Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
the only thing KWBH zergs successfully is my inventory space
Yeah totally LOL
You guys give us a challenge! (only guild so far) Great fights and keep it up!
I hate to be the one to remind you of this, but FTF got rolled by KWBH outside of SBI Garrison. That in itself is nothing; it happens all the time. What’s interesting is that it was our training night, 1/3 of the group was uplevels who’d never been in WvW before, and not a single one of us was wearing armor. But the best part is that after some of you ran away from us and into Garrison, you built arrow carts and began firing on us. I don’t know how you can be this bad, and still come to the forums with a claim that no other guild has challenged you. The only way for us to make it more challenging would be to unequip our weapons as well. Let me know if you’re interested so we can record that one too.
Actually we had 3 people armored! I can’t believe it! I’m gonna have a talk with those guys because being in armor against FTF is unacceptable.
We set the fight up. We talked in /w then you gathered. It was supposed to be ZvZ with your 15-20 vs ours. First thing you do against a naked zerg is set up an open field AC (@59 seconds). Too bad you didn’t get to use it… then you set down more on the garrison walls… still wiped
You want a challenge? next time we’ll try to kill you with utilities only.
Grats to the sbi zerg that finally came in and took us out. Also, the /laugh emotes were classy ebay!
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
i have more trouble with sentries than these garbage can kome thieves
You’d do well to post some pictures of our thieves all over the floor beside you, or maybe that is too much to ask of your abilities?
And noticed you only contributed trash talk so far, without a speck of evidence to back yourself up,nor did you even dare to identify youself. At least Amins.3710 has videos to back himself up with whatever he says. Can’t blame you, its so much easier to type out words than to play the game itself
(edited by Marquiz.7625)
Another video of kwbh being “owned.” I call this one daily ebay sacrifice.
Unlike you guys, we have actual videos and can back up our trash talk + don’t use open field siege every single fight
Not my video but we’re going for comedic value so I borrowed this one. So, granted some people will mess up their rotations or screw up and lose a 1v1… but I have to ask, are you guys coming here to post each time you kill us like some kind of trophy moment? If so, then we must really be getting under your skin, and in that case I’ll take it as a huge compliment.
Let the tears flow and the Ebay KWBH relationship remain strong! <3
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
Just want to say good try to CD’s [KWBH] and SBI’s [UNI] for the 3 attempted ambushes along the lower road between NE and N camp on our 3 man [TOAD] in CD BL.
That’s pretty amazing! How did you pull it off?
Well we had just taken NE camp and were heading to north camp when we noticed a [KWBH] thief jump down from a cliff to our left as we approached the land formation with the wolves on top of it. Realizing he must hav back up if he engaged so recklessly, I looked up and saw 5 more thieves at the top of the cliff. I rtled over to the base of the cliff and tagged the next two thieves who came down so that they were down to prob about 50% health right away. The fight lasted around 10 mins as the ones we killed first spawn rushed and they got a couple more thieves as the fight progressed, but we managed to score 2 lucky rallies from the nearby wolves to secure the win. As I scored the last stomp, I looked around to see if more were coming. Surprisingly, [UNI] emerged from the underpass of the land formation with the wolves. They had a mes, guard, ranger, and an upleveled guard (not sure if the upleveled was in their guild) against our 2 eles and mes so it was a pretty even fight although some of our skills were still on cd. It was vital that we noticed them as they all must hav been full zerk with the damage they were able to do. We traded stomps on the 2 guards for our other ele. The key moment followed as the remaining mes and ranger kited in different directions and so allowed us to pick the match ups we wanted (ele vs mes) (mes vs ranger) while remaining closer to each other than the enemies if one of us ended up needing help. We ended up winning the separate 1v1s anyway. After reviving our ele, we continued on our path. Along the path with a cliff to the left and the centaurs to the right, we noticed the original KWBH thief on the cliff to the left. Realizing again that he must not be alone, we took the time to check all around for his support. Where the cliff on the left ends was KWBH peering around the corner. (I was so honored that they waited for us) Not knowing exactly what their numbers were, we forced their hand as our mesmer was able to pull down the KWBH thief and down him quickly. They rushed to us too late and we were able to handle their 4 other thieves, nec, and guard. Our mesmer felt it was a good time to celebrate by playing his horn while I buried the dead and payed my respects.
I wasn’t under the impression open field siege is a particularly good idea. You need a choke with players there to hold it, or an opponent that doesn’t know to target siege first.
