10/11: BG/TC/JQ

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Ouch, JQ. What is that? At least 10 alphas and 5 omegas in our third lol. We’ve been outmanned all day so have fun!

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Waage.2047


I love how Ignorant most people are about how screwed up every thing is in tier 1.

If any of the tier 1 servers fall tier 1 will turn into a massive 2 server fight with only one winner who will run out of targets as tier 1 ones again turn into the same kind of waste zone it was the last time JQ got stacked.

Am i really the only one that remember the how it was some 10 months ago. Only this time there is no tier 2 to take the place.

[RK] – Guild Leader and awesome Warrior – BG

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pinkus.2860


I love how Ignorant most people are about how screwed up every thing is in tier 1.

If any of the tier 1 servers fall tier 1 will turn into a massive 2 server fight with only one winner who will run out of targets as tier 1 ones again turn into the same kind of waste zone it was the last time JQ got stacked.

Am i really the only one that remember the how it was some 10 months ago. Only this time there is no tier 2 to take the place.

Oh we all remember. We’d just rather forget

Pinkus – Webmaster

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


I love how Ignorant most people are about how screwed up every thing is in tier 1.

If any of the tier 1 servers fall tier 1 will turn into a massive 2 server fight with only one winner who will run out of targets as tier 1 ones again turn into the same kind of waste zone it was the last time JQ got stacked.

Am i really the only one that remember the how it was some 10 months ago. Only this time there is no tier 2 to take the place.

You mean like when SoS first rose to Tier 1 and stomped everyone? Or like when BG took first all those times in a row and was able to dominate Late NA/OCX and EU? Every server has had a period of dominance. Win the fights you can as you posted so many times you only play for the fights so quit complaining about the “coverage”.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


I think y’all are forgetting the 3rd monster in this equation. We have yet to see SoR at full-strength, so hold off calling JQ stacked for now, please :P

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I think y’all are forgetting the 3rd monster in this equation. We have yet to see SoR at full-strength, so hold off calling JQ stacked for now, please :P

They were at full strength whilst JQ was taking a week off in a Tier 2 matchup. There is no way they can beat JQ for coverage. The only timezone they might win is EU. They have a stronger NA, but its going to be 4 maps queued anyways.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


The music is still processing. Here’s something fun that happened in nw tower.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Robot Chocken.7012

Robot Chocken.7012

In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Could you lend us a few thousands of gold you are sitting on so we can buy your guilds?

If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.

Yeah it is not like there is a massive dead zone where after we have to fix all the damage done so that JQ can get there kitten kicked during NA.

IF it wasen’t for paper keeps on ourside and tier 3 on yours we could do something, but that is now how it is. If we had any SEA we would tear a hole in you, but right now we have a lot of work to do.

We log in and every thing is broken and we need to rebuild it. We show up, but so those yours and while you only have SG that is of any threat it dose not change the fact that it is hard to take tier 3 keeps full of randoms with 15 RK.

Welcome to the last 5 months of being JQ, SEA and NA. Between 10pm server time and 4am server time we’d lose everything. Between 10 am server time and 2-4 pm server time we’d lose everything. We’re powered through it as best we could. Accepted what we couldn’t control and had fun fighting when we were on.

And you are even bigger then we ever was. We could not even get close to this high a tick and we are going into LOW activity part of BG.

IF you can barley get a fight out of us how do you think the S1 will go when you fight even less then us.

This reminds me of the last time we had open server transfers and JQ took number 1 spot with no fight for months on end. Only you are even bigger then that now.

You will win season 1, but what then?? IF i where you i would worry.

I would look around Wednesday during OCX when BG has 500 ppt. But your are always right you never had dominate timezones like “Stacked Quarry”.
I could keep going during the time period BG was the king of the hill. Every server has a timezone they are strong in. Recruitment is the only way to solve this but we didn’t overstack a timezone.

There is, and always has been, an evolution of strength.

Post the TA-era, however, JQ remains both the gold medal leader and overall leader.
Some JQ posters have a short, and selective, memory.

Additionally, when other servers were winning, JQ actively sought to recruit from those servers. The BG guild leadership – particularly MERC – that was reportedly paid tens and tens of thousand of gold to move – has publicly said they did so to improve competition and balance.

This sort of recruitment had the double effect of improving JQ’s coverage markedly, while reducing BG’s in the same tz. It did more than that, in that it’s tarnished the reputation of what been a respected guild and its leadership.

