6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain
And keep it friendly. If I took what you said the wrong way then I’m sorry.
I’m trying to keep it friendly, but when you say things like this about my server-mates, I get “uneasy”:
I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
Hey, more bags the better right? If you want some more solo stomping come hit me up latter. Gonna see if i can hit next months WvW kills off you alone. Peace
Talk crap and now trying to look like the good guy. Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
Just this morning on Crystal I killed 2 who tried to run but couldn’t (Ranger and Engie) , 1 (Mesmer) at a camp i was taking and the lone Guardian who stood his/her ground. Everyone else ran inside the towers. When I go onto Kain borderlands that hardly ever happens.
Trust me, If I see you i’ll heed the call.
My only issue is that you tend to boast a lot. As someone who does make videos (see my previous posts if you would like to view same), let me ask you a friendly question:
Did you ever run from a [FEAR] S/D thief North of Bay when you were about to lose 1v1?
Perhaps I have a surprise for you if your answer is anything but “yes.”
First and foremost your “boy” engie that was tagging the gate was talking kitten with me back and forth. I stomped him 4 times and was the reason for making the video. Its almost funny you never show what he said? I can post his PM’s if you like.
Anyway, how aout you PM me so we dont derail this thread any further.
And NO, I’ve NEVER ran from YOU or any other 1v1 battles EVER. Hope this makes it perfectly clear for you.
Again, if you want to duel PM me and I’ll post the duel right away. At 720p my video’s are close to a gig per minute reduced down with handbrake to 450 Mb. It would only take 30 mins or so to post to youtube.
(edited by Shadowskill.9852)
Is this matchup as awesome as the score suggests? I think just about everyone else is incredibly jelly right now.
For what it’s worth, go CD!
Is it just me, or is it always thieves attention whoring about how good they are at pvp?
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
Is it just me, or is it always thieves attention whoring about how good they are at pvp?
No, sometimes it’s mesmers.
Crystal, I still can’t believe that you have people who spend ALL DAY tagging the gate on EB. The sheer boredom with such a task blows my mind. I can’t complain to much with all the bags i keep getting, but still.
Honestly, the same can be said regarding Yak’s folks sitting ALL DAY on arrowcarts and cannons inside towers and not coming out to fight a solo thief who /beckons them.
At least tagging the gate serves a purpose; the sheer boredom sitting on AC’s and cannons inside an uncontested tower blows my mind.
Hmm…sit at an ac doing nothing with a thief beckoning, or stand down there unable to do anything while the thief kills you….
@ Lychon
Stop trolling!Altie, I’m offended! I do not troll, I simply point out the obvious.
Couple shout outs:
To the bow/condition/bad kitten warrior in [Fist]: I usually find one enemy in a matchup that simply shines as knowing/using their class to the absolute fullest. You, my friend, are that person in this matchup, in my opinion. Ever consider transferring? ;P
To the D/P thief in [HoD]: your tenacity is both inspiring and annoying. I’m merely referencing your ability to not kill a single person yet keep multiple enemies busy trying to find you for minutes at a time.
I’ve had only a few duels where my enemies didn’t run to a tower or zerg. For those few of you, good show and I appreciate your willingness to actually fight. I certainly hope to run into each one of you again.
See ya on the battlefield.
….Im listening
I’m easily convinced and quite the cuddler
PS. If anyone ever wants to do some duels just whisper Bi Furious or Dissodance, we’re always down
(edited by CrassBippy.4619)
This matchup has been so close and I’m loving it. I even looked back through the history of various matches and I honestly couldn’t find one this close.
We on Yaks had one this close before, vs SoR and NS, week 40. Looked like a great Tier, then a half dozen guilds from T1 piled on to Sanctum and ruined everything the next week.
YB 206 780
SoR 210 125
NS 206 044
Just too bad these are the aberration weeks instead of the norm.
Kaineng EB, 9:30pm PST.
Its bad.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
Lot of amazing fights against what seemed like the whole yak’s bend server for the last few hours in yaks bl. Standing toe to toe to those monster zergs was nuts. Also, kaineng, I am sentimental about cliffside so I’m going to hold onto it for a bit :P
Èl Cid
You had way more then us you came in and attacked NE tower, hills, and oh god, like 6 times on bay? Lol, we had to pull a lot of people. From what I can see, CD is a slightly more squishy than KN, BUT, I have to hand it to you guys in terms of map coordination. You had several groups running around really making our job harder. Fun and interesting night. And we took CD’s hills.
Also, just now Yak’s is second.
