7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry
why this is called SOR/JQ/BG when is SOR/(JQBG) plz fix it.
You’re right. It’s a tragic oversight.
For the next match, I’ll make sure Ascii titles it as (SoR/(BGJQ) – BG/(SoRJQ) – JQ/(SoRBG)) so it’s accurate.
Actually, JQ doesn’t really complain about 2v1 so the last combination isn’t necessary.
I guess next week we will have to give JQ some JQ/(SoRBG), who knows, maybe their rating will drop below TC’s
. I really think that at least for NA, TC would make things more interesting.
Yeah you guys might be able to win an open field fight if you fought TC and not JQ. Until then continue to stay behind your ac’s unless you outnumber us 2v1. =) Or old man JQ will take your precious bags….mmmmmmmm.
Say’s the guy coming from the server that managed to drain 1700 supply in less than 15 minutes all on gates and ACs.
Or that sets up multiple ACs in BG’s keep in EB while completely ignored by BG and SoR.
You guys might be able to PvDoor while BG and SoR dish it out, but I have not seen a decent JQ push (specially whitout ACs) all week.Dear BG, I love our rivalry and wish to continue dishing it out and taking turns at making the other feel enormous pressure at times, but I think we should both hit JQ hard from time to time, or just go for getting them down to 0 ppt. The qq will be much more interesting and contain much less chest thumping on the part of their forum trolls.
I’m really hoping for a DB/TC/JQ matchup next week, that would make things so interesting, how will JQ fair without SoR or BG around to take most of the pressure off their back.
In summary, nobody has been able to knock JQ out of T1 ever, please help. Also SOR, don’t worry, it’s not your fault village idiots now have internet access, and we won’t hold the above poster against you.
I’m not even from NA and i know JQ has been knocked into T2 before.
T2 first 1 week match but the score was so lopsided it wasn’t funny I think it was 600+ tick pretty much 24/7
As an ordained Minister & Marriage Counselor in the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints I think it has come time to open up the SoR/BG therapy sessions to little JQ who was turned into child protective services as JQ was found lost and wandering around a shopping center looking for either SoR or BG. To maintain a healthy family, BG and SoR need to not only work on their own relationship, but also make sure that little JQ receives enough attention as well! If not, JQ could end up getting into mischief and fall into a sad juvenile delinquent state, and nobody wants that.
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
TW vs. AGG results: TW won.
Potions of Ascalonian Mages have now doubled in price.
Can we see the video matey
Thanks for the fights TW.
It was just the one week! I swear!
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
It was just the one week! I swear!
lol. I wouldn’t count that as tier 2 either…….
Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir
TW vs. AGG results: TW won.
Potions of Ascalonian Mages have now doubled in price.
Can we see the video matey
Thanks for the fights TW.
Cool video. Gotta say, I completely understand where TW is coming from. The tonics do give you some kind of advantage as it would be tough to see the different classes. However, I think TW should have stated it earlier.
Sanctum Of Rall.
Hey guys, thought I’d swing by.
Looking for reality, any chance it’s on this page…. no?
mmmkay, I was afraid of that. Maybe it’s hiding on page 17Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landsliiiide, no escape from reality…
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathyBecause it’s easy come, easy go.
Little high, little low.
ANYWHERE the wind blows, doesn’t really matter …
To meeeeeee.
Mothaaaaaa! OoooooOOOOOooooo. I didn’t MEAN to make you cry. I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all. Carry on, carry on. But it doesn’t really matter….
[KnT] – Blackgate
TW vs. AGG results: TW won.
Potions of Ascalonian Mages have now doubled in price.
Can we see the video matey
Thanks for the fights TW.
Cool video. Gotta say, I completely understand where TW is coming from. The tonics do give you some kind of advantage as it would be tough to see the different classes. However, I think TW should have stated it earlier.
I see it as a simple sacrifice, it seems like you were more worried about being focused down too fast. Little faith in your gameplay ability? Not a good thing.