Improved competition and balance between servers hasn’t happened.

It hasn’t happened to the extent that JQ’s own players are complaining that the Burj Khalifa-esque stack they’ve achieved is producing “boring” WvW while simultaneously closing their eyes and chanting to themselves that “we didn’t overstack a timezone”.

Was it not a close match last week? Don’t blame JQ for BG server not putting in an effort as a whole this week.

Wok, Master Asura of [QT]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


People are going to be taking a break until the league starts. Can you blame them?

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sostronk.8167


In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Ahahaha good lord that gave me a solid laugh. You must be new here.

lololol. Dat awkward moment. I recall us having some oceanic guilds who left for server balance reasons. Can’t remember who they are though :p

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Ahahaha good lord that gave me a solid laugh. You must be new here.

lololol. Dat awkward moment. I recall us having some oceanic guilds who left for server balance reasons. Can’t remember who they are though :p

No fear, we have trained koalas and a couple of croc commanders to pick up the slack. Said guilds who left shall not be missed when these crack troops get on their feet!

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


Look at the ppt spread when against SoR/BG/JQ. There are immense spikes on all sides. But it was overall even look at the final outcome of the last match where it was roughly 10k difference til late thursday night at which point everyone devolved to karma training.

Let’s look at the evidence we have.

For the 5-12 Oct JQ/SoR/BQ match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/111), you’re right in that there are spikes for all three servers. But where your analysis falls short is that the dominant spikes (in terms of relative duration and magnitude, ie. their area) are (with one exception) JQ’s. To call the other server’s spikes “immense” doesn’t reflect the graph. They’re of limited duration, relatively small in magnitude and of varying ownership – reflecting, I’d argue, healthy competition in those tzs.

The pertinent point is that JQ’s spikes are forming an emergent pattern through this week’s match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/), albeit magnified by TC’s lack of coverage in those times.

In terms of the overall result (noting the slope and delta of JQ’s Score Evolution line for the 5-12 Oct match doesn’t change much with its closest competitor):

JQ > SoR by ~14.5K, and JQ > BG by ~ 24.3K

For the sake of argument, if a +200 PPT differential reflects relative dominance then at +800 points per hours that translates to: JQ had 18 hours of dominant play over SoR, and 30 hours of dominant play over BG.

JQ winning isn’t bad, but I’d argue that JQ recruiting off other Tier 1 servers is. I’d also argue that the guild leadership who’ve claimed that they transferred to JQ from BG to “improve competition” have materially contributed to what their own members have called “boring” WvW. I’d respect them some if they just came out and said: Yeah, <insert guild name’s leadership > did it for a) the gold, b) to be on the winning side, c) because I have a fascination with Waha, or d) all of the above.

Join us today for some amazing fun and crazy moments!

You’re active in both world and guild recruitment for JQ, so I understand you don’t want to think that JQ is stacked or that you may be contributing to an imbalance. and, of course, SoR and/or BG may have recruited very well and are keeping their new recruits off until Leagues. But the evidence available suggests that JQ is stacked in SEA/OCX in a way that distorts balance and competition.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Look at the ppt spread when against SoR/BG/JQ. There are immense spikes on all sides. But it was overall even look at the final outcome of the last match where it was roughly 10k difference til late thursday night at which point everyone devolved to karma training.

Let’s look at the evidence we have.

For the 5-12 Oct JQ/SoR/BQ match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/111), you’re right in that there are spikes for all three servers. But where your analysis falls short is that the dominant spikes (in terms of relative duration and magnitude, ie. their area) are (with one exception) JQ’s. To call the other server’s spikes “immense” doesn’t reflect the graph. They’re of limited duration, relatively small in magnitude and of varying ownership – reflecting, I’d argue, healthy competition in those tzs.

The pertinent point is that JQ’s spikes are forming an emergent pattern through this week’s match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/), albeit magnified by TC’s lack of coverage in those times.

In terms of the overall result (noting the slope and delta of JQ’s Score Evolution line for the 5-12 Oct match doesn’t change much with its closest competitor):

JQ > SoR by ~14.5K, and JQ > BG by ~ 24.3K

For the sake of argument, if a +200 PPT differential reflects relative dominance then at +800 points per hours that translates to: JQ had 18 hours of dominant play over SoR, and 30 hours of dominant play over BG.

