12/7 FSP/Gandara/Kodash
Here’s an outside perspective:
…lots of stuff, some patronising.
Get off your high horse and actually learn to listen instead of telling ppl to shut up.
Now let me put some parameters to my post
*I (personally) don’t do any GvG
*I prefer open fights in WvW as intended
*I respect other peoples enjoyment of the game
*I been an spectator to such fight sometimes and enjoyed partying and chatting with the enemy
*I find disrespectful and particularly dishonourable to jump / laugh / gesture at a enemy who is been roflstomped by greater numbers
*I dislike thieves, custard and marshmallowsThe argument is not about not letting WvW happen and instead GvG, but letting ppl do so if they choose to do it away from where you can have an impact in WvW. [lion] setting a treb with the unique purpose of denying his server guild and an opponent to play in such area (windmill – no WvW objective to treb) is malicious. Actions have consequences, and with all the respect of the world – trolling / hunting / ramming and dancing on their corpses is all well earned
Some say respect is earned – with me, and plenty of people around me – you don’t need to earn it, its granted as we meet and you just need to keep it… and some really work hard to lose it.
Hope you see some good humour from all this, and why trying to spoil someones fun is far away from what a game with a large community is all about.
The problem is that isn’t being addressed: If people are on a PvP map doing PvP expect to get PvP’d regardless of who it is. If people want to do GvG they need to ask Anet for a GvG mode and leave WvW to be played as intended. And in all honesty telling people to shut up is clearly the least offensive stab that’s been taken in this thread. It really doesn’t matter if people are affecting WvW or not, you can’t start making up rules that suite you and expecting to have some kind of authority.
Here’s an outside perspective:
…lots of stuff, some patronising.
Get off your high horse and actually learn to listen instead of telling ppl to shut up.
Now let me put some parameters to my post
*I (personally) don’t do any GvG
*I prefer open fights in WvW as intended
*I respect other peoples enjoyment of the game
*I been an spectator to such fight sometimes and enjoyed partying and chatting with the enemy
*I find disrespectful and particularly dishonourable to jump / laugh / gesture at a enemy who is been roflstomped by greater numbers
*I dislike thieves, custard and marshmallowsThe argument is not about not letting WvW happen and instead GvG, but letting ppl do so if they choose to do it away from where you can have an impact in WvW. [lion] setting a treb with the unique purpose of denying his server guild and an opponent to play in such area (windmill – no WvW objective to treb) is malicious. Actions have consequences, and with all the respect of the world – trolling / hunting / ramming and dancing on their corpses is all well earned
Some say respect is earned – with me, and plenty of people around me – you don’t need to earn it, its granted as we meet and you just need to keep it… and some really work hard to lose it.
Hope you see some good humour from all this, and why trying to spoil someones fun is far away from what a game with a large community is all about.
The problem is that isn’t being addressed: If people are on a PvP map doing PvP expect to get PvP’d regardless of who it is. If people want to do GvG they need to ask Anet for a GvG mode and leave WvW to be played as intended. And in all honesty telling people to shut up is clearly the least offensive stab that’s been taken in this thread. It really doesn’t matter if people are affecting WvW or not, you can’t start making up rules that suite you and expecting to have some kind of authority.
As someone who takes part in gvg’s im not claiming ownership of the windmill area or demanding people to respect my authority.
I do however think that im not hurting anyone by taking part in them. I do think the windmill area is the best place to take part in them.
At the end of the day if you want to go out of your way to ruin my fun, troll me and make my life difficult then you should expect the same in return.
I dont see what the issue is with them anyway. Its in a completely irrelevant area of the map to the siege / points game.
tks tks… is not about making rules, is about respecting other ppl. There’s isn’t a way to GvG is current gw2, so the community (small one, true, but large enough to be recognised and at least respected) have found a way to do so.
The actions from [lion] are premeditated to troll, nothing else. A treb is not going to kill those groups, just annoy them and stop them doing what they where trying to do to have fun – you just condoning trolling rather than protecting WvW values.
