Ascenion of Elements
Sylvari Ele main
Yeah so there we have it, they have had inflows since our last matchup. Its pretty obvious, but its also appreciated that someone will admit it. There is no reason not to say “we’ve gotten better” but to claim this matchup is solely about skill is just silly. Its about numbers like every other WvW matchup since the beginning of time.
I think they call “Influx” what happened to old Kaineng and what is happening on IoJ and SBI right now… In that matter, the number of people that came to ET aren’t even close as the numbers that those servers received.
But still, saying that ET is winning solely by numbers when your server is getting outplayed in fights that we are undermanned is silly.
Eredon Terrace improved? – Yes
Eredon Terrace got more people? – Yes
I wouldn’t know about being on the high side, I have only played in FC BL all week and we have been continuously outmanned during all the hours I have played. Defending typically 5 on 10 or 15.
I can’t say I am impressed with the ET Tactics that I have seen, we certainly were not getting outplayed during the hours I was on. Example: ET sets up to Cata Briar from the island, get wall half down, walk away and do something else. Wipe undefended cata. Wash rinse repeat. Ok so they give up there, go and build treb ON the wall at Bay, instead of in vale where its easily defended, treb goes down in 10 seconds along with the AC hastily built to try and cover the treb, so they run away and do something else.
We beat all that with 3 people on ET’s 10-12. We didn’t even need siege. We eventually wiped what was left, 3 on 8 at the northernmost camp. I am terribad at fighting hand to hand, I like the strategy of the game not the 1v1 combat, so that should tell you something.
Eventually ET took everything on the map, namely because we had around 6-10 people and there were three times as many ET. But that was certainly not player skill, it was apathy and loss of interest on FC part and of course. numbers.
anyone who’s saying the population is the same is wrong lol.. is that fair to say if I’m on ET right now?
We’ve definitely seen an increase in numbers.
Just being honest.
Indisputable visual proof of the new massive zergs on ET.
New ET:
Old ET:
LOL! Well my trolling on this forum has finally gotten to everyone about time the forum warriors come out, you all can think what you want but I know 2 months back both your servers were all over us, so we have gotten more people to take interests in WvW via using teamspeak and communication, you can have fun sitting at the bottom tier but just remember that I tried to warn you all because these leagues aint gunna play for 7 whole weeks have fun in pve.
Ynot, please add some chest thumping and 2v1 to your post. kthxbai.
I usually don’t chest bump or win 2v1s! That is hard against people who aren’t complete morons. But I will comment and say that Warlord is full of crap which is clear to pretty much everyone, even one of your server mates.
OMG, you’re doing this wrong!
Let me show you.
I can’t believe that both FC & DR are double teaming ET. That’s the only reason why we’re at 130 PPT.
Obviously ET has superior fighters and have better coordination over voicechat. FC and DR are total noobs at teamspeak. L2play.
You suck at this game, suck at trolling on the forums, and you suck at using teamspeak. I know more about teamspeak than you so clearly I am a better person in all things. We are beating you at ppt while most of our players are logged off. ET is the worst server in the world and when it crashes and burns the whole world will come together to laugh at your charred remains.
p.s. 1v1 me brah
Do you even lift? I bench 300.
I’ll 1v1 you brah. I’ll bring Moobs to watch your humiliation when crush you. I’ll even do it without my armor on.
But i know for a fact that I’ve beaten both you and belle and I have never been hit with a 10k backstab. I never complain about necro condis because I main a necro. Do your research ya little dumb.
I’ll bring Jeknar to watch your defeat too. Let’s make it a cage match. Necro vs Necro. Who can out condi the other???
Jeknar is right, FC is nothing but a bunch of mouthbreathers. FC will never be able to compare to the likes of even a level 1 ET player.
I’m late the troll party. I had to get on a conference call for an hour or so.
But i know for a fact that I’ve beaten both you and belle and I have never been hit with a 10k backstab. I never complain about necro condis because I main a necro. Do your research ya little dumb.
I don’t need research… I have skills.
And I don’t recall being beaten by a condition necro… Unless you’re one of those necros that see that things gonna get ugly and flee to the nearest tower/keep using deathshroud as your shield. Then you problably will consider getting away alive a victory, and I can’t argue against that.
Its okay not to remember it. My golem hits people in the head hard
Jeknar is right, FC is nothing but a bunch of mouthbreathers. FC will never be able to compare to the likes of even a level 1 ET player.
