11/10 Ruins of Surmia/Vabbi/Whiteside Ridge
So sorry Vabbi and WSR. If we didnt get taht many bandwagoners in last few days it would be a nice match. But now with those unwanted “reinforcements” this will be most boring week you can imagine.
GJ Anet with those transfers ruining game again …
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
(edited by Pechic.8406)
It’s been nice having extra numbers on ROS over the last three days as we have struggled the last couple of months.
One again though this match up is looking one sided again; hopefully Vabbi have inherited more players because I know you guys could not compete last time we clashed (we know how it feels at times). Always thought WSR were a strong side if my memory serves me right. Look forward to good battles!
There are more people in WvW from ROS than WSR have on their server.
Oh, I didn’t know RoS got many transfers. I saw DEX had moved back. I was on FoW when we clashed recently and seemed RoS and FoW were fairly close with RoS ahead, imo.
Without extras WSR could have put up a good fight for sure, and Vabbi is bigger now I would say.
I’ve seen Dzag/Drakkar/RoF’s (top of bronze league I think?) numbers and this is just a taster of what leagues will bring us. xD
wasn’t WAR a BT guild?
looks like this isn’t going to be a fun matchup at all. i was looking forward to fight ros too.
I’m not sure DEX have moved back as I saw some of their guild posting in another match up – maybe like other guilds they are split between servers….
Can’t keep up with which players/guilds left ROS let alone which ones may have returned. One player I have not seen in a while is Stikko – assuming Stikko moved to another server?
I’m not sure DEX have moved back as I saw some of their guild posting in another match up – maybe like other guilds they are split between servers….
Can’t keep up with which players/guilds left ROS let alone which ones may have returned. One player I have not seen in a while is Stikko – assuming Stikko moved to another server?
Yes Dex moved back and FRS and stikko left when dex did about 2 -3 months ago
Somewhat of a predictable reset but I had fun none the less, hopefully we wont get zerged too much but I know its hard for it not to happen when there is such a difference in wvw coverage.
Nice to see my old guild WAR running guild groups and doing well in wvw, I look forward to fighting you guys ^^
GJ vabbi taking almost full upgraded SM, last upgrade waypoint was in making.
You guys just showed that, those new guild on our server are just useless and cant defend. We just turned in to blobfest which know only how to take wooden keeps …
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
GJ vabbi taking almost full upgraded SM, last upgrade waypoint was in making.
You guys just showed that, those new guild on our server are just useless and cant defend. We just turned in to blobfest which know only how to take wooden keeps …
i was surprised to see a omega last night when i was alone defending a wooden keep i was like.. why the hell do you need a kitten golem when you outnumber me 20 to 1
Keep it up, Vabbi! I’m glad to see Vabbi rising, you sure deserve it
Jam Death [Jd]
Hello everyone can I ask something? Would you recommend any of your three servers for people who like to roam in a small group? I don’t like blobs and zergs, so are there a lot of your servers?
Thanks in advance
Hello everyone can I ask something? Would you recommend any of your three servers for people who like to roam in a small group? I don’t like blobs and zergs, so are there a lot of your servers?
Thanks in advance
I wouldn’t recommend ROS cuz they keep zerging us down, but us in WSR and vabbi works perfect for that.
Don’t judge RoS too harshly. When there’s not much to cap/action people go to any place there is some.
The zergs down here have gotten much bigger than they used too. I’d say 30~35 people in one zerg is peak for Vabbi and WSR (maybe? I don’t pay attention all the time.) However, we can only do that in one place in one map. So easy to avoid generally, especially if you watch the map a bit. I have found though there are small groups working around the zerg/in other maps capping stuff. Not always dedicated small groups of course. I’m sure other’s will voice their more experienced opinion on this.
I know there’s small roaming groups on RoS too, this week maybe isn’t the best for them though.
Who says that vabbi doesn’t blob?!
But those names clearly say Ruins of Surmia!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
I’m prolly gonna transfer back to RoS, and I though this would be good time to do that since GH’s current matchup is just terrible. But looks like this isn’t any better.
How’s the matchup roaming-wise?
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
we get zerged at even our home bl north camp.. if ros keeps this up wsr might just give up for the rest of the week and you’ll have a even more dead matchup.
Where is all the WSR numbers gone? I swear you guys got demoralized by this match up.
I guess being the Red borderland, and being focused by RoS and Vabbi sucks.
Don’t get me wrong, we’re being focused as well but you guys got the short end of the stick this week.
Hope it improves when the guilds get bored as the week goes on, look forward to fighting [TasH] again.
