Banners Hold-Underworld-Far Shiverpeaks
The troll. Don’t feed it. Except if you want to, it’s kind of entertaining.
Always fun being up against GH, I love killing my original servermates :p
(though, not sure if there’s any of those left, haven’t been on that server for about a year now)
Pathetic GH [Lion] in eb jp that dances on corpse after camping and then suprise jump down :P
Annnd then i came and ganked her at the top, and again at log traps, annnd again by start, [lion] are awful, how these noobs actually manage to kill people is unfathomable to me
I remember the first two but the last at the start was someone else, and I think your leaving out a small detail here you werent really alone now were you? When Perez got me it was actually a fair 1v1 but going 2v1 and then brag about it kinda kills the glory dont you think?
No, tho we did both kill eachother alot gank vs gank, but this one were from when you tried to run towards the fountain but i catched up and killed u under spawn
If you look closely u can see theres no green dot on minimap near me
(edited by Perez.1670)
hello new matchup! and hi hengis!
hello new matchup! and hi hengis!
VoTF transfered to FSP or UW?
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
hello new matchup! and hi hengis!
VoTF transfered to FSP or UW?
I guess you’ll see when we meet in the field.
Good luck!
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Will be fun.
hello new matchup! and hi hengis!
There! That’s the guild tag I was talking of! I’ve never seen you guys before on FSP during night-time, and was really impressed to see a guild raiding at 3AM in the morning
More lootbags please.
hello new matchup! and hi hengis!
VoTF transfered to FSP or UW?
Apparently VII also joined up but not bumped into any yet.
Pretty sure VII joined AG, look at there matchup thread.
shout out to the [Psy] ranger and nice duels during night time
riot=wiped,GRTS=WIPED…AoA next time homies ^^
very good fights from FSP guys,much love and respect for you all.
Good Fights UW and FSP, tho you guys had to blob to take us down xD or it could be jst teamwork…but well done on the fights..10/10 guys
Some Love from GH to FSP and UW.
FSP blob wiped x3 today xD
another guild blob AoA+Punk+pugs Vs HT.
yeah it was the same group PUNK when the blob they had going on got wiped they split and tried to attack us from behind,and we did not have even numbers at that fight it was blob.
reset day,dex and other guild was running 2gather,we wiped them both,and are you sure dex is a 8 man guild?if you are really 8 man guild then am pretty sure i wont even bother looking at your tag….
Lol,you guys dont run alone,you always run with guilds blob,we wiped your 15 man group,am not sure if 15 or 20…then you joined with another guild to wipe us,but you got wiped back.
Get off your high horse and watch yourself in a mirror before bragging at how you “wipe” everyone
Not going to make up theories about how/what, all is on tape.
Here’s our little gift to you:
One of the Leaders
Get off your high horse and watch yourself in a mirror before bragging at how you “wipe” everyone
Not going to make up theories about how/what, all is on tape.Here’s our little gift to you:
Haha, nice video! They looked too shy though, didn’t see any kind of ranged pressure there. I would pay lots of coppers if I could cast up to 3 Meteor Showers without the fear of taking a lot of damage or being interrupted
Were you really sure they outnumbered you?
Haha, nice video! They looked too shy though, didn’t see any kind of ranged pressure there. I would pay lots of coppers if I could cast up to 3 Meteor Showers without the fear of taking a lot of damage or being interrupted
Were you really sure they outnumbered you?
Count the bodies at the end of the vid, I see (3:27) 17 plus the one or two that jumped down and around 3-4 that escaped toward supply depot iirc. We were less than 13 iirc…ah and no AC :P
One of the Leaders
(edited by Emixam.6834)
I think HT should build a second AC. Yeah, i’m sure of it.
I think HT should build a second AC. Yeah, i’m sure of it.
I should kick you for this comment. They need a treb. This is clearly a treb job! [Why do i even bother with minions like these?]
Edit: Also why does every guild have a proper logo except for us? And an intro? … I need to get our media department up to speed again….
(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)
I’m trying to learn Rorik, i really do!
Keep it friendly guys this is a nice matchup having a lot of fun in it ^^
I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.
Great video [SOUl]!
Really enjoyed it. :p
And to FURY, another lessen about “Siege in Combat”. A Flame Ram would have helped them more to protect their ac. The Fear from skill 2 hits 50 people!
And to FURY, another lessen about “Siege in Combat”. A Flame Ram would have helped them more to protect their ac. The Fear from skill 2 hits 50 people!
But SOUL was applying a lot of ranged pressure, so I think a catapult with Rank 5 mastery for the shield bubble would be better. Of course, in a perfect world, you’d have 2 ACs, a treb, a ram, and a catapult.