Ye may wish to add a few zeroes to that “1,” Belle. And windowlickers shouldn’t call anyone a mouthbreather, it’s like pointing yer index finger at a target … but forgetting that hand ‘o yers has 3 fingers pointing right back at yer face.
I swear, server-hoppin’ ET kids these days … d’ye even Mesmer?
Ynot, please add some chest thumping and 2v1 to your post. kthxbai.
I usually don’t chest bump or win 2v1s! That is hard against people who aren’t complete morons. But I will comment and say that Warlord is full of crap which is clear to pretty much everyone, even one of your server mates.
OMG, you’re doing this wrong!
Let me show you.
I can’t believe that both FC & DR are double teaming ET. That’s the only reason why we’re at 130 PPT.
Obviously ET has superior fighters and have better coordination over voicechat. FC and DR are total noobs at teamspeak. L2play.
You suck at this game, suck at trolling on the forums, and you suck at using teamspeak. I know more about teamspeak than you so clearly I am a better person in all things. We are beating you at ppt while most of our players are logged off. ET is the worst server in the world and when it crashes and burns the whole world will come together to laugh at your charred remains.
p.s. 1v1 me brah
Do you even lift? I bench 300.
I’ll 1v1 you brah. I’ll bring Moobs to watch your humiliation when crush you. I’ll even do it without my armor on.
But i know for a fact that I’ve beaten both you and belle and I have never been hit with a 10k backstab. I never complain about necro condis because I main a necro. Do your research ya little dumb.
I’ll bring Jeknar to watch your defeat too. Let’s make it a cage match. Necro vs Necro. Who can out condi the other???
Jeknar is right, FC is nothing but a bunch of mouthbreathers. FC will never be able to compare to the likes of even a level 1 ET player.
I will outcondi you with only a broken stick and a butterknife. That is the kind of necro I am. You stand no chance ya nerd.
I once saw Y Not outcondi a full zerg using only a quaggan tonic and emotes.
I will outcondi you with only a broken stick and a butterknife. That is the kind of necro I am. You stand no chance ya nerd.
Scepter/Dagger? pffft… And you call yourself a condition necro?
I once saw Y Not outcondi a full zerg using only a quaggan tonic and emotes.
I’m sure /belch and /fart can cause a lot of conditions… More yet comming from someone stinky like him.
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
I once out condi’d a whole sever and i’m a dps build :o top that!
only axe/warhorn necros are true condi necros.
I’m going to use zerg tactics to beat you Ynot. I’ll stand still and spam 1.
I learned how to do this in T1
Let me explain something to you guys who think that ET is zerging and is winning cause of numbers: PPT is coverage. Though all of us have about the same numbers, ET has better coverage due to better communication. Also, great fights so far this week. Have had some great 5-7v20’s. Even won a couple .
Let me explain something to you guys who think that ET is zerging and is winning cause of numbers: PPT is coverage. Though all of us have about the same numbers, ET has better coverage due to better communication. Also, great fights so far this week. Have had some great 5-7v20’s. Even won a couple
Thats very impressive i did the same :o only we didn’t have ts :p
Fun time fighting BS on fc bl. Its been a while since I fought you, but you guys are still as skilled from what I remember. So props and a good time.
I’m totally jelly. I have run into Yarr just once while roaming so far this week.
ET is winning because they had a better turnout at reset taking all 3 of our keeps with a ~50 man zerg and DR joined in taking advantage of that opportunity.
We definitely underestimated ET this match and paid for it over the weekend. But don’t expect a rematch to repeat this pattern
Go figure … smacktalk seems to improve thread amusement levels. /shrug
As long as we’re not getting terribly personal (gender/race/familial disposition and the like), guess we’d best stick with what works.
Go figure … smacktalk seems to improve thread amusement levels. /shrug
As long as we’re not getting terribly personal (gender/race/familial disposition and the like), guess we’d best stick with what works.
idk, I’ve seen a few posts on this thread that have been dancing on the line between joking and personal.
That’s the issue with text, opposed to voice or face-to-face. It’s terribly complicated, by comparison, to convey differences in inflection.
DR had lots of fun in EB today lol hope FC and ET weren’t intimidated by the size of our zerg of moose, yaks, and dolyaks :P
DR had lots of fun in EB today lol hope FC and ET weren’t intimidated by the size of our zerg of moose, yaks, and dolyaks :P
Eargh… Go back to the Tarnished Coast filthy Dolyak Parade… Where is Sanctum of Rall when I need them to disrupt this mess?