JQ winning isn’t bad, but I’d argue that JQ recruiting off other Tier 1 servers is. I’d also argue that the guild leadership who’ve claimed that they transferred to JQ from BG to “improve competition” have materially contributed to what their own members have called “boring” WvW. I’d respect them some if they just came out and said: Yeah, <insert guild name’s leadership > did it for a) the gold, b) to be on the winning side, c) because I have a fascination with Waha, or d) all of the above.

Join us today for some amazing fun and crazy moments!

You’re active in both world and guild recruitment for JQ, so I understand you don’t want to think that JQ is stacked or that you may be contributing to an imbalance. and, of course, SoR and/or BG may have recruited very well and are keeping their new recruits off until Leagues. But the evidence available suggests that JQ is stacked in SEA/OCX in a way that distorts balance and competition.

OCX was even ppt last night. We were outnumbered in almost every team fight.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


Look at the ppt spread when against SoR/BG/JQ. There are immense spikes on all sides. But it was overall even look at the final outcome of the last match where it was roughly 10k difference til late thursday night at which point everyone devolved to karma training.

Let’s look at the evidence we have.

For the 5-12 Oct JQ/SoR/BQ match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/111), you’re right in that there are spikes for all three servers. But where your analysis falls short is that the dominant spikes (in terms of relative duration and magnitude, ie. their area) are (with one exception) JQ’s. To call the other server’s spikes “immense” doesn’t reflect the graph. They’re of limited duration, relatively small in magnitude and of varying ownership – reflecting, I’d argue, healthy competition in those tzs.

The pertinent point is that JQ’s spikes are forming an emergent pattern through this week’s match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/), albeit magnified by TC’s lack of coverage in those times.

In terms of the overall result (noting the slope and delta of JQ’s Score Evolution line for the 5-12 Oct match doesn’t change much with its closest competitor):

JQ > SoR by ~14.5K, and JQ > BG by ~ 24.3K

For the sake of argument, if a +200 PPT differential reflects relative dominance then at +800 points per hours that translates to: JQ had 18 hours of dominant play over SoR, and 30 hours of dominant play over BG.

JQ winning isn’t bad, but I’d argue that JQ recruiting off other Tier 1 servers is. I’d also argue that the guild leadership who’ve claimed that they transferred to JQ from BG to “improve competition” have materially contributed to what their own members have called “boring” WvW. I’d respect them some if they just came out and said: Yeah, <insert guild name’s leadership > did it for a) the gold, b) to be on the winning side, c) because I have a fascination with Waha, or d) all of the above.

Join us today for some amazing fun and crazy moments!

You’re active in both world and guild recruitment for JQ, so I understand you don’t want to think that JQ is stacked or that you may be contributing to an imbalance. and, of course, SoR and/or BG may have recruited very well and are keeping their new recruits off until Leagues. But the evidence available suggests that JQ is stacked in SEA/OCX in a way that distorts balance and competition.

OCX was even ppt last night. We were outnumbered in almost every team fight.

One night, up to a week, does not speak for a servers TZ population. That is not the usual case by any means, and it shows.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Look at the ppt spread when against SoR/BG/JQ. There are immense spikes on all sides. But it was overall even look at the final outcome of the last match where it was roughly 10k difference til late thursday night at which point everyone devolved to karma training.

Let’s look at the evidence we have.

For the 5-12 Oct JQ/SoR/BQ match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/111), you’re right in that there are spikes for all three servers. But where your analysis falls short is that the dominant spikes (in terms of relative duration and magnitude, ie. their area) are (with one exception) JQ’s. To call the other server’s spikes “immense” doesn’t reflect the graph. They’re of limited duration, relatively small in magnitude and of varying ownership – reflecting, I’d argue, healthy competition in those tzs.

The pertinent point is that JQ’s spikes are forming an emergent pattern through this week’s match (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/29/), albeit magnified by TC’s lack of coverage in those times.

In terms of the overall result (noting the slope and delta of JQ’s Score Evolution line for the 5-12 Oct match doesn’t change much with its closest competitor):

JQ > SoR by ~14.5K, and JQ > BG by ~ 24.3K

For the sake of argument, if a +200 PPT differential reflects relative dominance then at +800 points per hours that translates to: JQ had 18 hours of dominant play over SoR, and 30 hours of dominant play over BG.