Have fun all, as for RoS you know… Vabbi is only a transfer away if you wana actually have some nice fights, and we’re free to transfer too >:D
How do you combat ros zergs though? tell everyone on our server to stop playing? People want to play which leaves little choice when the opposition do not have the numbers to be competitive. It’s not our fault and certainly not the fault of vabbi & wrs.
Also take into account ros are matched up against much higher populated servers too; so we know how it feels to be overwhelmed.
with those new people coming to RoS a Matchup with Blacktide and RoF would have been so much more interesting.
Vabbi, RoS, Arborstone and Fort Ranik are currently Medium servers.
Transferring there is free atm. But WSR is High pop so that would cost 800 gems.
The fight at Cragtop with Vabbi at resetnight was interesting. I guess because the RoS zerg was at another map.
Where is all the WSR numbers gone? I swear you guys got demoralized by this match up.
I guess being the Red borderland, and being focused by RoS and Vabbi sucks.Don’t get me wrong, we’re being focused as well but you guys got the short end of the stick this week.
Hope it improves when the guilds get bored as the week goes on, look forward to fighting [TasH] again.
Have fun all, as for RoS you know… Vabbi is only a transfer away if you wana actually have some nice fights, and we’re free to transfer too >:D
well we constantly get zerged at our own camps by a 30-40 man zerg people got tired of this, it’s a total waste of our time/resources to bother even. anyway love how ros decided to pull out omegas again at vabbi bay. it’s tier 1 and you have us heavily outnumbered.
Kind of funny as ros had been matched up against blacktide more often than not over the last month, we were playing blacktide until the latest match reset. Blacktide owned us until the last 2-3 days when a whole lot of players appeared on ros. At some stages blacktide were 70000 points (or more) ahead of us. Most of time was spent trying to capture our home map then running around EB trying to recapture stuff there too including the keep and it was not uncommon for us to lose the keep three time in an hour. Rof & fsp also had it over us. Now people have moved back to ros or decided to join with the free transfers, our server might become competitive against some of the servers we struggled against in the past.
Where is all the WSR numbers gone? I swear you guys got demoralized by this match up.
I guess being the Red borderland, and being focused by RoS and Vabbi sucks.Don’t get me wrong, we’re being focused as well but you guys got the short end of the stick this week.
Hope it improves when the guilds get bored as the week goes on, look forward to fighting [TasH] again.
Have fun all, as for RoS you know… Vabbi is only a transfer away if you wana actually have some nice fights, and we’re free to transfer too >:D
well we constantly get zerged at our own camps by a 30-40 man zerg people got tired of this, it’s a total waste of our time/resources to bother even. anyway love how ros decided to pull out omegas again at vabbi bay. it’s tier 1 and you have us heavily outnumbered.
we’ve had similar experiences, but for us it was a single guild who was doing it. when we took ros bay on reset night we had 2 [or more] omega golems take it back. similarly today we had 2 [or 3] trebs built to take our t1 cliffside [or whatever it’s called on the red map]. while it might seem a bit excessive, especially since our guild runs <10 people: legit tactic is effective.
Whiteside Ridge is suffering from a lack of dedicated wvw players, we may be high population but of that very few people spend a majority of their time in wvw. Even when they do come to wvw they join the pug karma train so as soon as a hard fight comes along like this match up, they are nowhere to be seen.
Hopefully those of us who are dedicated can still give you some nice fights ^^ I know we had fun roaming around ros boarder flipping camps and fighting your homeborder team. But even then it was only 4 of us fighting your ~15. We ran into some incredible necro builds, they were hitting for 3k on an auto attack xD
If you are looking for some nice fights/sieges maybe try something more interesting than golems/trebbing t1 towers and keeps when you all ready heavily outnumber us. Because thats no fun for either side.
I understand where you guys are coming from, its the same on Vabbi, only worse. There is ALOT of large PvE guilds that only come on WvW to leech off the other WvW players hard work.
It’s the same on every server really, the one I’ve seen that is a perfect example of PvE scrubs coming to play is on Fissure of Woe, the downfall of WSR unleashed a new breed of bad player on there, I feel sorry for them this week, they’re matchup is just as bad.
Countless times on Vabbi have we got PvE commanders come into WvW and loose a t2/3 keep, just to take a tower! -Serious… people wonder why we never upgrade, thats it right there!
Ofcourse, I never follow a commander on Vabbi for that very reason, and if I do want to follow I tend to stick to the commanders that I know that are WvW based. Guildies, friends etc..
In my honest opinion, I wish there was two forms of commander, a PvE one (Green tag maybe?) and the blue one for WvW. Or improved commander abilities, maybe WvW abilities?
Seeing a few tags from FoW on RoS this week, people like to hop about heh!