[HOST] guild from SBI currently trying to res a mesmer through their eb keep wall to retake it.
http://i.imgur.com/gWrqWH8.jpggg SBI..also have it on video if anyones interested
First it’s [Host](though we do love our all caps!), 2nd I would love to see the video of our mesmer sitting there(not moving when res’d) with his flag out as a sign of surrender, 3rd I was also outside sitting there with my flag out with the friendly boaky(necro in your party) in his earth transformation having a little chat too
The level of forums warriors is to dang high!
i have more trouble with sentries than these garbage can kome thieves
You’d do well to post some pictures of our thieves all over the floor beside you, or maybe that is too much to ask of your abilities?
And noticed you only contributed trash talk so far, without a speck of evidence to back yourself up,nor did you even dare to identify youself. At least Amins.3710 has videos to back himself up with whatever he says. Can’t blame you, its so much easier to type out words than to play the game itself
sorry i dont collect trakittenake it out
Another video of kwbh being “owned.” I call this one daily ebay sacrifice.
Unlike you guys, we have actual videos and can back up our trash talk + don’t use open field siege every single fight
Not my video but we’re going for comedic value so I borrowed this one. So, granted some people will mess up their rotations or screw up and lose a 1v1… but I have to ask, are you guys coming here to post each time you kill us like some kind of trophy moment? If so, then we must really be getting under your skin, and in that case I’ll take it as a huge compliment.
Let the tears flow and the Ebay KWBH relationship remain strong! <3
why do you keep posting videos of your guild zerging and bragging about wiping a bunch of bad pugs? You guys are just another zerg guild. Your players are absolutely pathetic in small man fights, please stop littering the forums with your trash videos. Come back when you can do more than zerg, thnx.
(edited by Lolfael.7512)
Just want to say good try to CD’s [KWBH] and SBI’s [UNI] for the 3 attempted ambushes along the lower road between NE and N camp on our 3 man [TOAD] in CD BL.
That’s pretty amazing! How did you pull it off?
Well we had just taken NE camp and were heading to north camp when we noticed a [KWBH] thief jump down from a cliff to our left as we approached the land formation with the wolves on top of it. Realizing he must hav back up if he engaged so recklessly, I looked up and saw 5 more thieves at the top of the cliff. I rtled over to the base of the cliff and tagged the next two thieves who came down so that they were down to prob about 50% health right away. The fight lasted around 10 mins as the ones we killed first spawn rushed and they got a couple more thieves as the fight progressed, but we managed to score 2 lucky rallies from the nearby wolves to secure the win. As I scored the last stomp, I looked around to see if more were coming. Surprisingly, [UNI] emerged from the underpass of the land formation with the wolves. They had a mes, guard, ranger, and an upleveled guard (not sure if the upleveled was in their guild) against our 2 eles and mes so it was a pretty even fight although some of our skills were still on cd. It was vital that we noticed them as they all must hav been full zerk with the damage they were able to do. We traded stomps on the 2 guards for our other ele. The key moment followed as the remaining mes and ranger kited in different directions and so allowed us to pick the match ups we wanted (ele vs mes) (mes vs ranger) while remaining closer to each other than the enemies if one of us ended up needing help. We ended up winning the separate 1v1s anyway. After reviving our ele, we continued on our path. Along the path with a cliff to the left and the centaurs to the right, we noticed the original KWBH thief on the cliff to the left. Realizing again that he must not be alone, we took the time to check all around for his support. Where the cliff on the left ends was KWBH peering around the corner. (I was so honored that they waited for us) Not knowing exactly what their numbers were, we forced their hand as our mesmer was able to pull down the KWBH thief and down him quickly. They rushed to us too late and we were able to handle their 4 other thieves, nec, and guard. Our mesmer felt it was a good time to celebrate by playing his horn while I buried the dead and payed my respects.
Edit: Guess I won’t finish the story since it was already too much for certain ppl to handle and was just trying to oblige the person who wanted details. I will try to walk the same path at the same time as last night if guys want to fight again as I had a good time and hopefully you did as well.
GL to both servers as this match up ends.
what is formatting?? lol!!!!!!
Another video of kwbh being “owned.” I call this one daily ebay sacrifice.
Unlike you guys, we have actual videos and can back up our trash talk + don’t use open field siege every single fight
Not my video but we’re going for comedic value so I borrowed this one. So, granted some people will mess up their rotations or screw up and lose a 1v1… but I have to ask, are you guys coming here to post each time you kill us like some kind of trophy moment? If so, then we must really be getting under your skin, and in that case I’ll take it as a huge compliment.
Let the tears flow and the Ebay KWBH relationship remain strong! <3
Rofl the only reason I’m posting about it is because when i see players with an undeserved ego, I call them out on it. Your players play like garbage, tower hug, and call friends when they get dominated in fair fights. Your guild belongs in the trash and thankfully we have brave guilds like CHAR putting you in there every time your players thing they can handle themselves outside of a zerg.
Well you had to cheese off our officer in charge of covert ops.. considering we’re hitting our 1yr anniversary on CD there goes his performance bonus:( We’ll take it seriously and look into improving *how to kill ebay in 15ways no heartseeker..use table fork..hell nxt match you just might find 60thief coming for you instead.
i have more trouble with sentries than these garbage can kome thieves
You’d do well to post some pictures of our thieves all over the floor beside you, or maybe that is too much to ask of your abilities?
And noticed you only contributed trash talk so far, without a speck of evidence to back yourself up,nor did you even dare to identify youself. At least Amins.3710 has videos to back himself up with whatever he says. Can’t blame you, its so much easier to type out words than to play the game itself
sorry i dont collect trakittenake it out
Awww… then tell us which guild you are from. We wanna know who this superstar of a player is from. Or are you afraid of something?
Well you had to cheese off our officer in charge of covert ops.. considering we’re hitting our 1yr anniversary on CD there goes his performance bonus:( We’ll take it seriously and look into improving *how to kill ebay in 15ways no heartseeker..use table fork..hell nxt match you just might find 60thief coming for you instead.
wow i’m shaking in my boots
how will i empty my inventory fast enough?
Another video of kwbh being “owned.” I call this one daily ebay sacrifice.
Unlike you guys, we have actual videos and can back up our trash talk + don’t use open field siege every single fight
Not my video but we’re going for comedic value so I borrowed this one. So, granted some people will mess up their rotations or screw up and lose a 1v1… but I have to ask, are you guys coming here to post each time you kill us like some kind of trophy moment? If so, then we must really be getting under your skin, and in that case I’ll take it as a huge compliment.
Let the tears flow and the Ebay KWBH relationship remain strong! <3
Rofl the only reason I’m posting about it is because when i see players with an undeserved ego, I call them out on it. Your players play like garbage, tower hug, and call friends when they get dominated in fair fights. Your guild belongs in the trash and thankfully we have brave guilds like CHAR putting you in there every time your players thing they can handle themselves outside of a zerg.
In my eyes you are even more of an ego-filled kitten than what you see with KWBH. You act like your server is perfect and all of your wvwers are amazing and the best. Well:
1. You are losing right now.
2. Not ALL of our thieves are terribad, so don’t assume that every CD thief you come about sucks, because some will kick your kitten and i’m also sure that some did, but you are just hiding it bc ur so perfect.
3. You are losing right now.
4. You guys QQ and gloat and put videos up as well and try to get every moment of us wiping on fraps, and try to hide the numerous times you guys wipe.
5. You are losing right now.
6. You cant defend or hold any of your towers, if you could you would actually be tower hugging too. lol.
and finally, 7. You are losing right now.
Now shush and make up and just play WvW without having to resort to trying to trash oneanother. Its a game.
(edited by Teva.2807)
Why EB always try to take the high moral ground and claim that their open world fights the best? If you want even fights go to sPVP, dont ask for even fights in WvW, that’s udderly hilarious even from an udderful cow’s perspective.
Another video of kwbh being “owned.” I call this one daily ebay sacrifice.
Unlike you guys, we have actual videos and can back up our trash talk + don’t use open field siege every single fight
Not my video but we’re going for comedic value so I borrowed this one. So, granted some people will mess up their rotations or screw up and lose a 1v1… but I have to ask, are you guys coming here to post each time you kill us like some kind of trophy moment? If so, then we must really be getting under your skin, and in that case I’ll take it as a huge compliment.
Let the tears flow and the Ebay KWBH relationship remain strong! <3
Rofl the only reason I’m posting about it is because when i see players with an undeserved ego, I call them out on it. Your players play like garbage, tower hug, and call friends when they get dominated in fair fights. Your guild belongs in the trash and thankfully we have brave guilds like CHAR putting you in there every time your players thing they can handle themselves outside of a zerg.
