10/11: BG/TC/JQ

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Robot Chocken.7012

Robot Chocken.7012

here is ZN’s Video for this match up. enjoy and thanks for watching

So you guys took bay and then proceeded to focus the kitten out of us on reset night. Yeah we didnt have the orginization with our groups to beat that omniblob you guys had on our side of the map all night long. Why have hard fights when you can have guaranteed wins right?
Most of the video is reset night footage, and most of it is against outnumbered enemies.

oh you…. so based on your comment i am assuming you only watched the first chunk of the video? since that was the only part that was reset footage (reset = reping AOI and following the onion fella), rest was sat, sun, and mon footage.

that being said i am proud of the fights i got out of TC, having just recently transferred from TC to BG (to join the rest of our alliance we joined during our SOS days) I know how hard it is to muster up a force amongst the fair-weather wvwers. so please for the sake of the toast stand proud, stop crying, and act like the TC we all know and love!
u guys rly did do a good job against overwhelming coverage.

as far as us beating up on TC all night, ZN does not play for PPT we play for fights, we spend our nights hunting for fights and going where we think we will find a good fight. so if your in a larger group and your taking objectives and were seeing in map chat “20+ TC at X” guess what your going to get targeted, sorry but that is just a fact of wvw life.

but i do thank you for watching and hope you enjoyed it, i know i enjoyed filming and editing it

have a good day,

I’m just saying regarding group sizes, you would have gotten better fights out of JQ than us. AKA not 60 v 30-40. I dont consider ROFLstomping smaller groups to be “good fights”.

Agreed they should come fight us

Wok, Master Asura of [QT]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: virtue.7235


Serane – D/D Elementalist [Agg]
[Agg] WvW – http://www.youtube.com/user/SeraneGW2
Server? We move a lot.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


^ I witnessed the above. Maybe the best farming of a whole server by 1 JQ guild at a camp that I have seen. This coupled with siege being used everywhere, made it even more of a skill highlight. Gj Agg.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Traxien Cion.9261

Traxien Cion.9261

I commanded that fight (and also the Garrison defense earlier in the day.)

Was fun, albeit sorta frustrating because we had like 45 people, but all of 15 in voice comms. The omega was pretty hilarious, though.

Traxien Cion – Ranger | Traxien Kills – Warrior | [STUN] | TC Commander

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cinix.2135


Thanks for the fights PINK enjoyed being able to 1v1. As for the PINK warrior, guess it was good for us to just stop fight was going no where.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jet.4795


Wanted to give a quick shout out to the GoF team on BG. We have faced you guys 3 out of the 4 NA prime nights so far this week, and no matter what win or lose the battle you guys keep coming out and fighting. I have mad respect for you guys keep it up!

Ben Sheets Reborn
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


matches where its was JQ vs BG vs lower tier server
week23, BG win by 111k
week36, BG win by 66k
week38, BG win by 33k (this was 4 weeks ago)

matches where its was SOR vs BG vs lower tier server
week29, BG win by 88k
week30, , BG win by 46k
week31, BG win by 22k
week39, SOR win by 65k (this was 3 weeks ago)

If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


matches where its was JQ vs BG vs lower tier server
week23, BG win by 111k
week36, BG win by 66k
week38, BG win by 33k (this was 4 weeks ago)

matches where its was SOR vs BG vs lower tier server
week29, BG win by 88k
week30, , BG win by 46k
week31, BG win by 22k
week39, SOR win by 65k (this was 3 weeks ago)

If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

He’s trying to prove that we were always dominant. Staying in Tier 1 doesn’t mean you are always dominant which is evidenced by all the bronzes/silvers.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Psykoyul.9147


If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.

You just proven what I have been saying all along. Your pugs alone can que up multiple maps. Also, at the end of oce/sea, you have multiple Wp’d keeps. Continue crying about jq needing more coverage, it’s just laughable.

Don’t know how you can be such a bad reader _
Or may be you really believe that we have maps queued during EU ?
Would be even more pathetic if possible.

The only reason why we are not under 200ppt during whole EU prime is the weakness of our dearest opponents which often use a 60 to 10 advantage to take camps ans place Treb instead of Ramming everything in sight…

GM of Soul Reapers [SR] JQ

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: style.6173


You are always going to have people who live by the expression “if you can’t beat them, exploit”. Even big name guilds who think they are good roamers are doing it. That applies to all servers. Overrated.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032


I’ve seen at least 10 BG mesmers roaming TCBL ruins doing this constantly, basically all seem to be from the same guild (I won’t say what guild, you know who you are!)