JQ winning isn’t bad, but I’d argue that JQ recruiting off other Tier 1 servers is. I’d also argue that the guild leadership who’ve claimed that they transferred to JQ from BG to “improve competition” have materially contributed to what their own members have called “boring” WvW. I’d respect them some if they just came out and said: Yeah, <insert guild name’s leadership > did it for a) the gold, b) to be on the winning side, c) because I have a fascination with Waha, or d) all of the above.

Join us today for some amazing fun and crazy moments!

You’re active in both world and guild recruitment for JQ, so I understand you don’t want to think that JQ is stacked or that you may be contributing to an imbalance. and, of course, SoR and/or BG may have recruited very well and are keeping their new recruits off until Leagues. But the evidence available suggests that JQ is stacked in SEA/OCX in a way that distorts balance and competition.

OCX was even ppt last night. We were outnumbered in almost every team fight.

One night, up to a week, does not speak for a servers TZ population. That is not the usual case by any means, and it shows.

OCX JQ/BG are almost identical numbers. Difference being JQ has the follow up on SEA. Without SoR this week is disproportional because all our servers are built for the 3 servers to compete. JQ deadzones align with SoR strong periods and BG strong zones align with the deadzones of JQ/SoR. It’s what makes it so competitive.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


“SoR and/or BG may have recruited very well and are keeping their new recruits off until Leagues.”

Can almost guarantee you that this is the case. It works directly to the advantage of SoR and BG to cry a constant “JQ stacked/queues all day!” when we’re in the last stages of guild movement. It’s fine, and part of the game we’re all in. I could be completely wrong, but I have 20 galleons going on SoR coming out as a giant ‘underdog’ beast once leagues start.

Besides, couldn’t you also say that BG had recruited from T1 by getting TKG (before they moved back) and SoR recruited WARD? It’s not true, either case, but in terms of ‘one t1 recruiting from another’ this is hardly some new thing happening with MERC. Hell, look in the past and you’ll see constant movement within T1 from one to the other.

One factor you’re missing in why guilds move is overall guild happiness and health. This is one of the more important factors, and has to be taken into consideration. Money? Worthless. Waha fascination… awkward. To be on the winning side? Sure. But, don’t overlook a team wanting something different/better for their guild. We’re all here to have fun, and you need to look after your guild to make sure this is the case.

Overall, I wish every week was a match decided on Friday like last week. Where it could have easily gone either way with a lucky patch of bloodlust. We’re …. actually close to being there, if not there. Trust me when I say that nobody wants to have a constant 3 month winning period. I’ve been there; it’s boring and makes your players rusty. You want competition, and to log in every day and have to beat the ever living crap out of people. Not wake up Saturday morning and be ahead by 30k in T1. That is not what a server should be aiming for, and definitely not what JQ is aiming for. And let’s not take this week as an example, as I think BG is taking a much-needed break before leagues.

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I don’t understand you guys, there’s no stacked server in this matchup. All the servers still have some keeps and stuff they’re holding.

On an unrelated note, I think there should be one designated server that only plays WvW against itself where all the maps only have NPCs as enemies. Periodically the objectives will randomly flip so they can be recapped. This server will win every week and be awarded THREE bonus chests, as well as a customized finisher to showcase their status of consistency and prowess. It should also be free to transfer to this server.

Best idea or best idea?

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032



It’s interesting seeing the income evolution. It looks like TC basically constantly maintains it’s ppt 24/7 with BG and JQ constantly fluctuating based on the time of day. You can definitely see where JQ’s SEA comes in (and it even seems from the income report that, on average, JQ’s SEA mostly targets BG).

All in all, I’ve had fun this match! I just get sad when people zerg the ruins Even though the match is fairly unbalanced, it’s still competitive with some really good fights!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Ahahaha good lord that gave me a solid laugh. You must be new here.

lololol. Dat awkward moment. I recall us having some oceanic guilds who left for server balance reasons. Can’t remember who they are though :p

No fear, we have trained koalas and a couple of croc commanders to pick up the slack. Said guilds who left shall not be missed when these crack troops get on their feet!

What about platypuses (or platypi? English is hard)?

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Firefly.4165


OCX JQ/BG are almost identical numbers. Difference being JQ has the follow up on SEA. Without SoR this week is disproportional because all our servers are built for the 3 servers to compete. JQ deadzones align with SoR strong periods and BG strong zones align with the deadzones of JQ/SoR. It’s what makes it so competitive.