In my eyes you are even more of an ego-filled kitten than what you see with KWBH. You act like your server is perfect and all of your wvwers are amazing and the best. Well:
1. You are losing right now.
2. Not ALL of our thieves are terribad, so don’t assume that every CD thief you come about sucks, because some will kick your kitten and i’m also sure that some did, but you are just hiding it bc ur so perfect.
3. You are losing right now.
4. You guys QQ and gloat and put videos up as well and try to get every moment of us wiping on fraps, and try to hide the numerous times you guys wipe.
5. You are losing right now.
6. You cant defend or hold any of your towers, if you could you would actually be tower hugging too. lol.
and finally, 7. You are losing right now.Now shush and make up and just play WvW without having to resort to trying to trash oneanother. Its a game.
Time to put you in your place, the trash.
1.Rofl typical bad player caring about PPT thinking it means anything more than which server has better coverage in the lower tiers.
2.I have faced good CD thieves and I respect them, i frequently duel them and they always give me a good fight. I can tell you this though, none of them came from your guild or KWBH
3. Rofl nice one bro, please read 1 again.
4. That’s not CHAR, sorry bro. CHAR > your bad guild
5. wow such a witty insult.
6. Too bad you have a bunch of Oceanic guilds PvDing everything every morning, not that it matters to me since I don’t tower hug and see 5+ of you CD babies tower hugging and building superior siege to deal with 2-3 roamers, real cute stuff.
7. Wow it didn’t sink the first 3 times you said, but the 4th time was actually hilarious!!!!! LOL!!!!Your guild belongs in the dumpster, thankfully I’ve put your people in their place several times
Just this post proves how much of a waste of time you are. XD. Im not here to flame/rage/argue. But by these posts you are posting, you sure are. I pity the people in your server that has some civility and common sense. I feel sorry that they have to deal with people like you. Oh well, glad we dont have to deal with you guys flaming and raging at us for winning tomorrow at reset (unless you of course go on the next matchup thread that involves us and not you, but that would be really sad. XD.) Good luck in your life.
Why the hell are Ebay and SBI not ganging up on CD now? They go from one of our BL to the other and take what they want.
Get a grip. Stop attacking each other and attack CD.
Come on lets keep this clean.. Ebay started the bs on kwbh which’ve been painting your bl and even went back for 2nd helping… we understand the frustration but that’s wvw suck it up at least we make sure our grunts don’t spawn camp.. not ethical!!
On a further note where’s the SBI we’ve been fighting during our tango with SOS.. something happened? SBI pack a punch when they came out to fight.. still a skillful server despite lacking coverage.
The heck? Where did all these Ebay forum warriors come from? They weren’t here 2 weeks ago in the CD/BP/EB matchup. And there werent this many of them in last week’s matchup when SoS replaced us. What changed? Ah right, they are no longer third place.
Come on lets keep this clean.. Ebay started the bs on kwbh which’ve been painting your bl and even went back for 2nd helping… we understand the frustration but that’s wvw suck it up at least we make sure our grunts don’t spawn camp.. not ethical!!
On a further note where’s the SBI we’ve been fighting during our tango with SOS.. something happened? SBI pack a punch when they came out to fight.. still a skillful server despite lacking coverage.
We’ve had more transfers to other servers since then. Another large guild has started to transfer to a higher tier on Wednesday, so participation at the end of this match may not be what it was earlier in the week.
While you Ebays are sitting in the forums flaming im having fun ganking ebays at their spawn in EB since they have no towers to hide in
While you Ebays are sitting in the forums flaming im having fun ganking ebays at their spawn in EB since they have no towers to hide in
my favorite part is when trash from your guild joins our party to get thief lessons from the dankle
you should ask the norn thief to share the wealth because you sure need it
I apologize that our guild allows both casuals and hardcore wvwers in the guild. Sorry that it doesnt please you elitists that we have guilds that actually care and teach people. Maybe if you werent so stuck-up or “elitist” then maybe you would get more active wvwers for a change. :O
While you Ebays are sitting in the forums flaming im having fun ganking ebays at their spawn in EB since they have no towers to hide in
my favorite part is when trash from your guild joins our party to get thief lessons from the dankle
you should ask the norn thief to share the wealth because you sure need it
I apologize that our guild allows both casuals and hardcore wvwers in the guild. Sorry that it doesnt please you elitists that we have guilds that actually care and teach people. Maybe if you werent so stuck-up or “elitist” then maybe you would get more active wvwers for a change. :O
apologize for being bad at the game while you’re at it
Funny how you assume that i’m bad.
guild tag says it all
tell you what, i’ll throw in some no more tears with some pvp lessons 10gUr own server has a guild with the same tag, I guess they are bad too since anyone with the tag [Gods] sucks apparently. :O
You need lessons. Please take the offer while you can.