On TC we’ve been asking mesmers to not use this, please do likewise on your servers.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Hope there will be some bans for that. Everyone should know about “bug using”.


Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: neomccoy.2657


Wiping JQ blob last night in EB. Enjoy and thanks for the good fights <3

Everything Purple [EP] – Tarnished Coast
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sab.5291


Nice fight in front of bay JQ! and THANKS for NO mesmer Issues…
Good clean zurging!!!

I am the One and Only, Sab!
Find me in the front of the TC zurg

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cirus.5748


matches where its was JQ vs BG vs lower tier server
week23, BG win by 111k
week36, BG win by 66k
week38, BG win by 33k (this was 4 weeks ago)

matches where its was SOR vs BG vs lower tier server
week29, BG win by 88k
week30, , BG win by 46k
week31, BG win by 22k
week39, SOR win by 65k (this was 3 weeks ago)

If you’re interested in history, you might want to consider it a little more widely:
JQ: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 19 Bronze. Total medals = 55
BG: 14 Gold, 11 Silver, 14 Bronze. Total 39
SoR: 8 Gold, 20 silver, 9 Bronze. total = 37.

And for this week’s match where it’s JQ vs BG vs lower tiered server, it’s just midweek and JQ is 48K ahead.

JQ can’t claim historical victimhood with any credibility.

You proved our point you guys have almost as much gold medals we just have a metric ton of silver/bronze medals almost the same amount as golds.

Which point was proved exactly? That BG and JQ have an even spread of medals while in tier 1? Or that both servers are victims of being the underdog because they have more Golds than any other server?

If anything the medal tally shows that SoR are the true underdogs. They have more Silvers than Gold and Bronze combined, yet have stayed strong and consistent throughout

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Anet already said it’s a bug and that you should not use it.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Israel.7056


Anet already said it’s a bug and that you should not use it.

Well then it’s up to them to enforce their rules.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Traxien Cion.9261

Traxien Cion.9261

Fun fights in TCBL, NS!

Traxien Cion – Ranger | Traxien Kills – Warrior | [STUN] | TC Commander

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gully.7358


I’d love to see everyone who has used the skill banned for 72 hours. Unfortunately, guilds like riot, opp, and zn wouldn’t be around for awhile.

Yeah, we’d struggle for sure. Specially since everybody in our guild runs a mesmer and was out exploiting.

I’m going to have a word with the guildleader and see what actions we’re going to take against these scumbags.

Veretta • Guildleader of [oPP] Over Powered PeopleBlackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: SonOfKrypton.4357


What the hell is going on?

Chaos Storm is bugged.

The amount of people running around abusing it right now is ridiculous. So many people using Mesmers to abuse chaos storm tons of uplevels running around with it. When I’m getting hit for 40k by one chaos storm with full PTV gear somethings broken.

(Not solely aimed at you, Nuked. Your post was just the best to quote)

Anyone with a problem with the mesmer bug is such a carebear. It was a bit of fun for a couple of hours. It was highly amusing to see a guild stack up on a keep then be aerially assaulted by hordes of purple.

If you can’t see the funny side, and are annoyed that your super tank zerg build got instakilled, don’t come into WvW if you’re afraid of dying. After all, it is a PvP zone.


Attempting to contact arenanet.support seeking counselling expenses.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


What the hell is going on?

Chaos Storm is bugged.

The amount of people running around abusing it right now is ridiculous. So many people using Mesmers to abuse chaos storm tons of uplevels running around with it. When I’m getting hit for 40k by one chaos storm with full PTV gear somethings broken.

(Not solely aimed at you, Nuked. Your post was just the best to quote)

Anyone with a problem with the mesmer bug is such a carebear. It was a bit of fun for a couple of hours. It was highly amusing to see a guild stack up on a keep then be aerially assaulted by hordes of purple.

If you can’t see the funny side, and are annoyed that your super tank zerg build got instakilled, don’t come into WvW if you’re afraid of dying. After all, it is a PvP zone.

My issue wasn’t with the bug it was with people abusing it. When golem in the box was out not many abused it. I am fine with dying in WvW it is a PvP zone but when I’m dying to something that there is literally no defense to then it’s when it becomes an issue. You act like it was fun when it really wasn’t fun for anyone who was hit by it.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sab.5291


Awesome Battles in TCBL… Nice job TC trying to hold off 2 mega zurg from Hills and garri

I am the One and Only, Sab!
Find me in the front of the TC zurg

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: phaneo.4597


What the hell is going on?