I’ve never understood how Strongzone vs deadzone makes it competitive, alternating or not. Perhaps it’s personal taste. Not knowing the outcome, makes it competitive. As is, it’s a no brainer.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


OCX JQ/BG are almost identical numbers. Difference being JQ has the follow up on SEA. Without SoR this week is disproportional because all our servers are built for the 3 servers to compete. JQ deadzones align with SoR strong periods and BG strong zones align with the deadzones of JQ/SoR. It’s what makes it so competitive.

I’ve never understood how Strongzone vs deadzone makes it competitive, alternating or not. Perhaps it’s personal taste. Not knowing the outcome, makes it competitive. As is, it’s a no brainer.

Competitive in the sense that the scores will be similar. Every server has timezone fluctuations. Example SoS was an unofficial aussie server thus they have a higher base aussie population than say JQ. Each server has a time period they are strong in.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tarkus.4109


OCX JQ/BG are almost identical numbers. Difference being JQ has the follow up on SEA. Without SoR this week is disproportional because all our servers are built for the 3 servers to compete. JQ deadzones align with SoR strong periods and BG strong zones align with the deadzones of JQ/SoR. It’s what makes it so competitive.

I’ve never understood how Strongzone vs deadzone makes it competitive, alternating or not. Perhaps it’s personal taste. Not knowing the outcome, makes it competitive. As is, it’s a no brainer.

Its competitive in regards to score, if anything.

Retired OCX Pugmander and Guild driver [Tarkus, Vaelle]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sostronk.8167


In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Ahahaha good lord that gave me a solid laugh. You must be new here.

lololol. Dat awkward moment. I recall us having some oceanic guilds who left for server balance reasons. Can’t remember who they are though :p

No fear, we have trained koalas and a couple of croc commanders to pick up the slack. Said guilds who left shall not be missed when these crack troops get on their feet!

What about platypuses (or platypi? English is hard)?

We will be utilizing the Platypus as our small scale fighters targeting orb nodes and giving us the buffs. We are also looking into getting kangaroos to escort yaks. With this I really feel that we can compete with JQ. But first we must train said animals to log into a PC, which we will get to work on right after we throw another prawn on the barbie!

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


OCX JQ/BG are almost identical numbers. Difference being JQ has the follow up on SEA. Without SoR this week is disproportional because all our servers are built for the 3 servers to compete. JQ deadzones align with SoR strong periods and BG strong zones align with the deadzones of JQ/SoR. It’s what makes it so competitive.

I’ve never understood how Strongzone vs deadzone makes it competitive, alternating or not. Perhaps it’s personal taste. Not knowing the outcome, makes it competitive. As is, it’s a no brainer.

Competitive in the sense that the scores will be similar. Every server has timezone fluctuations. Example SoS was an unofficial aussie server thus they have a higher base aussie population than say JQ. Each server has a time period they are strong in.

No, competitive is FA vs TC vs KN months ago when FA and TC had evenly matched NA coverage, and the win came down to better play and strategy. FA was easily capable of pulling off more wins than it had in T2, it was just a matter of fair weather and PPT play.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I thought the tagline in every T1 “talent-acquirement” drive was “24-7 fights ALL the time”. Now it’s “competitive” because different servers get to overwhelm the opposition at different times of the day?

This reminds me of the TC vs SoS matchup way back in like October last year where the 2 servers literally went like +670 depending on time zone and just traded the entire map back and forth against no opposition for a week, with TC taking it because we ticked at +670 for longer than SoS (the third server was generally a no-show, GoM or something). The final score didn’t look too bad, but it was probably the least balanced or interesting matchup of all time.

You know competition in gold league WvW is dead when “the scores end up looking close” is an excuse for competitiveness.

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rawnoodles.1398


Good fights tonight

  • On JQ BL and EBG
  • shout out to [RoT,CERN,EP, EXS, STUN, AARM and RQ , EMP, MERC] !


Rawnoodles | Mini Noodles
[ESOL] -Elite Solidarity| Driver|
" Latest Video "

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: SFShinigami.2015


Mini Noodles seems like an apt name.

Jigglenaut/Numa Rar/Jakuho Raikoben/Tenel Ka Djo/Kurotsuchi Taichou [SF]/[LOVE]
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Ahahaha good lord that gave me a solid laugh. You must be new here.

lololol. Dat awkward moment. I recall us having some oceanic guilds who left for server balance reasons. Can’t remember who they are though :p

No fear, we have trained koalas and a couple of croc commanders to pick up the slack. Said guilds who left shall not be missed when these crack troops get on their feet!