Anet have no rules for how to play in wvw. It’s up to us to find our way to play, and try to make the most fun out of it. We can have gvg if we want, and others can interfer if they want. There are no consequences from anet’s side of it.
It’s all fine for me ^^
(edited by Timelord.8190)
Here’s an outside perspective:
GvG doesn’t exist inside Guild Wars 2, WvW is specifically designed for servers to fights for resources. You literally cannot force GvG on everyone just because you said so. It’s not your decision to make. Trying to cap assets and PvP is what WvW is all about, if you don’t like it then take it up with Anet to add GvG to the game. You’re acting ridiculous and quite frankly like children.
Given the fact your guilds make up a massive minority to the player base who exactly do you think you are raging that people are trying to complete objectives? I’ve heard it stated that “The majority of people voted yes to it” Sorry but I wasn’t informed by Anet that there was a vote and since; like I said you are a vocal minority I believe your opinion means very little in context considering the map is to be used by all three servers.
If you want to kitten each other then go do it in SPvP and have a few teams from each guild fight it out otherwise grow up, shut up & man up.
Uhm, you do realize that the gvg matches are organized at the windmill, an area with 0 strategic value and where you rarely find anyone around. As for you disliking the gvg mode, well, that doesnt mean you should not have any respect for the people involved in it. Wasting supplies to build a treb just to hit those guys at the gvg spot and acting like a kitten in general does not help your server at all.
I`m not sure who you are, and i honestly don’t care, but you cannot expect everyone to play the way you want to. There will always be organized guilds, and there will always be matches between them, same as it was in the other games that used the same wvw concept way before gw2 (like Warhammer and Daoc).
Are you done trolling now ?
3 wvw kills
a few good fights as a tchuu-bt mixed party this afternoon at fsp bl:
against FSV, we won the first time 4vs7-8 against your melee hammer train, but then you kept getting more numbers and it was too tough, and while we got 5, you grew to 15ish or so. still some decent fights, they were fun, although almost impossible for us to win.
against WdR: fun stuff, but kitten , stop focusing me! :<
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
(edited by Maskaganda.2043)
Here’s an outside perspective:
GvG doesn’t exist inside Guild Wars 2, WvW is specifically designed for servers to fights for resources. You literally cannot force GvG on everyone just because you said so. It’s not your decision to make. Trying to cap assets and PvP is what WvW is all about, if you don’t like it then take it up with Anet to add GvG to the game. You’re acting ridiculous and quite frankly like children.
Given the fact your guilds make up a massive minority to the player base who exactly do you think you are raging that people are trying to complete objectives? I’ve heard it stated that “The majority of people voted yes to it” Sorry but I wasn’t informed by Anet that there was a vote and since; like I said you are a vocal minority I believe your opinion means very little in context considering the map is to be used by all three servers.
If you want to kitten each other then go do it in SPvP and have a few teams from each guild fight it out otherwise grow up, shut up & man up.
Here’s an outside perspective:
GvG does exist inside Guild Wars 2, WvW is specifically designed for Guilds to fight versus other Guilds. You literally cannot interrupt GvG each time just because you don’t want to understand. It’s not your decision to make. Trying to get good fights sized about 1 vs 1 to 20 vs 20 is what WvW is all about, if you don’t like it then take it up with Anet to remove skill lags from the game. You’re acting ridiculous and quite frankly like children.
Given the fact you sole players make up a massive minority to the guild base who exactly do you think you are raging that people are trying to have fun? Sorry but I wasn’t informed by Anet that you weren’t informed by Anet how to play the game and since; like I said you are a vocal minority I believe your opinion means very little in context considering the map is to be used by guilds of all three servers.
If you want to siege each other then go do it in another game and have a few teams from each server build siege, otherwise grow up, shut up & l2p.
I understand it perfectly. But you clearly don’t understand how arrogant and selfish it is to claim part of the map for your GvG just because you said so.
