11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joey.2769


You guys are a joke using golems to take a keep and towers with no one but a few of us laughing at you. We can’t siege, you have the same few taking the camps all night and when we take back anything you wait until you see red and send golems. It’s a joke, I am leveling a guardian on recaps only and I’m level 25. So thank you.

Are you having fun. Are you improving your skills. Are you finding out what tactics work best. NO. You are a product of a tilted playing field and it’s a waste of your time. So congratulations on another empty cap.

PS Many of us now are running lower level toons to level so you are not only fighting less of us you are fighting our baby toons. Congrats on the big wins.

u mad bro?

Not mad. At this point, it’s funny. The smugness of FA who was the beneficiary of eleventh hour transfers. Guilds that fought to get IOJ into the silver league then pull out and transfer. Anet should never have let that happen. But hey, happy times for the bullies. Keep dancing and waving and laughing. All class.

Translation- yeah I’m mad

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: linfurong.9032


You FA are a dingo. And Veloka was my baby. Had 15 limbs, 10 of which were superior arrowcarts that didn’t even hurt you.

You mean that the golem parade and 50 pugs watching from FA taking no damage under superior arrow carts wasn’t normal? Usually I get a ton of loot bags when I use my ac mastery above a blob but for some reason with FA no matter how long I’m on the ac above them I don’t get any.

Bring on Ebay because in 20 secs of hitting them I get a handful of loot bags. And how unusual, spiked and killed by 5 warriors and guardians. FA there are other classes lol

We hack. Every single one of us.

Stealthiest britches on FA

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atreidies.6257



We were doing some open field training with DIE then a huge ioj blob came from behind us. We both followed and decided to use you as test subjects as. No harm done was a fun fight we had no intention of killing DIE for that.

[NV] Night Vision
Trick Trick Trick
Guild Leader

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ruru.1302


You guys are a joke using golems to take a keep and towers with no one but a few of us laughing at you. We can’t siege, you have the same few taking the camps all night and when we take back anything you wait until you see red and send golems. It’s a joke, I am leveling a guardian on recaps only and I’m level 25. So thank you.

Are you having fun. Are you improving your skills. Are you finding out what tactics work best. NO. You are a product of a tilted playing field and it’s a waste of your time. So congratulations on another empty cap.

PS Many of us now are running lower level toons to level so you are not only fighting less of us you are fighting our baby toons. Congrats on the big wins.

u mad bro?

Not mad. At this point, it’s funny. The smugness of FA who was the beneficiary of eleventh hour transfers. Guilds that fought to get IOJ into the silver league then pull out and transfer. Anet should never have let that happen. But hey, happy times for the bullies. Keep dancing and waving and laughing. All class.

Do you even know why those guilds left? It’s not because they wanted to see IOJ crumble and fall. (Well maybe I did)

[Mada] Apocryfia

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: esme.6391


With the week rolling down i’d like to give props to all of IoJ for being such great sports. I don’t think i’ve seen this little QQ since … ever.

and last nights keep flipping in FA BL was fun. Of course it was deliberate. Not like you didn’t come snatch away our fun with your zombie hoardes after awhile. Daisy be Trollin. Don’t worry, I doubt it affected the overall score any. Let us tiny servers have some fun and bond, and drop aoe’s while saying “Sorry bro, friendly fire death” lawl

Actually had some fun this week, didn’t think i would. Thanks gents (on both sides)

Ehmry Bay’s adoranecro ~ [GH] ~ Winning over Tyria one inappropriate remark at a time.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


You guys are a joke using golems to take a keep and towers with no one but a few of us laughing at you. We can’t siege, you have the same few taking the camps all night and when we take back anything you wait until you see red and send golems. It’s a joke, I am leveling a guardian on recaps only and I’m level 25. So thank you.

Are you having fun. Are you improving your skills. Are you finding out what tactics work best. NO. You are a product of a tilted playing field and it’s a waste of your time. So congratulations on another empty cap.

