12/7 FSP/Gandara/Kodash
is it really possible? new opponents? wow!
may be an interesting week – we´ll see
Piken Square [EU]
Good Luck and have fun to Gandara and Kodash..
Lets hope it will be a fun and interesting week..
If any of you are looking for GvGs this week, send me a whisper!
— Raid Leader
—— Guilty by default
Doesn’t bod well judging from start, only blobs around.
Might be Friday, new matchup and whatever ….
We engaged everything as usual tho!
Have fun folks
Norn Guardian
If any of you are looking for GvGs this week, send me a whisper!
We most certainly are, will be in touch.
Have fun all. Initial reports; blobby, but, all goood.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
Nice matchup so far!
Really nice fights with [Kale], [TDA], [DW] and [FSV], hope we will get some more of this!
It’s reset + primetime so it is nothing surprising that there are big blobs around.
Well EoW is looking forward to some more open field fights in this matchup :P
Cu soon^^
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
GBL crashed after a laggy blobby reset. I hope we get better week than friday.
Good luck all, and have fun.
aaaannd WubWub is down.
[lion] would you be interested in some 10v10 GvG this week?
Love from JDGE.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
Patch notes
Removed the ability to get loot drops and experience for killing small Thundershrimp in Labyrinthine Cliffs.
Added confirmation message after choosing an achievement point reward skin.
Glad all of this is fixed! GG Anet
Oww, and GL Kodash and Gandalf
Anet, you almost got it perfect with this weeks matchups, just swap AG for Kodash next week, that would benefit everyone. just so you know Gandara and FSP, AG wants to fight you!
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/first
Pretty decent recet. Some nice fights
One of the Leaders
Anet, you almost got it perfect with this weeks matchups, just swap AG for Kodash next week, that would benefit everyone. just so you know Gandara and FSP, AG wants to fight you!
Shall we meet next week !
Good luck guys and have fun this week !
Should be better than last week at least. Let’s hope we can have some fun
Thank you everyone for the awesome reset (at least on FSP border), looking forward for more fights this week!
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
After my lag was gone for some reason my hands got more and more red and i saw dead people laying everywhere around me…Some of them even magically disappeared while running, to be never seen again.I find this very strange…
was a funny night
had realy nice fights with the gruops on fps!
but i go to bed after we got the 9th way point
Nice matchup for change, but Kodash has to fight hard to come out of this matchup with a positive ranking and not loosing points by the end of the week. We really have to tick high most of times to accomplish that.
Who wins a match is of no interest anyway as points are calculated against the ranking of your opponent. FSP is also doing very well so far.
But starting weekend is always different then weekdays. We will see how it develops.
For the guys calling blobs. About 30 people in a group is just your basic prime time zerg. Everyone put up what they can at reset to check out the new opponents. Hardly blobby but laggy of course, even people trying to force it as usual.
Could been different on some maps though at certain times, but I didn’t see any huge blobs and did not run in one. Anyway blobby behaviour is to be expected at prime time on a weekend. I really hope we don’t get a blob fest during the week or I’m leveling another alt.
But good that no one is running a pure karma train putting everyone from their server just in one zerg. I am so sick of seeing 100+ people running autohit at you… It’s boring when playing against it and even more boring when doing it yourself.
Also there were some nice small group fights with some guilds from FSP. Hope to see more of these this week and hopefully some GvG as well.
Also looking forward to a possible comback from Gandara. I doubt you guys give up easily but fight harder when things are looking dark like we Kodashis do.
Also most guilds from Kodash should be open to GvG challenges and most people in late hours for 1v1 as well. Just let us know on the battlefield after a good fight.
(edited by WilliamDaBloody.2591)
may be an interesting week – we´ll see
points this morning say: wrong. My song for this matchup comes from Iron Maiden – Bring your daughter to the slaughter. That’s what’s happening to Gandara in that matchup versus Kodash.
Last week we had queues on every BL as we had weak opponents and the karma train was rolling…this week those opportunists won’t show up for sure, pff.
Fun fights last night. Yak omg u KS ppl!!! Joke aside, ty for fun.
