Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
5/31: FA-TC-SoS
Even though we will go to tier 3 next week, I’m actually pleasantly surprised we on SoS have managed not to get completely steamrolled this week.
So for ladies night we went out and got some yak tinctures & hylek potions. After hydrating in LA at the mystic forge we decided to escort one of our cousins, Horace, from Godsword to Cliffside. Along our journey we ran into some friendly wild creatures from [Corp] (and a lone onlooker from [Pink]). We discussed our favorite places to forage, enjoyed the wind flowing through our respective furs/wings, and then unfortunately ran into some hostiles. Luckily cousin Horace made it into Cliffside safely.
Much love from Heard of Heifers [YAK]!
Edit: Video to come!
(edited by Erawen.8217)
Fun times during our ladies night! /wave to [CORP] from FA and the solitary [PiNK] TC member for coming to play with us!
Not entirely sure our yak made it in but it was highly entertaining!
Best of luck TC! I’ll still be rooting for you all!
Fun times during our ladies night! /wave to [CORP] from FA and the solitary [PiNK] TC member for coming to play with us!
Not entirely sure our yak made it in but it was highly entertaining!
How could we not join the color changing yaks. Made my day for sure.
Give a man a fire and he’s warm for a day, but set a man on fire . . .
@jayne, did i scare u off TC when i calld ya fat? i was just kidding jeeze
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
@jayne, did i scare u off TC when i calld ya fat? i was just kidding jeeze
Naw, as I said before, I know what I look like. It’s all good!
But it could explain why you feel you’re being targeted … Outraged female players stalking you down, looking to slap you.
ahaha, well gl on ur new server
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
i allow u to come to FA. I approve it so you fine da southside server yo!
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
Hi SOS and FA. Nice fights in TC bl. Y U dodge my rifle?
Always Loyal
Even though we will go to tier 3 next week, I’m actually pleasantly surprised we on SoS have managed not to get completely steamrolled this week.
I have always liked SoS. I happened upon your forums many months ago now, when I was new to WvW as a Kaineng at the bottom of T8. You had just made it to T1 then, and I thought…wow wouldn’t that be something. Little did I know a few weeks later KN would rise quickly to challenge. We finally met the famed SoS as you left T1 and I remember how respectful you were then, and you still are.
My hat is off to the once great and still great SoS.
Best of luck TC! I’ll still be rooting for you all!
Where is Jayne the Great going?
You’re a Zombie forever!
(edited by kevinskyrider.3271)
Best of luck TC! I’ll still be rooting for you all!
Where is Jayne the Great going?
You’re a Zombie forever!
OMG. Is Jayne missing!? APB…APB!! Find Jayne! Where would she go…where did you last see her? She couldn’t have gone far.
Remember there is a BIGGER picture…or as our Wyld Kat says…“finger, moon”!!
She was last seen walking through a gate… a Black Gate. I was probably dreaming, though! <3 Yep, was only a dream!
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I don’t like your answer. Nine I say! Nine! It is Verbotten to tread beyond the gate…
Re-posting to keep you updated.
What to expect from SoS besides trash? Keep laughing and dancing [FIRE] when you have people run in and save your kitten, stay classy you SoS trash.
Edit: removed photo
Edit2: Big thanks to Lazy Daisy for pming me in game to insult me.
Edit3: Big thanks to the SoS troll who listed me on gw2LFG for fractals while i was in WvW, please keep living up to my expectations SoS.
Edit4: Another big thanks to SoS for continuing to troll me on gw2LFG, must be fun not having to go to sleep because they are out of grade school for the summer.You are from PiNK right?
I seriously doubt it!
I sure hope not because they seem to be fun fellas!
Effing rallybot
I’ve been asked to remove my posts, but let me reiterate my point. SoS could stand to be a bit more classy in their play as acting as they have to me does nothing but diminish the WvW community of this game in general.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
I’ve been asked to remove my posts, but let me reiterate my point. SoS could stand to be a bit more classy in their play as acting as they have to me does nothing but diminish the WvW community of this game in general.
You should keep removing your posts. Being asked to remove them isn’t permission to start them over again. Go grow.
Why not take it up with players in question in PM’s or talk to their guild leaders? What’s the point in painting whole server for something done to you personally by a few trolls?
Tee See
I’ve been asked to remove my posts, but let me reiterate my point. SoS could stand to be a bit more classy in their play as acting as they have to me does nothing but diminish the WvW community of this game in general.
You should keep removing your posts. Being asked to remove them isn’t permission to start them over again. Go grow.
I was asked to remove them for their presentation, not their content. I stand by what i have said.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
If you have a problem with what i have said then fine. Don’t use me as an excuse to let the actions of those who trolled me stand as acceptable though- it does a disservice to everyone.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
I just wanna share this to all.. Enjoy guys
Deep Penetrations Hard core SEA GUILDSkills vs Numbers
I was the commander of the sos in that vid. I’m the one with the legend title. This was right at the end of our night after most of my guild and others had logged. We decided we’d humour you and try to stall you there as long as possible while we had your stuff on eb. That was also the first time all night we’d been wiped by FA while only spending our time there for about 5 hours. Why didn’t you post one of those?