PS Many of us now are running lower level toons to level so you are not only fighting less of us you are fighting our baby toons. Congrats on the big wins.

Sounds like you’ve been outplayed.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joycey.7205


Thanks for the fun fights in IOJ BL last night, was a blast FA & EB.

Co-Lead of [HARD]

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Congratulations FA. Sheer numbers needing golems to take IOJ keep and towers with 1/4 your numbers lol Needing golems, no skill, no fighting, just stand back and let your numbers watch a ton of golems take a force of about 20 to 30 people.

A tremendous victory, very skilled, very tactical. Taking out an ant hill with an atom bomb. Dance and laugh on the corpses. All class too.

This is how FA operates mostly. It’s how we lost Garrison on Ehmry Bay Borderlands a few days ago. Well, that was after 3 hours of fighting, meaning we must have made them go through most of their supplies ironically, considering we had 0 in Garrison that entire 3 hours, and had 3-5 people running around taking our camps back just to get the supply needed to close the doors temporarily and lock out the people we killed.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bucket Lips.5017

Bucket Lips.5017

Congratulations FA. Sheer numbers needing golems to take IOJ keep and towers with 1/4 your numbers lol Needing golems, no skill, no fighting, just stand back and let your numbers watch a ton of golems take a force of about 20 to 30 people.

A tremendous victory, very skilled, very tactical. Taking out an ant hill with an atom bomb. Dance and laugh on the corpses. All class too.

Think about this for a moment……………..When the next leagues start and you guys are stomping AR or ET in the exact same fashion, what will you be saying then??? I bet you’ll say , “IoJ is all class and skill”

Bucket Lips

Fort Aspenwood

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Perkysaurus.2630


Hardly anything new here, when they are losing it is cause it is all numbers no skill. When they are winning it is ‘Look at our leet skillz.’ They can not even troll properly so not exactly surprising they are getting steamrolled.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


The reason you see so massive blobs at one keep usually as there is nothing left to take. Last night nv ignored a couple call outs to save other stuff while fighting hard/military just because good fights are few and far between for us. Yes we were using massive amounts of seige later to cap things but it was a joke we just all goofing around in ts…. just trying to make the best of a boring matchup

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Having fun in EB BL again in a small 5 man team, some awsome fights again with wipes both sides, we noticed though both wipes on our side was cause of [GH] I think the tag was, real solid group you guys got going.

Taking bay was fun aswell, lords room fight you guys never stopped coming and then right as we were about to cap, group of FA tried to steal it, by that time another wave of EB

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Redivivus.9253


Say what, a totally red map with an upgraded garri and waypoint in IoJ today? And on a pve living story update day??? Not sure I know how to use a garri waypoint, is there some trick to it or do you just click on it?

Hopefully we will have some epic garri defense fights rather than just a red blob rolling over us. FA camp flipping groups sure know how to run away well during NA dayshift. Us slow folks in our crappy pve gear just can’t keep up with FA’s superior speed decked out wvw super tough gear. And the one time you killed my little party, got a nice laugh and face sitting emote. Truly amazing stuff. Does FA pve just as awesome as they wvw? Might come and guest over there to see it first hand.

These forums are pretty entertaining as well, best read this whole season. Sorta like a bad teenage romance novel, with all the ex-girlfriend/boyfriend break up drama you could ever want. CORE broke up with IoJ, IoJ is resentful, jealous new girlfriend FA resents that CORE still is in love with ex-IoJ.

All shenanigans aside, been a super fun week. Great to see old friends on the battlefield, do miss some of you CORE folk, but IoJ is getting some valuable experience, will be no time at all before we build up our wvw base again. Already seeing great things from our wvw community.

See you all on the battlefield and good hunting! Long live IoJ!