3,5 min of Kodash fighting
hey my friends from YAK! i hope u have as much fun as we have this week, if u know what i mean! <3 AOE loot
[oO]Delfurion Stormrage [Thief]
-= [oO] Deadly Fusion =-
the half of gandara seems to prefer jp-camping instead of fighting
but as u see, we can outman you even in jp :P
Piken Square [EU]
(edited by Fryggenbart.3907)
the half of gandara seems to prefer jp-camping instead of fighting
Of course! We love to be stuck on top of hill near Vale suply camp
may be an interesting week – we´ll see
points this morning say: wrong. My song for this matchup comes from Iron Maiden – Bring your daughter to the slaughter. That’s what’s happening to Gandara in that matchup versus Kodash.
Last week we had queues on every BL as we had weak opponents and the karma train was rolling…this week those opportunists won’t show up for sure, pff.
Good! The pve’ers just get in the way of the real WvW guilds and cause queues and lag for everyone. Couldn’t care less if we don’t have our opportunists online, we spend most of time trying to go where the friendly zerg isn’t so if they aren’t on at all it means we can go where we like!
Piken Square
To the upleveled Far Shiverpeaks thief solo roaming around the southern area of Gandara Borderland about 30 minutes ago:
You didn’t know it, but my companion and I meant you no harm (he was the big, scary norn warrior, I was the engineer with the gas mask.) We were quite impressed with the way you handled yourself in what was probably the most lethal area you could have chosen to walk around.
When we were fighting those 3 Kodash thieves near the south camp, we temporarily lost track of one of them… only to find you swimming over their lifeless corpse. And when we were killing that necromancer, you made sure you had tagged him – getting perilously close to us in the process. You reminded us of an opportunistic predator following other, more dangerous predators, making sure to pick up any scraps they drop. And we thought that was awesome.
So kudos to you, man.
last week saturday: outmanned on every border
this week: queue on every map
it´s an invasion of winning-team-joiners on kodash so far and this makes it extreme boring. everything they want to do is a 70+blob to karmatrain all over the map
not much fun against such outgunned opponents
Piken Square [EU]
We had that going on last week and it’s only good that they are getting farmed now, maybe they learn something out of this! Karma is a beeyotch dot com.
oh well, TDA is looking for gvg if someone is interested poke me
also only 10v10
Epic Dawns defense is over. Thanks for everyone who didn’t lose spirit and was with [lion] to the end!
[lion] – FSP
TDA fight us We got a spvp server now. mabye some 8 vs 8
Lion, we got some rams for you left in our bags.
/Osicat <Judge>
We FSV is up for some GvG too i think..
contact Rox Failhard http://gw2gvg.com/guild.php?id=21
Just one day after the restart, and the loss point is not to catch up.
As of now, I’m a bit dissappointed tbh. I was really looking forward to some nice small scale playing, but the only thing I’ve seen by now is mostly zergplay. :|
OT: Is Kami still commanding and Avlis still playing @ FSP? I remember them from my time there
oh wow another national server who only cares about the points /yawn
Kodash proved to be boring as hell to fight against so far, just running inside towers and standing on a ac/cannon. Tried to solo roam on your border last night only to find groups of 10 defending camps. Lame
Gandara on the other hand is awesome as always <3
3 wvw kills
oh wow another national server who only cares about the points /yawn
Kodash proved to be boring as hell to fight against so far, just running inside towers and standing on a ac/cannon. Tried to solo roam on your border last night only to find groups of 10 defending camps. Lame
Gandara on the other hand is awesome as always <3
In fairness FSP had the same thing against WSR and BT. PvE scrubs come out to farm karma when any server is winning.
But yes, we love Gandara for having a decent number of guilds, fewer pugs.
Another boring German server, goin for the path with the least resistance and only cares about rating /sigh
As of now, I’m a bit dissappointed tbh. I was really looking forward to some nice small scale playing, but the only thing I’ve seen by now is mostly zergplay. :|
OT: Is Kami still commanding and Avlis still playing @ FSP? I remember them from my time there
Im still on FSP but not commanding with commander tag nowadays =) commanding our elitist guild group instead [FSV] Far Shiverpeaks Vanguard
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
As of now, I’m a bit dissappointed tbh. I was really looking forward to some nice small scale playing, but the only thing I’ve seen by now is mostly zergplay. :|
OT: Is Kami still commanding and Avlis still playing @ FSP? I remember them from my time there
Zerg play can actually be good fun, and tactically challenging, so long as the servers are reasonably balanced and both have roughly similar zergs. It’s one of the reasons we need to get rid of this random matchup nonsense. Last week for example was mainly boring (because DL and RoF had much lower WvW populations than us) but on the occasions (mainly overnight) where roughly equal groups of Gandara and DL faced each other it was much better fun, with much more scope for good commanders to tip the balance.