Also I see Princess Jenny has hopped back, seems to move every single week between Vabbi/RoS. One week it was “I’m from RoS, you guys suck” next it’s “I’m really from Vabbi, just visiting Surmia” and things like “I’ll lead our guys to a tower so you can take this keep from us”. Despicable, Vabbi/WSR ganging up against Surmia would make sense for a more balanced matchup, but trying to have people within RoS deliberately lose stuff is stupid regardless of whos side she’s ‘really’ on – we’re here to fight not be handed things on a platter!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
(edited by Neandramathal.9536)
In my honest opinion, I wish there was two forms of commander, a PvE one (Green tag maybe?) and the blue one for WvW. Or improved commander abilities, maybe WvW abilities?
What?! An idea that would improve the wvw experience? Anet will never allow that
and how is it our fault that anet put us against you? this is what leagues will be like and laxus if you dont want us to use omegas you should stop using them to :P. Oh and yugi with ascended mats pve commanders will mostly let you lose stuff so they can get ascended mats surnia had the same problem a couple of weeks ago it sucks but what can you do :/
(edited by Madthunder.6581)
Hey Guys and Hello Ruins of Surmia.
We are new to RoS and transfered from Fissure of Woe. Maybe you noticed us already [RoT] Reavers of Time. We are very happy and looking forward to work with you Guys together.
As a quick Intro, here is our first WvW Movie, I hope you Guys enjoy it:
Best regards, Jack
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Seeing a few tags from FoW on RoS this week, people like to hop about heh!
Also I see Princess Jenny has hopped back, seems to move every single week between Vabbi/RoS. One week it was “I’m from RoS, you guys suck” next it’s “I’m really from Vabbi, just visiting Surmia” and things like “I’ll lead our guys to a tower so you can take this keep from us”. Despicable, Vabbi/WSR ganging up against Surmia would make sense for a more balanced matchup, but trying to have people within RoS deliberately lose stuff is stupid regardless of whos side she’s ‘really’ on – we’re here to fight not be handed things on a platter!
This person has been jumping around Vabbi, RoS, GH alot! I feel sorry for my friend that paid for him to transfer to Vabbi from GH after they got kicked out of FRS/DEX?.
I’ve been on Vabbi since release, only jumping in and out of other servers for WvW experience, and knowledge, I’ve a fair idea who the person is, and they joined the band-wagon to Vabbi with FRS, and left with them.
I say we could always use every player we could get, thats one player RoS can keep ^^.
In my honest opinion, I wish there was two forms of commander, a PvE one (Green tag maybe?) and the blue one for WvW. Or improved commander abilities, maybe WvW abilities?
What?! An idea that would improve the wvw experience? Anet will never allow that
Ahh, I really should explain myself better, rather than let others fill in the gaps.
Err.. the intention was that, PvE commanders wouldn’t be able to show their tags in WvW, and make it an ability that you have to be say? Rank 50 for it to turn blue and use it in WvW? Or something to prevent the stupidity that destroys our servers.
Yes PvE commanders are vital for commanding when no-one else wants to, or a guild is running a raid, but they should have to work for the right imo, like the rest of us do just to level up, to get better abilities to help our teammates.
and how is it our fault that anet put us against you? this is what leagues will be like and laxus if you dont want us to use omegas you should stop using them to :P. Oh and yugi with ascended mats pve commanders will mostly let you lose stuff so they can get ascended mats surnia had the same problem a couple of weeks ago it sucks but what can you do :/
:P it’s that we’re so outnumbered we have to rely on speed, i haven’t used omegas yet i like super rams more. but i know of commanders that did. i just think the matchups would be more fun for both sides if ros used less golems:P here i try to give you guys a challenge and at the second attempt i see 2 omegas running in when we’re outnumbered 4>1.
but yeh it’s still a legit tactic but just a opinion of mine.
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
whahaha that’s a funny yet a really pathethic screen x"D
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
Please just head round the back when people do this to you guys (as you just did to take Mendon’s). People are bored and venting a bit from being the stompers for a change I guess, but there are many of us who wouldn’t take part in this.
Piken Square
Good to see some of the new transfers being well mannered. Btw, there’s like 15~ green dots on your map vs 4 people? I assume there was more at the keep? There’s other ways out of spawn too.
I see more than 4, only counted the names.
(edited by Hamham.7504)
Hey Guys and Hello Ruins of Surmia.
We are new to RoS and transfered from Fissure of Woe. Maybe you noticed us already [RoT] Reavers of Time. We are very happy and looking forward to work with you Guys together.
As a quick Intro, here is our first WvW Movie, I hope you Guys enjoy it:
Best regards, Jack
Welcome to RoS. Seen you guys quite a bit in WvW, you seem pretty organised
I transferred here from SFR several months ago and found a home. Hope you guys do too.