All you have as rebuttal is stupid ad hominem crap because there is no justification other than because you said so. Like I said, boring childish behavior.
I understand it perfectly. But you clearly don’t understand how arrogant and selfish it is to claim all of the map for yourselves just because you don’t want to respect the majority.
All you have as rebuttal is stupid ad hominem crap because there is no justification other than because you said so. Like I said, boring childish behavior.
(currently on Piken)
Here’s an outside perspective:
GvG doesn’t exist inside Guild Wars 2, WvW is specifically designed for servers to fights for resources. You literally cannot force GvG on everyone just because you said so. It’s not your decision to make. Trying to cap assets and PvP is what WvW is all about, if you don’t like it then take it up with Anet to add GvG to the game. You’re acting ridiculous and quite frankly like children.
Given the fact your guilds make up a massive minority to the player base who exactly do you think you are raging that people are trying to complete objectives? I’ve heard it stated that “The majority of people voted yes to it” Sorry but I wasn’t informed by Anet that there was a vote and since; like I said you are a vocal minority I believe your opinion means very little in context considering the map is to be used by all three servers.
If you want to kitten each other then go do it in SPvP and have a few teams from each guild fight it out otherwise grow up, shut up & man up.
Some guilds like to GvG.
If people dont like that, im sorry.
Still, them not liking it, is in no way a good excuse to mess the GvGs up.
That is actually more childish than us not agreeing with the people trying to mess up imho.
— Raid Leader
—— Guilty by default
Special highlight for me tonight on Gandara Borderland,
EoW had the best fights of the week today.
I want to give a special shout out to the guilds [Kale], [Punk]&[FSV], [CRTK] and [Yakk]. !
Great ending of this week for me, great fights, really much fun
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
What is your guild tag please?
I’m not in a guild, why is that relevant?
As expected. You’re unguilded.
So here’s the deal; you play your mindless AC-fuelled zergy 1-spammy nonsense, and i’ll play my game. Be it GvG or something else… see it’s easy to cast judgements over other people’s gaming time, right? Just because it doesn’t neatly fit your idea of what this game mode enables. You get no claim or control over my time or anyone else’s in this game. GvG doesn’t exist? Yes, it does. With bells on. Anet never added it? They never prohibited it either.
Trolling is trolling; i’m fine with it. [lion] decided to troll last night’s GvGs and as a result we devoted the rest of our raid night killing every single [lion] we found… it was easy, and it will continue.
Childish? You’re playing a computer game. You’re not really in Tyria. This is inherently childish, fuelled by fantasy and is utter escapism… and in this game I choose to spend my time hunting [lions].
Oh and I didn’t ask so I could ram you; the question was essentially rhetorical… I considered you to be in [lion] or unguilded. Now, if I was an irrational man i’d set about nuking and ramming every unguilded player I see, just on the off chance it’s you. But that would be irrational… and what would we call it?
The [] hunt?
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
wow, I’m suprised about the amount of hate in this thread. FSP and Gandara: you should be ashamed, I thought you were better than that come on, relax and look forward to the next matchup, maybe our servers will get to fight each other
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/first
wow, I’m suprised about the amount of hate in this thread. FSP and Gandara: you should be ashamed, I thought you were better than that
come on, relax and look forward to the next matchup, maybe our servers will get to fight each other
Text is text, and this isn’t emotive or deep; don’t assume hate man, there really isn’t any. There’s a large amount of respect but there are, ofc, rivalries too… and they’re heated, fun and timeless.
The Lion Hunt is now a JDGE tradition.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
Thank you Dius for the GvG!
Great night.
