6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows
How cute… Mags owns two supply camps.
Unemployed individual spotted.
More like self-employed.
While pertinent to your trolling, this does not change the stupidity of your original statement.
Nor the margin by which you are losing.
I don’t think these posts mean what you think they mean.
Ahhh… the troll is strong in this one.
I don’t think you get it. We are embarrassed for you.
Once, I had a PPT.
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief
Kudos to the SoS warrior and thief near QL. I was the eng using Flamethrower. Think I should have waited to drop my Crate. Still, good fight.
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Lol you might want to watch one of the videos of the fight. We had about even numbers but you did edge us by 5 to 10. We pushed for a while draining supply from SM while we trebbed SM and cleared siege. Then we pushed in with golems and broke down inner. Finally, we pushed on lords room where you had a great hold as we worked on clearing lords room siege. While we stacked for a second push Maguuma in their infite wisdom saved you by hitting us in the back with a similar sized force, after we kept you busy all that time so they could reclaim a toehold presence on the map. Thanks Maguuma! More properly you should be thanking them. =)
In response to my other forum back and forth (Jeydra I believe was your name) I told you I was making one last attempt to get you to see why following a commander is beneficial. If you truly believe SoR was successful due to roaming thieve gangs and not organized larger numbers I must simply smile.
What you should realize is we hit the hardest due to our Oceanic SoS crew. The Aussies (bless their hearts) bring a T1 presence and do most the heavy lifting flipping back the PPT we struggle to maintain the rest of every day against larger or even numbers. Had we their showing in both numbers and organization all day long we would be more than a T2.5-T3 server. Hats off to our Oceanic crew like always.
As for a handout to get your tag, no. Earn it like all the commanders you slam have done, and enjoy stocking up all that expensive siege gear. =) Then prove yourself on the field. Good luck.
Well tonight was fun. First time commanding on EB and it lasted about 5 hours. Somehow managed to hold SoS off Stonemist for about an hour and a half. Their zerg was twice our size but couldn’t break through somehow.
Fate Commander
(edited by NotInTheFace.6075)
How cute… Mags owns two supply camps.
Unemployed individual spotted.
More like self-employed.
While pertinent to your trolling, this does not change the stupidity of your original statement.
Nor the margin by which you are losing.
I don’t think these posts mean what you think they mean.
Ahhh… the troll is strong in this one.
I don’t think you get it. We are embarrassed for you.
I’m embarrassed for him too. Is a TC guy really trying to troll about the total score against mags and sos? I mean that’s pathetic.
Finger! Moon! Details, bwhaaa.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I think most people have realized this for a while. Fairweathers, etc.
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
TC is actually more enjoyable than most servers to face, since they have a willingness to fight. They might always have more people, but I’ll take that over what a lot of t3-t4 servers have turned into. Losing our stuff every night isn’t new at all.
Well having ticked 450 ppt tonight I’d say we’re doing awesome against TC… even if it was brief.
Yup. PPT owns and tells all.
Why did you surrender so easily to me????
Thought Mag had the best forum warriors……..
How cute… Mags owns two supply camps.
Unemployed individual spotted.
More like self-employed.
While pertinent to your trolling, this does not change the stupidity of your original statement.
Nor the margin by which you are losing.
I don’t think these posts mean what you think they mean.
Ahhh… the troll is strong in this one.
I don’t think you get it. We are embarrassed for you.
I’m embarrassed for him too. Is a TC guy really trying to troll about the total score against mags and sos? I mean that’s pathetic.
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Did you destroy TC in even numbered fights but only wiped when they outnumbered you 18 million trillion hypermega supersaiyen 4 gogeta kazillion to 1?
TC is actually more enjoyable than most servers to face, since they have a willingness to fight. They might always have more people, but I’ll take that over what a lot of t3-t4 servers have turned into. Losing our stuff every night isn’t new at all.
Right back at ya!
Seriously (can’t believe I’m using that word in a post about Mags and not being snarky or sarcastic) love the way Mags just comes out to fight, and fight, and fight… and not even just on the forums!
It’s not an official match up thread until someone from SoR shows up like an overly attached ex calling from the bar after downing 7 tequila shots.
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Did you destroy TC in even numbered fights but only wiped when they outnumbered you 18 million trillion hypermega supersaiyen 4 gogeta kazillion to 1?
I haven’t lost a 1v1 against TC this matchup, if that’s what you’re asking.
i’ve been gone on vacation, and after an extremely stressful trip home i managed to get a good raid going last night. had a lot of fun on SoS BL with TC+SoS. your NA could use some work
this is a pretty sorry excuse for a thread, so i’ll try to lighten it up with some EU WvW ~culture~
greetings Tarnished Blob, and Blob of Sorrows! much love from Mablobma. hoping to get some good fights from both of your blobs during the week. i really look forward to blob vs blob in the <servername> blobberlands. hopefully our blobs haven’t been too unblobbed. may you blob like the best. blob blob, blobbity blob blob blob. blob.
i haven’t actually heard much from SoS since i transferred my alt account back to maguuma a few months ago. last time i was on SoS, i got the opportunity to play very closely with VoTF, TSym, AFS, Merc, and ND – just to name a few. even got the chance to play against RG a couple times. learned a lot there while you were in T1 (and as it fell) so i hold a lot of respect for SoS and the guilds who once belonged (and still remain!) there.
this is where i’d put a #seaofswag, but i’m bound by contract to only represent #magswag. sorry!