Hey man! I know you! You where the guy who got sat on right? If you don’t remember me a warrior with corrupted avenger wearing gem store armor skin and arah leggings? I’m sorry I ran because you out numbered the 3 of us by a lot. 2 of us took 4 or so of you, Mr. guard leech full sigil stacked bad guard. You got outplayed hard. Did I mention like 12+ of his group tried to take a camp we had arrow carts in? Yeah 4 1 PuG wiped his organzied group because siege is OP. Maybe if you where better I wouldn’t be able to sit on you but this is not the case. Lastly, It’s sad that a group of 12 can’t catch 1 warrior, re think your builds please and next time maybe I will be the one in the dirt.

NA Fort Aspenwood
Héllkaizer UM’s #1 officer in the whole world

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


And now do we speak of the coming of Rhando, saviour of IoJ. For lo did he lie down in fields of battle repeatedly for his brethren. And lo did he arise repeatedly to smite the FA invaders.


I was in Vent with Rhando (sorry for not joining the Teamspeak but we originally logged in to flip camps and were very surprised and happy to see the number of players so late on a Tuesday night). I mentioned I was going to complete my daily rezzing off of him alone, and then EVERYONE in map chat kind of mentioned the same. Good times. I sent him the forum link, but in case he doesn’t reply, thanks for the fun last night. EPA (just a five man guild) hasn’t been playing in a a couple months but I’m trying to bring them all back – had a lot of fun last night.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Argh curse you FA, so many small group fights happening for hours on EB BL and then you wreck the fun with a karma train

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Hopefully not a ranger. Any ranger that is running something like that in WvW should have the dignity to call themselves a loot bag.

I think you are one of the rangers I had good duels against earlier in the week

Good fights. Always fun to play against other rangers

Having fun in EB BL again in a small 5 man team, some awsome fights again with wipes both sides, we noticed though both wipes on our side was cause of [GH] I think the tag was, real solid group you guys got going.


Argh curse you FA, so many small group fights happening for hours on EB BL and then you wreck the fun with a karma train


Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: msbehnke.3960


Say what, a totally red map with an upgraded garri and waypoint in IoJ today? And on a pve living story update day??? Not sure I know how to use a garri waypoint, is there some trick to it or do you just click on it?

Hopefully we will have some epic garri defense fights rather than just a red blob rolling over us. FA camp flipping groups sure know how to run away well during NA dayshift. Us slow folks in our crappy pve gear just can’t keep up with FA’s superior speed decked out wvw super tough gear. And the one time you killed my little party, got a nice laugh and face sitting emote. Truly amazing stuff. Does FA pve just as awesome as they wvw? Might come and guest over there to see it first hand.

These forums are pretty entertaining as well, best read this whole season. Sorta like a bad teenage romance novel, with all the ex-girlfriend/boyfriend break up drama you could ever want. CORE broke up with IoJ, IoJ is resentful, jealous new girlfriend FA resents that CORE still is in love with ex-IoJ.

All shenanigans aside, been a super fun week. Great to see old friends on the battlefield, do miss some of you CORE folk, but IoJ is getting some valuable experience, will be no time at all before we build up our wvw base again. Already seeing great things from our wvw community.

See you all on the battlefield and good hunting! Long live IoJ!

Hey man! I know you! You where the guy who got sat on right? If you don’t remember me a warrior with corrupted avenger wearing gem store armor skin and arah leggings? I’m sorry I ran because you out numbered the 3 of us by a lot. 2 of us took 4 or so of you, Mr. guard leech full sigil stacked bad guard. You got outplayed hard. Did I mention like 12+ of his group tried to take a camp we had arrow carts in? Yeah 4 1 PuG wiped his organzied group because siege is OP. Maybe if you where better I wouldn’t be able to sit on you but this is not the case. Lastly, It’s sad that a group of 12 can’t catch 1 warrior, re think your builds please and next time maybe I will be the one in the dirt.

/bow for your sportsmanship

Mathaais, Guardian [WolF] IoJ Commander

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansilon.6230


Say what, a totally red map with an upgraded garri and waypoint in IoJ today? And on a pve living story update day??? Not sure I know how to use a garri waypoint, is there some trick to it or do you just click on it?

