Bora would have gotten me a 2 week suspension.

ANd then they said I have 37 infraction points. I assume they are saying

“Fuzz, you are being watched”

Now everything i post will be encrypted.

And hi Flake. Really awesome to have yall back man. Also love when running with yall and indevar will go "Okay, so how many eles, we got? 4. Okay number 1 do this and number 2 etc then 3 when it goes to me, okay fuzz will just be fuzz. " Awesome!

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Yay I can post again

I got a warning yesterday about a pic i posted ____ not working on WvW but instead holidaying at Bora-Bora would have gotten me a 2 week suspension.

ANd then they said I have 37 infraction points. I assume they are saying

“Fuzz, you are being watched”

Now everything i post will be encrypted.

And hi Flake. Really awesome to have yall back man. Also love when running with yall and indevar will go "Okay, so how many eles, we got? 4. Okay number 1 do this and number 2 etc then 3 when it goes to me, okay fuzz will just be fuzz. " Awesome!

Warning’s op. Apparently flake doesn’t know what those lines are though!

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


NS, unless you outnumber your opponents with Agg or SF you are not going to be able to kill anything.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grishnakk.9426


Yay I can post again

I got a warning yesterday about a pic i posted ____ not working on WvW but instead holidaying at Bora-Bora would have gotten me a 2 week suspension.

ANd then they said I have 37 infraction points. I assume they are saying

“Fuzz, you are being watched”

Now everything i post will be encrypted.

And hi Flake. Really awesome to have yall back man. Also love when running with yall and indevar will go "Okay, so how many eles, we got? 4. Okay number 1 do this and number 2 etc then 3 when it goes to me, okay fuzz will just be fuzz. " Awesome!

Man if only getting out of playing Staff was that easy for us QQ

Amorphis – Elementalist.
Grishnakk – Warrior.
TKG – JQQ Oceanic – www.fivefingerdiscount.org

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Without this weeks’ match JQ has 36% more gold medals than BG. Only in Nuked-world is this almost the same amount.

With this week’s match it goes up to 43%.

Thinking says you’re wrong.

How easy do you guys want your wins to be?

Mediocrity for months from JQ in terms of tier 1 where we had 1 gold in the many months since may and BG had 10+ in that same timezone. You can’t seriously say that JQ was stacked during those time periods. When JQ had no OCX no EU coverage whatsoever. We would hit 90 ppt during those periods. All you see now from JQ is the fact we can actually give our SEA something upgraded on more than just EB every night.

You have an interesting way to make an argument.

You take 11 weeks out of a year of dominance and present it as “proof” that you’re somehow a victim, an underdog?

You say “You can’t seriously say that JQ was stacked during those time periods”, when I never said anything at all about that period. Although a masterstroke, what concerns me is JQ’s recent recruiting, such as paying MERC to bandwagon over. It was a strategic masterstroke but the claims of improving competition and balance are cynical PR spin – or complete and utter clueless-ness.

You said “All you see now from JQ is the fact we can actually give our SEA something upgraded on more than just EB every night”. What we’re seeing this week is JQ 74k ahead so far and:
> 500 PPT on 8 ticks.
> 400 PPT on 86 ticks.
< 200 PPT on 15 ticks.

In essence, you seem upset that any other server has ever won, or that you should have to fight for anything.

I’ll repeat my previous question, how easy do you want your wins to be?

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


What I want to know is how anyone could seriously look at this week and say it’s the direct result of JQ being ‘overstacked’ and not the direct result of BG just not showing up. Certainly nobody playing inside T1 believes that crap :P

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Esqi.8496


Definitely during Oceanic certain guilds have not been around.

[TKG] Flake

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Without this weeks’ match JQ has 36% more gold medals than BG. Only in Nuked-world is this almost the same amount.

With this week’s match it goes up to 43%.

Thinking says you’re wrong.

How easy do you guys want your wins to be?

Mediocrity for months from JQ in terms of tier 1 where we had 1 gold in the many months since may and BG had 10+ in that same timezone. You can’t seriously say that JQ was stacked during those time periods. When JQ had no OCX no EU coverage whatsoever. We would hit 90 ppt during those periods. All you see now from JQ is the fact we can actually give our SEA something upgraded on more than just EB every night.

You have an interesting way to make an argument.

You take 11 weeks out of a year of dominance and present it as “proof” that you’re somehow a victim, an underdog?

You say “You can’t seriously say that JQ was stacked during those time periods”, when I never said anything at all about that period. Although a masterstroke, what concerns me is JQ’s recent recruiting, such as paying MERC to bandwagon over. It was a strategic masterstroke but the claims of improving competition and balance are cynical PR spin – or complete and utter clueless-ness.

You said “All you see now from JQ is the fact we can actually give our SEA something upgraded on more than just EB every night”. What we’re seeing this week is JQ 74k ahead so far and:
> 500 PPT on 8 ticks.
> 400 PPT on 86 ticks.
< 200 PPT on 15 ticks.

In essence, you seem upset that any other server has ever won, or that you should have to fight for anything.

I’ll repeat my previous question, how easy do you want your wins to be?

It’s not our fault that your numbers didn’t show up this week and they did last week. I have yet to see your oceanic show up at all. And you guys have a high oceanic population this was evidenced by the fact that even when MERC wasn’t on map BG still had 20-25 people on majority of their maps. Even without merc on the same map JQ was sporting outmanned in EVERY map during OCX this was even with TKG.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


What I want to know is how anyone could seriously look at this week and say it’s the direct result of JQ being ‘overstacked’ and not the direct result of BG just not showing up. Certainly nobody playing inside T1 believes that crap :P

And last week?

And I’m not sure that “nobody playing inside T1 believes that crap” is accurate.

My condolences to JQ regulars. It sucks when it swings this heavy to one side.

Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment, even if nobody else seems to…

Also, @ my fellow JQ’ers, stop giving BG crap about not trying, and going fareweather. Our server simply has more WvW players, and more coverage these days. I know that it’s a lot of new people saying that, but seriously, cut it out.

Recruiting masterfully is one thing, but believing – despite available evidence – that there isn’t an imbalance is doublethink.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


What I want to know is how anyone could seriously look at this week and say it’s the direct result of JQ being ‘overstacked’ and not the direct result of BG just not showing up. Certainly nobody playing inside T1 believes that crap :P

And last week?

And I’m not sure that “nobody playing inside T1 believes that crap” is accurate.

My condolences to JQ regulars. It sucks when it swings this heavy to one side.

Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment, even if nobody else seems to…

Also, @ my fellow JQ’ers, stop giving BG crap about not trying, and going fareweather. Our server simply has more WvW players, and more coverage these days. I know that it’s a lot of new people saying that, but seriously, cut it out.

Recruiting masterfully is one thing, but believing – despite available evidence – that there isn’t an imbalance is doublethink.

You do realize that Polimassa represents one opinion based on the fact this week BG has literally not shown up. I mean if it wasn’t obvious by the fact we had a 12hour straight karma train on BG BL with all sides benefiting then I just don’t know what else there is to prove.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


Not sure how I ended up leading the dolyak parade after Handin DCed for a second time, but hey we did good right? Nearly got to BG spawn.

Also ridiculously fun fights with NS / SF tonight on JQBL (there was another guild that I’m forgetting I think)

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]