More seriously… hai FSP! <3
Dont forget the defensive Omega golem. Also to use an ac you cant let the enemys go to the ac! You have to push to them to have the ac cover you from the range.
How about 2 golems? Yeah i said it!
another guild blob AoA+Punk+pugs Vs HT.
I count 18 from you guys(from minimap) and 10 from enemy(whoever them-from picture).
1-Where is blob?
2-Did you really outman enemy 2 to 1 and put pic of it to forum?
3-Seriosly, where is blob?thats after we wiped them mate,ask any AoA or Punk or any fsp player who was in the raid how we wiped them hard while they blobed 1 25man guild^^it was good fights
Sorry Bati, but on that fight we had pretty even numbers.
We did successfully fight groups a lot bigger than us tonight, but on that fight we were against pretty much even numbers.yeah it was the same group PUNK when the blob they had going on got wiped they split and tried to attack us from behind,and we did not have even numbers at that fight it was blob.
Glad you think of defeating us such an achievement that you need to post pics and proof on public forum, keep it up, post away, your making me feel good about myself. While your at it post a few of when we beat you because i cant be bothered to take screen shots. Thanks for the fights btw keep up the good work.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
FSP, It is great that you have so many Rangers.. honestly I have never seen so many rangers on one server in WvW for a while.. But do they ALL have to be glass? Sure it is great to unload into clothies and Medium wearers.. but one warrior with an Earthshaker and Stability in a Ranger cluster and you are brown bread it seems. Get some more of those sneaky slippery Rangers who heal like mad.. They are cool guys!
-Dis Noise Terror [DIRE]
Decent roaming in this matchup now we’re clear of reset. Such a nice change from Piken/Abaddon and on par with Kodash/AG for fun.
Decent roaming in this matchup now we’re clear of reset. Such a nice change from Piken/Abaddon and on par with Kodash/AG for fun.
Except that Kodash roamers were far better than FSP and UWs (overall), and that AG thieves were all D/P copycats
Of course, no offense against FSP and UWs roamers: you are really fun to fight against
Decent roaming in this matchup now we’re clear of reset. Such a nice change from Piken/Abaddon and on par with Kodash/AG for fun.
Except that Kodash roamers were far better than FSP and UWs (overall), and that AG thieves were all D/P copycats
Of course, no offense against FSP and UWs roamers: you are really fun to fight against
From roamer’s perspective Kodash was great for a german server. But IMO Underworld and AG are most fun to fight against. Lots of good solo roamers.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
time for my weekly tradition; is FURY ever coming back to AG?
btw, we <3 you too GH.
For the record, I’m not a thief, I’m a tank guardian, but being honest, we do have a fair number of d/p thieves
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
Always fun being up against GH, I love killing my original servermates :p
(though, not sure if there’s any of those left, haven’t been on that server for about a year now)
As you will find out soon enough there are many of us who remember and love killing you too:)
See you on the battlefield
time for my weekly tradition; is FURY ever coming back to AG?
btw, we <3 you too GH.
For the record, I’m not a thief, I’m a tank guardian, but being honest, we do have a fair number of d/p thieves
If this goes on much longer i’ll have to get a restraining order against you Shino!
my stream:
All names start with Para
wth was that FSP megablob in our garri just 5 minutes ago? Looked bigger than blobbadon’s!
wth was that FSP megablob in our garri just 5 minutes ago? Looked bigger than blobbadon’s!
Just 20 peeps from Kale, don’t worry about it
Leader of Kalevala [Kale]
WvW guild of Far Shiverpeaks
35 on peak there, 35 haakkel! Just to set it clear :] And now ~~ when we just ended and the last hour had about 25~. Good fun GH, thank you, kalevala out.
Its a bit sad that UW has not a single guild except maybe XxX that can fight properly in this tier. I hope our enemys today had still some fun and not only lootbags.
even us dont have number for many of the guild on that matchup kyrene,plus the random pug who stick sometimes to many of them,we cant fight 30man guild with 15/20 melee +other class,but we take it as a trainining for movement.
with 19/20 ppl:D
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Yeah we had as peak number 18 today, and that was with GRTS that joined us today. At this point thank you for following me even though i only lead us to the death. :p
Just a little bit of a mess around.. ended with a sneaky cap of Anz on EB about 20 mins ago..
Thank you FSP for the effort… we did not have enough supply for a ram anyway :/ <3
-Dis Noise Terror [DIRE]
Yeah we had as peak number 18 today, and that was with GRTS that joined us today. At this point thank you for following me even though i only lead us to the death. :p
Ilesyt still in DEX? Seen some small DEX groups couple times during the weekend, but a poorly protected-looking warrior hasn’t caught my eye yet.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
Ilesyt is at the moment busy with other stuff which is why he cant join for the raids.