What about platypuses (or platypi? English is hard)?

We will be utilizing the Platypus as our small scale fighters targeting orb nodes and giving us the buffs. We are also looking into getting kangaroos to escort yaks. With this I really feel that we can compete with JQ. But first we must train said animals to log into a PC, which we will get to work on right after we throw another prawn on the barbie!

We tried rounding up a bunch of stray kittens too, but it was pretty much like herding cats.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sil.4160


matches where its was JQ vs BG vs lower tier server
week23, BG win by 111k
week36, BG win by 66k
week38, BG win by 33k (this was 4 weeks ago)

matches where its was SOR vs BG vs lower tier server
week29, BG win by 88k
week30, , BG win by 46k
week31, BG win by 22k
week39, SOR win by 65k (this was 3 weeks ago)

(edited by sil.4160)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: slausty.1238


Thanks for the duel in the TCbl ruins to the Opp Warrior. Good to have a fight where others don’t spoil a 1v1!

~ SF Sylvari Necro

[SF] [zH] Ubnext

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: akamon.2769


Hi, TC, BG and JQ! hope you guys are having fun.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


Hi, TC, BG and JQ! hope you guys are having fun.

ugggghhh a sor.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Ouch, JQ. What is that? At least 10 alphas and 5 omegas in our third lol. We’ve been outmanned all day so have fun!

Its a public holiday for much of asia today. So thats why

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: akamon.2769


Hi, TC, BG and JQ! hope you guys are having fun.

ugggghhh a sor.

: ((

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


Sorry Fuzzionx monitors my posts and makes sure I’m hostile to SoR, or he comes over to my house and kicks my dog =(

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Sorry Fuzzionx monitors my posts and makes sure I’m hostile to SoR, or he comes over to my house and kicks my dog =(

Yes im a dog beater. :P

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: akamon.2769


Fuzzion, i thought we’ve been through this before… what did i tell you about beating dogs!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Ahahaha good lord that gave me a solid laugh. You must be new here.

lololol. Dat awkward moment. I recall us having some oceanic guilds who left for server balance reasons. Can’t remember who they are though :p

No fear, we have trained koalas and a couple of croc commanders to pick up the slack. Said guilds who left shall not be missed when these crack troops get on their feet!

What about platypuses (or platypi? English is hard)?

We will be utilizing the Platypus as our small scale fighters targeting orb nodes and giving us the buffs. We are also looking into getting kangaroos to escort yaks. With this I really feel that we can compete with JQ. But first we must train said animals to log into a PC, which we will get to work on right after we throw another prawn on the barbie!

Prawns make pretty good rallybots tho, grill sausages instead

Sorry Fuzzionx monitors my posts and makes sure I’m hostile to SoR, or he comes over to my house and kicks my dog =(

Yes im a dog beater. :P


no yak parade for youuuuu

or dog parades, for that matter

(edited by electriette.8952)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504




Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ahka.6705


Good fights tonight

  • On JQ BL and EBG
  • shout out to [RoT,CERN,EP, EXS, STUN, AARM and RQ , EMP, MERC] !


Had much fun on JQBL last night as well. Gave me hope for the rest of the week. Many good open field fights as well as banging our heads in Hills. I was running with the STUN team for a while, lots of fun with you guys.

Ahka – Elementalist
[ZzZz]Zombie Coast, [CERN]When Zergs Collide
Tarnished Coast

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: dabomb.4056


You guys are seriously skilled. Just can’t keep track of which server you are on.

Very tight knit, good coordination, very disciplined following the leader. It’s also very easily countered.

Of course its easy. All you need is to field 75+. That number works against NS too btw.
If NS+Agg blob together, things can get tricky

This week is however fun in the NA prime time, more guilds are out having open field fights.

Rekz – #Getgud, Champion illusionist

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


Ouch, JQ. What is that? At least 10 alphas and 5 omegas in our third lol. We’ve been outmanned all day so have fun!

Its a public holiday for much of asia today. So thats why

They had SO. MUCH. FUN. to share with us they needed the golems to help them carry ALL of it to us!

Thanks for the happy times JQ

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.

Could you lend us a few thousands of gold you are sitting on so we can buy your guilds?

If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.

You just proven what I have been saying all along. Your pugs alone can que up multiple maps. Also, at the end of oce/sea, you have multiple Wp’d keeps. Continue crying about jq needing more coverage, it’s just laughable.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

(edited by Seigfried.5938)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Ajax.4967

The Ajax.4967

Mini Noodles seems like an apt name.