Piken Square
In my honest opinion, I wish there was two forms of commander, a PvE one (Green tag maybe?) and the blue one for WvW. Or improved commander abilities, maybe WvW abilities?
What?! An idea that would improve the wvw experience? Anet will never allow that
Ahh, I really should explain myself better, rather than let others fill in the gaps.
Err.. the intention was that, PvE commanders wouldn’t be able to show their tags in WvW, and make it an ability that you have to be say? Rank 50 for it to turn blue and use it in WvW? Or something to prevent the stupidity that destroys our servers.
Yes PvE commanders are vital for commanding when no-one else wants to, or a guild is running a raid, but they should have to work for the right imo, like the rest of us do just to level up, to get better abilities to help our teammates.
sorry my sarcasm didnt come across so well there, I agree with your idea 100% although I think it should be more like 2k badges of honor for a wvw comander, rather than something people can get by karma training around. But yeah, on our server pve comander are sometimes more of a hindrance than a help xD We have been in some situations where we have more comanders than people.
And while I am posting on here anyway, RoS…. is camping spawn/supply camps with ballistas really that fun? I tried roaming our home border and at the 3 camps I ran to there were ballistas up and people manning them ready to kill any would be roamer. I know you guys must be bored with such a difference in wvw population but, at least give us a chance to have some fun
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
this screenshot highlights more about wsr then ros. a single ballista would kill 4 of those arrow carts, with mastery that same ballista would kill their ballistas. rinse repeat, and all seige is gone.
no supply? use another door to get a camp. camp defended? there are more then enough guys to trigger seigerazer.
that said, it’s clear in that screenshot the active commander used another exit. it is my opinion that people need to use some initiative before complaining about spawn camping.
Good to see some of the new transfers being well mannered. Btw, there’s like 15~ green dots on your map vs 4 people? I assume there was more at the keep? There’s other ways out of spawn too.
I see more than 4, only counted the names.
TBH The most interesting thing in that screenshot was that other than the [AT] tag, all those players were on other servers a week ago :P
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
(edited by Neandramathal.9536)
TBH The most interesting thing in that screenshot was that other than the [AT] tag, all those players were on FoW a week ago :P
I imagine since I left FoW is a much darker place. I was the sunshine.
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
Thats Hilarious. Good old WSR. They had a “good” week last week and still lost by more then 80,000points hahaha
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
Thats Hilarious. Good old WSR. They had a “good” week last week and still lost by more then 80,000points hahaha
:P i think we both agree fow won because of their nightcapping. we mostly had the upperhand during the normal times.
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
Thats Hilarious. Good old WSR. They had a “good” week last week and still lost by more then 80,000points hahaha
:P i think we both agree fow won because of their nightcapping. we mostly had the upperhand during the normal times.
Always a first for everything. Yet even having your “Best” week and you still lost by more than 80,000points. Already 115,000 down this week though
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
Thats Hilarious. Good old WSR. They had a “good” week last week and still lost by more then 80,000points hahaha
:P i think we both agree fow won because of their nightcapping. we mostly had the upperhand during the normal times.
Always a first for everything. Yet even having your “Best” week and you still lost by more than 80,000points. Already 115,000 down this week though
But this is one of the worst possible matchup we’ve ever had, I don’t remember the last time we came across RoS they had this many.
Lets look forward to being pubstomped for 7 more weeks! >:D
Is this RoS his idea of fun?
Thats Hilarious. Good old WSR. They had a “good” week last week and still lost by more then 80,000points hahaha
:P i think we both agree fow won because of their nightcapping. we mostly had the upperhand during the normal times.
Always a first for everything. Yet even having your “Best” week and you still lost by more than 80,000points. Already 115,000 down this week though
But this is one of the worst possible matchup we’ve ever had, I don’t remember the last time we came across RoS they had this many.
Lets look forward to being pubstomped for 7 more weeks! >:D
well look on the plus side, WSR going down hill, Vabbi on the rise. You have been closing the gap on 26th spot for a while now.
Just wait a few weeks/months, RoS will be joining WSR and Vabbi down there and we’ll be the ones getting stomped by you guys.
If only there was a way to stop people from transferring to a server, or at least not without asking. 4th time this has happened, it will have the same outcome as always.
(edited by Ray.2640)
Wsr attack surmia’s hills already ! so i can sneak in and take the vista
Had some fun tough fights today with the female norn thief from Inner Monkey guild, don’t know what your name is but good play, your confusion/bleed burst is insane(ly annoying).
Also had some good fights with a couple of Impact guys who were on RoS, again didn’t get your names. Both of you were running mesmers, one of you was a champ illusionist and the other a champ paragon I think. Thanks for the fights.
[TI] Team Ignition (Gandara)