Hopefully we will have some epic garri defense fights rather than just a red blob rolling over us. FA camp flipping groups sure know how to run away well during NA dayshift. Us slow folks in our crappy pve gear just can’t keep up with FA’s superior speed decked out wvw super tough gear. And the one time you killed my little party, got a nice laugh and face sitting emote. Truly amazing stuff. Does FA pve just as awesome as they wvw? Might come and guest over there to see it first hand.

These forums are pretty entertaining as well, best read this whole season. Sorta like a bad teenage romance novel, with all the ex-girlfriend/boyfriend break up drama you could ever want. CORE broke up with IoJ, IoJ is resentful, jealous new girlfriend FA resents that CORE still is in love with ex-IoJ.

All shenanigans aside, been a super fun week. Great to see old friends on the battlefield, do miss some of you CORE folk, but IoJ is getting some valuable experience, will be no time at all before we build up our wvw base again. Already seeing great things from our wvw community.

See you all on the battlefield and good hunting! Long live IoJ!

Hey man! I know you! You where the guy who got sat on right? If you don’t remember me a warrior with corrupted avenger wearing gem store armor skin and arah leggings? I’m sorry I ran because you out numbered the 3 of us by a lot. 2 of us took 4 or so of you, Mr. guard leech full sigil stacked bad guard. You got outplayed hard. Did I mention like 12+ of his group tried to take a camp we had arrow carts in? Yeah 4 1 PuG wiped his organzied group because siege is OP. Maybe if you where better I wouldn’t be able to sit on you but this is not the case. Lastly, It’s sad that a group of 12 can’t catch 1 warrior, re think your builds please and next time maybe I will be the one in the dirt.

Says he was outnumbered on FA by IoJ.

Has enough guilds to upvote the post with a +1.


Imperial Outlaws [IO] ; Salad
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Say what, a totally red map with an upgraded garri and waypoint in IoJ today? And on a pve living story update day??? Not sure I know how to use a garri waypoint, is there some trick to it or do you just click on it?

Hopefully we will have some epic garri defense fights rather than just a red blob rolling over us. FA camp flipping groups sure know how to run away well during NA dayshift. Us slow folks in our crappy pve gear just can’t keep up with FA’s superior speed decked out wvw super tough gear. And the one time you killed my little party, got a nice laugh and face sitting emote. Truly amazing stuff. Does FA pve just as awesome as they wvw? Might come and guest over there to see it first hand.

These forums are pretty entertaining as well, best read this whole season. Sorta like a bad teenage romance novel, with all the ex-girlfriend/boyfriend break up drama you could ever want. CORE broke up with IoJ, IoJ is resentful, jealous new girlfriend FA resents that CORE still is in love with ex-IoJ.

All shenanigans aside, been a super fun week. Great to see old friends on the battlefield, do miss some of you CORE folk, but IoJ is getting some valuable experience, will be no time at all before we build up our wvw base again. Already seeing great things from our wvw community.

See you all on the battlefield and good hunting! Long live IoJ!

Hey man! I know you! You where the guy who got sat on right? If you don’t remember me a warrior with corrupted avenger wearing gem store armor skin and arah leggings? I’m sorry I ran because you out numbered the 3 of us by a lot. 2 of us took 4 or so of you, Mr. guard leech full sigil stacked bad guard. You got outplayed hard. Did I mention like 12+ of his group tried to take a camp we had arrow carts in? Yeah 4 1 PuG wiped his organzied group because siege is OP. Maybe if you where better I wouldn’t be able to sit on you but this is not the case. Lastly, It’s sad that a group of 12 can’t catch 1 warrior, re think your builds please and next time maybe I will be the one in the dirt.

Says he was outnumbered on FA by IoJ.

Has enough guilds to upvote the post with a +1.


haven’t ya heard?