Evin Arris

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: uneditedbrute.8136


here is ZN’s Video for this match up. enjoy and thanks for watching

-=Charr Jesus=-
[ZN] Zero Negative of Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


here is ZN’s Video for this match up. enjoy and thanks for watching

So you guys took bay and then proceeded to focus the kitten out of us on reset night. Yeah we didnt have the orginization with our groups to beat that omniblob you guys had on our side of the map all night long. Why have hard fights when you can have guaranteed wins right?
Most of the video is reset night footage, and most of it is against outnumbered enemies.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

(edited by Nickthemoonwolf.1485)

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


I am excited to test the new patch mechanic.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: uneditedbrute.8136


here is ZN’s Video for this match up. enjoy and thanks for watching

So you guys took bay and then proceeded to focus the kitten out of us on reset night. Yeah we didnt have the orginization with our groups to beat that omniblob you guys had on our side of the map all night long. Why have hard fights when you can have guaranteed wins right?
Most of the video is reset night footage, and most of it is against outnumbered enemies.

oh you…. so based on your comment i am assuming you only watched the first chunk of the video? since that was the only part that was reset footage (reset = reping AOI and following the onion fella), rest was sat, sun, and mon footage.

that being said i am proud of the fights i got out of TC, having just recently transferred from TC to BG (to join the rest of our alliance we joined during our SOS days) I know how hard it is to muster up a force amongst the fair-weather wvwers. so please for the sake of the toast stand proud, stop crying, and act like the TC we all know and love!
u guys rly did do a good job against overwhelming coverage.

as far as us beating up on TC all night, ZN does not play for PPT we play for fights, we spend our nights hunting for fights and going where we think we will find a good fight. so if your in a larger group and your taking objectives and were seeing in map chat “20+ TC at X” guess what your going to get targeted, sorry but that is just a fact of wvw life.

but i do thank you for watching and hope you enjoyed it, i know i enjoyed filming and editing it

have a good day,

-=Charr Jesus=-
[ZN] Zero Negative of Blackgate

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


here is ZN’s Video for this match up. enjoy and thanks for watching

So you guys took bay and then proceeded to focus the kitten out of us on reset night. Yeah we didnt have the orginization with our groups to beat that omniblob you guys had on our side of the map all night long. Why have hard fights when you can have guaranteed wins right?
Most of the video is reset night footage, and most of it is against outnumbered enemies.

oh you…. so based on your comment i am assuming you only watched the first chunk of the video? since that was the only part that was reset footage (reset = reping AOI and following the onion fella), rest was sat, sun, and mon footage.

that being said i am proud of the fights i got out of TC, having just recently transferred from TC to BG (to join the rest of our alliance we joined during our SOS days) I know how hard it is to muster up a force amongst the fair-weather wvwers. so please for the sake of the toast stand proud, stop crying, and act like the TC we all know and love!
u guys rly did do a good job against overwhelming coverage.

as far as us beating up on TC all night, ZN does not play for PPT we play for fights, we spend our nights hunting for fights and going where we think we will find a good fight. so if your in a larger group and your taking objectives and were seeing in map chat “20+ TC at X” guess what your going to get targeted, sorry but that is just a fact of wvw life.

but i do thank you for watching and hope you enjoyed it, i know i enjoyed filming and editing it

have a good day,

I’m just saying regarding group sizes, you would have gotten better fights out of JQ than us. AKA not 60 v 30-40. I dont consider ROFLstomping smaller groups to be “good fights”.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


This server will win every week and be awarded THREE bonus chests, as well as a customized finisher to showcase their status of consistency and prowess.

I skim-read your post and thought to myself “Ohohohohhoo, a customised finisher?! I have to transfer to T1 asap!”

Ouch, JQ. What is that? At least 10 alphas and 5 omegas in our third lol. We’ve been outmanned all day so have fun!

Its a public holiday for much of asia today. So thats why

They had SO. MUCH. FUN. to share with us they needed the golems to help them carry ALL of it to us!

Thanks for the happy times JQ

Lol I don’t think JQ is that generous. Also, did anyone else see Red Essence’s website a few months back when it was still alive? It was the NICEST guild website I’d ever seen… what a shame. Also, Daggazz~ I mean, [ZN] ahem, I miss you!

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)