Kodash everywhere.
In before german jokes like Far Shiverkids and Crydara
The presence of Yolo Oh Trollo will be upon you tomorrow!
I’d happily trade Kodash for Miller’s so we were up against opponents with very similar coverage. However, after last weeks empty kitten fest against RoF and Drakkar’s, I’m just glad to have lots of people to fight again. Looking forward to making some pushes into Kodash BL next week. Ima gonna take your Hills and never give it back! ;-)
As of now, I’m a bit dissappointed tbh. I was really looking forward to some nice small scale playing, but the only thing I’ve seen by now is mostly zergplay. :|
OT: Is Kami still commanding and Avlis still playing @ FSP? I remember them from my time there
Yep FSP forever !
What happened to you my sweet sweet FPS Whenever we encountered eachother, you ran away into your T3 Durios to man all the ACs and make it look like you are AM in disguise… Where is the server with roaming groups who cap camps non stop?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Hai QQ ready to Hunt u Down haha kodash are OP much so much respect gonna enjoy trying to stop them from taking points 2k kills so far and they make me work for them …. No joke looking forward I think gonna get much harder this week
Good luck for all happy hunting live yaks
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com
Starting to see why Germans sit in towers/keeps all day, camping cannons and ac’s.
Most of em are crap at pvp, 15v5 and still having problems to win. Atleast they give alot of loot bags.
last week saturday: outmanned on every border
this week: queue on every mapit´s an invasion of winning-team-joiners on kodash so far.
We had the same sitatuation a couple of weeks back against WSR and BT. Our remedy: No commander tags wherefore no karma-trains or taggin up and to go kill the grub and spirit with fireworks and ballis and maybe troll a bit in general.
Of course, it will make you slightly unpopular with the people who are concerned with rating points and such but that’s a small price to pay for making sure that there still is something other than walls and gates to fight by the end of the week.
Now, I would love to make the fair-weather karmatrain-riders, who clogged up the maps when FSP was rofl-stomping WSR and BT, join WvW to get rofl-stomped themselves by fair-weather PUGs.
I personally had a good time so far not caring about rating points or even structures (though the waypoints in our BL are an unpleasant sight as it means quick travel for a potential karma-train). I am looking forward to fighting our beloved Gandarans, meeting new dedicated groups from Kodash (hopefully out in the open field with somewhat equal numbers) and freeing up Kodash queues by bashing some sweet, sweet loot out of their fair-weather players until they go back to CoF p1.
Actually had quite a good time last night on the FSP border. First we tried running around the map and finding some fights. All we found was the occasional straggler or the blob he was running to. Then we had the brilliant idea of taking a tower and have the fights come to us. Oh how this worked. Some truly spectacular fighting inside briar once the walls went down. MmmmmMmm cookies.
Yep FSP forever !
Nice! Really hoping to catch u on the battlefield :P, I’m mostly on Gandara BL tho.
Actually had quite a good time last night on the FSP border. First we tried running around the map and finding some fights. All we found was the occasional straggler or the blob he was running to. Then we had the brilliant idea of taking a tower and have the fights come to us. Oh how this worked. Some truly spectacular fighting inside briar once the walls went down. MmmmmMmm cookies.
A normal man sleeps at night
What happened to you my sweet sweet FPS
Whenever we encountered eachother, you ran away into your T3 Durios to man all the ACs and make it look like you are AM in disguise… Where is the server with roaming groups who cap camps non stop?
All we encountered on EB last night early on was Kodash running away and Gandara running away.Untill you both noticed we suddenly lacked people and you came out in full force and didnt run away anymore….So yeah when were outmanned like that ( we even had the buff) We defend.Kodash golem rushing keep 3x and failing 3x aswell.Tbh Eb last night was boring,we fought Vs towers and arrowcarts mostly.And we met gandara near bravost at a point, big blob when we again had about 15 – 25 ppl left..And the first thing you guys do is build an ac…Now yeah ask me again why we went into durios to defend it ?
(edited by Caedmon.6798)
Video of the reset [YARR] had – noob mesmer POV
on Piken Square and Gandara.