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Say what, a totally red map with an upgraded garri and waypoint in IoJ today? And on a pve living story update day??? Not sure I know how to use a garri waypoint, is there some trick to it or do you just click on it?

Hopefully we will have some epic garri defense fights rather than just a red blob rolling over us. FA camp flipping groups sure know how to run away well during NA dayshift. Us slow folks in our crappy pve gear just can’t keep up with FA’s superior speed decked out wvw super tough gear. And the one time you killed my little party, got a nice laugh and face sitting emote. Truly amazing stuff. Does FA pve just as awesome as they wvw? Might come and guest over there to see it first hand.

These forums are pretty entertaining as well, best read this whole season. Sorta like a bad teenage romance novel, with all the ex-girlfriend/boyfriend break up drama you could ever want. CORE broke up with IoJ, IoJ is resentful, jealous new girlfriend FA resents that CORE still is in love with ex-IoJ.

All shenanigans aside, been a super fun week. Great to see old friends on the battlefield, do miss some of you CORE folk, but IoJ is getting some valuable experience, will be no time at all before we build up our wvw base again. Already seeing great things from our wvw community.

See you all on the battlefield and good hunting! Long live IoJ!

Hey man! I know you! You where the guy who got sat on right? If you don’t remember me a warrior with corrupted avenger wearing gem store armor skin and arah leggings? I’m sorry I ran because you out numbered the 3 of us by a lot. 2 of us took 4 or so of you, Mr. guard leech full sigil stacked bad guard. You got outplayed hard. Did I mention like 12+ of his group tried to take a camp we had arrow carts in? Yeah 4 1 PuG wiped his organzied group because siege is OP. Maybe if you where better I wouldn’t be able to sit on you but this is not the case. Lastly, It’s sad that a group of 12 can’t catch 1 warrior, re think your builds please and next time maybe I will be the one in the dirt.

Says he was outnumbered on FA by IoJ.

Has enough guilds to upvote the post with a +1.


I upvoted him and I’m on Ebay.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansilon.6230


I upvoted him and I’m on Ebay.

Of corse you would. Bad behavior and actions reinforce other bad behavior and actions.

Imperial Outlaws [IO] ; Salad
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Congratulations FA. Sheer numbers needing golems to take IOJ keep and towers with 1/4 your numbers lol Needing golems, no skill, no fighting, just stand back and let your numbers watch a ton of golems take a force of about 20 to 30 people.

A tremendous victory, very skilled, very tactical. Taking out an ant hill with an atom bomb. Dance and laugh on the corpses. All class too.

Think about this for a moment……………..When the next leagues start and you guys are stomping AR or ET in the exact same fashion, what will you be saying then??? I bet you’ll say , “IoJ is all class and skill”

Nah, they thanked us last time we fought for not taking out their catas and waving at mesmers trying to hide in towers and keeps before moving on to flip something else, Some of us would even party the mesmrs and let them know when the RI was gone, karma train is bad mentality but it gives all 3 sides something to do in WvW.

We had nothing but pure numbers over them so “skill” ….. not so much. Class on the other hand, maybe a little.



I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I upvoted him and I’m on Ebay.

Of corse you would. Bad behavior and actions reinforce other bad behavior and actions.

I upvoted him for a single comment…if a group of 12 can’t catch a single warrior, they really ARE that bad. It’s a shame you can’t pick and choose which parts of a post you can upvote. The rest of the post was pretty bad though, I admit.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sororita.3465


I upvoted him for a single comment…if a group of 12 can’t catch a single warrior, they really ARE that bad. It’s a shame you can’t pick and choose which parts of a post you can upvote. The rest of the post was pretty bad though, I admit.