Video of [ME] on SOS BL last night. Most fun I’ve had in a while, game did crakitten the end due to high res recording and TC’s numbers. Computer couldn’t handle it
man i knew we downed a lot in that last night, getting to see it again makes me giggle a bit. too bad we lost, was a really good recovery by TSL+friends blob though, they deserved the win!
Second Law [Scnd]
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Wait, I don’t see why 2 is relevant…
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Wait, I don’t see why 2 is relevant…
In retrospect, I rescind #2. #1 is sufficient cause for friend-request-rejection.
From my experience (coming from TC) with even and outnumbered fights (outnumbered meaning slightly outnumbered:
The hardest servers to face (last 2 months) in both small and large group battles:
1. FA – Well the old FA before they bled some guilds were the most difficult
2. Maguuma – They’ve shown they are quite good with equal numbers
3. SoS – Much like Mag, they are very good with equal numbers
4. Dragonbrand – They can be good when they want, but mostly in equal number match-ups, they just don’t really strategize like the first 3 which turns out for a win for TC in most cases
5. SoR – Just like DB, I think they can be good when they want, but in the 1 week we faced them, they just didn’t have the strategy overtake TC even when they slightly outnumber them. I play during Pacific time so perhaps their better guilds/players are on during SEA time?
I think this just proves that having overwhelming numbers spoils players into not having to really worry about strategy too much, or even staying alive. If a group of say 50 players encounters a group of 15-20, even if some of the 50 die, they’ll just be quickly rez’d anyway so it doesn’t matter. In battles where players are either used to being outnumbered or having equal numbers, they have to rely on strategy that much more.
That’s why I’ve always said, if downed state was removed from WvW, the server rankings would probably get drastically shaken up.
Edit – I didn’t mention Crystal Desert. Hard to gauge as I didn’t see many open field battles with them.
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Wait, I don’t see why 2 is relevant…
In retrospect, I rescind #2. #1 is sufficient cause for friend-request-rejection.
If you couldn’t be friends with trolls, you wouldn’t be on our guild, lol.
Though I’m not sure what this SoR is doing here….
[EG] Ethereal Guardians
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Wait, I don’t see why 2 is relevant…
In retrospect, I rescind #2. #1 is sufficient cause for friend-request-rejection.
If you couldn’t be friends with trolls, you wouldn’t be on our guild, lol.
This is what non-magswaggers don’t get about Mag. They think we just troll enemy servers on the forums. We don’t discriminate…we troll our own guildmates (and by guildmates, I mean Kaga).
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Wait, I don’t see why 2 is relevant…
In retrospect, I rescind #2. #1 is sufficient cause for friend-request-rejection.
If you couldn’t be friends with trolls, you wouldn’t be on our guild, lol.
This is what non-magswaggers don’t get about Mag. They think we just troll enemy servers on the forums. We don’t discriminate…we troll our own guildmates (and by guildmates, I mean Kaga).
If you got mumble with us, you’d know how bad it really is.
[EG] Ethereal Guardians
So speaking of spawn camping… You had balli’s at all exits+players I don’t think Mag can complain if we spawn camp anymore?
No Tears
Just Dreams
So speaking of spawn camping… You had balli’s at all exits+players I don’t think Mag can complain if we spawn camp anymore?
I wish that pic was better so I could see who those iLLs are.
Promotions for everyone!
[EG] Ethereal Guardians
So speaking of spawn camping… You had balli’s at all exits+players I don’t think Mag can complain if we spawn camp anymore?
But I thought you guys were the honorable server, so it should still make you feel dirty for doing it, right?? Or are you okay being on our level?
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Did you destroy TC in even numbered fights but only wiped when they outnumbered you 18 million trillion hypermega supersaiyen 4 gogeta kazillion to 1?
I haven’t lost a 1v1 against TC this matchup, if that’s what you’re asking.
By the gods! I have never heard of such a feat in my entire GW2 gaming life!
So speaking of spawn camping… You had balli’s at all exits+players I don’t think Mag can complain if we spawn camp anymore?
But I thought you guys were the honorable server, so it should still make you feel dirty for doing it, right?? Or are you okay being on our level?
I’m just saying you can’t complain I never said anything about us planning on doing it. I still hate spawn camping but seeing you guys complain about it then pull this is kinda funny
No Tears
Just Dreams
Did someone mention yet that the larger server only wins because of the numbers, but in even numbers fights they don’t have any skill?
I don’t think so. For example, many people have praised CERN for their skills.
However, you’re 1) from SOR and 2) trolling so that’s two reasons why we can’t be friends.