Edit: thanks to the 2 engi’s from Dius for the nice duells ^.^, need more cleansing for the fat Char tho :<
GG <3
(edited by Acotje.5689)
a few good fights as a tchuu-bt mixed party this afternoon at fsp bl:
against FSV, we won the first time 4vs7-8 against your melee hammer train, but then you kept getting more numbers and it was too tough, and while we got 5, you grew to 15ish or so. still some decent fights, they were fun, although almost impossible for us to win.
against WdR: fun stuff, but kitten , stop focusing me! :<
You guys did really well, and sorry for outnumbering you, we usually run 10+.
Ty for the awesome fights, it was really intense.
A big “thank you” also to Dius for the gvg, we had some really fun fights. <3
3 wvw kills
Big up to Dius for the cool GvG fights tonight, was really cool intense fighting. Thumbs down to trolls disrupting it, flame rams for you!
15,000 WvW Kills
a few good fights as a tchuu-bt mixed party this afternoon at fsp bl:
against FSV, we won the first time 4vs7-8 against your melee hammer train, but then you kept getting more numbers and it was too tough, and while we got 5, you grew to 15ish or so. still some decent fights, they were fun, although almost impossible for us to win.
against WdR: fun stuff, but kitten , stop focusing me! :<
Aw, I’d like to think we figured out how you operate and that’s what let us beat you the second time around. We definitely started getting more people online from that point onwards though, but still had fun fighting you for a while. You guys were pretty good, thanks.
Oh and thanks Dius for the GvGs! Best fights we had all week.
Thanks DIUS for the GVG’s it was a amazing learning experience! Hope you guys had fun as well.
Really fun week with a lot of fun fights! Decently sized zergs but not that many skill lag blobs for once Thanks Kodash and Gandalf
Far shiverpeaks
Cheers [FSV], was shaking just a bit after those first rounds :o
Amazing night roaming for the first hour, epic fight at Lake tower against Kodash. Followed up by an absolutely intense and epic GvG against [FSV] (hey look GvG… haters gon hate 8-) ), tough nut to crack :< Glad we found our footing after the second round.
Apologies, I know I’m a little late to the party but I just wanted to say a little about what I heard about the incident. First and foremost yes I was not there so do correct me if I’m wrong, however I won’t go into detail too much. By the way I am Digz on the Far Shiverpeaks server and I am in Lion guild.
I’ve read this thread through from the post about us trebbing the GvG match, from my own personal perspective this is wrong and in my personal opinion (taking my Lion hat off) it shouldn’t have happened. I do not know how the instruction was cascaded down as I was not there or if it was an individual acting in their own conscience, many people have told me many things but at the end of the day it shouldn’t have happened.
I can understand peoples argument about WvW not being a place for GvG battles but then again I can understand others arguments for it, it’s more or less the same principle as solo fights. Everyone understands not to interrupt a 1v1 so it shouldn’t be done in a GvG. I said above I’m taking my Lion hat off at the moment, simply because I was not there and I cannot apologize on others behalf especially if they may not want to. As a person I want to work with other guilds on the FS server because we win or lose together, and I hate this situation where we have annoyed you and I am sorry for that. As for guilds on other servers I never want you to hate us, or should I say the guild that I am in, I want there to be a friendly rivalry as I have seen above in some posts regarding GvG battles, but I see it’s a bit late for that now for Lion…
In reference to our play style (my Lion hat comes back on) I see many posts from people complaining about not propping up towers with siege and defending them, yet we do and we get criticised by the other servers for it (not necessarily from our own, we get thanked!). Defence in this game is just as key as offence so yes we will use siege items to defend towers that we have taken in order to keep them, we have had many great battles defending towers with few numbers against many and it has been enjoyable to play them, even the ones we have lost and I’m sure it’s frustrating for the attacker but thoroughly rewarding if you finally take the tower – I have the same feelings when I’m the commanding attacker.
I don’t know if I will be slapped on the wrist for making this post but in all honesty everyone has a right to an opinion and I have shared mine in this post. I am not a person who needs be friends with everyone, I’m a person that wants to have a mutual respect with everyone and the guilds they represent, I also understand that mutual respect has been tarnished and it is up to Lion and the individual members to repair that in any way they can, if they chose to. I for one will endeavour to do that.