Maybe they were all necros, id know that feel if they were =/

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

Great fights in EBG last night [DIE]! That was really fun
Sorry I had to pull off…I felt to much like we were spawn camping you guys, which I don’t approve of. I was happy when you guys came all the way up to red keep to fight us again
I was really proud of my militia. They stood strong and stayed on tag (though we did outnumber you).
Hope to see you again tonight!
P.S. You guys are really hard to kill Like, really hard :O
P.P.S. Let me know if you guys are okay fighting outside your spawn like that. I would have stayed longer.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

(edited by Quick Mouse.7635)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

Argh curse you FA, so many small group fights happening for hours on EB BL and then you wreck the fun with a karma train


Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sororita.3465


Argh curse you FA, so many small group fights happening for hours on EB BL and then you wreck the fun with a karma train


wouldnt mind a karma train at this point, though you guys on FA want to hold onto everything >.>

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Visirale.6097


Argh curse you FA, so many small group fights happening for hours on EB BL and then you wreck the fun with a karma train


I hear the train a comin’
It’s rolling round the bend
And I ain’t seen the good fights since I don’t know when,
I’m stuck in silver league, and time keeps draggin’ on
But that karma train keeps a rollin’ on down to SBI..
When I was just a noob, my mama told me, Son,
Always be a good boy, don’t ever play with pugs.
But I shot a man in Briar just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry..

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: msbehnke.3960


Fun fights in IoJ bl today. Mostly with FA, occasional smaller Ebay groups. Had a well organized hunting party going there for a bit. Seeing some great things out of my IoJ comrades. Keep it up IoJ!

Mathaais, Guardian [WolF] IoJ Commander

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archilese.3218


Remember that one time MEND got out of the tower to fight FA even when they have more numbers?

I sure don’t

Professional Rallybot

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


Remember that one time MEND got out of the tower to fight FA even when they have more numbers?

I sure don’t


Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Yo MEND. Your guild leader has told me you want to fight us! Tell him anywhere any time. He blocked me cuz his fedora was getting a little too tight during our conversation.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sororita.3465


So much chest thumping, FA is just mad they dont have our style


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Visirale.6097


Remember that one time MEND got out of the tower to fight FA even when they have more numbers?

I sure don’t

I think it’s safe to say… SHOTS FIRED. My travels are preventing me from getting on tonight, I want some flappy bags.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Yo MEND. Your guild leader has told me you want to fight us! Tell him anywhere any time. He blocked me cuz his fedora was getting a little too tight during our conversation.

That was a very funny le meh-meh you just posted there.

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Remember that one time MEND got out of the tower to fight FA even when they have more numbers?

I sure don’t

I think it’s safe to say… SHOTS FIRED. My travels are preventing me from getting on tonight, I want some flappy bags.

I do too! Though anytime we try to point out he has around 40 people on him he’s always like “lol your so full of kitten”. Mend only ever has 20 people online. They are obviously super OP.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


Great fights in EBG last night [DIE]! That was really fun
Sorry I had to pull off…I felt to much like we were spawn camping you guys, which I don’t approve of. I was happy when you guys came all the way up to red keep to fight us again
I was really proud of my militia. They stood strong and stayed on tag (though we did outnumber you).
Hope to see you again tonight!
P.S. You guys are really hard to kill Like, really hard :O
P.P.S. Let me know if you guys are okay fighting outside your spawn like that. I would have stayed longer.

Thanks for having a good time. We don’t mind fighting outside of Spawn at all. But we don’t want to have that on Eb or a server with people, we only stayed cuz the BL was outmanned, we don’t want the innocent players to be caught up by it. Also there was only 9 DIE and the rest were Ebay players who were in TS with us, there getting kitten good! Ebay is on the rise.

If you would like pm me in game my brother ill bring the full guild we have like 20 online right now . 20DIE-30DIE vs FA EBG. Its great fun for us to have such a large enemy to fight and its cool to know you guys have fun as we do as well.