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
You had way more then us you came in and attacked NE tower, hills, and oh god, like 6 times on bay? Lol, we had to pull a lot of people. From what I can see, CD is a slightly more squishy than KN, BUT, I have to hand it to you guys in terms of map coordination. You had several groups running around really making our job harder. Fun and interesting night. And we took CD’s hills.
Also, just now Yak’s is second.
Thank you! We take pride in annoying others.
You had way more then us you came in and attacked NE tower, hills, and oh god, like 6 times on bay? Lol, we had to pull a lot of people. From what I can see, CD is a slightly more squishy than KN, BUT, I have to hand it to you guys in terms of map coordination. You had several groups running around really making our job harder. Fun and interesting night. And we took CD’s hills.
Also, just now Yak’s is second.
Hills was tough because it’s easier to sit back most of the time when everythings t3 and the terrain advantage… didn’t attack bay except once where we got nailed by two zergs one coming out of the bay and the second hitting us from the side.
After that, things got crazy with multiple zergs hitting us at the tower and at the camp.
Reminded me of that movie 300.
Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
Some guys from Kaineng are seriously lacking in manners – today i died during camp defense in our borderlands and someone vomitted repeatedly onto the corpse of my character. Didn’t even know one could do that. It was a Charr, so it didn’t surprise me that much. And you remove your corpses afap because you seem to be afraid to be treated in a similar disrespectful manner. I would post the guild tag here, but instead i will just treat every Kaineng the same way. You got no honor.
Thats bad, I am from Kaineng. Which guild was it ? I have also been made fun on few occasions. So we shouldnt really take it personally.. cant help it you see.. Some people are like that.
Yeah, I’ve seen quite a bit of this from Kaineng too. So much that I’ve started taking SSs.(although I don’t know why) Obviously it doesn’t represent the server as a whole. I’m just chiming in for awareness.
I don’t really see it from YB so much other than the odd ball troll that every server has.
FWIW, I know CDers do it too. If it makes anyone feel better, I (and others) have told teammates to stop when they do stuff like that. Often times it just takes one person to say ‘dont do that’ and then others will speak up too with “yeah that’s not cool” or “real soldiers don’t need to gloat”(my personal favorite). So they do (sometimes) get chastised by teammates behind the scenes.
Great match up though. Keep at it everyone, this is the fun that WvW is all about.
Some guys from Kaineng are seriously lacking in manners – today i died during camp defense in our borderlands and someone vomitted repeatedly onto the corpse of my character. Didn’t even know one could do that. It was a Charr, so it didn’t surprise me that much. And you remove your corpses afap because you seem to be afraid to be treated in a similar disrespectful manner. I would post the guild tag here, but instead i will just treat every Kaineng the same way. You got no honor.
Thats bad, I am from Kaineng. Which guild was it ? I have also been made fun on few occasions. So we shouldnt really take it personally.. cant help it you see.. Some people are like that.
Yeah, I’ve seen quite a bit of this from Kaineng too. So much that I’ve started taking SSs.(although I don’t know why) Obviously it doesn’t represent the server as a whole. I’m just chiming in for awareness.
I don’t really see it from YB so much other than the odd ball troll that every server has.
FWIW, I know CDers do it too. If it makes anyone feel better, I (and others) have told teammates to stop when they do stuff like that. Often times it just takes one person to say ‘dont do that’ and then others will speak up too with “yeah that’s not cool” or “real soldiers don’t need to gloat”(my personal favorite). So they do (sometimes) get chastised by teammates behind the scenes.
Great match up though. Keep at it everyone, this is the fun that WvW is all about.
huh, I’ve received more emotes than deaths from yaks this week…
big bullies if you ask me!
KN? I really had a lot of respect for you when I was on TC server (I’ve gone back to my original server of CD) and I have to let you know that your spawn camping with siege? Has seriously damaged my respect for you.
Spawn camping is just dirty pool -no matter who does it.
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer
Now anyone can win
Fuerte de Aspenwood
KN? I really had a lot of respect for you when I was on TC server (I’ve gone back to my original server of CD) and I have to let you know that your spawn camping with siege? Has seriously damaged my respect for you.
Spawn camping is just dirty pool -no matter who does it.
I still never quite understood why people get upset over spawn camping. There are three exits for a reason, but everyone seems to just charge down the stairs anyway.
Spawn campers get bored fast if they aren’t being fed baggies.
It’s anyones game. I really don’t want to pull late nighters to get a win again but it looks like we’re forced to.
GO Crystal Dessert, best Dessert!