Once again, I cannot apologise on behalf of the guild as I am not in a position to do so but what I can say is that I understand both sides of the coin what did happen shouldn’t have happened from my own point of view and it is something that I would have boycotted if I was there. As for the ‘Lion Hunt’ it’s something we’re going to have to take due to what has happened and if I get jumped on by many players from JDGE guild well then so be it.
To move away from this particular topic, I’d like to say it was frustrating this week but thoroughly enjoyable to have a hard fought week with the servers we faced and it is something the FS border relishes, and does not shy away from. We look forward to many more battles, hopefully in better spirits.
My hat`s off to you sir. Thank you for taking the time to write this, but sadly what`s done is done.
Still, its nice to see there are reasonable people in “that guild”
3 wvw kills
I concur with my guild mate, sir, very reasonable post, thanks for the effort. Hope your guild mates will come to the same realization.
15,000 WvW Kills
Think its worth mentioning that [lion] were perfectly behaved in the gvg tonight, thanks for that <3.
Guess i should mention that we take part in the lion hunt but personally i dont have an issue or lack respect for your guild, its just a … gandara tradition (?) now. A bit of fun. So i hope its taken as a joke when dius do it to you as its all thats intended from us really.
Others players were pretty annoying about the whole GvG thing but seems its something we have to get used to.
Was a great gvg, one of the closest and best we’ve had. So respect to FSV for being good fun.
Otherwise has been a very good match, as good as anyone can realistically hope for these days, so i wish both Kodash and FSP the best of luck with the draw tomorrow.
(edited by Caid.4932)
Dear FSV,
Ty for excepting my offer to trade one of our mesmers for your warriors! I see we have a new recruit in our mids =D The invite will be send tomorrow <3
hope met again u after all come back from holiday FSV cant give a good fight to u:p
@Caid – Thank you, hope you`ll have a fun matchup too <3
@Jaimy – That`s Thoman (i think), and no you can`t have him. We can give you Aco for 2 silver if you want :P
@Nem – hope you`ll have a great holiday man!
3 wvw kills
@Jaimy – That`s Thoman (i think), and no you can`t have him. We can give you Aco for 2 silver if you want :P
Hmmm that sounds a bit like your trying to ripp me off… Knowing him from gw1 I’d say 95 copper max.
Or you can buy me as a mesmer that you need just for 500 gold, good deal as well!
uhm, you got a deal on Aco
As for your mesmer, it`s asura, i`m not paying 500gold for half a character
3 wvw kills
I found this OP mesmer from my server.. Very nice clone he haz:
uhm, you got a deal on Aco
As for your mesmer, it`s asura, i`m not paying 500gold for half a character
My mesmer is human q_q with pretty pink weapons!
I expect Aco tomorrow at reset to be there, let him bring more cookies!
Pleasure doing busniss with you <3
uhm, you got a deal on Aco
As for your mesmer, it`s asura, i`m not paying 500gold for half a characterMy mesmer is human q_q with pretty pink weapons!
I expect Aco tomorrow at reset to be there, let him bring more cookies!
Pleasure doing busniss with you <3
oh my bad <3
i`ll tell Aco to pack his bags)
3 wvw kills
I found this OP mesmer from my server.. Very nice clone he haz:
Im so in that screen shot. Small human Guardian with the shiny gloves. I didn’t even know i was a ‘Champion’ o.0
Just when I thought I was aaalmost done with this game we get Far Shiverpeaks and FSV GvG to get my spirits back up. That was one intense GvG and we learned alot from the first two rounds and altered our tactics for the last 3.
And thanks FSP for tearing down the inner SM door to 35% earlier today. Made my job so much easier to reset that motherkittening germans t3 kittenhole where they bunkered up on mortars and trebs all day.
I don’t really care a lot about this match up tbh. It’s hard to find roaming guilds. A lot of blobs and point focused players from Kodash side, which doesn’t interest me too much.