DR had lots of fun in EB today lol hope FC and ET weren’t intimidated by the size of our zerg of moose, yaks, and dolyaks :P
we beat you to this 3 weeks ago with our inaugural [EDGE] herd i.e. ruminent tonics.
but your herd is bigger. guess its time to step up our game.
pro tip: lead the zerg with an asura mesmer and portal bomb the enemy. animal form can stomp downed players
i don’t always get caught in a [BS]/[Yarr] sandwich, but when I do, I usually die. Fun fights today mid-afternoon. [Yarr] mesmer… I got nothing to say to you!
-Asura necro with floppy ears
i don’t always get caught in a [BS]/[Yarr] sandwich, but when I do, I usually die. Fun fights today mid-afternoon. [Yarr] mesmer… I got nothing to say to you!
-Asura necro with floppy ears
Thats mean >.> you sprayed me with all your condi’s so i sprayed them all back.
Form up, engage, fail, run back into tower. Form up engage, fail, run back into tower, form up, engage, fail, run back into tower. No open field skill’d. If you are on FC you see a pattern. /shrug
Its funny to have balls and then get beat up and run home to momma.
All I saw was Fergusons Crossing Recruit is crying, so was ET . OMG we had so much fun, everyone was laughing their kitten off!!! I was in tears laughing. Thanks for the good time Ferg. Let the good times roll.
I will outcondi you with only a broken stick and a butterknife. That is the kind of necro I am. You stand no chance ya nerd.
Scepter/Dagger? pffft… And you call yourself a condition necro?
I once saw Y Not outcondi a full zerg using only a quaggan tonic and emotes.
I’m sure /belch and /fart can cause a lot of conditions… More yet comming from someone stinky like him.
I said a broken stick and butterknife. You must have failed your engrish lessons
ET being skillful “why you running tower” lol <3 ET :/
ET is too legit to handle.
ET being skillful “why you running tower” lol <3 ET :/
I like how ET had a zerg of 30 but couldn’t take a keep from 10 to maybe 15 man zerg, as well as they couldn’t even break through the first wall and got mopped when they rushed in. As for FC, not only did we face dying servers, but we also started to have good coverage and etc. As for now FC is lacking real numbers. I know this because at one point you would pop your head into any BL and it would most likely have a tag and a group. No adays it feels like im alone roaming half the time. FC has really lost major numbers, mainly because our people either left for Teq or GTA V…
ET has gotten better, but needs practice .
ET being skillful “why you running tower” lol <3 ET :/
hey, that’s me in that party. Lol that was fun. Died a bunch of times, but it was fun.
To answer your question: ET doesn’t like siege so the untouchable arrow carts scared them off
hey, that’s me in that party
. Lol that was fun. Died a bunch of times, but it was fun.
To answer your question: ET doesn’t like siege so the untouchable arrow carts scared them off
:p wasn’t a question was quoting someone (not there exact words) answering him why we running in tower, had ac ouple groups of 8 ET might stack for me… was impressed by the teamwork
ET being skillful “why you running tower” lol <3 ET :/
I like how ET had a zerg of 30 but couldn’t take a keep from 10 to maybe 15 man zerg, as well as they couldn’t even break through the first wall and got mopped when they rushed in. As for FC, not only did we face dying servers, but we also started to have good coverage and etc. As for now FC is lacking real numbers. I know this because at one point you would pop your head into any BL and it would most likely have a tag and a group. No adays it feels like im alone roaming half the time. FC has really lost major numbers, mainly because our people either left for Teq or GTA V…
ET has gotten better, but needs practice .
lol? 30 plus? We had 15-20 fallowing my tag and you had the same numbers, you all couldn’t fight us open field kept getting whipped so you kept running into your keep and hiding behind Arrowcarts, cannons, nice skill FC.. not.
Its cool I understand you all cant fight us straight up hide behind your siege you all had multi arrow carts behind the downed wall and multi arrow carts hitting from above of course we going to get whipped when we push a choke. Its all good we already proved to you all we better by whipping all of you multi. times tonight nice defense tho ill give you that one for the siege but your skill as players, I will say you all need some practice.
ET being skillful “why you running tower” lol <3 ET :/
I like how ET had a zerg of 30 but couldn’t take a keep from 10 to maybe 15 man zerg, as well as they couldn’t even break through the first wall and got mopped when they rushed in. As for FC, not only did we face dying servers, but we also started to have good coverage and etc. As for now FC is lacking real numbers. I know this because at one point you would pop your head into any BL and it would most likely have a tag and a group. No adays it feels like im alone roaming half the time. FC has really lost major numbers, mainly because our people either left for Teq or GTA V…
ET has gotten better, but needs practice .
lol? 30 plus? We had 15-20 fallowing my tag and you had the same numbers, you all couldn’t fight us open field kept getting whipped so you kept running into your keep and hiding behind Arrowcarts, cannons, nice skill FC.. not.