Some nice fights against Punk, Kale and XxX tonight.
Oh, and SOUL. We tried to recreate the scenario from the video. I had my treb already in my paws, but you left us unfortunately.
To be honest I didn’t really think any of the fights we or INC had vs XxX were unfair. In fact I think they were nice and clean fights mostly wihtout pugs and adds. That being said I think it’s very disrespectful of XxX as a guild to run around and gank solo roamers while they run a ppt raid at night. It’s a different style of play we enjoy I get it but don’t try to show superioirity of your guild zerg by running over groups of 2 or 3 or even solo players and then jump on them. I am disappointed
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
yeah thanks but we cant give you a good fight,thanks to INC too we know we are less but just want to try to give an hard fight,hope u enjoyed that too.
To be honest I didn’t really think any of the fights we or INC had vs XxX were unfair. In fact I think they were nice and clean fights mostly wihtout pugs and adds. That being said I think it’s very disrespectful of XxX as a guild to run around and gank solo roamers while they run a ppt raid at night. It’s a different style of play we enjoy I get it but don’t try to show superioirity of your guild zerg by running over groups of 2 or 3 or even solo players and then jump on them. I am disappointed
u come to us and harras with a thief and after u cry because u get killed?come on really,and we got OX guild like 5/7 in many of the fight against u and INC near lake and got like crew or core 4/5 on some other.
We got 20 this evening(and we cant have more) we CANT fight a big guild plus 5/7 pug,but really who kittening care im not flamming but dont say u got nice fight when u can outnumber the enemy so much.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
I dont even have a thief
And I would NEVER spam poison on guild raids :c
Best night I had in a looong time for raiding! Goodd fights SOUL, Punk, Kale!
Had a fun night, hope HT/Rage/CE also had a fun night. Thanks to the guilds contacting us for scrims! Was very fun.
I don’t think we outnumbered you XxX, had 19 guys when came back to FSP borderland and 15+ around 4 pugs when we met you between garrison and Hills. With one staff ele it was really hardcore :P
Still GG to SOUL and XxX, looking forward to meet you again. We respect such kind of behaviour, no matter who win it’s always better than lags we get vs AoA zombie blob. Kill 30 of them, but watch out another 50 incoming lol
We did let SOUL regroup many times, had like 6 good “rounds”. Cool stuff guys! And NOPE we won’t go further under 2 cannons :P
Cheers, was a good begining of this cool looking week
Thank’s for the fights tonight INC, really enjoyed them, I don’t post much on these forums (as it’s full of 15 year olds and kitten hunters) but tonight was pretty awesome, really got the blood running.
Thank’s for disengaging and attempting to lose the adds at north bay and not dancing/laughing after the fights. That’s behavior I havn’t seen since fighting Piken back in tier 3 a long time ago (cept for HoB and a few other ex piken guilds) Different class of guild, so thanks for tonight, hope to meet you again once our new guys have settled in a bit more.
And to SOUL, had some great fights with you in the last match up except we know had more than you, look forward to meeting you guys again in battle.
Thank’s for the fights tonight INC, really enjoyed them, I don’t post much on these forums (as it’s full of 15 year olds and kitten hunters) but tonight was pretty awesome, really got the blood running.
Thank’s for disengaging and attempting to lose the adds at north bay and not dancing/laughing after the fights. That’s behavior I havn’t seen since fighting Piken back in tier 3 a long time ago (cept for HoB and a few other ex piken guilds
) Different class of guild, so thanks for tonight, hope to meet you again once our new guys have settled in a bit more.
And to SOUL, had some great fights with you in the last match up except we know had more than you, look forward to meeting you guys again in battle.
Ahh yes mate, we’re one of ex. Piken guilds, left server 3 weeks ago. It changed a lot. Missing the times you mentioned about But Gunnars looks very awesome imo and guild-friendly, as I said before it kinda feels like our old home.
I don’t think we outnumbered you XxX, had 19 guys when came back to FSP borderland and 15+ around 4 pugs when we met you between garrison and Hills. With one staff ele it was really hardcore :P
Still GG to SOUL and XxX, looking forward to meet you again. We respect such kind of behaviour, no matter who win it’s always better than lags we get vs AoA zombie blob. Kill 30 of them, but watch out another 50 incoming lol
We did let SOUL regroup many times, had like 6 good “rounds”. Cool stuff guys! And NOPE we won’t go further under 2 cannons :P
Cheers, was a good begining of this cool looking week
Ehehe we werent trying to pull you under the sieges actually, it just happened that we were fightining near those stairs (I also think those sieges were unmanned, unless some pugs got on them). But it was nice that you moved down so we had a chance for a nice fight.
Best regards INC!