Luckily we had a nice GvG tonight. Here are the last two battles (15v15). Teamspeak in the background. Peace.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Mweh did you 10 kodash rly have to come back 2 Garrison for me after hiding and doing a solo cap on it ;p, even just had the lord down, meanies!
I don’t really care a lot about this match up tbh. It’s hard to find roaming guilds. A lot of blobs and point focused players from Kodash side, which doesn’t interest me too much.
Luckily we had a nice GvG tonight. Here are the last two battles (15v15). Teamspeak in the background. Peace.
Dat Kodash mesmer you can see in the last round was so annoying ._. Kept starting the skill challenge and everyting :<
Edit; Should have the other 3 rounds recorded by others so will put them here when they’re ready.
There seems to be a misconception that GVGers (particularly at the borderlands windmill) “aren’t affecting the game”. Sorry, but you are. You’re taking up (say, for a 20v20) 40 slots that could otherwise be used by people who want to play WvW. If you want your own private map, buy a custom arena. If you’re too cheap to buy a custom arena, ask Arenanet to introduce a GvG mode.
(edited by Carzor Stelatis.9435)
I found this OP mesmer from my server.. Very nice clone he haz:
Im so in that screen shot. Small human Guardian with the shiny gloves. I didn’t even know i was a ‘Champion’ o.0
That would be 1g please :p
There seems to be a misconception that GVGers (particularly at the borderlands windmill) “aren’t affecting the game”. Sorry, but you are. You’re taking up (say, for a 20v20) 40 slots that could otherwise be used by people who want to play WvW. If you want your own private map, buy a custom arena. If you’re too cheap to buy a custom arena, ask Arenanet to introduce a GvG mode.
They are playing WvW. It’s those 60+ people running around in a single blob that are taking away spots in WvW from real WvW players. If they want to run around farming PvE they should go to orr. GvG wouldn’t be necessary then.
See how easy it is to fling random opinions at people? Just let everybody have their fun and stop the whining. And once again, sPvP maps and the whole structure of sPvP has nothing to do with how guilds want to fight eachother. WvW maps are perfect for guilds fighting eachother, guess why they do it there?
Here we go, enjoy the video
Anyway, this rotation is being intensive, good job everyone.
Looking at this video I am not sure why you would even want to show this?
All it shows it how you beat an enemy with an far greater number, hiding within a big group of pure numbers, kinda sad display of lack of skill actually.
We didn’t had a queu on Fsp in that border, so an non- argument that evening.
The only thing you achieve by interrupting a gvg is irritation on your own server. You did interrupt the good atmosphere that was there the last weeks.
You are also saying we are not contributing while in gvg, what is your contribution by interrupting? (
Here we go, enjoy the video
Anyway, this rotation is being intensive, good job everyone.
Looking at this video I am not sure why you would even want to show this?
All it shows it how you beat an enemy with an far greater number, hiding within a big group of pure numbers, kinda sad display of lack of skill actually.
Music was not bad at all!
There seems to be a misconception that GVGers (particularly at the borderlands windmill) “aren’t affecting the game”. Sorry, but you are. You’re taking up (say, for a 20v20) 40 slots that could otherwise be used by people who want to play WvW. If you want your own private map, buy a custom arena. If you’re too cheap to buy a custom arena, ask Arenanet to introduce a GvG mode.
Again, a remarkably narrow view of things. Some facts, in bullet point, ho!
- We’d be in that borderland anyway; we run GvG on raid nights.
- We don’t play for points, many don’t play for points, so we’d hardly be cappin’ your stuffs n that.
- It’s out of the way and mutually beneficial… while you don’t have 10-20 people fighting for you, the enemy doesn’t have that additional 10-20 people fighting against you.
- It’s my time and not yours.
- We have a custom arena; it’s limited, gearing is meh and the maps are not designed for open field combat (you’re surely not stupid enough to believe that sPvP translates well, right?). If you think the custom arenas solve anything other than feeding the eSports goals you’re very much mistaken.