Chaos Storm is bugged.

The amount of people running around abusing it right now is ridiculous. So many people using Mesmers to abuse chaos storm tons of uplevels running around with it. When I’m getting hit for 40k by one chaos storm with full PTV gear somethings broken.

(Not solely aimed at you, Nuked. Your post was just the best to quote)

Anyone with a problem with the mesmer bug is such a carebear. It was a bit of fun for a couple of hours. It was highly amusing to see a guild stack up on a keep then be aerially assaulted by hordes of purple.

If you can’t see the funny side, and are annoyed that your super tank zerg build got instakilled, don’t come into WvW if you’re afraid of dying. After all, it is a PvP zone.

Pls tell me you’re not serious here. There’s a difference between wiping people with skill and tactics, and abusing exploit for easy kills. It isn’t much of being a carebear, but I’d feel real bad for morons exploiting this, because they totally suck at clean play and have a lot of chances for getting banned. Yea WvW is PvP zone, not GvP (God vs Player) zone. From what I understand mesmer just hit the god-mode. Hope a hotfix and bans are in order.

Tee See

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avariz.8241


Hmmm…strange, I have to make comment as I was still on TC for those days. At the time I was not active in WvW and never commanded during the episode. It is strange and the funny part is that Agg’s tactics of taking cover at a bend/corner in the wall like that I belief was first proposed by me roughly 7 months ago to a PUG team while finishing Twilight Arbour. I was on CD at the time. The final boss fight with Falaine where she uses her mesner clone/phantasm skills that create Eir, Zoja, Thackery, Ricklock, and a golem. They were in a large cavern chamber and there was this long bendy tunnel that leads to it. My proposal was to have someone to pull Thackery, Ricklock, and the golem around that bend while our Pug team using that bend as cover from Eir’s and Zoja’s deadly range skills. Of course it worked as planned. At the time I even dubbed it ‘Plan B: the pull’. Why plan B? Well because we were failing the final boss fight repeatedly until I put forward the proposal. A couple of weeks later on YouTube some GW2 players used the same tactics to farm gold on Orr: pulling a boss around the corner of a gate to take it down while the players took cover behind the corner from the deadly range attacks of another boss. Since then I do on occasions use it in WvW. May be there are no connections between them, but you never know – just saying.

(edited by Avariz.8241)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vash.9183


Hmmm…strange, I have to make comment as I was still on TC for those days. At the time I was not active in WvW and never commanded during the episode. It is strange and the funny part is that Agg’s tactics of taking cover at a bend/corner in the wall like that I belief was first proposed by me roughly 7 months ago to a PUG team while finishing Twilight Arbour. I was on CD at the time. The final boss fight with Falaine where she uses her mesner clone/phantasm skills that create Eir, Zoja, Thackery, Ricklock, and a golem. They were in a large cavern chamber and there was this long bendy tunnel that leads to it. My proposal was to have someone to pull Thackery, Ricklock, and the golem around that bend while our Pug team using that bend as cover from Eir’s and Zoja’s deadly range skills. Of course it worked as planned. At the time I even dubbed it ‘Plan B: the pull’. Why plan B? Well because we were failing the final boss fight repeatedly until I put forward the proposal. A couple of weeks later on YouTube some GW2 players used the same tactics to farm gold on Orr: pulling a boss around the corner of a gate to take it down while the players took cover behind the corner from the deadly range attacks of another boss. Since then I do on occasions use it in WvW. May be there are no connections between them, but you never know – just saying.

Are you a conspiracy theorist?

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avariz.8241


… May be there are no connections between them, but you never know – just saying.

Are you a conspiracy theorist?

No! What make you think that?

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zoja.2631


Crazy fights on TCBL tonight. BG and JQ both had us running laps around the place. Lots of fun tonight!

Zona Eshe
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Caroline.4987


Thanks [Agg] for indulging the boss on that impromptu GvG, even though I ain’t personally a fan of ‘em. Can’t do ‘em much myself since I don’t have a mic. =3

Guys definitely need a bit more work if they’re gonna do that again. We hadn’t done one in like…a month now, I think.