Cheers my brother, also I have commanded militia a ton across servers , if you ever want to ask me anything feel free. Not saying im the best or good or stroking my ego. Just saying if you like what you see I can give you what we do and then you can make it your own.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


And that goes for all FA and IoJ guilds pm us , well let you guys come to our spawn and fight us outside. We prefer it then running around looking for fights. #luxuryservice

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


So much chest thumping, FA is just mad they dont have our style


Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Mend had 25 on tonight, we fought you without siege several times tonight and wiped , core, ram, cL. Yes we have pugs on us, 90% of them drop on first bomb though so we can say we had 30 with us.

Oh wait they got us twice tonight that’s all that matters, once with at least 60 in hills, and once near bay with a ram flank on us.

Think core is just angry they’re getting farmed instead of doing the farming. Maybe you shouldnt have left

Isle Of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Mend had 25 on tonight, we fought you without siege several times tonight and wiped , core, ram, cL. Yes we have pugs on us, 90% of them drop on first bomb though so we can say we had 30 with us.

Oh wait they got us twice tonight that’s all that matters, once with at least 60 in hills, and once near bay with a ram flank on us.

Think core is just angry they’re getting farmed instead of doing the farming. Maybe you shouldnt have left

I will give you that you wiped us a few times tonight. We must have been really scary with our 15 people tops. Glad you felt you needed to bring out the big guns.

And yeah, no.

And btw Karn. I never remembered you being so trolly before. Flappy must have rubbed off on you since you joined MEND.

(edited by Tibstrike.2974)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Visirale.6097


Mend had 25 on tonight, we fought you without siege several times tonight and wiped , core, ram, cL. Yes we have pugs on us, 90% of them drop on first bomb though so we can say we had 30 with us.

Oh wait they got us twice tonight that’s all that matters, once with at least 60 in hills, and once near bay with a ram flank on us.

Think core is just angry they’re getting farmed instead of doing the farming. Maybe you shouldnt have left

Someone needs to teach MEND how to /supplyinfo and teach Flappy some manners while you’re at it. I hear he’s collecting Princess Maya wigs, the more you send him the better his mood becomes!


11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Bwa-ha-ha-ha. /sniff Oh lord…that’s rich. I mean, you FA guys are producing pure comedy gold. Hilarious…I mean your delivery is just spot on. And your comedic styling? Fantastic!!

I…/blink wait…all of this chest thumping about beating another server with only a fraction of your WvWvW population and coverage is not a joke? Wait, wait…you mean you all are honestly getting all worked up in the jiggly-bits over your “abilities” to steam roll a foe that can’t possibly match your numbers? And…wait for it…you’re calling this “skill”? Am I right?

/snicker I’m sorry…I couldn’t keep a straight face trying to pull that off.

Nah. I refuse to believe that any of you from FA – including the coat-tail riding, server jumping, blob humping, karma-train luving no talent former IoJ transfers that have polluted your WvWvW population base – could possibly take that seriously.

I mean…really? Guys? Hello?



(edited by Darkothe.1253)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansilon.6230


Remember that one time MEND got out of the tower to fight FA even when they have more numbers?

I sure don’t

I think it’s safe to say… SHOTS FIRED. My travels are preventing me from getting on tonight, I want some flappy bags.

I do too! Though anytime we try to point out he has around 40 people on him he’s always like “lol your so full of kitten”. Mend only ever has 20 people online. They are obviously super OP.

Welcome to IoJ map chat!

Imperial Outlaws [IO] ; Salad
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Visirale.6097


Pic attached is the pop culture version of MEND.

So bros, let’s do this. Open field structured 15 v 15 at the windmill. Otherwise known as a gvg. No excuses, no BS afterwards. Let’s even out the playing field and see what happens.

Or we could do it your style, you take Hills and siege it up, we’ll take bay and siege it up. We’ll send each other taunting whispers and see who gets bored of sitting on an AC first.

Choice is yours. One option is fun and gives something fun for our servers to watch. The other is pretty lame and adds to your stoop kid reputation. So what do you say?