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
Did you ever run from a [FEAR] S/D thief North of Bay when you were about to lose 1v1?
He said No, I want to see the surprise!
P.S. I never run either. I’m the awesomest.
P.P.S. d/p teefs run!
P.P.P.S. say hi to Ver.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
I really don’t want to pull late nighters to get a win again but it looks like we’re forced to.
This game is fun and all but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.
It’s anyones game. I really don’t want to pull late nighters to get a win again but it looks like we’re forced to.
GO Crystal Dessert, best Dessert!
You are not forced to pull late nighters to win one round in a videogame.
And increasing your rating even more has the side effect of having to face tougher opponents in the future. Just play normally, if you win great, if you lose, at least you arn’t sacrificing sleep for it. WvW is a 24/7 game just pace yourself.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
It’s anyones game. I really don’t want to pull late nighters to get a win again but it looks like we’re forced to.
GO Crystal Dessert, best Dessert!
You are not forced to pull late nighters to win one round in a videogame.
And increasing your rating even more has the side effect of having to face tougher opponents in the future. Just play normally, if you win great, if you lose, at least you arn’t sacrificing sleep for it. WvW is a 24/7 game just pace yourself.
I don’t think we even need to pull late nighters or anything , we proved we can win the match up with a little extra work last week and make a quite big gap in PPTS , but this week its not as much but its still close.
You haven’t won yet =P. Everyone is literally within 2k points
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
I take a few months off from GW2 and come back to this awesomely even WvW match up. If only every week could be like this.
Hats off to KN and CD! I may just be rusty, but I’m seeing some smart (and classy) play from all sides.
I say our goal in this match up should be to make it end with all 3 servers within 1k points of each other. Now, that would be impressive no matter who won.
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)
I say our goal in this match up should be to make it end with all 3 servers within 1k points of each other. Now, that would be impressive no matter who won.
I think it’d be pretty funny if somehow, in some way, the stars aligned and all three servers mathed it out so it ended with a three way tie… for the lulz.
You just know some random person would end up killing a yak at the last minute or something.
This game is fun and all but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.
I might have not said that the way it’s meant but:
When it’s a close match up and you have fun in a tug o war then before you know it it’s 1-2am … and you’re like holy crack, I’m supposed to be in bed already.
Aside from that, all 3 of us would love a win.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
KN? I really had a lot of respect for you when I was on TC server (I’ve gone back to my original server of CD) and I have to let you know that your spawn camping with siege? Has seriously damaged my respect for you.
Spawn camping is just dirty pool -no matter who does it.
KN? Spawn camping? LOL. As if we can even do that anymore.
We lost the whole EB every night b/c we only have like 15 players. We had to ninja camps and towers and hope that the Yak’s and CD zergs don’t find us. Only at late night when Yak’s and CD goes to sleep can we get anything in EB back. Check the score history if you don’t believe me.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Yaks and CD are NA dominant servers. Kain takes significant points back through the Asia/Oceanic WvWvWers. But idk, CD has a Malaysian Team going but i notice that they are spread on time zones.
A little off topic but I’d like to see how KN and SoS fair in a match up together.
Does it get better than this? kudos to everyone playing this week.
171.3KDoes it get better than this? kudos to everyone playing this week.
Indeed, I don’t think it could be a closer match-up. EVER.
Show me another match-up where thursday evening has the point totals within 3k of each other.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
Within 800 POINTS! Last day of the matchup has started and we are going in virtually tied.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
What a matchup!! All 3 servers have played to their strengths and regardless of the outcome we have had the best challenge in the history of the game. I think the other servers are looking with envious eyes. It is likely that the 3 of us will be within 5k of each other by reset depending on SeA outcome tonight. Heaven knows what is in store for us next week. I tip my hat to everyone who has played a part in this great or small. We should all meet for a drink prior to reset or at least acknowledge we all ended up winners out of this. Good luck to CD Kain we should meet again soon
So a massive party in Stonemist for everyone for the last hour before reset? Drinks, Food, and Fireworks? Oh and golem brawls.
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)
Carn the Yaks! This one’s going to be close! The whole of YB’s WvW is fired up to give you guys a run for your money!
Hope we get this match-up again, not only for the close scores but for the forum thread. The servers in the tiers above and below us would probably be good matches, but you go and scan their threads and it’s 95% idiotic garbage posts.
This is a very lucky matchup as each server have their own prime time when they have numbers and other servers do not. This means every server gets their turn to win in their primetime. Maximizing fun, WXP and ego
Keep your fingers crossed for three times lucky tomorrow.