- Finally, and the important one; guilds ask Anet for a GvG feature daily. Until then WvW is where we’ll do it.
Finally, all the talk of queues… the zerg doesn’t need more 1-spammers and GvG only ever happens in a single neutral BL. So, 20-40 people TOTAL out of a pool of several hundred for less than an hour are not playing the game in a way you deem appropriate… in short; you’re over egging an non-existant problem because you have an opinion on it.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
A handful of JDGE and a handful of TDA blobbed last night. I feel great shame this morning. 4 TDA. 5 JDGE. Blobbing.
On the other hand, much love to the large group of Kodash around Redlake on KBL. We had a ton of fun, and some great fights (a particular highlight; wiping the majority of you in that choke point at the side of the tunnel, things just worked out in our favour). In the end 2 Balistas and an Arrowcart made us pull back.
Thanks again for fun, good luck on your matchups tonight.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
I do not know how things turned out, that the Lion are wrong or not, what I most regret is that I saw sentences to people of our own server that could have been avoided. If there is anyone who makes a mistake talking in private, do not throw kitten on your server on the official forums in public. For more of a guild as the Lion who is one of the few guilds that makes upgrades and defends the border, noble work and certainly more useful than the gvg.
ps. sorry for english
Commander of Bloodstone Keepers [BloS]
Far Shiverpeaks
I do not know how things turned out, that the Lion are wrong or not, what I most regret is that I saw sentences to people of our own server that could have been avoided. If there is anyone who makes a mistake talking in private, do not throw kitten on your server on the official forums in public. For more of a guild as the Lion who is one of the few guilds that makes upgrades and defends the border, noble work and certainly more useful than the gvg.
ps. sorry for english
Oh wow simply beautiful i could not have agreed with you more. Still it seems ppl cannot understand no matter what you say in here that in wvw you are allowed to do anything. These gvg rules are imaginary get that into your head plz. Lion do not leave us we need your upgrades!
Last 2 days we’ve been called scrubs, kittenes, piece of kitten and cowards by very mature members of FSV and PunK guilds.
I dont see a point why we should upgrade and defend homeland towers/keeps anymore. We arent so skilled to do that anymore.
PS. Forgot to add, of course defending our points in wvw is “polishing arrow carts” and very unprofessional. Only nubs do that guys!
Cheers. Liert.
(edited by Swpok.4973)
All GvG should be done on the neutral ground.
- for example Guild from FSP versus Guild from Gandara should be fighting on Kodash border , then we could avoid all this problems …
I like GvG but I see a point to be quite anger when Ur border is overrun by enemy and bunch of (…) sitting on the hill, watching GvG and not helping U defend a home border ….
Its just my personal opinion ….
PS I have broken hand so at the moment I can fight only on the forum
Good luck everyone, and have fun .. whatever U like to do on WvW …
(edited by Belfagor Diabolos.1940)
I do not know how things turned out, that the Lion are wrong or not, what I most regret is that I saw sentences to people of our own server that could have been avoided. If there is anyone who makes a mistake talking in private, do not throw kitten on your server on the official forums in public. For more of a guild as the Lion who is one of the few guilds that makes upgrades and defends the border, noble work and certainly more useful than the gvg.
ps. sorry for english
We all work for the same goal more or less, and we all contribute to our server in one way or another.
If you guys cant respect the fact that a guild takes 2 hours from a whole week of wvw roaming to do a gvg, then honestly, you deserve to see a lot more of those nasty “sentences” you saw earlier. It 2 hours man… two bloody hours. If any guild or pug out there cannot respect that, then honestly i don`t want them on my server.
As the guys from Gandara nicely pointed it out in the posts above, it is also OUR time, and we also play this game to have fun.
Just because lion or any other guild upgrades a kitten supply camp doesnt give them the right to be disrespectful or to troll.
3 wvw kills