Brynnhylde – Norn Warrior, Jehanette – Human Guardian, Shaelynne – Human Engineer
TrZ | Stormbluff Isle

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Nice videos there AGG. I was actually impressed

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Equinox.4195


Lots of talk about that Descent into Madness bug(which was quick-patched, mind you), but is nobody else experiencing the same kind of lag we were?
Terrible lag when there wasn’t even a massive number of people. Fighting 60-man groups doesn’t usually cause skill lag for us, but we were still getting some horrendous lag tonight trying to find fights. Hopefully it’s patched before tomorrow.

Equinox the Undying – Thug Necromancer

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: HeNnAz.8913



It’s ya boy fred.
I’ll suck volcanus for stability.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: HeNnAz.8913


Nice fly hack from that BG guy on JQ bl south west tower. Got you on tape, but you failed to wave farewell.


It’s ya boy fred.
I’ll suck volcanus for stability.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Lots of talk about that Descent into Madness bug(which was quick-patched, mind you), but is nobody else experiencing the same kind of lag we were?
Terrible lag when there wasn’t even a massive number of people. Fighting 60-man groups doesn’t usually cause skill lag for us, but we were still getting some horrendous lag tonight trying to find fights. Hopefully it’s patched before tomorrow.

When two server’s collide lag happens. Story of life in WvW these days.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

(edited by Nuked.2360)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: kaisez.4968


Wiping JQ blob last night in EB. Enjoy and thanks for the good fights <3

i hope you kidding me if call that a blob … as the real Blob was in labyrint .. if you mind to see the real blob get on eu time and i will show you..
and don’t say you are 13 ppl .. pls learn to count the green point in mini map

Kaisez – [NoaH] want you !!

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Hawk Ix.7360

Night Hawk Ix.7360

Catch dat mesmer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4jXqhSdB1Y

Sorry to anyone who fell victim to this now fixed bug btw NOT me in the vid

Mez You Up

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Norr.7680


Whose bored in JQ yet

BeastGate Traveler – New Guy in KnT

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Whose bored in JQ yet

I’m not bored we had some crazy fun fights in NA prime tonight.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shinji.2063


Whose bored in JQ yet

They get to do karma train Friday but just every day past the weekend.

God that sounds horrible now that i think about it. After the first 45 min of that i am falling asleep at my keyboard

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Traxien Cion.9261

Traxien Cion.9261

Whose bored in JQ yet

No sympathy. 100% JQ’s fault.

Was fun farming them in EBG, tho.

Traxien Cion – Ranger | Traxien Kills – Warrior | [STUN] | TC Commander

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: TheThiefMaster.3812


Catch dat mesmer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4jXqhSdB1Y

Sorry to anyone who fell victim to this now fixed bug btw NOT me in the vid

This is funny as hell haha .

As for the people QQing , lighten up geez , some people are way too uptight.

Acting as if someone’s been murdered.

Guild – BLNT , NS , oPP
IGN – Kinsz / Server – Sea of Sorrows

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sanny.1270


Yes, no respect for riot and opp. Lame guilds.

That E respect, /care

Second To God ~ 80 Warrior

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


[SG] had lots of fun torturing TC in TCBL tonight. Ty for the fights. We were outmanned (after 9pst) so we didn’t have the #’s to do a proper garri push, other than trebbing down your walls and pvdooring your inner gate down on occasion.

We were focused on keeping all the green off the map yesterday, so today we decided to torment ya @@ Our last 5man launched a valiant 5 omega assault before we logged. I think we might have had your garri, but we got scouted when inner nw was 15%! Boooooo!

Gracias por la fiesta TC amigos.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Norr.7680


LOL why we go into Tower, was fun camping JQ and profitable!

BeastGate Traveler – New Guy in KnT

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


looks like the harvest rate will be good this year since we have so many farmers

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Waage.2047


My condolences to JQ regulars. It sucks when it swings this heavy to one side.

[RK] – Guild Leader and awesome Warrior – BG

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Stupendous Man.4920

Stupendous Man.4920

TC Garri: your commander fell off the wall trying to get a good look at JQ zerg. RIP

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: package.5147


My condolences to JQ regulars. It sucks when it swings this heavy to one side.

If only BG would try. Sure they wouldnt win but the score would not look like this.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sab.5291


Just be prepared JQand SOR!
Your gonna see a lot of double teams come friday.
Only way to keep the scores close. second or third wont matter as much in PPT if this is a win-lose scenario.

I am the One and Only, Sab!
Find me in the front of the TC zurg