Carn the Yaks! This one’s going to be close! The whole of YB’s WvW is fired up to give you guys a run for your money!
So it’s YB firing up this week , CD last week …waiting on you KN for next week!.
Yak’s going hard. Thought there were quite a few of you in your bl earlier but it looks like that was a warm up for your mega zergs in EB :p
As long as there’s gold names around me, bring em on.
Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
WonkaTania Interlude: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zail7Gdqro
“There’s no earthly way of knowing / Which direction we are going.
Yes! The danger must be growing / For the rowers keep on rowing / And they’re certainly not showing / Any sign that that are slowing!”
It’s been a great row, and I’m giving it all I’ve got for the next ~20 hours. Can’t wait to congratulate the winners (though I’m a bit biased in hoping that it’s CD.)
So a massive party in Stonemist for everyone for the last hour before reset? Drinks, Food, and Fireworks? Oh and golem brawls.
Personally, I think that would be awesome! I think the match-up will be decided tonight but who knows, it might be tomorrow afternoon! Either way, it would be very cool if every server could queue up EB an hour before reset and PARTY!
Whoever owns SM lets other servers in (or lets them break in) for fireworks, food and drinks! So the lag isn’t too stupid, open up all the towers and do the same! Take screen shots, frap it, show the other servers how good gamesmanship is done! I bet Anet would post some pics or have reps to take their own if we could pull this off.
To be fair, I would suggest the part just inside the outer gates of SM. Let the other BL’s have their skirmishes (or own parties) and put aside the fights for that last bit. There may be some people who won’t adhere to this, but I bet most would if it is agreed upon!
Though….with how close this game is, it could also go to the wire…..ahhhh…!!!!!!
I’m really sad that work/school/RL kept me from playing so much this week. It’s been a pleasure, CD and Kain and I wish you the very best next week. We may not have as long of threads as the other match-ups but I think that is due to having too much fun in WvW!!
Happy Hunting, All!!
“We are a WvW organization! We don’t throw tea parties!
We burn them to the ground and put the teddy bears to death!”
It’s been a great row, and I’m giving it all I’ve got for the next ~20 hours. Can’t wait to congratulate the winners (though I’m a bit biased in hoping that it’s CD.
I really hope it is Yaks! We haven’t won in sooo long. We need this boost. lol Either way, I am proud of my Yaks! Thanks for a great 2 weeks CD and Kain!
“We are a WvW organization! We don’t throw tea parties!
We burn them to the ground and put the teddy bears to death!”
THAT’S IT , that’s it guys..best match up in the game , holy hell them SMC , good defense YB , you did ur best good couple hours of fighting for SMC , it made taking it worth it, thnx for the fun.
Well it was a great match up until about 2 hours ago when WvW kicked everyone, me and my friends couldn’t gain access to WvW but we could watch CD pretty much run threw the entire 3 maps capping, and nothing we could do about it, shame the final day was ruined because of that.
Good luck in your match ups next week.
What’s interesting is that the servers are still pretty close. Yes, CD has a bigger lead, but there’s still plenty of time to pull ahead. Add that this is about the time Kain dies down and everyone on Yak’s is waking up, the last hours are gonna be fun. I’ve especially enjoyed the 7-8 3 way fights in SM. Favorite has got to be the 20 of us defending SM, and I beleive CD had their AC’s reaching all the way into the lords room, they all piled in, and we still wiped all of them. I will say that there’s quite a few Kain that like to hack, causing everything to miss them, and when they go down, you can’t spike them, and they come back from 50% down to full health. There’s not to many, but we took a lot of screens, one guy was streaming and got it recorded lol. Oh well, still a decently fun match. Waiting to get home so we can completely take everything like yesterday. Trust, it’s going to happen.
CD for the comeback win 2 weeks in row !!!!!!
While I agree overall that this match up has been pretty good compared to most other match ups, today (fri) shows a fundamental issue outside of T1 and maybe T2. The issue of servers matching up by numbers and time zones. CD, Yaks, and kain are fun, decent match up but for a majority of the day the prime times for each server does not match. This leaves very short windows of time where the servers have equal type numbers fighting at the same time
All week the numbers have remained close as our various servers dominated our prime times. Now at Friday, Kain dominated early morning EST and now CD, but there will be no chance for Yaks or Kain later in the day to combat the final push. Not a horrible thing, but how much nicer would it be if the servers matched by time zone and could really battle on equal grounds at equal times. Tough call I know. Having said that, this past 2 weeks has been the most fun I have had in the last 3 months, and would be more then happy to have a couple more weeks of this match up