11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Bwa-ha-ha-ha. /sniff Oh lord…that’s rich. I mean, you FA guys are producing pure comedy gold. Hilarious…I mean your delivery is just spot on. And your comedic styling? Fantastic!!

I…/blink wait…all of this chest thumping about beating another server with only a fraction of your WvWvW population and coverage is not a joke? Wait, wait…you mean you all are honestly getting all worked up in the jiggly-bits over your “abilities” to steam roll a foe that can’t possibly match your numbers? And…wait for it…you’re calling this “skill”? Am I right?

/snicker I’m sorry…I couldn’t keep a straight face trying to pull that off.

Nah. I refuse to believe that any of you from FA – including the coat-tail riding, server jumping, blob humping, karma-train luving no talent former IoJ transfers that have polluted your WvWvW population base – could possibly take that seriously.

I mean…really? Guys? Hello?



slow clap That right there was fantastic. I felt like Ralphy listening to his dad fix the furnace in A Christmas Story. Truly a masterpiece!

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Bwa-ha-ha-ha. /sniff Oh lord…that’s rich. I mean, you FA guys are producing pure comedy gold. Hilarious…I mean your delivery is just spot on. And your comedic styling? Fantastic!!

I…/blink wait…all of this chest thumping about beating another server with only a fraction of your WvWvW population and coverage is not a joke? Wait, wait…you mean you all are honestly getting all worked up in the jiggly-bits over your “abilities” to steam roll a foe that can’t possibly match your numbers? And…wait for it…you’re calling this “skill”? Am I right?

/snicker I’m sorry…I couldn’t keep a straight face trying to pull that off.

Nah. I refuse to believe that any of you from FA – including the coat-tail riding, server jumping, blob humping, karma-train luving no talent former IoJ transfers that have polluted your WvWvW population base – could possibly take that seriously.

I mean…really? Guys? Hello?



slow clap That right there was fantastic. I felt like Ralphy listening to his dad fix the furnace in A Christmas Story. Truly a masterpiece!

Thank you! /bows

I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to try the salmon and to tip your waitress!

So…when FA loses its luster and isn’t “living up to your expectations”…are the glory hounds all going to jump to Gold League? Seems the natural progression for “those who love the easy win.” Inquiring minds want to know…

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Bwa-ha-ha-ha. /sniff Oh lord…that’s rich. I mean, you FA guys are producing pure comedy gold. Hilarious…I mean your delivery is just spot on. And your comedic styling? Fantastic!!

I…/blink wait…all of this chest thumping about beating another server with only a fraction of your WvWvW population and coverage is not a joke? Wait, wait…you mean you all are honestly getting all worked up in the jiggly-bits over your “abilities” to steam roll a foe that can’t possibly match your numbers? And…wait for it…you’re calling this “skill”? Am I right?

/snicker I’m sorry…I couldn’t keep a straight face trying to pull that off.

Nah. I refuse to believe that any of you from FA – including the coat-tail riding, server jumping, blob humping, karma-train luving no talent former IoJ transfers that have polluted your WvWvW population base – could possibly take that seriously.

I mean…really? Guys? Hello?



slow clap That right there was fantastic. I felt like Ralphy listening to his dad fix the furnace in A Christmas Story. Truly a masterpiece!

Thank you! /bows

I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to try the salmon and to tip your waitress!

So…when FA loses its luster and isn’t “living up to your expectations”…are the glory hounds all going to jump to Gold League? Seems the natural progression for “those who love the easy win.” Inquiring minds want to know…

Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Visirale.6097


Nope. We are on FA to stay. Can’t wait to farm the noobs in Gold and face guilds that will fight us in the open field more often!

Riiiiiight. So I can quote you on this after FA has been roflstomped by the current crop of Gold and CORE is jumping into the lifeboats…again?

Sure bro, enjoy fighting AR and company.

The longer I’ve been out of IOJ, the more I realize that Alaric wasn’t some deranged crazy person… but shhhh don’t let him know I said that, we have appearances to maintain.