What’s with the skills vs numbers title? You had many more than us and obviously more skills as evident from the video. Although, we weren’t even bothering, you can see most of us jumping around in spawn.
Was a fun night though, thank you FA and a special thanks to uA.
you want more videos? i can share tons videos for you… hahah wanna see 30 vs 50-60 man zerg fight FA vs SoS? im in your BL last night btw and yes im the one who took all of your stuff last night. =3
Fort-Aspenwood/[DPS] Deep Penetrations
thank you im waiting for you guys last night!… meheheh
Fort-Aspenwood/[DPS] Deep Penetrations
As a former member of SoS I can tell you the community as a whole never disrespected our opponents in the way you have described. But if in fact you have been disrespected the way you have described then contacting the individual guild leaders will gain you more traction than coming on the forums. The only outcome is the one which you are seeing now is you being trolled not only by SoS but by your own server also.
I’m over it; it is frustrating to offer my opponents respect and to treat them well and to be trolled and disrespected by them in return. I’ll let anyone act as they so wish; i won’t be calling anyone out on their behavior- not worth my time.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
We dont die to TC zerglins, we laugh as we kite them around the map. We beat on CERN’s small grps all the time. i just dont take SSs of every time we make ur grps look silly, but seeing how u love to SS my guild i think we will get a nice vid of u clowns
There was an ele from your guild who thought he could whirlpool me to death. He promptly died and then actually followed me to Bay for more. When he realised he wasn’t going to win underwater, he retreated to the shore. I just jumped around him and /waved and then some other people came along and killed him.
It’s all in good fun, no need to get mad.
Pretty much. I only posted it because I found it funny that I survived. ;D
Fun times during our ladies night! /wave to [CORP] from FA and the solitary [PiNK] TC member for coming to play with us!
Not entirely sure our yak made it in but it was highly entertaining!
Haha, I was the guy from PiNK!
I was headed up there to take out that yak, but was pleasantly surprised when I got to the top of the switchback. I couldn’t help but stop and cheer for your little Dolyak parade.
I also missed the Dolyak Parade, shucks!
fyi I JUST SHARED THE VIDEO you guys made that comment not me… i respect SoS i love HL and some other guilds in SoS…
Fort-Aspenwood/[DPS] Deep Penetrations
Question for SoS. Are you guys putting in any overtime? If not, I’m seriously impressed that you’ve guys have managed to hold your own so well against servers two tiers above.
/ clap
Too bad I wasn’t there because I know all the nasty hiding spots!
Effing rallybot
I’m over it; it is frustrating to offer my opponents respect and to treat them well and to be trolled and disrespected by them in return. I’ll let anyone act as they so wish; i won’t be calling anyone out on their behavior- not worth my time.
I’m from FIRE, have pm’d you. Making it very clear in guild chat this is not acceptable if i can find out who it was they will be disciplined
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
Question for SoS. Are you guys putting in any overtime? If not, I’m seriously impressed that you’ve guys have managed to hold your own so well against servers two tiers above.
/ clap
Oh hey there visitor! I’ve been playing during EU prime to late NA prime and it’s been a bad day getting wiped by PiNK and DiS from TC and by RET from FA in SoS BL over and over again since noon ET. Luckily for us, we have a doctor commander healing our feeble minds on TS3 to never give up! We laughed each time we are downed.
Edit: Oh and there was one instance where one person hysterically shouted “OMG TC ZERG BEHIND US” We died but it was fun!
Effing rallybot
(edited by Aieo.2815)
Question for SoS. Are you guys putting in any overtime? If not, I’m seriously impressed that you’ve guys have managed to hold your own so well against servers two tiers above.
/ clap
I can’t and won’t speak for everyone but several guild-mates and I are playing more because this match-up is far more fun than our recent T4 matches.
This week was never going to be about victory for us, it was and still is an opportunity to rediscover form, shake off any tactical rust and kill off any complacency that may have crept in during past match ups where we tended to win by comfortable margins.
Luckily for us, we have a doctor commander healing our feeble minds on TS3 to never give up! We laughed each time we are downed.
Hahaha, wasn’t that Master Doctor squared?
[SoV] | WvW Paladin | Sea of Sorrows
Ninja-capping your bases for since BWE1!
(edited by Naomh Achain.8216)
Luckily for us, we have a doctor commander healing our feeble minds on TS3 to never give up! We laughed each time we are downed.
Hahaha, wasn’t that Master Doctor squared?
I think so? We got mixed up with the names. xD
Effing rallybot
[CERN] in FABL we were kneeling to our king Z the Bored, nice that you guys knelled to him too! We want to Z v.s. Z you tonight!!!