Its cool I understand you all cant fight us straight up hide behind your siege
you all had multi arrow carts behind the downed wall and multi arrow carts hitting from above of course we going to get whipped when we push a choke. Its all good we already proved to you all we better by whipping all of you multi. times tonight nice defense tho ill give you that one for the siege but your skill as players, I will say you all need some practice.
I destroyed all the ET players i saw tonight. The only people who were decent are the dr thieves who chased me across the map all night. Shame that ET sucks at fighting aside from BS and a few others.
20 people? bro… bro… it was… nvm you were to skilled for us
Sorry that whole fiasco on fc bl was ludicrous. You easily outnumbered us, and all you manage to take was one tower before you guys finally quit.
I like and respect ET, but this WarLord guy…
Like Jesse just said just too much skill!
In open field fighting yes, only because you run and dont fight with decent numbers multi times in FC BG, we are even making a video for you so that everyone can see how much running you did even teamspeak commentary.
:D omg yay i been meaning to study your superb tactics!
Thanks for doing the heavy lifting at SM for us DR, much appreciated
In open field fighting yes, only because you run and dont fight with decent numbers multi times in FC BG, we are even making a video for you so that everyone can see how much running you did even teamspeak commentary.
Yes because your video won’t be biased and you’re not going to cut out the parts that makes you look like a fool.
Like I said before love you ET a lot of good guilds on there, BS and CM come to mind.
As for WarLord, “Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.” Seems like you figured that out.
i don’t always get caught in a [BS]/[Yarr] sandwich, but when I do, I usually die. Fun fights today mid-afternoon. [Yarr] mesmer… I got nothing to say to you!
-Asura necro with floppy ears
Thats mean >.> you sprayed me with all your condi’s so i sprayed them all back.
Yeah, it hurt :p Fun fights, though!
In open field fighting yes, only because you run and dont fight with decent numbers multi times in FC BG, we are even making a video for you so that everyone can see how much running you did even teamspeak commentary.
Yes because your video won’t be biased and you’re not going to cut out the parts that makes you look like a fool.
Like I said before love you ET a lot of good guilds on there, BS and CM come to mind.
As for WarLord, “Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.” Seems like you figured that out.
no TFI? And after that long conversation today!?!? I’m hurt!
In open field fighting yes, only because you run and dont fight with decent numbers multi times in FC BG, we are even making a video for you so that everyone can see how much running you did even teamspeak commentary.
Yes because your video won’t be biased and you’re not going to cut out the parts that makes you look like a fool.
Like I said before love you ET a lot of good guilds on there, BS and CM come to mind.
As for WarLord, “Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.” Seems like you figured that out.
no TFI? And after that long conversation today!?!? I’m hurt!
Also PAXA……oh wait
I feel like the PAXA signal is broken. We used to be able to mention them and they would show up en masse.
Lol I dont have a big ego man, I was thinking logical for the upcoming leagues is all and thought this forum was dead and that you 2 servers needed to wake up, it is a fact that we whipped your group outside bay multi times and its a fact that you kept running away from our group and hiding behind acs, if that makes me a troll or have a big ego so be it,you want to sit in your server and be at the bottom of the League thats your choice, I was just thinking we’d be better together then split, I understand for those players that are hardcore to their server thats a hell no but other servers are doing it, I was just saying we could to.. Just remember I reached out to you all, when your playing rank 13 in the league and getting slammed dont be upset.
I have respect for DR and FC, I just remember a few months back it was another story is all and ET was the one at the bottom and people were saying et wasn’t kitten and that we would be at the bottom forever, I am personally enjoying myself, I dont know about everyone else? I am not trying to say you all dont have skill just maybe not skill in open field orgs fights or on uplevels, Most ET WvW players are on teamspeak fallowing the set commanders in each BG so I am just saying we had more skill in possible communication and coordination.
(edited by WarLord.8430)
You’re not thinking logically, if you were would have never posted that last post. Pretty much stating FC is bad no skill run behind siege blah blah. Also you’re not waking anyone up. You’re just coming off as some type of egotistic guild leader.
If you articulated your post better, like you did with this last one. I don’t think anyone would have a problem.
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