Gotta have faith.
TW vs. AGG results: TW won.
Potions of Ascalonian Mages have now doubled in price.
Can we see the video matey
Thanks for the fights TW.
Cool video. Gotta say, I completely understand where TW is coming from. The tonics do give you some kind of advantage as it would be tough to see the different classes. However, I think TW should have stated it earlier.
I see it as a simple sacrifice, it seems like you were more worried about being focused down too fast. Little faith in your gameplay ability? Not a good thing.
Gotta have faith.
Would have been fine, if this was mentioned along with the initial rules last wednesday.
Not after you lost 2/3 on tuesday night.
Tired of this [TW] “Do it our way or the highway” attitude.
Good point.
Beast mode
TW vs. AGG results: TW won.
Potions of Ascalonian Mages have now doubled in price.
Can we see the video matey
Thanks for the fights TW.
Cool video. Gotta say, I completely understand where TW is coming from. The tonics do give you some kind of advantage as it would be tough to see the different classes. However, I think TW should have stated it earlier.
I see it as a simple sacrifice, it seems like you were more worried about being focused down too fast. Little faith in your gameplay ability? Not a good thing.
Gotta have faith.
Would have been fine, if this was mentioned along with the initial rules last wednesday.
Not after you lost 2/3 on tuesday night.Tired of this [TW] “Do it our way or the highway” attitude.
Shape shifts have been a good strat to use since DAoC 8v8 fights. Gives a visual advantage over anyone. Arguing over this is moot, tbh i didnt care if we fought you with or without them. i just wanted to fight and i would have thought you guys were the same. We both had a great gvg a couple weeks back and i dunno why the same rules werent thought to be applied to this one. Too each his own i guess.
TW vs. AGG results: TW won.
Potions of Ascalonian Mages have now doubled in price.
Can we see the video matey
Thanks for the fights TW.
Cool video. Gotta say, I completely understand where TW is coming from. The tonics do give you some kind of advantage as it would be tough to see the different classes. However, I think TW should have stated it earlier.
I see it as a simple sacrifice, it seems like you were more worried about being focused down too fast. Little faith in your gameplay ability? Not a good thing.
Gotta have faith.
Would have been fine, if this was mentioned along with the initial rules last wednesday.
Not after you lost 2/3 on tuesday night.Tired of this [TW] “Do it our way or the highway” attitude.
Shape shifts have been a good strat to use since DAoC 8v8 fights. Gives a visual advantage over anyone. Arguing over this is moot, tbh i didnt care if we fought you with or without them. i just wanted to fight and i would have thought you guys were the same. We both had a great gvg a couple weeks back and i dunno why the same rules werent thought to be applied to this one. Too each his own i guess.
Visual advantage can go both ways. It is not an item that can’t be acquired.
It is consumable, like oil or food. We have always used ghost, not for visual advantage on our opponents, preferably to keep a tigher train (since ghost is easy to spot).
The only reason we stopped using ghost is because Anet glitched it and put a utility lock on it before. It was fixed not long ago, we have re-implemented it before we accepted your GvG challenge. Look at us vs choo gvg
Also if your worried about ghost hiding my identity, I find that silly.
Considering I am the only person in Aggression with a Sunrise Legendary Greatsword.
I also have a very low rank title in WvW and I am usually first to leap in. Prop’s to [FEAR] for being able to identify me easily with ghost on.
I am confident you would complain if we all re-rolled as Asuran’s that all looked the same because we’d be having a “visual advantage”.
(edited by PredatoR.5247)
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
Asurian is a class the pot is a shape shift 2 completly different challenges.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.
(edited by PredatoR.5247)
Tbf, if he was worried about focus fire he wouldnt be wielding a sunrise…..
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.
I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
The lag on SoR bl is pretty BS, we’ve had mass DC’s all night
I never did hear if VoTF and TW ever planned to have their GvG I remember there was talk for quite sometime just curious though given how many times that was brought up and I would love to see it.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
Good Job AGG!! Go JQ!
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Sanctum Of Rall.
The lag on SoR bl is pretty BS, we’ve had mass DC’s all night
Agreed. Can’t even defend our own borderlands while you guys take all our stuff.
Sanctum Of Rall.
The lag on SoR bl is pretty BS, we’ve had mass DC’s all night
Haven’t we all.
Let’s all share the pain and suffering all of our server’s PvEers have to go through to scale this issue down a bit with this sad song.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
How about everyone compliments one another, that sounds like a great idea to me.
[TW] you are one of the best open field guilds I’ve faced, I am truely impressed.
[SF] you guys have by far the most exciting tactics to watch, you really are formidable and a force to be reckoned with.
[Choo] your guild name rocks, by far the coolest guild name I’ve seen. Oh and you are tough competition on the battlefield.
[MERC] love running with you guys during oceanic/sea prime. You are a lot of fun fighting alongside with.
[Agg] always a pleasure clashing heads with you on the battlefield.
[HL] some of the best open field tactics I’ve personally witnessed.
[BT] definitely have the sexiest gw2 players gathered together in one guild [this is truth] @ Quenta – Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?
Note: No sarcasm in any of my compliments.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Server Traversing Nomad
How about everyone compliments one another, that sounds like a great idea to me.
[TW] you are one of the best open field guilds I’ve faced, I am truely impressed.
[SF] you guys have by far the most exciting tactics to watch, you really are formidable and a force to be reckoned with.
[Choo] your guild name rocks, by far the coolest guild name I’ve seen. Oh and you are tough competition on the battlefield.
[MERC] love running with you guys during oceanic/sea prime. You are a lot of fun fighting alongside with.
[Agg] always a pleasure clashing heads with you on the battlefield.
[HL] some of the best open field tactics I’ve personally witnessed.
[BT] definitely have the sexiest gw2 players gathered together in one guild [this is truth] @ Quenta – Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?
Note: No sarcasm in any of my compliments.
Sir, as an ordained Minister & Marriage Counselor in the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints I would like to tip my ceremonial sparkling pink and purple 10 gallon hat to you and place upon you and your pinky toes the blessings of our Lord and Savior, Jedsus Chris.
Jed likes him sum pinky toes.
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
Your sig says it all.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
this ^^
Everyone can use the tonic.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually. But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Sanctum Of Rall.
let’s be honest after the humiliating whooping that RG gave them they are horrified of ascalonian ghosts. Just seeing AGG in those costumes brought back repressed memories of the biggest losing streak since their high school dating life. Half of them probably got up from their computer in tears causing most of the fights to be something like 8v15.
What guild are you in? Why not try and fight RG yourself? No need to rub salt into TW’s wounds just because they lost to RG. Your signature kind of explains things pretty well.
Sanctum Of Rall.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Sorry, but what is the point of this? I never said no guilds use these tonics. FYI, most of these guilds are from EU. NA guilds that GvG rarely use these tonics, from what I’ve noticed.
Sanctum Of Rall.
(edited by Azure.8412)
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Sorry, but what is the point of this? I never said no guilds use these tonics. FYI, most of these guilds are from EU. NA guilds that GvG rarely use these tonics, from what I’ve noticed.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Yes, food buffs are normal now, but that wasn’t always the case. The bonuses they provide are a huge boon when used well. Most guilds realized this and these days it’s commonplace. I don’t see how the ascalonian tonic is any different.
Not wanting to use it yourself for your own reasons is fine and all, but you will be at a significant disadvantage for doing so; just as if you decided not to use food. Asking your opposing team to do the same however is, in my opinion, unreasonable.
Server Traversing Nomad
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Sorry, but what is the point of this? I never said no guilds use these tonics. FYI, most of these guilds are from EU. NA guilds that GvG rarely use these tonics, from what I’ve noticed.
I think he just admitted to being a wannabe. I’m not sure.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Sorry, but what is the point of this? I never said no guilds use these tonics. FYI, most of these guilds are from EU. NA guilds that GvG rarely use these tonics, from what I’ve noticed.
I think he just admitted to being a wannabe. I’m not sure.
No idea myself. Posting several videos on several guilds using these tonics doesn’t explain anything. Besides, I said RARELY.
Sanctum Of Rall.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Sorry, but what is the point of this? I never said no guilds use these tonics. FYI, most of these guilds are from EU. NA guilds that GvG rarely use these tonics, from what I’ve noticed.
I think he just admitted to being a wannabe. I’m not sure.
your guild was the one claiming to do everything similar to Red guard in your GvG “RG just does it better”.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Yes, food buffs are normal now, but that wasn’t always the case. The bonuses they provide are a huge boon when used well. Most guilds realized this and these days it’s commonplace. I don’t see how the ascalonian tonic is any different.
Not wanting to use it yourself for your own reasons is fine and all, but you will be at a significant disadvantage for doing so; just as if you decided not to use food. Asking your opposing team to do the same however is, in my opinion, unreasonable.
Its similar to Eyefinity. Some people don’t like using Eyefinity and have multiple screens. Why did so many people complain about Eyefinity usage from others then? Can’t they get Eyefinity themselves? It really depends on how common it is. By your logic, people who use Eyefinity to gain a larger advantage should be completely fine then.
Sanctum Of Rall.
(edited by Azure.8412)
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Sorry, but what is the point of this? I never said no guilds use these tonics. FYI, most of these guilds are from EU. NA guilds that GvG rarely use these tonics, from what I’ve noticed.
I think he just admitted to being a wannabe. I’m not sure.
your guild was the one claiming to do everything similar to Red guard in your GvG “RG just does it better”.
So you thought about running a heavy melee train by yourself? Please think about what you say before you say it.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Yes, food buffs are normal now, but that wasn’t always the case. The bonuses they provide are a huge boon when used well. Most guilds realized this and these days it’s commonplace. I don’t see how the ascalonian tonic is any different.
Not wanting to use it yourself for your own reasons is fine and all, but you will be at a significant disadvantage for doing so; just as if you decided not to use food. Asking your opposing team to do the same however is, in my opinion, unreasonable.
Its similar to Eyefinity. Some people don’t like using Eyefinity and have multiple screens. Why did so many people complain about Eyefinity usage from others then? Can’t they get Eyefinity themselves? It really depends on how common it is. By your logic, people who use Eyefinity to gain a larger advantage should be completely fine then.
eyeinfinity is a 3rd party software..
This potion is INGAME.
Stay on track.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Yes, food buffs are normal now, but that wasn’t always the case. The bonuses they provide are a huge boon when used well. Most guilds realized this and these days it’s commonplace. I don’t see how the ascalonian tonic is any different.
Not wanting to use it yourself for your own reasons is fine and all, but you will be at a significant disadvantage for doing so; just as if you decided not to use food. Asking your opposing team to do the same however is, in my opinion, unreasonable.
Its similar to Eyefinity. Some people don’t like using Eyefinity and have multiple screens. Why did so many people complain about Eyefinity usage from others then? Can’t they get Eyefinity themselves? It really depends on how common it is. By your logic, people who use Eyefinity to gain a larger advantage should be completely fine then.
eyeinfinity is a 3rd party software..
This potion is INGAME.Stay on track.
I’m linking the both of them based on accessibility. Anyway, in future GvGs, i think guilds do need to properly communicate with each other and discuss on things they should or should not use, to prevent conflicts and misunderstandings.
Sanctum Of Rall.
(edited by Azure.8412)
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Yes, food buffs are normal now, but that wasn’t always the case. The bonuses they provide are a huge boon when used well. Most guilds realized this and these days it’s commonplace. I don’t see how the ascalonian tonic is any different.
Not wanting to use it yourself for your own reasons is fine and all, but you will be at a significant disadvantage for doing so; just as if you decided not to use food. Asking your opposing team to do the same however is, in my opinion, unreasonable.
Its similar to Eyefinity. Some people don’t like using Eyefinity and have multiple screens. Why did so many people complain about Eyefinity usage from others then? Can’t they get Eyefinity themselves? It really depends on how common it is. By your logic, people who use Eyefinity to gain a larger advantage should be completely fine then.
The difference being that where one is available to anyone who owns the game, the other has external requirements. A three monitor setup and the hardware to run it isn’t something that everyone can afford, whereas there isn’t anything stopping TW from running the potion themselves other than the fact that they prefer not to.
It would be a better comparison if the tonic was for example a gem store item, in which case I would understand. Regardless, I’m just an unrelated third party here and my opinion doesn’t mean much. Hopefully the two can sort out the issue and have a rematch.
Server Traversing Nomad
(edited by Ardon.4105)
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
^ Its unfair to your opponents, [Agg]. Its like you’re using an “exploit” to gain an advantage over your enemies.
Forgive me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t everyone have access to the tonic? Isn’t it just as ridiculous to say food is an unfair advantage?
Yes, actually.
But food buffs are extremely common with those guilds who do GvGs, so its pretty much understood by all guilds who GvG that food buffs are permitted. These tonics though, are pretty rarely used by guilds that GvG, other than RG and other guilds who want to be like RG.
Yes, food buffs are normal now, but that wasn’t always the case. The bonuses they provide are a huge boon when used well. Most guilds realized this and these days it’s commonplace. I don’t see how the ascalonian tonic is any different.
Not wanting to use it yourself for your own reasons is fine and all, but you will be at a significant disadvantage for doing so; just as if you decided not to use food. Asking your opposing team to do the same however is, in my opinion, unreasonable.
Its similar to Eyefinity. Some people don’t like using Eyefinity and have multiple screens. Why did so many people complain about Eyefinity usage from others then? Can’t they get Eyefinity themselves? It really depends on how common it is. By your logic, people who use Eyefinity to gain a larger advantage should be completely fine then.
The difference being that where one is available to anyone who owns the game and the other has external requirements. A three monitor setup and the hardware to run it isn’t something that everyone can afford, whereas there isn’t anything stopping TW from running the potion themselves other than the fact that they prefer not to.
It would be a better comparison if the tonic was for example a gem store item, in which case I would understand. Regardless, I’m just an unrelated third party here and my opinion doesn’t mean much. Hopefully the two can sort out the issue and have a rematch.
Perhaps. Yeah.
Sanctum Of Rall.
Eyefinity – expensive, elite equipment not everyone has access to.
Potions – available to all for a reasonable price.
Not quite the same.
“Its similar to Eyefinity.”
HAHAHA, my god…
“Its similar to Eyefinity.”
HAHAHA, my god…
Your logic of “having 1 keep doesn’t mean there’s PvDoor” isn’t any better. Oh Yeah, you said you could prove that we were faking our coverage right? Prove it.
Sanctum Of Rall.
“Its similar to Eyefinity.”
HAHAHA, my god…
Your logic of “having 1 keep doesn’t mean there’s PvDoor” isn’t any better. Oh Yeah, you said you could prove that we were faking our coverage right? Prove it.
2~3 keeps + some towers.
learn to read pls
why are you so mad? just because TW lost to Agg? haha
You should to learn to lose.
“Its similar to Eyefinity.”
HAHAHA, my god…
Your logic of “having 1 keep doesn’t mean there’s PvDoor” isn’t any better. Oh Yeah, you said you could prove that we were faking our coverage right? Prove it.
2~3 keeps + some towers.
learn to read pls
why are you so mad? just because TW lost to Agg? haha
You should to learn to lose.
Ohh, okay. That means there’s no PvDoor whatsoever. :P I suppose EU is no PvDoor for SoR too then. How come so many BG are complaining about SoR PvDooring in EU then? Dumb logic. I’m not even in TW.
Sanctum Of Rall.