Guild Leader of [TK]
“FA, stomping bandwagons since 2012….”
Question for SoS. Are you guys putting in any overtime? If not, I’m seriously impressed that you’ve guys have managed to hold your own so well against servers two tiers above.
/ clap
I’ve definitely been playing more than in the last few months, and seen more people playing as well.
However, I would not class it as overtime, more along the lines of we’d like to be playing this much every week, but zerging around EB doing nothing but PvDoor got rather boring after a few weeks, resulting in a drop in numbers.
I already miss the SoS and FA that came to play earlier on TCBL ;_;
(Im sorry for attacking you at times, for some reason my auto targeting was bugging out)
Unofficial Fruity Ezio
Question for SoS. Are you guys putting in any overtime? If not, I’m seriously impressed that you’ve guys have managed to hold your own so well against servers two tiers above.
/ clap
I’ve definitely noticed more people in WvW and some of those people putting in more hours than they usually do this week. However, I would say a large chunk of that is that we did have a lot of folks who were very bored with 1) winning by such a large margin and 2) facing, generally, fairly disorganised groups. I would say that some folks have put in overtime this week (I sure as heck know that starting off the push on EB during late NA/early Oceanic that culminated in us taking Lowlands the other night wasn’t really sensible for an EU commander like myself), but it’s not anything that’s even been asked for, let alone required by any of the guilds. We simply don’t operate that way, as a world. I don’t necessarily think that we could field quite this level of activity if we had this match every week, although to be honest with you, that would mostly be made up with adjusting back to life in more competitive tiers. Whilst you could get away with them in T4, I’ve seen numerous silly little errors that have ended up costing us in this match so far. We’re used to the idea of doing more with less. Just need folks to up their game to suit the tier.
That said, I have noticed that we’re not always… the preferred target on the field, shall we say. I understand this, at least in part, from folks who do genuinely play for the good fights, as you wouldn’t usually bet on a usually-outmanned, semi-organised militia group in a fight against organised guild groups.
Realistically, TC and FA are only really the tier above, though. In terms of population and coverage, we’ve been T3 material for a while. Just took us a lil’ time to find ourselves and bounce back in T4. Also have to bear in mind that the shape of T3 itself has changed since DB moved into T2 – their overwhelming SEA coverage even before transfers in was just too much for anyone else in T3.
(edited by Ghedoriah.4290)
thanks for the fun Z v.s. Z [CERN] and nightlight!
Guild Leader of [TK]
“FA, stomping bandwagons since 2012….”
Lemme say this…the fact that you seem you aren’t always the preferred target has nothing to do with you being the “smaller guy”. It’s got more to do with well…lets call it a dynamic relationship with FA. We just want some time apart from each other but the stupid teacher’s just keep putting us together for projects.
Yeah, when you folks are nice enough to kill a zerg at a tower of ours, then run off ignoring the tower, I figured there was probably some kind of bromance going on between FA and TC.
thanks for the fun Z v.s. Z [CERN] and nightlight!
It was a lot of fun. Thanks for the banners and the bags.
Sorry that your militia disappeared so quickly after that wipe, I was hoping for a few more 70 vs 70 fights.
That’s ok we figured we’d give you guys some bags of cookies!
Guild Leader of [TK]
“FA, stomping bandwagons since 2012….”
<holds FA’s hand>
Thank you to those who followed me on TCBL tonight. We didn’t see much action, but we did get stuff done.
on a random note…I was on youtube watching something else when a gw2 video popped up that was a tutorial for dagger/dagger thieves…it was 55 minutes long. I didn’t know it took 55 minutes to teach mashing ur face on your keyboard.
on a random note…I was on youtube watching something else when a gw2 video popped up that was a tutorial for dagger/dagger thieves…it was 55 minutes long. I didn’t know it took 55 minutes to teach mashing ur face on your keyboard.
I legitimately laughed out loud at this.
Thinking of D/D….dat fight north of SM tonight. We had 6-7 D/D eles holding off about 20-25 SoS.
D/D eles OP! I love it. xD Granted, they’re like the inverse of the face-smashing thieves. You try to face→keyboard a D/D ele and it usually doesn’t end well for you. I’m new to D/D ele and it took several hours before I really started feeling comfortable with all the atunement changes, combos, knowing when to do what, etc.
Lemme say this…the fact that you seem you aren’t always the preferred target has nothing to do with you being the “smaller guy”. It’s got more to do with well…lets call it a dynamic relationship with FA. We just want some time apart from each other but the stupid teacher’s just keep putting us together for projects.
I wouldn’t say we’re not the prefered target, i mean at this very second TC has no holdings on FA bl, FA has no holdings on TC bl yet both TC and FA are strong on SoS bl with FA having a 30-40 man force there whilst SoS has holdings on all maps this is the case constantly during oceanic time i’m not sure if it’s similar in NA times.
So please don’t insult us by saying you’re going light on us even in the slightest because you aren’t.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php