Since this match is pretty much done, I just want to say thank you to all the SBI and EB players that fought against my Guild. We won a lot of the fights, but we also got our fair share of kitten kicking. Keep up the good work, hope to see the same intensity next time we meet!
/salute from all of EK
This thread is hilarious, better than Maguuma.
So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
Since this match is pretty much done, I just want to say thank you to all the SBI and EB players that fought against my Guild. We won a lot of the fights, but we also got our fair share of kitten kicking. Keep up the good work, hope to see the same intensity next time we meet!
/salute from all of EK
You guys were a real beast! I loved all the fights against you guys, because you showed what a coordinated guild could really do. My ele kept dying to retal on you guys. xD
The ones on EB were especially epic. You gave Bannok some real stress in dealing with you guys.
Keep it up.
and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
Oh that was you? We were told to Quaggan up and not attack you, but some people not on teamspeak killed you.
So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
helo robot friend, you were fun to play with :^)
Another video of kwbh being “owned.” I call this one daily ebay sacrifice.
Unlike you guys, we have actual videos and can back up our trash talk + don’t use open field siege every single fight
Not my video but we’re going for comedic value so I borrowed this one. So, granted some people will mess up their rotations or screw up and lose a 1v1… but I have to ask, are you guys coming here to post each time you kill us like some kind of trophy moment? If so, then we must really be getting under your skin, and in that case I’ll take it as a huge compliment.
Let the tears flow and the Ebay KWBH relationship remain strong! <3
Rofl the only reason I’m posting about it is because when i see players with an undeserved ego, I call them out on it. Your players play like garbage, tower hug, and call friends when they get dominated in fair fights. Your guild belongs in the trash and thankfully we have brave guilds like CHAR putting you in there every time your players thing they can handle themselves outside of a zerg.
In my eyes you are even more of an ego-filled kitten than what you see with KWBH. You act like your server is perfect and all of your wvwers are amazing and the best. Well:
1. You are losing right now.
2. Not ALL of our thieves are terribad, so don’t assume that every CD thief you come about sucks, because some will kick your kitten and i’m also sure that some did, but you are just hiding it bc ur so perfect.
3. You are losing right now.
4. You guys QQ and gloat and put videos up as well and try to get every moment of us wiping on fraps, and try to hide the numerous times you guys wipe.
5. You are losing right now.
6. You cant defend or hold any of your towers, if you could you would actually be tower hugging too. lol.
and finally, 7. You are losing right now.Now shush and make up and just play WvW without having to resort to trying to trash oneanother. Its a game.
ROFL, go to the dumster were you bel0ng. CD tr@sh
Dumpster* belong* trash*.
your as good at grammer as you are at hitting doors
Above poster confirmed for stupid.
he’s on SBI so i thought that was taken for granted
So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
Aye.. been loads of fun, y’all… we could only imagine what went through the zerg’s head when we quagganed up. A few of the zerg stopped dead in their tracks and bowed. Thanks for all the battles and humor. <3
Great match this week SBI and EBay, best of luck in future matches and see you guys again in the future I’m sure.
So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
We tried our best to NOT kill you, but the militia don’t always listen!
EK, your quaggans were awesome <3
It’s too bad your militia insisted on having us for dinner Good luck on your next match up!
So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
oh lawl, i member you, if i had my snowman tonics on me i would have joined….at the beginning i think i killed you. There was a fight going on behind you and i had no idea what was going on so i just targeted something red and attacked lol. Sorry bout that bud.
Oh my goodness, so much hate going on. Now I know why there are so many kittens. I was wondering why the items I put into the forge showed up as kitten/kittens. Apparently kitten refers to a part of the male anatomy. Oh good grief, comparing a part of the male anatomy with a weapon used in GW2. So many kittens used in these posts.
Anyway back to what I was originally going to say. CD must use bots. There is no way one server can have as many people as they do on 24/7. Bots are the only logical answer. You wait until the wee hours, go in and program your bot and wala everything is in your possession.