Did you destroy TC in even numbered fights but only wiped when they outnumbered you 18 million trillion hypermega supersaiyen 4 gogeta kazillion to 1?
I haven’t lost a 1v1 against TC this matchup, if that’s what you’re asking.
By the gods! I have never heard of such a feat in my entire GW2 gaming life!
It wasn’t chest-thumping.
I’m really starting to get the feeling people on this forum don’t understand trolls who counter-troll the trolls.
No no, I’m serious! I’m not being sarcastic here at all!
And I get you mahn, no one understands me either. I’m in love with a vampire who sparkles in the sun.
You and me are totally alike.
(edited by Shrouded.6450)
I presume you are not familiar with Aurust.8961’s fanastic work on this forum.
Oh I know him, he does have a point though and he does know how to talk to you guys.
I haven’t lost a 1v1 to a mag either they always run from me why don’t you guyz fightzz mee?!?
No Tears
Just Dreams
Why don’t you party people and ask for a duel?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Why don’t you party people and ask for a duel?
Can we still tell to the whole forums so that people would hear it again on how we beat them with even numbers for the seven hundreth seventy seven times?
So speaking of spawn camping… You had balli’s at all exits+players I don’t think Mag can complain if we spawn camp anymore?
But I thought you guys were the honorable server, so it should still make you feel dirty for doing it, right?? Or are you okay being on our level?
I’m just saying you can’t complain I never said anything about us planning on doing it. I still hate spawn camping but seeing you guys complain about it then pull this is kinda funny
I just searched this thread for “spawn” and the only things I got were us camping EB JP spawn, some weird stuff about TF2, and this. Can you kindly link me to where we were complaining?
Oh I know him, he does have a point though and he does know how to talk to you guys.
So you know he’s a troll? In that case, your initial response to my post makes even less sense.
Thought X had the best forum warriors…
The best forum warriors know how to avoid pointless battles.
There’s better things to enjoy. Cookies, kittens, peanut butter, warm showers. Showers of kittens with warm peanut butter cookies. But only if the kitties had parachutes.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
So speaking of spawn camping… You had balli’s at all exits+players I don’t think Mag can complain if we spawn camp anymore?
But I thought you guys were the honorable server, so it should still make you feel dirty for doing it, right?? Or are you okay being on our level?
I’m just saying you can’t complain I never said anything about us planning on doing it. I still hate spawn camping but seeing you guys complain about it then pull this is kinda funny
I just searched this thread for “spawn” and the only things I got were us camping EB JP spawn, some weird stuff about TF2, and this. Can you kindly link me to where we were complaining?
Either TC is trolling the living jeebies out of us the last 2 pages or they fail horribly at reading comprehension.
I leave the conclusion up to you.
Why don’t you party people and ask for a duel?
Can we still tell to the whole forums so that people would hear it again on how we beat them with even numbers for the seven hundreth seventy seven times?
Um, what?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Why don’t you party people and ask for a duel?
Can we still tell to the whole forums so that people would hear it again on how we beat them with even numbers for the seven hundreth seventy seven times?
Um, what?
I think it’s Shinobii’s alt account.
Oh I know him, he does have a point though and he does know how to talk to you guys.
So you know he’s a troll? In that case, your initial response to my post makes even less sense.
Yes no one understands me. And I’m going to keep repeating this point for a couple more pages without any clarification and explanation because that’s just how I roll…
Why don’t you party people and ask for a duel?
Can we still tell to the whole forums so that people would hear it again on how we beat them with even numbers for the seven hundreth seventy seven times?
Um, what?
Hi Guardian!
Oh I know him, he does have a point though and he does know how to talk to you guys.
So you know he’s a troll? In that case, your initial response to my post makes even less sense.
Yes no one understands me.
And I’m going to keep repeating this point for a couple more pages without any clarification and explanation because that’s just how I roll…
It isn’t my fault you got defensive about a non-serious response to a troll.
..and I still don’t understand why you think I’m being defensive here at all. Do you actually think I’m taking you seriously?
i’ve been gone on vacation, and after an extremely stressful trip home i managed to get a good raid going last night. had a lot of fun on SoS BL with TC+SoS. your NA could use some work
This is an interesting viewpoint, imho. Out of the guild groups that I’ve seen this week, only D!ERP and PYRO stick out in my mind as really challenging from Mags. I’m sure a large part of the “we own most of everything” during NA prime could be explained by a discussion on server population, but outside of the two guilds I’ve mentioned, haven’t seen much from Mags during NA that was particularly noteworthy.
It would appear that our experiences this week have been very different, as I don’t think the current matchup has exposed any flaws in our NA at all.
Tarnished Coast
Why don’t you party people and ask for a duel?
Can we still tell to the whole forums so that people would hear it again on how we beat them with even numbers for the seven hundreth seventy seven times?
Um, what?
Hi Guardian!
I don’t understand what’s happening. Someone complains about duels, I tell him to party and ask for them. What in the world were you going on about?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
I haven’t lost a 1v1 to a mag either they always run from me
why don’t you guyz fightzz mee?!?
I bet you’re a D/P thief.
Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma