Sylvari Rouge
(edited by Aeneasx.1589)
Why won’t you duel me [SE] guardian
I was having fun versing you and that warrior.
That’s a pretty good depiction of how IoJ duels.
XD He/she ran into the tower. Only screenshot I had of them. I don’t bring zergs to duels!
I’ve never seen a member of HARD away from the zerg, unless they were furiously keyboard turning towards the closest after lagging out.
duel me nub
(edited by Aeneasx.1589)
Anyone want to do some 2v2- 5v5? Whisper me in game.
Devona’s Rest
we are still looking for this.
Hello Darkhaven and Isle of Janthir! I will be hosting a Fight Club and everyone is welcome!
Location – Devona’s Rest Borderlands under Champion’s Demense Camp
Time – 8 PM EST. If you need a conversion to your time zone, please PM me your immediate time!
Standard Rules/Tips:
- /bow before each duel
- Duels end when the opposed is downed
- If an interruption divides a duel, please warn the player that an event is occurring and should be told to immediately stop interrupting. If the player continues the interruption, the opposed should down the player. Finishing a player is absolutely unnecessary and is not tolerated.
- Team Duels are allowed, if you would like to start one, each team must have equal amounts of players, and the duel initiates when all team players /bow. The team duel is finished when the opposing players are finished and the last person is downed. You may resurrect your team player if they’re downed, but not when they’re finished until the team duel is complete.
- Siege weapons and items from the “Traps and Tricks” outfitter is not permitted.
- No Stacks are permitted. ex. Corruption, Perception, Bloodlust, Life, Luck, Applied Fortitude, Guard Leech, etc.
I hope to see many people there as I have seen on the forums, hope everyone can make it!
If there are any questions about this event, please whisper me anything you misunderstand before Fight Club.
Fight Club will be starting in approximately 6 hours and 40 minutes.
Most of what he is stating is from roaming and 1v1 fights which most HARD members don’t do.
No kitten. I never would’ve guessed.
Hey bud, i saw you on your warrior the other night. was letting you do your thing stomping IOJs in IOJBL near south camp.. sorry couldnt be more available this matchup i would have liked to give you a go. Cheers!
Typical DH players, thinking they’re good and /laughing in their zerg.
Typical DH players, thinking they’re good and /laughing in their zerg.
For some fights it doesn’t really matter how poorly I play or how good the other person plays the fight is pretty much won by the build alone. However, it’s not unbeatable, of course. So far, there have been three 1v1 losses to a [PD] mesmer, [SE] thief, and [DHE] thief.
For some fights it doesn’t really matter how poorly I play or how good the other person plays the fight is pretty much won by the build alone. However, it’s not unbeatable, of course. So far, there have been three 1v1 losses to a [PD] mesmer, [SE] thief, and [DHE] thief.
Really good video, I like your build and playstyle
I would like to duel with ya before this match up ends with my ranger. I’ll be on during 7 to 9 pm EST if you’re interested
Yes, that is our site.
Sorry I can’t quote, it’s not giving me the option. :/
For one, I apologize for my server laughing, but it was only one person. Don’t say “DH” as in we all do it. The guilds around your body are small ones, so don’t take it to heart. Every server has the spamming emoters, maybe you should just unclick the emote box if it really bothers you that much?
My chat box was full of DR and IoJ spamming every emote but “kneel” last night in DH BL…..
Another reminder! Fight Club starts in 10 minutes. Meet at the location and let’s get this started!
Typical DH players, thinking they’re good and /laughing in their zerg.
I would like to apologize for this too, its pathetic. Though, this kind of crap has been far more rampant from isle of janthir and devonas rest than I’ve seen from darkhaven..and perhaps my server is just as guilty. Myself and 2 others fought a group of 8 devonas rest at south camp and had wiped them previously about 3 times, We eventually lost the fight because this group had the backing of upgraded npcs yet we still downed 5 of them. So what did they do next? proceeded to laugh and corpse jump all of us as if they had actually accomplished something.
Laughing and mocking because you have greater numbers doesnt make you a good player, it just demonstrates how much growing up you still have to do.
Most of what he is stating is from roaming and 1v1 fights which most HARD members don’t do.
No kitten. I never would’ve guessed.
Hey bud, i saw you on your warrior the other night. was letting you do your thing stomping IOJs in IOJBL near south camp.. sorry couldnt be more available this matchup i would have liked to give you a go. Cheers!
It has been a sad and boring week without you and your group. We always had good fights, maybe we will get put together again in the future when you have more time.
Dear DH [SE] legend kitteny, your face really looked funny and kitteny up-close, you should see for yourself some time.
Always enjoy DH zerging and laughing. 7 of your people crashed into a duel between 1 IoJ [FT] and 1 DR [BFF] earlier at SE sentry, and guess what? Yea, you laughed! lol
Typical DH players, thinking they’re good and /laughing in their zerg.
Laughing and mocking because you have greater numbers doesnt make you a good player, it just demonstrates how much growing up you still have to do.
Oh, another archived screenshot from reset night in this match.
Dear DH [SE] legend kitteny, your face really looked funny and kitteny up-close, you should see for yourself some time.
Always enjoy DH zerging and laughing. 7 of your people crashed into a duel between 1 IoJ [FT] and 1 DR [BFF] earlier at SE sentry, and guess what? Yea, you laughed! lol
kitten if I posted a screenshot for every DR and IOJ who laughed or corpse danced or jumped on my 1vX or chased my upscale with 5 roaming 80s or turned around and jumped on me after a duel when I had moved on to fighting a camp or zerged me down 20v1 or jumped the duel before the bow finished or were just a server of 222222 or spam emoted up the wazoo….. we’d have a lot more kitten to read. DR kittens. god. …
Nice of you to keep it clean in the fight club dr
People turn your god kitten emotes off and quit kittening. It will solve everything. Every week it’s the same thing, this person teabagged me, this person laughed on my corpse, this person touched my winky. You can turn them off for a reason.
I’m only interested in the females.
Is the fight club still going?
Dear DH [SE] legend kitteny…
kitten if I posted a screenshot for every DR and IOJ who laughed or corpse danced or jumped on my 1vX or chased my upscale with 5 roaming 80s or turned around and jumped on me after a duel when I had moved on to fighting a camp or zerged me down 20v1 or jumped the duel before the bow finished or were just a server of 222222 or spam emoted up the wazoo….. we’d have a lot more kitten to read. DR kittens. god. …
Sounds kitten, looks kitten… meow~
I didn’t make a generalized accusation against the whole server. That emotes spam Raider… well, he or she or kitten it is just some raider in that big group. However, that [SE] Legend player she walked up to me and smile right in front of me. Couldn’t resist but took the screenshot and decided to make it public. Too bad I didn’t capture her face in time.
People turn your god kitten emotes off and quit kittening. It will solve everything. Every week it’s the same thing, this person teabagged me, this person laughed on my corpse, this person touched my winky. You can turn them off for a reason.
Sometimes we /wave or /cheer @ each other, or even nice red tag players do so. I don’t wanna miss those. Yes, I saw a lot emote spams, and in most cases, I would just ignore them and move on, wouldn’t bother to post any kitten.
Personally I use /say or /party to “lol” with friends a lot. The bubble makes it stand out and keep it to ourselves. Just my two cents.
(edited by playard.6035)
Dear DH [SE] legend kitteny, your face really looked funny and kitteny up-close, you should see for yourself some time.
Always enjoy DH zerging and laughing. 7 of your people crashed into a duel between 1 IoJ [FT] and 1 DR [BFF] earlier at SE sentry, and guess what? Yea, you laughed! lol
I’m only interested in the females.
Pros, we all know that you and brolaf have a thing.
Gimme 20g.
(edited by Wild Puma.9413)
Thank you for all the duels at Fight Club! Always a fun way to end a wvw week.
I actually won once in a 1v1 my world has changed now.
Loved watching and participating in the fight club!
Another reminder! Fight Club starts in 10 minutes. Meet at the location and let’s get this started!
Good times and fights tonight guys….I had a blast. Thanks for setting this up and all those that came out to fight. I wish I would run into you guys more on the battlefield.
Thank you everyone for coming We had a lot of people stick around, approximately 5 hours and still going. I’m glad everyone enjoyed the event and I hope we can have another match-up together!
Met a lot of new people, friendly fights and greetings all round.
Even though we had interruptions, we were able to keep it going still and weren’t forced to bail out the week of this event, I thank everyone’s participation and persistence.
I would just like everyone to know that Fight Club isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about befriending players you’ve fought and being able to improve your ability to increase your knowledge of other classes to become better and more aware of the play style of each class. Even if you didn’t duel, you sat around and watched and maybe you’ll participate next time, I’d like to have you keep in mind, I respect the people who duel not because of fearing to fail, but to be able to keep an open mind of what they’re facing and are trying again to succeed the next time.
For some fights it doesn’t really matter how poorly I play or how good the other person plays the fight is pretty much won by the build alone. However, it’s not unbeatable, of course. So far, there have been three 1v1 losses to a [PD] mesmer, [SE] thief, and [DHE] thief.
Ahh! You had my hopes up! I thought I finally made it to someone’s build video…I watched the whole thing and was looking for our fights, but the ones on your video are only your wins, lol! Thanks for the shoutout though!
- the [DHE] Thief that was almost cool
PS: I see | Starbound | made it on there, haha! I’m teasing you Star! =)
(edited by neiliam.8614)
This matchup summed up in 0:23 seconds.
This matchup summed up in 0:23 seconds.
thanks to all DH in EB yesterday for them lootbags! we were the guys that bunny hopped to stonemist and tapped it and bunny hopped back.
too kitten funny to see u guys waste all that supply on that siege just to take us out and fail at it
And to the IOJ inside their bay. That was one hell of a fight for bay!
portal bomb for the win tho
And to the IOJ inside their bay. That was one hell of a fight for bay!
portal bomb for the win tho
Not sure if you’re talking about the one from yesterday. Even though things didn’t turn out in our favour there, have to say they were fun fights. Good co-ordination between you guys and DDLG.
And to the IOJ inside their bay. That was one hell of a fight for bay!
portal bomb for the win thoNot sure if you’re talking about the one from yesterday. Even though things didn’t turn out in our favour there, have to say they were fun fights. Good co-ordination between you guys and DDLG.
Yes sir! and thank you very much cheers! this matchup was pretty good. Them clashes between IOJ’S {HARD} {CORE} {TEST} in the ruins were awesome too!
And fighting DH abys is fun but they run too much -_-
good luck on your next mathup! good vibes.
And to the IOJ inside their bay. That was one hell of a fight for bay!
portal bomb for the win thoNot sure if you’re talking about the one from yesterday. Even though things didn’t turn out in our favour there, have to say they were fun fights. Good co-ordination between you guys and DDLG.
Yes sir! and thank you very much
cheers! this matchup was pretty good. Them clashes between IOJ’S {HARD} {CORE} {TEST} in the ruins were awesome too!
And fighting DH abys is fun but they run too much -_-
good luck on your next mathup! good vibes.
I dont know if it was you guys or not, but we fought a thief that was commanding with a few other DR and some other BÆST members with him in DH BL about an hour or two ago. Really good fights with you guys, I was the [AR] Guardian that held out while my ranger pal got back to help and we wiped you the first time, I think you guys wiped us at Briar and one other time. Great fighting against you if it was you that we encountered, Hope to see you and your guild in future match ups:D
And to the IOJ inside their bay. That was one hell of a fight for bay!
portal bomb for the win thoNot sure if you’re talking about the one from yesterday. Even though things didn’t turn out in our favour there, have to say they were fun fights. Good co-ordination between you guys and DDLG.
Yes sir! and thank you very much
cheers! this matchup was pretty good. Them clashes between IOJ’S {HARD} {CORE} {TEST} in the ruins were awesome too!
And fighting DH abys is fun but they run too much -_-
good luck on your next mathup! good vibes.
I dont know if it was you guys or not, but we fought a thief that was commanding with a few other DR and some other BÆST members with him in DH BL about an hour or two ago. Really good fights with you guys, I was the [AR] Guardian that held out while my ranger pal got back to help and we wiped you the first time, I think you guys wiped us at Briar and one other time. Great fighting against you if it was you that we encountered, Hope to see you and your guild in future match ups:D
yes sir that was me only 2 80’s on my party the rest were upscale
but yeah it was fun fighting you guys! good luck on your next matchup!
Started out as a fair fight in the tunnels. Ended up with this guy running to a cannon lmao.
W.o.r.s.t Matchup Ever
Twas a good, fun and surprisingly tame match up DR/DH. Ill see you in the future weeks to come (Possibly even this next week if we get another ANet troll like with DH/NSP two weeks in a row). Good luck in your next matches, and may the badges ever flow in your favor ;P
Whoa! What is happening? Sorry guys, not been active in forums and WvW lately (kitten you ANET for the new PvE content). I need those gold too, so I farmed that pizza place.
I heard my name has been called out, wow, I mean really? I am that popular now?
I also saw some troll guilds, good times. I really like the one I saw yesterday Less Pewpew More QQ [DR] made me LOL!
Overall, I have been absent in WvW, sorry IoJ I couldn’t be of much help this week you know I really need the golds for upgrading those towers and buying sieges.
To DH and DR, congrats to whoever is winning (I’m pretty sure it’s DH).
Peace brothers.
I think I’m going to miss my thief buds in SE/DHE, but I’m sure we’ll get matched up again.
^ You must be that Guildless Devona’s Rest Raider that likes to jump us when we are fighting other people or NPCs lol. I know my SE thief buddy hates facing you coz he has trouble beating you, haha!
^ You must be that Guildless Devona’s Rest Raider that likes to jump us when we are fighting other people or NPCs lol. I know my SE thief buddy hates facing you coz he has trouble beating you, haha!
If you’re the DHE thief that won’t fight until you have full stacks of every possible thing you can, and even then runs away after getting to 10% every time, you shouldn’t say it’s just the SE thief that has trouble beating me.
That’s because you attack me only when I’m already 50% HP from something else. Be glad I let you hit me for 30% more of my HP before I try to recover. I hope you enjoyed the multiple spectre finishes I gave you as much as I did.
(edited by neiliam.8614)
If you honestly believe that is what happened in our fights, I don’t even know what to say. You ran away from me so many times after starting at 100% with nothing else hitting you, or even remotely close. I think the only times you actually stuck around was when you had another thief or two with you to chain bas venom. But like I said, I’m sure we’ll get matched against each other again, and the fun can continue.
I almost forgot to thank the DH Necro the provided me with a precursor last week! Thx for the Gold :P
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