Oh my goodness, so much hate going on. Now I know why there are so many kittens. I was wondering why the items I put into the forge showed up as kitten/kittens. Apparently kitten refers to a part of the male anatomy. Oh good grief, comparing a part of the male anatomy with a weapon used in GW2. So many kittens used in these posts.
Anyway back to what I was originally going to say. CD must use bots. There is no way one server can have as many people as they do on 24/7. Bots are the only logical answer. You wait until the wee hours, go in and program your bot and wala everything is in your possession.
So, you don’t have basic comprehension skills?
So, you don’t have basic comprehension skills?
yeah cause that first part made tons of sense…
Once again in case you missed it. Close to even numbers (check dead bodies after rendering). You built siege after agreed not to. /classy emote at the end… and 3 people out of our zerg have armor
GH GF and random roaming warrior I have had good duels with all of you and we’ve talked about builds and such in game.
Otherwise, when you say we only beat disorganized zergs the zerg we beat in this video has the same guild tag… which is oddly similar to the guild tags talking smack on this forum from ebay.
Anyway, good luck everybody on their next match up see you sunday.
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
Don’t want to beat a thoroughly dead horse, but I’d like a match-up against less off-NA forces now… XD
Best of luck in your next draw folks!
So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
HEY! I was with that vT necro the entire time kicking some butt out by lake. Sorry that our zerg came by and jumped on you. :\
I kept completely demolishing a mesmer in that area from UN who uses moa in a 1v1 duel coupled with a burst. He tried 3 times and died every time. Poor guy.
So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
Thanks for the entertainment guys!
HEY! I was with that vT necro the entire time kicking some butt out by lake. Sorry that our zerg came by and jumped on you. :\
I kept completely demolishing a mesmer in that area from UN who uses moa in a 1v1 duel coupled with a burst. He tried 3 times and died every time. Poor guy.
I only laugh when I get “Moa’d” and it’s like a 1v5+. It’s like, “that was necessary? really?” Moas need a cool dance, at least at that point you have something to do while you’re made into poultry by superior numbers.
I only laugh when I get “Moa’d” and it’s like a 1v5+. It’s like, “that was necessary? really?” Moas need a cool dance, at least at that point you have something to do while you’re made into poultry by superior numbers.
It’s sad. It’s a 2v4 out by lake and he still moas me and tries to do the burst. I moa waddle away and let it wear off and we still beat them. He dropped an exotic for me that time and it netted me 3 gold. Being moa’d was worth it.
Ok, let me explain, UrMom. I was reading and saw all these kitten/kittens words. Then it dawned on me why a word I used turned into a kitten when I was talking about using items in the forge to make the leaf of kudzu. The word that turned into a kitten could also be referred to as a part of the male anatomy. Does this make any sense to you? Staff is the word I used and it appeared as kitten in a previous post.
While you Ebays are sitting in the forums flaming im having fun ganking ebays at their spawn in EB since they have no towers to hide in
my favorite part is when trash from your guild joins our party to get thief lessons from the dankle
you should ask the norn thief to share the wealth because you sure need it
I apologize that our guild allows both casuals and hardcore wvwers in the guild. Sorry that it doesnt please you elitists that we have guilds that actually care and teach people. Maybe if you werent so stuck-up or “elitist” then maybe you would get more active wvwers for a change. :O
apologize for being bad at the game while you’re at it
Funny how you assume that i’m bad.
guild tag says it all
tell you what, i’ll throw in some no more tears with some pvp lessons 10gUr own server has a guild with the same tag, I guess they are bad too since anyone with the tag [Gods] sucks apparently. :O
Not necessarily following this particular conversation, as I do not agree with most of it, but I noticed that guild too. We in the Bay have had a massive influx of new guilds all the sudden. That, or some of the larger guilds are splintering into smaller ones.
Ok, let me explain, UrMom. I was reading and saw all these kitten/kittens words. Then it dawned on me why a word I used turned into a kitten when I was talking about using items in the forge to make the leaf of kudzu. The word that turned into a kitten could also be referred to as a part of the male anatomy. Does this make any sense to you? Staff is the word I used and it appeared as kitten in a previous post.
got it…with a little context this makes sense
Sometimes I just sort of ramble and expect everyone to understand what I am rambling about. And this is true, I used the word staff and it showed up as kitten. I just thought that was kinda weird.
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